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Dr Frost Skill List

Skill KeyStage Name Direct Link YouTube URL Legacy Id
(pre Sept22)
1Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Numbers up to 100drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4155E1
1aSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 10 in words and write in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8543
1bSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 10 in numerals and write in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8544
1cSecondary, PrimaryCount up to 10 objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8545
1dSecondary, PrimaryCount to 10 using numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8546
1eSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 20 in words and write in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4544
1fSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 20 in numerals and write in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4545
1gSecondary, PrimaryCount up to 20 objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4546
1hSecondary, PrimaryCount to 20 using numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4547
1iSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 100 in words and write in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4548
1jSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 100 in numerals and write in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4549
1kSecondary, PrimaryCount up to 100 using numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4550
1lSecondary, PrimaryClassify and count a set of objects or pictures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8467
2Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Increasing and decreasing by 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4156E2
2aSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers up to 10 by 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8547
2bSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers up to 20 by 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4551
2cSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers up to 100 by 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4552
3Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Comparing amounts using wordsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4157E3
3aSecondary, PrimaryCompare up to 10 objects using words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8548
3bSecondary, PrimaryCompare up to 20 objects using words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4553
3cSecondary, PrimaryCompare numbers to 100 using words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4554
4PrimaryExam Practice: Counting by skipping in 2s, 3s, 5s or 10sdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4158E4
4aPrimaryCount by skipping in 2s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4555
4bPrimaryCount by skipping in 5s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4556
4cPrimaryCount by skipping in 10s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4557
4dPrimaryCount by skipping in 3s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4558
4ePrimaryCount by skipping in 2s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4559
4fPrimaryCount by skipping in 5s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4560
4gPrimaryCount by skipping in 10s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4561
4hPrimaryCount by skipping in 3s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4562
5Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Odd and even numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=547E5
5aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify odd and even numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=949https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/g0RQgowIuMkK21
5bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify the next or previous odd or even number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4563
6Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Understanding (positive) whole numbers on a number linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=546E6
6aSecondary, PrimaryCount to 10 using a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8549
6bSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the value indicated on a number line (up to 10).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8550
6cSecondary, PrimaryCount to 20 using a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4564
6dSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the value indicated on a number line (up to 20).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4565
6eSecondary, PrimaryCount up to 100 using a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4566
6fSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the value indicated on a number line (up to 100).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4567
7Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Pictorial addition and subtraction (numbers up to 20)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=552E7
7aSecondary, PrimaryShow more/less with a pictorial representation (for numbers up to 10).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4568
7bSecondary, PrimaryDescribe how many more/less from pictorial representations (for numbers up to 10).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4569
7cSecondary, PrimaryWrite an addition or subtraction problem from a pictorial representation (for numbers up to 10).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4570
7dSecondary, PrimaryUse a pictorial representation to answer an addition or subtraction problem (for numbers up to 10).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4571
7eSecondary, PrimaryShow more/less with a pictorial representation (for numbers up to 20).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8551
7fSecondary, PrimaryDescribe how many more/less from pictorial representations (for numbers up to 20).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8552
7gSecondary, PrimaryWrite an addition or subtraction problem from a pictorial representation (for numbers up to 20).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8553
7hSecondary, PrimaryUse a pictorial representation to answer an addition or subtraction problem (for numbers up to 20).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8554
8Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Number bonds for numbers up to 20drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4159E8
8aSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2322
8bSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds within 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8555
8cSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=754K7
8dSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to numbers between 10 and 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2323
9Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Addition using numbers up to 20drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4160E9
9aSecondary, PrimaryAdd single-digit numbers to give an answer up to 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8556
9bSecondary, PrimaryAdd single-digit numbers to give an answer up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4572
9cSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand zero as the additive identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4573
9dSecondary, PrimaryAdd single-digit and double-digit numbers to give an answer up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4574
9eSecondary, PrimarySolve missing number addition problems with numbers up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4575
10Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Subtraction using numbers up to 20drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4161E10
10aSecondary, PrimarySubtract single-digit numbers to give an answer within 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8557
10bSecondary, PrimarySubtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number to give an answer within 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4576
10cSecondary, PrimarySubtract two double-digit numbers up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4577
10dSecondary, PrimarySolve missing number subtraction problems with numbers up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4578
11Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplication as arrays and repeated additiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4162E11
11aSecondary, PrimaryUse an array to give the value of a repeated addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4579
11bSecondary, PrimaryUse an array to give the value of a 'lots of' statement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4580
11cSecondary, PrimaryUse repeated addition to double or triple a number, giving an answer up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8749
12Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Division as grouping and sharingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4163E12
12aSecondary, PrimarySplit objects or an array by sharing equally.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4581
12bSecondary, PrimarySplit objects or an array into equal sized groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4582
12cSecondary, PrimaryUse grouping and sharing to halve a number up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8750
13Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Understanding directional languagedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4164E13
13aSecondary, PrimaryUse positional language to describe object placement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4583
13bSecondary, PrimaryUse left/right/up/down to describe directions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4584
13cSecondary, PrimaryUse the language of rotation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4585
13dSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand compass directions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1443K323
14Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Reading integer values off a scaledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=412https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c7TyxqdI2aQE14
14aSecondary, PrimaryRead positive values off a scale with gaps of 1, starting at 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2320
14bSecondary, PrimaryRead positive values off a scale with gaps of 1, starting at at any number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4586
14cSecondary, PrimaryRead positive values off a scale with gaps of 2, 3, 5 or 10, starting at 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2324
14dSecondary, PrimaryRead positive values off a scale with gaps of 2, 3, 5 or 10, starting at any number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=991https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1dNiD3Sv_NcK40
15Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Measuring using scales of lengths, mass and capacitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=538E15
15aSecondary, PrimaryDescribe and compare measurements of capacity read from scales using words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8452
15bSecondary, PrimaryOrder three objects by length by use of one measure as a reference unit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4587
15cSecondary, PrimaryMeasure a line correct to the nearest millimetre.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1405K43
15dSecondary, PrimaryDraw a line correct to the nearest millimetre.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1417K44
15eSecondary, PrimaryMeasure a line correct to the nearest quarter inch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4588
15fSecondary, PrimaryDraw a line correct to the nearest quarter inch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4589
15gSecondary, PrimaryRead the measurement for a capacity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4590
15hSecondary, PrimaryRead a measurement for mass.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4591
15iSecondary, PrimaryRead a positive temperature off a thermometer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4592
15jSecondary, PrimaryRead measurements of other scales, e.g. speed or pressure.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4593
15kSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order measurements of length, mass and capacity read from scales.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4594
16Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Describing timedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4165E16
16aSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand sequencing of events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4595
16bSecondary, PrimaryKnow and use days of the week.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4596
16cSecondary, PrimaryKnow and use months of the year.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4597
16dSecondary, PrimaryKnow and use basic equivalences of time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4598
17Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Understanding place value involving tens and onesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4166E17
17aSecondary, PrimaryPartition a number into tens and ones.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4599
17bSecondary, PrimaryDescribe the place value of a digit of a number up to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4600
17cSecondary, PrimaryCompare numbers up to 100 using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4601
17dSecondary, PrimaryOrder whole numbers up to 100 which are units or multiples of ten.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8468
17eSecondary, PrimaryOrder any numbers up to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4602
18Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Number bonds for numbers up to 100drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4167E18
18aSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 100 using multiples of 10 only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4603
18bSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 100 from any number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4604
18cSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to numbers between 10 and 100, given a multiple of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4605
18dSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to numbers between 10 and 100, given any number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4606
19Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding numbers up to 2 digits with answers up to 100drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4168E19
19aSecondary, PrimaryAdd numbers up to 100 using pictorial representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4607
19bSecondary, PrimaryAdd single-digit and double-digit numbers to give an answer up to 100 using mental methods.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4608
19cSecondary, PrimaryAdd double-digit numbers to give an answer up to 100 using mental methods.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4609
19dSecondary, PrimarySolve missing number addition problems with numbers up to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4610
19eSecondary, PrimarySolve worded problems requiring addition of numbers to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4611
20Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Subtracting numbers up to 2 digitsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4169E20
20aSecondary, PrimarySubtract numbers up to 100 using pictorial representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4612
20bSecondary, PrimarySubtract single-digit and double-digit numbers to give an answer up to 100 using mental methods.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4613
20cSecondary, PrimarySubtract double-digit numbers to give an answer up to 100 using mental methods.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4614
20dSecondary, PrimarySolve missing number subtraction problems with numbers up to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4615
20eSecondary, PrimarySolve worded problems requiring subtraction of numbers to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4616
21Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Properties of addition and subtractiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4170E21
21aSecondary, PrimaryFact families with addition and subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1721
21bSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand addition and subtraction as inverses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4617
21cSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand that addition is commutative and subtraction is not.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4618
21dSecondary, PrimaryUse commutativity and partitioning to complete mental addition and subtraction problems to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4619
22Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Make up monetary values with coins and notes, with no decimal notation (GBP/Euro/Dollars)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=549E22
22aSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in British pounds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4620
22bSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in British pence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4621
22cSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in Euros.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4622
22dSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in cents (Euros).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4623
22eSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in US Dollars.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4624
22fSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in cents (US).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4625
23Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplication and division notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4171E23
23aSecondary, PrimaryWrite a multiplication from a given array.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4626
23bSecondary, PrimaryWrite a division from a given array.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4627
24Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: The 2, 5 and 10 times tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4172E24
24aSecondary, PrimaryKnow the 2 times table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4628
24bSecondary, PrimaryKnow the 5 times table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4629
24cSecondary, PrimaryKnow the 10 times table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4630
25Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Introduction to 2D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4173E25
25aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify rectangles, squares, triangles and circles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4631
25bSecondary, PrimaryKnow the names of polygons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=992https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PKPLJA3SlG0K93
25cSecondary, PrimaryClassify and count a set of shapes according to their names or properties.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8524
25dSecondary, PrimaryIdentify vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4632
25eSecondary, PrimaryCompose simple shapes to form larger shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4633
26Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Recognising and using halves, quarters and thirdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4174E26
26aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a half, a quarter and a third from bar models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4634
26bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a half of a shape or set of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4635
26cSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a quarter of a shape or set of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4636
26dSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a third of a shape or set of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4637
26eSecondary, PrimaryIdentify \frac{2}{4}, \frac{3}{4} and \frac{2}{3} from bar models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8875
26fSecondary, PrimaryIdentify \frac{2}{4}, \frac{3}{4} and \frac{2}{3} of a shape or set of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8876
26gSecondary, PrimaryCount in steps of half, quarter or third.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4638
26hSecondary, PrimaryRead a half, quarter or third off a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4639
26iSecondary, PrimaryPlace a half, quarter or third on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4640
27Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Reading values from a table of discrete or categorical datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=408E27
27aSecondary, PrimaryRead a frequency from a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2343
27bSecondary, PrimaryRead a single value from a table of discrete or categorical data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8525
27cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the items in a table within an associated category or description.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8469
27dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the item in a table with the lowest or highest frequency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4641
27eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the item in a table with the lowest or highest associated numerical value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8526
27fSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the number of items with a frequency in a given range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8527
27gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the items or number of items in a table with an associated numerical value in a range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8470
27hSecondary, PrimaryCompare items in a table using an associated frequency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8528
27iSecondary, PrimaryCompare items in a table using an associated numerical value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8471
27jSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the total from a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4642
27kSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a total from a table of data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8529
27lSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a difference from a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4643
27mSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a difference from a table of data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8530
27nSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a missing value from a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4644
28Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Tally charts (discrete and categorical data)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4175E28
28aSecondary, PrimaryInterpret a discrete or categorical tally chart to give a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=989https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y-7f6Jnz14gK80
28bSecondary, PrimaryComplete a discrete or categorical tally chart from given data, including frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4645
28cSecondary, PrimaryInterpret a grouped tally chart to give a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4646
28dSecondary, PrimaryComplete a grouped tally chart from given data, including frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4647
29Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Block diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4176E29
29aSecondary, PrimaryRead a frequency from a block diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4648
29bSecondary, PrimaryComplete a block diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4649
29cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the value with the lowest or highest frequency in a block diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4650
29dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the total frequency from a block diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4651
29eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a difference from a block diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4652
30Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Line and dot plotsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4177E30
30aSecondary, PrimaryRead a frequency from a line or dot plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4653
30bSecondary, PrimaryComplete a line or dot plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4654
30cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the value with the lowest or highest frequency in a line or dot plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4655
30dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the total frequency from a line or dot plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4656
30eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a difference from a line or dot plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4657
31Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Pictogramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=409https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DL80AEcRgL0E31
31aSecondary, PrimaryRead a frequency from a pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=990https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iqRNSCfZIzsK81
31bPrimary, SecondaryDetermine the value with the lowest or highest frequency in a pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2227
31cSecondary, PrimaryComplete a pictogram from a given frequency and key.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2228
31dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the total frequency from a pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2273
31eSecondary, PrimaryComplete a pictogram from a given total and key.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2308
31fSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a difference from a pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2274
31gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the key for a pictogram given a frequency, difference or total.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2283
31hSecondary, PrimaryComplete a pictogram where the key must first be determined given a frequency or difference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2309
32Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Introduction to 3D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4178E32
32aSecondary, PrimaryRecognise cubes, cuboids, pyramids, spheres, and cones.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4658
32bSecondary, PrimaryCount the number of faces, edges or vertices of cubes, cuboids, pyramids, spheres, and cones.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4659
33Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Tell the time using an analogue clockdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=420E33
33aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine times at o'clock and half past from an analogue clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4660
33bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine times at 15 minute intervals using an analogue clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4661
33cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine times at 5 minute intervals using an analogue clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2329
33dSecondary, PrimaryTell the time from an analogue clock to the nearest minute.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1269https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0aMOl_75FFcK68
33eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the difference between two times on an analogue clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4662
34Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Numbers above 100drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=403https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SJGN3lGo_q8E34
34aSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 200 in words and writing in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4663
34bSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 200 in numerals and writing in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4664
34cSecondary, PrimaryCount with numbers up to 200.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4665
34dSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds within 200.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8686
34eSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 200.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4666
34fSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the value indicated on a number line (up to 200).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4667
34gSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 1000 in words and writing in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1300https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hVgSppOl2ckK3
34hSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 1000 in numerals and writing in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1301https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HdReM16hRrUK4
34iSecondary, PrimaryCount with numbers up to 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4668
34jSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds within and to 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4669
34kSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the value indicated on a number line (up to 1000).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4670
34lSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 1 million in words and writing in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1431https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WZ2X8isB_KkK5
34mSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers up to 1 million in numerals and writing in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1432https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/u68x7XFGJH0K6
34nSecondary, PrimaryCount with numbers up to 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4671
34oSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds within and to 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4672
34pSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the value indicated on a number line (up to 1 million).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4673
34qSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers over 1 million in words and writing in numerals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4674
34rSecondary, PrimaryRead numbers over 1 million in numerals and writing in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4675
34sSecondary, PrimaryCount with numbers over 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4676
35Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Place value above the 100s digitdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4179E35
35aSecondary, PrimaryPartition a number up to 200 into ones, tens and hundreds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4677
35bSecondary, PrimaryDescribe the place value of a digit of a number up to 200.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4678
35cSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers up to 200 by 1 or 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4679
35dSecondary, PrimaryPartition a number up to 1000 into ones, tens and hundreds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1633
35eSecondary, PrimaryDescribe the place value of a digit of a number up to 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4680
35fSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers up to 1000 by 1, 10 or 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4681
35gSecondary, PrimaryPartition a number up to 1 million into powers of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4682
35hSecondary, PrimaryDescribe the place value of a digit of a number up to 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4683
35iSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers up to 1 million by powers of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4684
35jSecondary, PrimaryPartition a number over 1 million into powers of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4685
35kSecondary, PrimaryDescribe the place value of a digit of a number over 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4686
35lSecondary, PrimaryIncrease and decrease numbers over 1 million by powers of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4687
35mSecondary, PrimaryArrange digits to create a number fitting a certain criteria.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8328
36Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Comparing and ordering positive numbers above 100drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4180E36
36aSecondary, PrimaryCompare numbers up to 200 using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4688
36bSecondary, PrimaryOrder numbers up to 200.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4689
36cSecondary, PrimaryCompare numbers up to 1000 using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4690
36dSecondary, PrimaryOrder numbers up to 1000 which are units, multiples of 10 or multiples of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8472
36eSecondary, PrimaryOrder any numbers up to 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=590https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FuZNqFdE_AIK1
36fSecondary, PrimaryCompare numbers up to 1 million using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4691
36gSecondary, PrimaryOrder numbers up to 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4692
36hSecondary, PrimaryCompare numbers over 1 million using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4693
36iSecondary, PrimaryOrder numbers over 1 million.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4694
37Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Rounding a number to nearest 10, 100, 1000 and beyonddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=41https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aqyat9LEjWYE37
37aSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to the nearest ten.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4695
37bSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to the nearest hundred.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4696
37cSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to the nearest thousand.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4697
37dSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to a given place value beyond thousands.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4698
38PrimaryExam Practice: Further counting by skippingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4181E38
38aPrimaryCount by skipping in 4s and 8s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4699
38bPrimaryCount by skipping in 6s, 7s and 9s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4700
38cPrimaryCount by skipping in 100s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4701
38dPrimaryCount by skipping in 50s starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4702
38ePrimaryCount by skipping in thousands and other powers of 10 starting from 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4703
38fPrimaryCount by skipping in 4s and 8s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4704
38gPrimaryCount by skipping in 6s, 7s and 9s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4705
38hPrimaryCount by skipping in 100s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4706
38iPrimaryCount by skipping in 50s starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4707
38jPrimaryCount by skipping in thousands and other powers of 10 starting anywhere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4708
39Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Mental addition and subtraction strategiesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4182E39
39aSecondary, PrimarySolve single-step addition problems using part-whole models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1634
39bSecondary, PrimarySolve single-step subtraction problems using part-whole models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8310
39cSecondary, PrimarySolve multi-step addition problems using part-whole models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4709
39dSecondary, PrimaryUse flexible partitioning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4710
39eSecondary, PrimarySolve multi-step addition problems using partitioning, number bonds and commutativity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4711
39fSecondary, PrimarySolve multi-step subtraction problems using part-whole models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4712
39gSecondary, PrimarySolve multi-step subtraction problems using partitioning and number bonds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4713
39hSecondary, PrimarySolve multi-step addition and subtraction problems using part-whole models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4714
39iSecondary, PrimarySolve multi-step addition and subtraction problems using partitioning and number bonds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4715
40Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Column additiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=376https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RIotd3KnZ2QE40
40aSecondary, PrimaryAdd integers up to 2 digit + 2 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4716
40bSecondary, PrimaryAdd integers up to 3 digit + 3 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=755https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dcCGLSW1jl8K8
40cSecondary, PrimaryAdd integers up to 4 digit + 4 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4717
40dSecondary, PrimaryAdd integers up to 5 digit + 5 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1612
40eSecondary, PrimaryAdd up to 4 integers using a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4718
40fSecondary, PrimaryWrite and complete a column addition from a worded problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4719
40gSecondary, PrimarySolve missing number addition problems with numbers of up to 5 digits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8376
40hSecondary, PrimaryFind missing digits in a column addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1640
41Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Column subtractiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4183E41
41aSecondary, PrimarySubtract integers up to 2 digit - 2 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4720
41bSecondary, PrimarySubtract integers up to 2 digit - 2 digit with a written method with exchanging.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4721
41cSecondary, PrimarySubtract integers up to 3 digit - 3 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=756https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LBTpkrjP8WMK9
41dSecondary, PrimarySubtract integers up to 3 digit - 3 digit with a written method with exchanging.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=757https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AguzNffgyBAK10
41eSecondary, PrimarySubtract integers up to 4 digit - 4 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4722
41fSecondary, PrimarySubtract integers up to 5 digit - 5 digit with a written method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1613
41gSecondary, PrimaryWrite and complete a column subtraction from a worded problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4723
41hSecondary, PrimarySolve missing number subtraction problems with numbers of up to 5 digits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8377
41iSecondary, PrimaryFind missing digits in a column subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4724
42Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Times tables up to 12 \times 12drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4184E42
42aSecondary, PrimaryKnow the 3 times table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4725
42bSecondary, PrimaryKnow the 4 times table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4726
42cSecondary, PrimaryKnow the 8 times table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4727
42dSecondary, PrimaryKnow all times tables up to 12\times12drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4728
43Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Properties of multiplication and divisiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4185E43
43aSecondary, PrimaryFact families with multiplication and divisiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1723
43bSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand multiplication and division as inverses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4729
43cSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand halving and doubling as inverses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8498
43dSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand that multiplication is commutative and division is not.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4730
43eSecondary, PrimaryWork out the result of a related multiplication using addition or subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1718
43fSecondary, PrimaryWork out the result of a related division using addition or subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8331
43gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine a missing number in a multiplication or division problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4732
44Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying numbers by 1 or 0 and divide by 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4186E44
44aSecondary, PrimaryMultiplication and division by 1 (the multiplicative identity).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4733
44bSecondary, PrimaryMultiplication by 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4734
45Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 etc, excluding decimalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=404https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DhndjuSKwKQE45
45aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply integers by 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=626https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9Fk7E62mYIAK11
45bSecondary, PrimaryMultiply integers by 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4735
45cSecondary, PrimaryDivide integers by 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=627https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/T4956zM6ZZ4K15
45dSecondary, PrimaryDivide integers by 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4736
45eSecondary, PrimaryMultiply and divide integers by powers of 10, greater than 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4737
45fSecondary, PrimaryMultiply integers by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4738
45gSecondary, PrimaryDivide integers by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8879
46Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: The Commutative and Associative Lawsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=550E46
46aSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the commutative law for addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4739
46bSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the commutative law for multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4740
46cSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the associative law for addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4741
46dSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the associative law for multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4742
46eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine associativity or commutativity in a calculation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2062
46fSecondary, PrimaryAdd or subtract three numbers efficiently using commutativity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2059
46gSecondary, PrimaryMultiply three numbers efficiently using commutativity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2058
46hSecondary, PrimaryAdd numbers efficiently using associativity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8779
46iSecondary, PrimaryMultiply numbers efficiently using associativity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4731
47Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: The Distributive Law and the area model for multiplicationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4187E47
47aSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the Distributive Law.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4743
47bSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the area model for multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4744
47cSecondary, PrimaryUse the distributive law to complete mental multiplication calculations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4745
48Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Related number facts with place valuedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4188E48
48aSecondary, PrimaryWork out an addition or subtraction calculation using a given fact and an understanding of place value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1691
48bSecondary, PrimaryWork out a multiplication using a given multiplication fact and knowledge of place value, where one number changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4746
48cSecondary, PrimaryWork out a division using a given division fact and knowledge of place value, where one number changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4747
48dSecondary, PrimaryWork out a division using a given multiplication fact and knowledge of place value, where one number changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8693
