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Account Settings

You cannot update settings for a demo account.

You'll probably want to end the demo via the top right menu, and then log back in with your regular account.

***** Update

Linking with another account prevents you needing separate login details.

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Class Options

Teacher Classes Email/Username Login Method Last Login
Name Email/Username Login Method Last Login

School Settings

The teacher that is first point of contact for your school.

UK1 uses Reception and Year 1-13. UK2 uses 1st Form and so on for older students. UKSixthForm restricts to Years 12-13. You can also choose the native year group namings for a variety of other countries.
If you wish to allow multiple extensions, separate with the word OR (uppercase), putting the preferred one for registration forms first. Specifying email extension(s) allows DFM to detect whether students have used a personal or school email address.

If no restrictions, high-scoring students may appear (first name only) in the global leaderboard. You can also prevent students seeing any leaderboards internally in your school; this will also hide their global rank for points.

School Subscription

Audit Log

This log records any deletion/modification of classes and user accounts.