48eSecondary, PrimaryWork out a multiplication using a given multiplication fact and knowledge of place value, where both numbers change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8694
48fSecondary, PrimaryWork out a division using a given division fact and knowledge of place value, where both numbers change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8695
48gSecondary, PrimaryWork out a division using a given multiplication fact and knowledge of place value, where both numbers change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8696
49Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Dividing a large number by a 1 digit number using partitioningdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=553E49
49aSecondary, PrimaryDivide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number by partitioning using place value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4748
49bSecondary, PrimaryDivide a number with >3 digits by a 1-digit number by partitioning using place value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1636
49cSecondary, PrimaryDivide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number by partitioning using flexible partitioning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4749
49dSecondary, PrimaryDivide a number with >3 digits by a 1-digit number by partitioning using flexible partitioning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4750
50Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Solving one-step and two-step arithmetic problems, including working with money in the same unitdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=371E50
50aSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic problem involving addition or subtraction of integers within the same unit, including money.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1419K24
50bSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic problem involving multiplication or division of integers within the same unit, including money.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1440K25
50cSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic problem involving two-steps of addition or subtraction of integers within the same unit, including money.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4751
50dSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic problem involving two-steps of multiplication or division of integers within the same unit, including money.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4752
50eSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic problem involving two-steps, one addition/subtraction and the other multiplication of integers within the same unit, including money.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4753
50fSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic problem involving two-steps, one addition/subtraction and the other division of integers within the same unit, including money.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4754
51Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Checking calculationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4189E51
51aSecondary, PrimaryCheck addition and subtraction calculations using the inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4755
51bSecondary, PrimaryCheck multiplication and division calculations using the inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4756
51cSecondary, PrimaryCheck arithmetic calculations by estimation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4757
52Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiples of a numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=574E52
52aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify multiples of a number from 1 to 12.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1684
52bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify multiples of a number greater than 12.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4758
52cSecondary, PrimaryWrite the first 3 multiples of a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=604https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WEaKRZ4dkSIK60
52dSecondary, PrimaryWrite all the multiples of a number in a range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1702
53Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Factors of a numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=27https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vnetli2ToaEE53
53aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a factor of a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8320
53bSecondary, PrimaryFind factor pairs of a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1665
53cSecondary, PrimaryList all factors of a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=603https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AoqVb96vCZMK59
54Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Recognising and using fractions with denominators to 12drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4190E54
54aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify fifths and tenths from bar models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4759
54bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify fifths and tenths of a shape or set of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4760
54cSecondary, PrimaryIdentify fractions with denominators up to 12 from bar models.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4761
54dSecondary, PrimaryIdentify fractions with denominators up to 12 of a shape or set of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4762
54eSecondary, PrimaryRecognise one whole as a fraction with the same numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4768
54fSecondary, PrimaryRecognise whole number as a fraction with denominator of one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4769
54gSecondary, PrimaryWrite a whole number as a fraction with any denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4770
54hSecondary, PrimaryCount in steps of a unit fraction with denominator up to 12, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4763
54iSecondary, PrimaryRead unit fractions with a denominator up to 12 off a number line, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4765
54jSecondary, PrimaryPlace unit fractions with a denominator up to 12 on a number line, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4766
54kSecondary, PrimaryCount in steps of a non-unit fraction with denominator up to 12, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4764
54lSecondary, PrimaryRead non-unit fractions with a denominator up to 12 off a number line, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4767
54mSecondary, PrimaryPlace non-unit fractions with a denominator up to 12 on a number line, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4771
54nSecondary, PrimaryRead fractions with a denominator up to 12 off a number line, going beyond a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8890
54oSecondary, PrimaryPlace fractions with a denominator up to 12 on a number line, going beyond a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8891
54pSecondary, PrimaryCount in steps of a fraction with denominator up to 12, going beyond a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8892
54qSecondary, PrimaryRead measures involving fractions off a scale.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8893
54rSecondary, PrimaryIdentify equivalent fractions using bar models and other diagrams.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4772
54sSecondary, PrimaryProblem solve with fractions of shapes shaded.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8597
55Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Comparing and ordering fractions where one part is the samedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4191E55
55aSecondary, PrimaryCompare fractions with the same denominator using bar models and number lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4773
55bSecondary, PrimaryCompare fractions with the same denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4774
55cSecondary, PrimaryOrder fractions with the same denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4775
55dSecondary, PrimaryCompare unit fractions using bar models and number lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4776
55eSecondary, PrimaryOrder unit fractions using bar models and number lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4777
55fSecondary, PrimaryCompare unit fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4778
55gSecondary, PrimaryCompare fractions with the same numerator using bar models and number lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4779
55hSecondary, PrimaryCompare fractions with the same numerator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4780
55iSecondary, PrimaryOrder fractions with the same numerator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4781
56Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominatordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=584E56
56aSecondary, PrimaryAdd proper fractions with the same denominator, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=594https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jx0CO38kmioK169
56bSecondary, PrimaryAdd proper fractions with the same denominator, with total greater than a whole, expressing the answer as an improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4782
56cSecondary, PrimaryAdd improper fractions with the same denominator, with total greater than a whole, expressing the answer as an improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4783
56dSecondary, PrimarySubtract proper fractions with the same denominator, within a whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4784
56eSecondary, PrimarySubtract from improper fractions with the same denominator, expressing the answer as an improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4785
56fSecondary, PrimarySubtract proper fractions from one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8351
57Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Fractions of an amountdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=24https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Jc9P678qu1oE57
57aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a half, quarter or third of a given quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4786
57bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate two-thirds of a given quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4787
57cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate three-quarters of a given quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4788
57dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a unit fraction of a given quantity (with denominator up to 12).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1823https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sqU1HJMTye8
57eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a non-unit fraction of a given quantity (with denominator up to 12).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=597https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jm6qoetSKpUK183
58Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Roman numeralsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=569E58
58aSecondary, PrimaryRead Roman numerals less than 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1938
58bSecondary, PrimaryRead Roman numerals less than 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1277https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/x34ccSF7RBMK226
58cSecondary, PrimaryRead Roman numerals less than 500.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1454K227
58dSecondary, PrimaryRead Roman numerals less than 5000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1739
58eSecondary, PrimaryTell the time using an analogue clock with Roman Numeral markings.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4789
59Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Time conversionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=380E59
59aSecondary, PrimaryConvert from hours to minutes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8437
59bSecondary, PrimaryConvert from hours and minutes to minutes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1270https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cwfHn5btsk8K64
59cSecondary, PrimaryConvert from minutes to seconds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1271https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tp5J1XfTSTMK65
59dSecondary, PrimaryConvert from weeks to days.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1273https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/K-ne4CFEGq8K67
59eSecondary, PrimaryConvert from years to months.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1272https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kVsbAHh3TdYK66
59fSecondary, PrimaryConvert from minutes to hours.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8438
59gSecondary, PrimaryConvert from minutes to hours and minutesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1581K758
59hSecondary, PrimaryConvert from seconds to minutes and seconds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1582K759
59iSecondary, PrimaryConvert from days to weeks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4790
59jSecondary, PrimaryConvert from months to years.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4791
60Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Reading times on digital clocksdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=421https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Uz8_xKutjW8E60
60aSecondary, PrimaryWrite a time on a 12-hour digital clock for a time in hours or 15 minute intervals in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8473
60bSecondary, PrimaryWrite a time in words given a time in hours or 15 minute intervals on a 12-hour digital clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8474
60cSecondary, PrimaryWrite a time on a 12-hour digital clock for a time in 5 minute intervals in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8475
60dSecondary, PrimaryWrite a time in words given a time in 5 minute intervals on a 12-hour digital clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8476
60eSecondary, PrimaryWrite a time on a 24-hour digital clock for a time in 5 minute intervals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4795
60fSecondary, PrimaryWrite a time in words given a time in 5 minute intervals on a 24-hour digital clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8477
60gSecondary, PrimaryConvert from the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1275https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mnreww2pgNgK69
60hSecondary, PrimaryConvert from the 24-hour clock to the 12-hour clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4792
60iSecondary, PrimaryConvert from a 12-hour clock to an analogue clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4793
60jSecondary, PrimaryConvert from a 24-hour clock to an analogue clock.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4794
61Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Difference between two times or the end time after a time has elapseddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=145E61
61aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the difference between two times where the end time has a greater number of minutes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4796
61bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the difference between any two times.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1274https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/n6aLbsLWbjwK70
61cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the new time after a period of time in hours and minutes has elapsed, without overflow into the next hour.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4797
61dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the new time after a period of time less than an hour has elapsed, with overflow into the next hour.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4798
61eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the new time after a period of time given in hours and minutes has elapsed, with overflow.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1434K71
61fSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the new time after a longer period of time has elapsed given in minutes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4799
61gSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the number of equal interval periods within a time that has elapsed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4800
62Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Identifying right-angles and relating to other angles and turnsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4192E62
62aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify full turns, half turns and quarter turns.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4801
62bSecondary, PrimaryRecognise a right-angle and describe other turns in relation to it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4802
62cSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order angles up to two right angles by size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1279K100
62dSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order angles up to a full turn by size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4803
63Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Identifying vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular linesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=555E63
63aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify vertical and horizontal lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4804
63bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1276https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WvY39WpbiSYK303
63cSecondary, PrimaryIdentify parallel lines in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4805
63dSecondary, PrimaryIdentify perpendicular lines in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4806
64Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Measuring perimeter for 2D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4193E64
64aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the perimeter of a rectangle by counting unit lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4807
64bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the perimeter of a more general rectilinear shape by counting unit lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1452K109
65Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Bar chartsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=336E65
65aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a bar from a bar chart or vertical line chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2288
65bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a frequency from a bar chart or vertical line chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=952https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/x1u2bXAA0a4K83
65cSecondary, PrimaryDraw a bar chart or vertical line chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=835https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uXvwfpnRDrAK82
65dSecondary, PrimaryIdentify bars or lines with the highest or lowest frequency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4808
65eSecondary, PrimaryIdentify bars or lines in a frequency range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4809
65fSecondary, PrimaryIdentify the total frequency from a bar chart or vertical line chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2289
65gSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a difference from a bar chart or vertical line chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4810
65hSecondary, PrimaryUse frequencies from a bar chart or vertical line chart where each bar or line represents a number of occurrences to calculate a total.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2290
65iSecondary, PrimaryDraw a bar chart or vertical line chart from a given pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4811
65jSecondary, PrimaryMake a simple calculation using a frequency from a bar chart or vertical line chart (integer calculations only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4812
65kSecondary, PrimaryIdentify problems with a bar chart or vertical line chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4813
65lSecondary, PrimaryDraw a bar chart for continuous, grouped data (no inequalities).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4814
65mSecondary, PrimaryInterpret a bar chart for continuous, grouped data (no inequalities).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4815
66Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Short column multiplicationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4194E66
66aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a 2-digit integer (>12) by a single-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4816
66bSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a 3-digit integer by a single-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4817
66cSecondary, PrimaryMultiply integers with 4 or more digits by a single-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=622https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LAiBy51LT34K12
66dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine missing digits in short multiplication calculations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4818
67Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Long column multiplicationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=328https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tz1Ey-I28eQE67
67aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a 2-digit integer by a 2-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1488https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/w_vsu6zEhkkK706
67bSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a 3-digit integer by a 2-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1383K13
67cSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a 4-digit integer by a 2-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4819
67dSecondary, PrimaryMultiply integers with more than 4 digits by a 2-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4820
67eSecondary, PrimaryMultiply any integer by a 3-digit integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=623https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aI5nee12i-gK14
67fSecondary, PrimaryDetermine missing digits in long multiplication calculations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4821
68Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Recognising and using tenths, hundredths and thousandthsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4195E68
68aSecondary, PrimaryRecognise tenths using pictorial representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4822
68bSecondary, PrimaryRecognise hundredths using pictorial representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4823
68cSecondary, PrimaryConvert between tenths and hundredths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4824
68dSecondary, PrimaryRecognise thousandths using pictorial representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4825
68eSecondary, PrimaryConvert between thousandths, hundredths and tenths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4826
68fSecondary, PrimaryPartition a fraction into tenths, hundredths and thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8702
68gSecondary, PrimaryRead tenths, hundredths and thousandths off a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4827
68hSecondary, PrimaryPlace tenths, hundredths and thousandths on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4828
69Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Place value of the tenths, hundredths and thousandths digitsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=377https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PkIBZ60OqjcE69
69aSecondary, PrimaryKnow the place value of digits in decimal numbers up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=758https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oDKjiWQAkaYK27
69bSecondary, PrimaryRecognise decimals of up to three digits on pictorial representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4834
69cSecondary, PrimaryConvert from fractional to decimal forms of tenths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4829
69dSecondary, PrimaryConvert from fractional to decimal forms of hundredths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4830
69eSecondary, PrimaryConvert from fractional to decimal forms of thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4831
69fSecondary, PrimaryPartition a decimal of up to 3 decimal places into fractional form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8703
69gSecondary, PrimaryConvert from decimal to fractional forms of tenths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8704
69hSecondary, PrimaryConvert from decimal to fractional forms of hundredths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8705
69iSecondary, PrimaryConvert from decimal to fractional forms of thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8706
69jSecondary, PrimaryPartition a decimal of up to 3 decimal places in decimal form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4832
69kSecondary, PrimaryPartition a fraction into decimal form with up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8701
69lSecondary, PrimaryPlace numbers with one decimal place on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1339https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/G1v09bpAioMK41
69mSecondary, PrimaryPlace numbers with two decimal places on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4835
69nSecondary, PrimaryPlace numbers with three decimal places on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4836
69oSecondary, PrimaryWrite down a decimal number as shown on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1340https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/G1v09bpAioMK42
69pSecondary, PrimaryRead a decimal value off a scale split into powers of ten.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8478
69qSecondary, PrimaryKnow the place value of digits in decimal numbers beyond 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4837
69rSecondary, PrimaryGive a number that is 0.5 more or less than a given integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8479
69sSecondary, PrimaryGive a number that is 0.1 more or less than a given integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8480
70Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000, including decimalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=40https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bWZLt3hJ_CgE70
70aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals with 1 decimal place by 10, 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4838
70bSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals with up to 3 decimal places by 10, 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4839
70cSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals with up to 3 decimal places by positive powers of 10, greater than 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=614https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XfXQ246BRoUK29
70dSecondary, PrimaryDivide integers by 10, 100 or 1000, to give an answer with up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4840
70eSecondary, PrimaryDivide decimals with 1 decimal place by 10, 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4841
70fSecondary, PrimaryDivide decimals with up to 3 decimal places by 10, 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4842
70gSecondary, PrimaryDivide integers and decimals by positive powers of 10, greater than 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=615https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Bt58yQDKI7IK30
71Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Compare decimalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4196E71
71aSecondary, PrimaryCompare decimals with 1 decimal place using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4843
71bSecondary, PrimaryOrder decimals with 1 decimal place.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4844
71cSecondary, PrimaryCompare decimals with up to 2 decimal places using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4845
71dSecondary, PrimaryOrder decimals with up to 2 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4846
71eSecondary, PrimaryCompare decimals with up to 3 decimal places using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4847
71fSecondary, PrimaryOrder decimals with up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4848
71gSecondary, PrimaryCompare decimals with more than 3 decimal places using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4849
71hSecondary, PrimaryOrder decimals with more than 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4850
72Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Number bonds for numbers between 0 and 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4197E72
72aSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 1 with 1 decimal place.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4851
72bSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 1 with 2 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4852
72cSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to 1 with 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4853
72dSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to numbers with 1 decimal place.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4854
72eSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to numbers with 2 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4855
72fSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to numbers with 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4856
72gSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to a given integer with up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8360
73Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Making up monetary values with coins and notes, with decimal notation (GBP/Euro/Dollars)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4198E73
73aSecondary, PrimaryWrite monetary values given in British pounds and pence in decimal form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4857
73bSecondary, PrimaryPartition money written in decimal form into British pounds and pence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4858
73cSecondary, PrimaryWrite monetary values given in Euros and cents in decimal form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4859
73dSecondary, PrimaryPartition money written in decimal form into Euros and cents.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4860
73eSecondary, PrimaryWrite monetary values given in US Dollars and cents in decimal form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4861
73fSecondary, PrimaryPartition money written in decimal form into US Dollars and Cents.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4862
73gSecondary, PrimaryUse number bonds to the nearest £1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4863
73hSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in British pounds in decimal notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4864
73iSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in Euros in decimal notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4865
73jSecondary, PrimaryUse coins and notes to make up values in US Dollars in decimal notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4866
73kSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order monetary values in British pounds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4867
73lSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order monetary values in Euros.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4868
73mSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order monetary values in US Dollars.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4869
74Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting decimal numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=37https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0Xu_vUVgBu4E74
74aSecondary, PrimaryAdd two decimal numbers with the same number of decimal places, up to thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4870
74bSecondary, PrimaryAdd two decimal numbers with a different number of decimal places, up to thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=616https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yf30WKg3R3wK31
74cSecondary, PrimarySubtract two decimal numbers with the same number of decimal places, up to thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4871
74dSecondary, PrimarySubtract two decimal numbers with a different number of decimal places, up to thousandths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=617https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XDyirhwIkO0K32
74eSecondary, PrimarySubtract a decimal from an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8350
74fSecondary, PrimaryAdd and subtract multiple decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4872
75Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Rounding a number to a given number of decimal placesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=42https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ti6Ixehp4dcE75
75aSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to the nearest whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4876
75bSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to 1 decimal place.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4877
75cSecondary, PrimaryRound a number to 2 or more decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=629https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LSGPDaYDffEK63
76Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Types of angledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=405https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xGYRXdbbb-UE76
76aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify the type of angle from drawn form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=953https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/O8WifnkYklgK99
76bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify the type of angle in numeric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4878
76cSecondary, PrimaryIdentify angles of a certain type in a given shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4879
77Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Types of quadrilaterals and trianglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=111https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S1D65Nxm8d8E77
77aSecondary, PrimaryKnow the names of different types of triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1362https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6pq7wwEcNqYK94
77bSecondary, PrimaryKnow the names of quadrilaterals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1433https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DX3tpJ-9nyIK95
78Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Properties of polygonsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=142https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nTamcBQWg94E78
78aSecondary, PrimaryDistinguish between regular and irregular polygons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4880
78bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=995https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m0aRF0ovXHYK97
78cSecondary, PrimaryDraw or modify a diagram to achieve a given line symmetry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8361
78dSecondary, PrimaryDraw the line of symmetry where only one line of symmetry exists.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4881
78eSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the definition of different triangles and their properties.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8385
78fSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand the definition of different quadrilaterals and their properties.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=993https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zveG9syhgpAK96
78gSecondary, PrimaryIdentify shapes which tessellate with themselves.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4882
79Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Perimeter of a 2D shape by adding lengthsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=572E79
79aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the perimeter of a 2D shape by adding lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=763https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HLSd4bxCfFAK110
79bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the perimeter of a regular polygon given one of its sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4883
79cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the perimeter of a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1421https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y5b7xyJ68R0K111
79dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the perimeter of an isosceles triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4884
79eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the side length of a regular polygon given its perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4885
79fSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a side length of a rectangle given its perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1341https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GkED2EzrlFcK112
79gSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a side length within an isosceles triangle given its perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4886
79hSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the perimeter of a regular polygon given a shared side with another shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8728
79iSecondary, PrimaryDetermine lengths in a square, rectangle, or an equilateral or isosceles triangle, given that two shapes have the same perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4887
79jSecondary, PrimaryDetermine lengths of a rectangle or square formed by splitting or putting together other rectangles, squares or triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4888
80Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Area of shapes by counting squaresdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=571E80
80aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the area of a rectangle by counting squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2155
80bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1278https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CJjI5vqvYgAK113
80cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the area of shapes involving half squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2131
80dSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the area of a curved shape by counting squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8362
81Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Reflecting a shape in a mirror line (no axes)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4199E81
81aSecondary, PrimaryReflect a shape in a vertical or horizontal mirror line which touches the shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4889
81bSecondary, PrimaryReflect a shape in a vertical or horizontal line which does not touch the shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4890
81cSecondary, PrimaryComplete a shape by reflecting in its vertical or horizontal mirror line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4891
81dSecondary, PrimaryReflect a shape against a diagonal line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4892
81eSecondary, PrimaryDraw the mirror line between a shape and its reflection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8731
82Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Translating a shape using directional language (no axes)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4200E82
82aSecondary, PrimaryTranslate a shape on a unit grid using directional language.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4893
82bSecondary, PrimaryDescribe a translation on a unit grid using directional language.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4894
83Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Coordinates in the first quadrantdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=134https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hTApq20qKr4E83
83aSecondary, PrimaryPlot a point to complete a shape in the first quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2317https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/R9FekV-suSI
83bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the coordinate of a point in the first quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=857https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jUZSCH4IvLgK122
83cSecondary, PrimaryPlot a point in the first quadrant given its coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=797https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d1GwA_0VccoK123
83dSecondary, PrimaryRead a point on the positive x or y axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1997https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/36yj7C46y4I
83eSecondary, PrimaryPlot a point on the positive x or y axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1970
83fSecondary, PrimaryUse a scale to find the distance between two points with the same x- or y-coordinate in the first quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4895https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PIidFFmGFNw
83gSecondary, PrimaryUse a scale to find the horizontal or vertical distance between any two points in the first quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4896https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/35V4XZs2HQo
84Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Map grid referencesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4201E84
84aSecondary, PrimaryUsing 2 figure grid references.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4897
84bSecondary, PrimaryUsing 4 figure grid references.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4898
84cSecondary, PrimaryUsing 6 figure grid references.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4899
85Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Counting up and down with negative numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4202E85
85aSecondary, PrimaryCount backwards through zero.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4900
85bSecondary, PrimaryCount upwards beginning at a negative number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4901
85cSecondary, PrimaryCount backwards beginning at a negative number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4902
85dSecondary, PrimarySkip count backwards through zero.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4903
85eSecondary, PrimarySkip counting beginning at a negative number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4904
85fSecondary, PrimaryRead negative integers off a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4905
85gSecondary, PrimaryPlace negative integers on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4906
85hSecondary, PrimaryRead a negative decimal off a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1385https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zwhOTX_pXBYK185
85iSecondary, PrimaryPlace a negative decimal on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4907
86Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Comparing and ordering positive and negative numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=406https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NKidNS1AurEE86
86aSecondary, PrimaryCompare two integers where one is negative using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4908
86bSecondary, PrimaryCompare two integers where both are negative using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1395K338
86cSecondary, PrimaryOrder a set of negative integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4909
86dSecondary, PrimaryOrder a set of positive and negative integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=902https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RR0fROLPCQ4K186
86eSecondary, PrimaryCompare two numbers (including decimals) where at least one is negative using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4910
86fSecondary, PrimaryOrder a set of positive and negative numbers (including decimals).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4911
86gSecondary, PrimaryRecognise the absolute value of a positive or negative integer to compare their size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4912
87Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Using negative numbers in contextdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=570E87
87aSecondary, PrimaryRead negative numbers from a thermometer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4913
87bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a new value after a decrease, where the original is positive and the new one is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4914
87cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a new value after an increase, where the original is negative and the new one is positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4915
87dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the difference between two values where one is positive and one is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4916
87eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a new value after a decrease, where both the original and new value are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4917
87fSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a new value after an increase, where both the original and new value are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4918
87gSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the difference between two values where both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4919
88Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Power notation and calculate simple powers, e.g. squares, cubesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=55https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/u3V9aJFkTiME88
88aSecondary, PrimaryUse power notation to describe a repeated multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8687
88bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify square numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=947https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yv0wZ-QCgSoK22
88cSecondary, PrimaryIdentify cube numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=948https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kj7ApsmRpbQK23
88dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate squares or cubes of a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=605https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/D34oUmyuwPYK18
89Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Completing short divisions with no remaindersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=329https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qre2IGmKKAoE89
89aSecondary, PrimaryUse short division to divide a two-digit integer by a single-digit integer, with an integer answer and no remainders.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4920
89bSecondary, PrimaryUse short division to divide a three-digit or four-digit integer by a single-digit integer, with an integer answer and no remainders.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=624https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S3oF6N4r1jcK16
90Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Completing long divisions with no remaindersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4203E90
90aSecondary, PrimaryUse long division to divide any integer by a single-digit integer, with an integer answer and no remainders.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4921
90bSecondary, PrimaryUse long division to divide any integer by a double-digit integer, with an integer answer and no remainders.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=625https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2-udnEJkcHMK17
91Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Completing divisions with remainders as integersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4204E91
91aSecondary, PrimaryDivide a two-digit integer by a single-digit integer, with integer remainder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4922
91bSecondary, PrimaryDivide a three-digit or four-digit integer by a single-digit integer, with integer remainder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1639
91cSecondary, PrimaryDivide any integer by a double-digit integer, with integer remainder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1644
91dSecondary, PrimaryInterpret integer remainders in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1682
92Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Completing divisions with remainders as fractions and decimalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4205E92
92aSecondary, PrimaryDivide any integer by a single-digit integer, giving the remainder as a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1643
92bSecondary, PrimaryDivide any integer by a single-digit integer, giving the remainder as a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1641
92cSecondary, PrimaryDivide any integer by a double-digit integer, giving the remainder as a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1645
92dSecondary, PrimaryDivide any integer by a double-digit integer, giving the remainder as a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1646
92eSecondary, PrimaryInterpret fraction and decimal remainders in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4923
93Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Halfway between two numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4206E93
93aSecondary, PrimaryFind the number halfway between two integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4924
93bSecondary, PrimaryFind an integer given another and their halfway point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4925
94Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Common multiples by listingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=558E94
94aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify common multiples of 2 numbers by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8745
94bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify common multiples of more than 2 numbers by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4926
94cSecondary, PrimarySolve problems in context using common multiples by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1674
95Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Common factors by listingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=559E95
95aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify common factors of 2 numbers by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4927
95bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify common factors of more than 2 numbers by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4928
95cSecondary, PrimarySolve problems in context using common factors by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8746
96Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple by listingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4207E96
96aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the LCM of two numbers using a listing strategy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=890https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rv6ZiR-mlXYK219
96bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the LCM of more than two numbers using a listing strategy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4929
96cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the HCF of two numbers using a listing strategy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=889https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OSbXpoyKJUQK216
96dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the HCF of more than two numbers using a listing strategy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4930
96eSecondary, PrimaryUse the Lowest Common Multiple in an applied setting.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4931
96fSecondary, PrimaryUse the Highest Common Factor in an applied setting.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4932
97Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Prime numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=29https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kiJPCy3kqq4E97
97aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine whether a number is prime, up to 20.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4933
97bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine whether a number is prime, up to 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4934
97cSecondary, PrimaryList prime numbers in a range or prime numbers in sequence after a stated prime.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4935
97dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine whether a given number is prime, even/odd, square and cube.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4936
97eSecondary, PrimaryUse the sieve of Eratosthenes to determine the list of all primes up to a given number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4937
98Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Fractional equivalence using factors and multiplesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4208E98
98aSecondary, PrimaryFind an equivalent fraction through multiplication of the numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=963https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ibZoRXljTq8K46
98bSecondary, PrimaryFind an equivalent fraction through division of the numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4938
98cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine if fractions are equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4939
98dSecondary, PrimaryWrite a fraction in simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=596https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5HKxLyrdc6cK47
98eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine if a fraction is written in simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4940
98fSecondary, PrimaryWrite a proportion shown pictorially as a fraction in its simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8799
98gSecondary, PrimaryWrite a proportion expressed numerically as a fraction in its simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1467K704
98hSecondary, PrimaryInterpret values from a graph or table and give the result as a fraction in simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4941
99Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Comparing and ordering fractions where the denominators are multiples of each otherdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4209E99
99aSecondary, PrimaryCompare two fractions where denominators are multiples of each other using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4942
99bSecondary, PrimaryOrder fractions where denominators are multiples of each other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4943
100Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting fractions where the denominators are multiples of each otherdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4210E100
100aSecondary, PrimaryAdd fractions with different denominators where one fraction needs changing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1483https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yGrj8867rAcK705
100bSecondary, PrimarySubtract fractions with different denominators where one fraction needs changing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4944
101Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=23https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iaEkkoUhWqkE101
101aSecondary, PrimaryWrite an improper fraction as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=601https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/W6261sjDu_wK171
101bSecondary, PrimaryWrite a mixed number as an improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=602https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y0EBOCG36D4K172
101cSecondary, PrimaryCompare mixed numbers and fractions with the same denominator using inequality symbols.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4945
101dSecondary, PrimaryOrder mixed numbers and fractions with the same denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4946
101eSecondary, PrimaryCompare mixed numbers and fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the another using inequality symbols.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4947
101fSecondary, PrimaryOrder mixed numbers and fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4948
102Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting mixed numbers with the same denominatordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4211E102
102aSecondary, PrimaryAdd proper or improper fractions with the same denominator, with total greater than a whole, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4949
102bSecondary, PrimaryAdd mixed numbers with the same denominators, where no regrouping is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4950
102cSecondary, PrimaryAdd mixed numbers with the same denominators, where regrouping is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8352
102dSecondary, PrimarySubtract improper fractions with the same denominators, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4951
102eSecondary, PrimarySubtract proper fractions or mixed numbers from an integer, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8353
102fSecondary, PrimarySubtract mixed numbers with the same denominators, where no exchange is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8354
102gSecondary, PrimarySubtract mixed numbers with the same denominators, where an exchange is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4952
103Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting mixed numbers where one denominator is a multiple of anotherdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4212E103
103aSecondary, PrimaryAdd proper or improper fractions where one denominator is a multiple of another, with total greater than a whole, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4953
103bSecondary, PrimaryAdd mixed numbers where one denominator is a multiple of another, where no regrouping is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4954
103cSecondary, PrimaryAdd mixed numbers where one denominator is a multiple of another, where regrouping is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8355
103dSecondary, PrimarySubtract improper fractions where one denominator is a multiple of another, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4955
103eSecondary, PrimarySubtract mixed numbers where one denominator is a multiple of another, where no exchange is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8356
103fSecondary, PrimarySubtract mixed numbers where one denominator is a multiple of another, where an exchange is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4956
104Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Basic fraction and decimal equivalencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4213E104
104aSecondary, PrimaryRecognise decimal equivalents for a whole, half, a quarter and three quarters.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4957
104bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine decimal equivalents for tenths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4958
104cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine decimal equivalents for fifths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4959
104dSecondary, PrimaryPlace decimal numbers on a number line split into steps of a half, quarter or fifth.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8795
104eSecondary, PrimaryWrite down a decimal number as shown on a number line split into steps of a half, quarter or fifth.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8796
104fSecondary, PrimaryRead a decimal value off a scale split into steps of a half, quarter or fifth.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8797
104gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine decimal equivalents for fractions with denominators that are factors of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4960
104hSecondary, PrimaryDetermine decimal equivalents for fractions with denominators that are multiples of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4961
104iSecondary, PrimaryDetermine fraction equivalents for decimals, where the denominators are factors and multiples of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4962
104jSecondary, PrimaryFind the sum or difference of decimals and fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8773
104kSecondary, PrimaryConvert from hours or minutes with a decimal part.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8794
104lSecondary, PrimaryConvert from hours and minutes or minutes and seconds to a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4978
105Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Percentages as values out of 100 and converting between fractions and percentagesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4214E105
105aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine what percentage of a shape is shaded for a grid size of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1407https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E-0tUEdo_6UK50
105bSecondary, PrimaryConvert between percentages and fractions with denominator of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4963
105cSecondary, PrimaryRecognise percentage equivalents for a whole, half, a quarter and three quarters.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4964
105dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine percentage equivalents for fifths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4965
105eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine percentage equivalents for fractions with denominators that are factors of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4966
105fSecondary, PrimaryDetermine percentage equivalents for fractions with denominators that are multiples of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4967
105gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine fraction equivalents for percentages, where the denominators are factors and multiples of 100.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4968
106Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Basic percentage and decimal equivalencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4215E106
106aSecondary, PrimaryConvert a percentage up to 100% to a decimal with up to 2 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=643https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wMMmm9MdznwK56
106bSecondary, PrimaryConvert a decimal with 1 decimal place to a percentage.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=642https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BdNm1tn9rvkK55
106cSecondary, PrimaryConvert a decimal with 2 decimal places to a percentage.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4969
107Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Converting between metric units of measuredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=153E107
107aSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand prefixes used for metric units of measure.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8598
107bSecondary, PrimaryConvert metric units of length from smaller units to bigger units.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=708https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6C948JCQgucK127
107cSecondary, PrimaryConvert metric units of length from bigger units to smaller units.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=709https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ccEETbyIpS4K128
107dSecondary, PrimaryConvert units of mass by multiplying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1354https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/T1qnGgqxJ5oK130
107eSecondary, PrimaryConvert units of mass by dividing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1355https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FcRa8Q0o1tUK131
107fSecondary, PrimaryConvert units of capacity by multiplying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1356https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DkE_yXtngUMK132
107gSecondary, PrimaryConvert units of capacity by dividing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1357https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9Hh9zVNOf1YK133
107hSecondary, PrimaryCompare and order measurements in different metric units where conversion is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4970
107iSecondary, PrimaryCalculate with metric measures of length, which may require conversion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1373https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IlbFK1Er7ycK129
107jSecondary, PrimaryCalculate with metric measures of mass or capacity, which may require conversion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8709
107kSecondary, PrimaryChoose an appropriate metric unit for real-life measurements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8599
108Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Equivalence of metric and imperial units (inches, pints, pounds and miles)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=381https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DClfLfRIV0ME108
108aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify imperial units of capacity, mass and length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4971
108bSecondary, PrimaryChoose an appropriate imperial or metric unit for real-life measurements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4972
108cSecondary, PrimaryConvert between imperial measures using a given conversion rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8336
108dSecondary, PrimaryConvert between miles and kilometres or between feet/inches and centimetres.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4973
108eSecondary, PrimaryConvert between pounds and kilograms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4974
108fSecondary, PrimaryConvert between litres and pints and between litres and gallons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4975
108gSecondary, PrimaryMake calculations involving a conversion between imperial measures using a given conversion rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8337
108hSecondary, PrimaryMake calculations involving a conversion between two imperial measures and between imperial and metric.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4976
108iSecondary, PrimaryMake further calculations, for example involving cost, after a conversion between metric and imperial units.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4977
109Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Measuring and drawing non-reflex angles in degrees with a protractordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=580E109
109aSecondary, PrimaryMeasure a non-reflex angle with a protractor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1117https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3WiaVjLNsO4K105
109bSecondary, PrimaryDraw a non-reflex angle with a protractor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1118https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sO56ozfCVwsK106
110Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Sum of the angles on a straight line and angles around a pointdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=119https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xngyacmFs5kE110
110aSecondary, PrimaryKnow the properties of angles on a straight line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=656https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9UhdqszBxf4K103
110bSecondary, PrimaryKnow the properties of angles about a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=657https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xeSTV0PDQaYK104
110cSecondary, PrimaryKnow the properties of angles in a right angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8363https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KpTRKtRgveY
111Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Measuring and drawing reflex angles in degrees with a protractordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4216E111
111aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the size of a reflex angle by measuring the conjugate angle with a protractor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4979
111bSecondary, PrimaryDraw a reflex angle by drawing its conjugate with a protractor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4980
112Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Estimating the size of an angledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4217E112
112aSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the size of a non-reflex angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1285https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WC2UzzL_vCIK101
112bSecondary, PrimaryEstimate the size of a reflex angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4981
113Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Reading and using timetables and distance chartsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=146E113
113aSecondary, PrimaryFind a time using a timetable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1430K86
113bSecondary, PrimaryMake calculations from bus/train timetables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1453K87
113cSecondary, PrimaryRead and interpret a distance chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1460K88
113dSecondary, PrimaryMake calculations from a distance chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1732
113eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the time in another time zone, given the local time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8339
113fSecondary, PrimarySolve problems involving time elapsed in two different time zones.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8340
114Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Interpreting and presenting data in simple graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=557E114
114aSecondary, PrimaryInterpret a line graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4982
114bSecondary, PrimaryInterpret a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4983
114cSecondary, PrimaryInterpret a time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4984
114dSecondary, PrimaryInterpret other simple graphical representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8334
115Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Order of operations (no powers and roots)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=108https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XQfDJqhCiFwE115
115aSecondary, PrimaryEvaluate calculations with two operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=773https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ucdu7vBmZRoK193
115bSecondary, PrimaryEvaluate calculations with three operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1028https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/I6XHvED8b7EK194
115cSecondary, PrimaryEvaluate calculations with brackets and at least 3 operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1029https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OSF0rmTM2q0K195
115dSecondary, PrimaryEvaluate calculations where operations are within a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8800
115eSecondary, PrimaryAdd operations to expressions to make a target value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8600
115fSecondary, PrimaryAdd brackets to the expressions to make a target value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4985
116Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Comparing and ordering fractions with different denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4218E116
116aSecondary, PrimaryCompare two fractions with different denominators using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4986
116bSecondary, PrimaryOrder fractions where denominators are different.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4987
116cSecondary, PrimaryCompare mixed numbers and fractions with different denominators using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8293
116dSecondary, PrimaryOrder mixed numbers and fractions with different denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8294
117Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting fractions with any denominatordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4219E117
117aSecondary, PrimaryAdd fractions with different denominators, expressing the answer as a proper or improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=595https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KNoP3qhGqncK170
117bSecondary, PrimarySubtract fractions with different denominators, expressing the answer as a proper or improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8357
117cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the remaining fraction given other proportions of the whole.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4988
118Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominatorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=19https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cNEYdIz4MvME118
118aSecondary, PrimaryAdd proper or improper fractions with different denominators, with total greater than a whole, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4989
118bSecondary, PrimaryAdd mixed numbers with different denominators, where no regrouping is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1868
118cSecondary, PrimaryAdd mixed numbers with different denominators, where regrouping is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1883
118dSecondary, PrimarySubtract improper fractions with different denominators, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8660
118eSecondary, PrimarySubtract mixed numbers with different denominators, where no exchange is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8659
118fSecondary, PrimarySubtract mixed numbers with different denominators, where an exchange is required, expressing the answer as a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=600https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lgNc3O8NUGEK178
119Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by an integerdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4220E119
119aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a fraction by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1366https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KADWfYU8yFEK174
119bSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a mixed number by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1367https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/q-IqrpEgGXoK181
120Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying proper fractions with no simplifyingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4221E120
120aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a fraction by a fraction with no simplification required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4990
120bSecondary, PrimarySquare a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4991
121Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Dividing fractions by integersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=562E121
121aSecondary, PrimaryDivide a fraction by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1368https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_oqPYMWrREYK176
121bSecondary, PrimaryDivide a mixed number by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4992
121cSecondary, PrimaryFind the number halfway between two fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4993
121dSecondary, PrimaryFind a fraction given another fraction and their halfway point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4994
122Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying a decimal (up to 2dp) by an integerdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=560E122
122aSecondary, PrimaryMultiply a decimal by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1196https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k6DxDIgBg0EK33
123Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplying decimal numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=38https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-nIljKtJiT4E123
123aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a decimal multiplication using a given multiplication fact and knowledge of place value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1365https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S8IvAcW9XU0K39
123bSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=618https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3977zwOIqPMK37
123cSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals using equivalent fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1497K708
123dSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals by considering a simple related integer multiplication, then use place value to scale the answer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8697
123eSecondary, PrimaryMultiply decimals by considering a related column multiplication, then use place value to scale the answer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2178
124Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Dividing a decimal (up to 2dp) by an integerdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=561E124
124aSecondary, PrimaryDivide a decimal by a single-digit integer where there is no final remainder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1337https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oTCTnOVs4vYK35
124bSecondary, PrimaryDivide a decimal by a single-digit integer where the final remainder creates additional digits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4995
124cSecondary, PrimaryFind the number halfway between two decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4996
124dSecondary, PrimaryFind a number given a decimal and their halfway point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4997
125Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Dividing decimal numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=39https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AYjkIDSf640E125
125aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a decimal division using a given division fact.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8698
125bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a decimal division using a given multiplication fact.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8688
125cSecondary, PrimaryDivide decimals using division of equivalent fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8725
125dSecondary, PrimaryDivide decimals by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=619https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GZZStSfeY7sK38
125eSecondary, PrimaryDivide an integer by a decimal by considering a related integer division, then use place value to scale the answer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8373
125fSecondary, PrimaryDivide decimals by considering a related integer division, then use place value to scale the answer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4998
125gSecondary, PrimaryDivide a decimal by a decimal by writing as an equivalent fraction with an integer denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1348https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/W_U9Pu2KD0AK36
125hSecondary, PrimaryDivide an integer by a decimal by writing as an equivalent fraction with an integer denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8374
126Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Worded problems with all four arithmetic operations and decimals, excluding moneydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4222E126
126aSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic worded problem involving addition or subtraction, including decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5000
126bSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic worded problem involving multiplication or division, including decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5001
126cSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic worded problem involving two-steps of addition or subtraction, including decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5002
126dSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic worded problem involving two-steps of multiplication or division, including decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5003
126eSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic worded problem involving two-steps, one addition/subtraction and the other multiplication, including decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5004
126fSecondary, PrimarySolve an arithmetic worded problem involving two-steps, one addition/subtraction and the other division, including decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5005
127Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Calculating with money in decimal notation (GBP/EUR/USD)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4223E127
127aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the total cost given the cost of each item.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5006
127bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the difference in cost or the amount of change to be given from one item.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8358
127cSecondary, PrimaryCompare the cost of two different deals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8915
127dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the cost of each item given the total cost of items of only one type.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5007
127eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine how many items can be bought for a total amount using mental methods.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5008
127fSecondary, PrimaryDetermine how many items can be bought for a total amount by division.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5009
127gSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the total cost of multiple items and divide it equally.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5010
127hSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the change due after buying multiple items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8359
127iSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the amount per item of one type given the total amount spent and the remaining cost.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5011
127jSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the amount per item of one type given the total amount spent and cost of items of the other types.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5012
127kSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the number of items that can be purchased with a remaining amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8747
127lSecondary, PrimaryMake a simple calculation using a frequency from a bar chart, vertical line chart or pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8577
128Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Multiplicative scaling with integer scale factors and ratio notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4224E128
128aSecondary, PrimaryWork out a related multiplication using a given multiplication fact, where one number is scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1429K26
128bSecondary, PrimaryWork out a related division using a given division fact, where one number is scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8407
128cSecondary, PrimaryWork out a related division using a given multiplication fact, where one number is scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8700
128dSecondary, PrimarySolve problems using 'for every' or similar language using repeated addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5013
128eSecondary, PrimarySolve problems using 'for every' or similar language using multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5014
128fSecondary, PrimaryWrite unequal shares in ratio notation from a diagram (no simplifying).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5015
128gSecondary, PrimaryWrite unequal shares in ratio notation (no simplifying)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5016
128hSecondary, PrimarySolve problems involving unequal shares written in ratio notation using repeated addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5017
128iSecondary, PrimarySolve problems involving unequal shares written in ratio notation using multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5018
128jSecondary, PrimaryCalculate lengths based on a proportional relationship.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5019
128kSecondary, PrimaryScale recipes with integer scale factors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5020
128lSecondary, PrimaryCalculate cost using multiplicative reasoning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5021
129Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Similar shapes with integer scale factorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4225E129
129aSecondary, PrimaryRepresent the relationship between two lengths in similar shapes in ratio notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5022
129bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a missing length on a similar shape using an integer scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5023
129cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the integer scale factor between two similar shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5024
130Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Calculating a simple percentage of an amount, using chunkingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=51https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m6iDDrIeRZ4E130
130aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate 50% of an amount without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8481
130bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate 10% of an amount without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8482
130cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate 5% of an amount without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8499
130dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate 1% of an amount without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8483
130eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate 25% of an amount without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8484
130fSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the percentage of an amount without a calculator, using chunking with multiples of 10%.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=833https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CMC6D87uK4IK209
130gSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the percentage of an amount without a calculator, using chunking with multiples of 5%.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1601
130hSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the percentage of an amount without a calculator using 1% chunks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1850
130iSecondary, PrimaryCombine different percentages of amounts or find a remaining amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5025
130jSecondary, PrimarySolve problems involving a fraction of an amount and a simple percentage of an amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5026
131Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Pie charts with simple fractions and percentagesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4226E131
131aSecondary, PrimaryMake simple statements about a given pie chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5027
131bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the fraction represented by a sector of a pie chart, where it is split into equal sectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5028
131cSecondary, PrimaryInterpret the frequency of a sector in a pie chart, where it is split into equal sectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5029
131dSecondary, PrimaryDraw pie charts, where it is split into equal sectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5030
131eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the fraction represented by a sector of a pie chart, using a protractor to measure the sector angles (factors of 360).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5031
131fSecondary, PrimaryInterpret the frequency represented a sector in a pie chart, using a protractor to measure the sector angles (factors of 360).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5032
131gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the angle for a sector of a pie chart, where the total is a factor or multiple of 360.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5033
131hSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the percentage represented by a sector of a pie chart, given angle measures (factors of 360).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5034
131iSecondary, PrimaryInterpret the frequency represented a sector in a pie chart, using percentages.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5035
131jSecondary, PrimaryCompare sectors of two pie charts, given the fraction or percentage of the sector and a total.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5036
132Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Mean as an averagedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=567E132
132aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the mean of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=666https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/csbfXQk4JrkK236
132bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the total given the mean of a set of data and the total number of data points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5037
132cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine a missing number from a list given the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5038
132dSecondary, PrimaryCompare two sets of data using the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8500
133Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Function machinesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=410https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ztobXGrpdyQE133
133aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the output of a one-step function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8689https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iQXj4XK6KaM
133bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the input of a one-step function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8690https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JJKMlsWn74E
133cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine a missing operation in a one-step function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8691https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jg_LTAL9KQg
133dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the output of a two-step function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=759https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EevJEWEryusK365
133eSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the input of a two-step function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=760https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hzAmsrm9toMK366
133fSecondary, PrimaryDetermine a missing operation in a two-step function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2224https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8a362cUFhEc
134Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Algebraic thinkingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=373E134
134aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine possible values for items given some constraints (no algebraic notation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5039
134bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine possible values for items given a relationship between them (no algebraic notation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5040
134cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine possible values of variables given some constraints (with algebraic notation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5041
134dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine possible values of variables given a relationship (with algebraic notation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5042
134eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine missing numbers in a 3\times3 magic square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5043
134fSecondary, PrimaryWork out missing numbers in a structure with overlapping lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5044
134gSecondary, PrimaryReason about moves in a game involving placement of pieces in a structure.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8842
135Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Introduction to sequencesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4227E135
135aSecondary, PrimaryDescribe patterns with 2D shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5045
135bSecondary, PrimaryComplete patterns with 2D shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5046
135cSecondary, PrimaryDescribe a given number pattern.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5047
135dSecondary, PrimaryContinue a given number pattern.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5048
136Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Basic substitution with positive integers (limited to addition, subtraction, division and multiplication)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=568E136
136aSecondary, PrimarySubstitute positive integers into expressions with one variable (single operation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=706https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pV8wWhLq1hUK136
136bSecondary, PrimarySubstitute positive integers into expressions with one variable (single operation plus constant).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1302https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/F472MujeUl4K137
136cSecondary, PrimarySubstitute positive integers into simple expressions with more than one variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5049
136dSecondary, PrimarySubstitute positive integers into a simple worded formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5050
136eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the value of a variable given an equation and the value of one variable within it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5051
137Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Drawing 2D shapes to scale given dimensions and anglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4228E137
137aSecondary, PrimaryDraw a rectangle or square given the side lengths using a ruler.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5052
137bSecondary, PrimaryDraw a square or rectangle given its perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5053
137cSecondary, PrimaryDraw a triangle given the side lengths and angles, using a ruler and protractor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5054
137dSecondary, PrimaryDraw a regular polygon given its side lengths and the angle between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5055
138Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Area of a rectangle by using the formuladrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=573E138
138aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the area of a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=664https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/woMfkfjdM48K114
138bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the area of a square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8583
138cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a side of a rectangle given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=665https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZBAGUx4ZHU0K115
138dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a side of a square given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8584
138eSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the perimeter of a rectangle given its area and one side length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5056
138fSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the perimeter of a square given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8585
138gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the whole number of small rectangles that can fit exactly within a larger one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5057
138hSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an area given a perimeter of a rectangle or square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5058
138iSecondary, PrimaryCalculate a cost based on the area of a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5059
138jSecondary, PrimaryDetermine a length in a composite rectangular shape using its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8843
138kSecondary, PrimarySolve problems involving tiling congruent rectangles within a larger rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8601
139Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Area of a parallelogramdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=585E139
139aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the area of a parallelogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=672https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KpXQCmah_oQK296
139bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the area of a parallelogram requiring subtraction of lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2176
139cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the base or height of a parallelogram given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=673https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KPOSxpf2TiAK297
139dSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the area of a parallelogram given the base, the height and another length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1257K298
140Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Area of a triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=124https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DYZfxwCXMgAE140
140aSecondary, PrimaryFind the area of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=670https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5LfNOCcQdZ8K119
140bSecondary, PrimaryFind the base or height of a triangle given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=671https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/42cZch-B9kwK120
140cSecondary, PrimaryFind the area of a triangle given the base, the height and another length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1252K121
141Primary, PrimaryExam Practice: Basic terms in relation to circlesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=564E141
141aPrimary, PrimaryIdentify the radius, diameter and circumference of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2119
141bPrimary, PrimaryUnderstand the relationship between the radius and diameter of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2120
141cPrimary, PrimaryRecognise semicircles and quarter circles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5060
142Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Properties of prisms and cylindersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4229E142
142aSecondary, PrimaryRecognise and name prisms and cylinders.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5061
142bSecondary, PrimaryUnderstand properties of prisms and cylinders.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5062
143Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Nets of 3D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=563E143
143aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a 3D shape from its net.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1116K336
143bSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a net from a given 3D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5063
143cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the number of edges, faces and vertices of a 3D shape given its net.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1473K337
143dSecondary, PrimaryDraw an accurate net of a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8789
143eSecondary, PrimaryDraw an accurate net of a prism.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8790
144Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Volume of rectilinear prisms using unit length blocksdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4230E144
144aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the volume of a cuboid by counting cubes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1284https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KnE4QtCABxEK310
144bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the volume of prism with rectilinear cross-section by counting cubes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5064
145Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Volume of a cube or cuboiddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=114https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6s288k0rDbcE145
145aSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the volume of a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=675https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YieuL7PsKLAK311
145bSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the volume of a cube.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5065
145cSecondary, PrimaryCalculate the volume of a cuboid from its net.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8806
146SecondaryExam Practice: Platonic solidsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4231E146
146aSecondaryKnow the definition of a Platonic solid and recognise the 5 such solids.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5066
146bSecondaryDetermine the number of vertices, faces of edges of a Platonic solid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5067
147Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Vertically opposite anglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=565E147
147aSecondary, PrimaryIdentify a vertically opposite angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=637https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/H2B9ZzissmMK307
147bSecondary, PrimaryUse vertically opposite angles and angles on a straight line or around a point to find a missing angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5068https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aOT1-08GJr8
148Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Properties of triangle lengthsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4232E148
148aSecondary, PrimaryUse the triangle inequality to reason about the lengths of sides of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5069
148bSecondary, PrimaryUse the angle-side relationship to order the side lengths or angles of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5070
149Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Sum of angles in a triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=118https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7Q3cDMkz9HEE149
149aSecondary, PrimaryKnow the properties of angles in a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=655https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ogicOXBVSaYK107
149bSecondary, PrimaryKnow the interior angle of an equilateral triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8920
149cSecondary, PrimaryUse the exterior angle property of a triangle with an extended side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1262https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SQfW6mqHJ58K108
149dSecondary, PrimaryUse two extended sides of a triangle to determine an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5071https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Jun6a_RJOgI
149eSecondary, PrimaryCombine angles in a triangle with angles around a point, vertically opposite angles and extended sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5072https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2ZXL2jEs7RY
150Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Base angles of an isosceles triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=158https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1GuKEZj1PyYE150
150aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle in an isosceles triangle given one of the other angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=654https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uzQqnG5BWaUK301
150bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle in a diagram involving an isosceles triangle with an extended side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1900https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eTq6JZn8mvo
150cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle using multiple angle laws in a diagram that involves an isosceles triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1899https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/F4mu1av1EZc
151Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Sum of angles in a quadrilateraldrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=121https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/v34sVtg3J5oE151
151aSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle in a quadrilateral given its other angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=967https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1GPG7qrzIyIK309
151bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle involving a quadrilateral with an extended side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2248https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CYH8_YEi4rM
151cSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle in a kite.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2264https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2gwFbJTbTlQ
151dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine an angle using multiple angle laws in a diagram that involves a quadrilateral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2265https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iVTjniixMWg
152Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Coordinates in all four quadrantsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4233E152
152aSecondary, PrimaryPlot a point to complete a shape in any quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1936
152bSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the coordinate of a point in any quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=856https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lQl4ychwhAIK124
152cSecondary, PrimaryPlot a point in any quadrant given its coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=845https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nC-nfkCZeqYK125
152dSecondary, PrimaryDetermine a coordinate on the x or y axis horizontal or vertical from another point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1962
152eSecondary, PrimaryUse a scale to find the distance between two points with the same x- or y-coordinate in any quadrants.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5073
152fSecondary, PrimaryUse a scale to find the horizontal or vertical distance between any two points in any quadrants.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5074
152gSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the coordinates of a vertex of a rectangle, given two other points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1969
152hSecondary, PrimaryDetermine the coordinates of a vertex of a square, rectangle or parallelogram, given the 3 other coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1307https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1qcmi4f5JL4K126
152iSecondary, PrimaryDraw a line parallel to another through a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8801
152jSecondary, PrimaryDraw a line perpendicular to another through a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8802
152kSecondary, PrimaryProblem solve with coordinates involving reflections or symmetry or shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2020
152lSecondary, PrimaryProblem solve with coordinates and translated shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2048
152mSecondary, PrimaryProblem solve with coordinates and congruent rectangles with a connection at a single point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2086
152nSecondary, PrimaryProblem solve with coordinates involving repeated congruent shapes with a shared side length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2087
152oSecondary, PrimaryProblem solve with coordinates involving repeated congruent shapes along a shared axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2088
153Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Reflecting a shape on axes using a given mirror linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=566E153
153aSecondary, PrimaryReflect a shape in the x or y axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1370https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rss8WsmX-RYK275
153bSecondary, PrimaryReflect a shape against a vertical or horizontal line drawn on axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1280https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sxI_O6pZcisK273
153cSecondary, PrimaryReflect a shape against a diagonal line drawn on axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=851https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9xtnxNQ8jogK274
154Secondary, PrimaryExam Practice: Translating a shape on axes using directional languagedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=556E154
154aSecondary, PrimaryTranslate a shape on axes using directional language.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1371https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/j9vQtIqYYpMK279
154bSecondary, PrimaryDescribe a translation on axes using directional language.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5075
155SecondaryExam Practice: Adding or subtracting a mixture of positive and negative numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pDjBuX8qgy0E155
155aSecondaryUse x and -x as additive inverses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5077
155bSecondaryAdd a negative integer to a positive integer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8710
155cSecondaryAdd a positive integer to a negative integer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8711
155dSecondaryAdd a negative integer to a negative integer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8712
155eSecondaryRewrite a subtraction as an addition of the additive inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8718
155fSecondarySubtract two positive numbers resulting in a negative answer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8713
155gSecondarySubtract a positive integer from a negative integer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8714
155hSecondarySubtract a negative integer from a positive integer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8715
155iSecondarySubtract a negative integer from a negative integer, using counters to support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8716
155jSecondaryAdd a negative integer to any positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5076
155kSecondaryAdd a positive integer to any negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1391https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2DjCOmkisIIK187
155lSecondaryAdd a negative integer to any negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=698https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YE-pO1JNH74K189
155mSecondarySubtract two positive numbers resulting in a negative answer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8375
155nSecondarySubtract a positive integer from any negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=699https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NLwnmlIQH8gK188
155oSecondarySubtract a negative integer from any positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=700https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oiBUV1_pinAK190
155pSecondarySubtract a negative integer from any negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5078
155qSecondaryDetermine a missing number in an addition or subtraction with one or more negative numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5079
155rSecondaryAdd and subtract more than two positive and negative numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5080
155sSecondaryAdd decimal numbers where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5081
155tSecondarySubtract decimal numbers where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5082
155uSecondaryAdd fractions where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5083
155vSecondarySubtract fractions where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5084
156SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying or dividing a mixture of positive and negative numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S-UEdTAe1-wE156
156aSecondaryMultiply a positive integer and a negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=701https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qWMYcpmeZeoK191
156bSecondaryMultiply two negative integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5085
156cSecondaryDivide a positive integer and a negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=702https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XwXpMezXqEYK192
156dSecondaryDivide two negative integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5086
156eSecondaryDetermine a missing number in a multiplication or division with one or more negative numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5087
156fSecondaryComplete a multiplication grid involving negative integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5088
156gSecondaryMultiply decimal numbers where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5089
156hSecondaryMultiply fractions where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5090
156iSecondaryDivide decimal numbers where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5091
156jSecondaryDivide fractions where one or both are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5092
156kSecondaryDetermine two whole numbers which have a certain sum and a certain product, where at least one of the numbers is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5093
156lSecondaryMultiply or divide more than two positive and negative numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5094
156mSecondaryCalculate expressions involving negative numbers using order of operations (no powers or roots).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5095
156nSecondaryCalculate the number halfway between a positive and a negative number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5096
156oSecondaryCalculate the number halfway between two negative numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5097
156pSecondaryDetermine a number given another and their midpoint, where at least one is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5098
157SecondaryExam Practice: Roots and further powersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=60https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uDgwcgnTtaoE157
157aSecondaryRecognise powers of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5099
157bSecondaryCalculate an integer power of an integer which is possibly negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1350K441
157cSecondaryFind a square root of a square number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1164https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/31WNK25NnFIK19
157dSecondaryEstimate the square root of a non-square number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5100
157eSecondaryFind the cube root of a cube number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1165https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6ShneYYJ038K20
157fSecondaryFind the square or cube root of any number using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8719
157gSecondaryCalculate the nth root of an integer for n \ge 4drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5101
157hSecondaryCalculate expressions involving roots and powers using order of operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5102
157iSecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving positive indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5103
157jSecondaryDetermine the unknown base in an expression involving positive indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5104
158SecondaryExam Practice: Numerical index laws (basic)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=56https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Z_WCKeO-liYE158
158aSecondaryUse laws of indices for multiplying powers with numeric bases.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=645https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oodzA4Qqn-IK432
158bSecondaryUse laws of indices for dividing powers with numeric bases.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=646https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yUKJi5ZTFhYK433
158cSecondaryUse laws of indices for raising a power to a power with a numeric base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=647https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hGXRddq5OwkK434
158dSecondaryUse laws of indices for both multiplying and dividing powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5105
158eSecondaryUse laws of indices for multiplying, dividing and power of a power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8602
158fSecondaryRaise a number to the power of 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5106
158gSecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving index laws.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5107
158hSecondaryDetermine the base in an expression involving index laws with positive indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5108
159SecondaryExam Practice: Reciprocalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4234E159
159aSecondaryUnderstand reciprocals as multiplicative inverses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5109
159bSecondaryCalculate the reciprocal of an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5110
159cSecondaryCalculate the reciprocal of a unit fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5111
159dSecondaryCalculate the reciprocal of a general fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5112
159eSecondaryCalculate the reciprocal of a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5113
159fSecondaryCalculate the reciprocal of a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1941
160SecondaryExam Practice: Using a scientific calculatordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=331E160
160aSecondaryUse a calculator to determine the value of calculations using basic arithmetic operations, potentially including brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5114
160bSecondaryUse a calculator to determine the value of calculations involving a square or square root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5115
160cSecondaryUse a calculator to determine the value of calculations involving powers greater than 2.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5116
160dSecondaryUse a calculator to determine the value of a calculation involving fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5117
160eSecondaryUse a calculator to determine the value of complex calculations involving cube or other nth rootsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5118
161SecondaryExam Practice: Prime factorisation of a numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=26https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c6Q3Tor_22wE161
161aSecondaryWrite a number below 100 as the product of its prime factors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=606https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wngb2azw1lYK215
161bSecondaryWrite a number over 100 as the product of its prime factors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1864https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SK7SfoiqlSA
161cSecondaryWrite a product as the product of its prime factors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1692https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SNhP0_pvgsQ
161dSecondaryWrite a product as the product of its prime factors, where some powers are algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1874https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h0jsRa5uVJ4
162SecondaryExam Practice: Lowest Common Multiple or Highest Common Factor by prime factorisationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=28https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WRN1LJDcQ-IE162
162aSecondaryDetermine the HCF of two numbers which are already prime factorised.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=775https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vO30opV_ItEK217
162bSecondaryDetermine the LCM of two numbers which are already prime factorised.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=776https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uIOKEnQeoCEK220
162cSecondaryDetermine the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 2 numbers by prime factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=607https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vO30opV_ItEK218
162dSecondaryDetermine the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 2 numbers by prime factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=608https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uIOKEnQeoCEK221
162eSecondaryDetermine the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of more than 2 numbers by prime factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5119
162fSecondaryDetermine the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of more than 2 numbers by prime factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5120
162gSecondaryWrite a fraction in simplest form by prime factorisation to find the HCF.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8316
162hSecondaryDetermine the HCF of two or more algebraic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1567K747
162iSecondaryDetermine the LCM of two or more algebraic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1568K748
162jSecondarySolve problems involving LCM and HCF where one or more of the numbers is unknown.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5121
163SecondaryExam Practice: Divisibility laws from 3 to 11 and dealing with larger divisorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=30E163
163aSecondaryKnow if a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1607https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dDGN8NkD1bA
163bSecondaryKnow if a number is divisible by 11.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1608https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RBVFmzNAFRs
163cSecondaryDetermine an unknown digit to make a number divisible by 3, 4, 6, 8 or 9.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2051https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DJfFFsA9JHY
163dSecondaryKnow if a number is divisible by a large number by combining divisibility rules.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5122https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y19Chqeew9M
164SecondaryExam Practice: Properties of a number based on its prime factorisation (e.g. identify factors, if it is square, trailing zeroes)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=31E164
164aSecondaryIdentify specific factors of a number expressed as a product of powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5123
164bSecondaryKnow the properties of the prime factorisation of a square or cube number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5124
164cSecondaryWork out the number of digits of a number or the number of trailing zeroes where the number is expressed as a product of factors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5125
164dSecondaryIdentify the number of factors of a number by using its prime factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5126
165SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying proper fractions requiring simplificationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=582E165
165aSecondaryMultiply a fraction by a fraction, requiring simplification.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=598https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wvRIN7Z_jnsK173
165bSecondarySquare and square root fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1507K711
165cSecondaryCalculate an integer power of a fraction which is possibly negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1386K442
165dSecondaryCombine fractions to determine the fraction of a whole represented by a subgroup.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5127
165eSecondaryMultiply fractions by a quantity to compare against a total capacity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5128
166SecondaryExam Practice: Dividing proper fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=583E166
166aSecondaryDivide a fraction by a fraction, where no simplification is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5129
166bSecondaryDivide a fraction by a fraction, requiring simplification.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=599https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9JCOv1eTfEMK175
166cSecondaryDivide an integer by a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1465K177
166dSecondaryCalculate values involving a mixture of arithmetic operations on fractional values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5130
166eSecondarySimplify complex fractions where the numerator and denominator are both fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5131
166fSecondarySimplify complex fractions where the numerator or denominator has an addition or subtraction of fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8508
166gSecondarySimplify complex fractions where the numerator has an multiplication of fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8509
167SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying fractions involving a mixed numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=20https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wrVlqKtX9rgE167
167aSecondaryMultiply mixed numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=746https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rAoOeNbih7UK179
167bSecondaryCombine multiplication of fractions with addition/subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5132
168SecondaryExam Practice: Dividing fractions involving a mixed numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=21https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/In5d6yv3Q3YE168
168aSecondaryDetermine the quantity of a unit fraction within a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1939
168bSecondaryDivide non-mixed numbers, converting the answer to a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1940
168cSecondaryDivide a mixed number by a mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=747https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BH9FWoWlNMsK180
168dSecondaryDivide a mixed number by a integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1389https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Q7L__W6rdtwK182
168eSecondaryDivide mixed numbers in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2093
168fSecondaryCalculate the mean of fractional values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2112
169SecondaryExam Practice: Fractional increase and decreasedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4235E169
169aSecondaryDetermine an amount after a fractional increase.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1824https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OiC1UfOv1CY
169bSecondaryDetermine an amount after a fractional decrease.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5133
170SecondaryExam Practice: Fractional original value problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=25https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9jMH9ry_MksE170
170aSecondaryDetermine the amount before a unit fraction of it was taken.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1840https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qapRP8-3mx4
170bSecondaryDetermine the amount before a fraction of it was taken.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1369https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BAOhkg2tcAoK184
170cSecondaryDetermine a fraction of an amount given another fraction of that amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1841https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Hc4zrkYbIl8
170dSecondaryDetermine the original amount after a fractional increase or decrease.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1842https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/C_9CZ8f9qek
170eSecondaryDetermine a total amount when the amount of a remaining quantity is provided.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1844https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HIgacOKpoog
170fSecondaryDetermine the total number of items to subsequently calculate a dependent amount, e.g. cost or weight.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1843https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PA_Cq-5jRhE
170gSecondaryDetermine the original amount where the difference between two fractions of an amount is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1845https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hTADmx1WrOo
170hSecondarySolve problems where a single fraction of a quantity is taken combined with some other fixed quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1848https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6eHdJESTyV8
170iSecondarySolve problems where two fractions of amount are taken, when combined with some other fixed quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1851https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8fkuXMXouSI
170jSecondaryDetermine an original amount where a fraction of a fraction or a fraction of a remaining amount is involved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1854https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JKeXAXZHyfI
171SecondaryExam Practice: Problem solving involving a fraction of an amountdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4236E171
171aSecondaryDetermine the amount left given the fractions of an amount in other groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1911
171bSecondaryCombine a mixture of fractions of amounts with other amounts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1825https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/w2OEktG2fp4
171cSecondaryDetermine a fraction of a fraction of an amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1846https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Xj9xWjvZWck
171dSecondaryCombine fractions of amounts from multiple groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1830https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0dOXKxDVVIg
171eSecondaryDetermine the total of a physical quantity where costs or weights are assigned to each group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1838https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HDWYcefLiMQ
171fSecondaryProblem solve with pay or cost, involving fractions of amounts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1849https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1pPfny_zFn4
171gSecondaryDetermine the fraction left after taking a fraction of a remaining amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1910
172SecondaryExam Practice: Converting between terminating decimals, fractions and percentages less than 100%drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=34https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-qa1yzGSP2QE172
172aSecondaryDetermine what percentage of a shape is shaded for more general grid sizes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1343K52
172bSecondaryConvert a fraction to a non-recurring decimal using equivalent fractions and place value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5134
172cSecondaryConvert a fraction to a percentage, where the denominator is a factor or multiple of 10, 100 or 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=640https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gQyuE9tERgkK51
172dSecondaryConvert a fraction to a percentage, by use of equivalent fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5135
172eSecondaryConvert a fraction to a non-recurring decimal using division.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=639https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WgaKzY6cslYK53
172fSecondaryConvert a fraction to a percentage via an equivalent decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5136
172gSecondaryConvert a non-recurring decimal to a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=641https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0NaL-F-h86UK54
172hSecondaryConvert a decimal with up to 3 decimal places to a percentage.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5137
172iSecondaryConvert a percentage to a decimal with up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5138
172jSecondaryConvert a percentage to a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=644https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UQU442ZJh9IK57
173SecondaryExam Practice: Converting from a fraction to a recurring decimal or a percentagedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=35https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/O04JAIm5HXYE173
173aSecondaryConvert a fraction to a recurring decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1572K752
173bSecondaryRecognise common recurring percentages as fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5139
174SecondaryExam Practice: Converting between terminating decimals, fractions and percentages greater than 100%drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4237E174
174aSecondaryConvert a decimal with up to 3 decimal places to a percentage greater than 100%.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5140
174bSecondaryConvert a percentage greater than 100% to a decimal with up to 3 decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5141
174cSecondaryConvert a percentage greater than 100% to a mixed number or improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5142
174dSecondaryConvert a mixed number or improper fraction to a non-recurring decimal using division.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5143
174eSecondaryConvert a mixed number or improper fraction to a percentage, by division to a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5144
174fSecondaryConvert a non-recurring decimal to a mixed number or improper fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5145
175SecondaryExam Practice: Comparing and ordering fractions, decimal and percentagesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=378E175
175aSecondaryCompare a given decimal and percentage using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5148
175bSecondaryCompare a given fraction and decimal using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5146
175cSecondaryCompare a given fraction and percentage using inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5147
175dSecondaryOrder a mixture of fractions, decimals and percentages.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1372https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yXziTEWRRCwK58
176SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplicative scaling and numerical proportion relationshipsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=68https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Drx3i7fwU90E176
176aSecondaryWork out a related multiplication using a given multiplication fact, where both numbers are scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8408
176bSecondaryWork out a related division using a given division fact, where both numbers are scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8409
176cSecondaryWork out a related division using a given multiplication fact, where both numbers are scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8410
176dSecondarySolve direct proportion problems using an integer scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1298https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eBSfyU64VtYK230
176eSecondarySolve direct proportion problems using a non-integer scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5149
176fSecondaryComplete a table of values for variables in direct proportion (without powers).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5150
176gSecondaryDetermine if a linear relationship is a proportional relationship.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5722
176hSecondaryUse multiplicative reasoning in a recipe to determine the amount of an ingredient needed for a new quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1314https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/13mWOpvcRwkK231
176iSecondaryUse multiplicative reasoning in a recipe to determine the amount of an ingredient needed given another scaled ingredient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8792
176jSecondaryUse multiplicative reasoning in a recipe to determine the quantity of items that can be made.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8793
176kSecondaryUse multiplicative reasoning in a recipe to determine the maximum quantity of items that can be made.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5151
176lSecondaryUse multiplicative reasoning in a recipe to determine if there is enough of a certain ingredient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5152
176mSecondaryUse proportion to solve best value problems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1315https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kSDLWDeY1qgK233
176nSecondarySolve inverse proportion problems using a scaling method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1299https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qGS4s0RuATsK232
176oSecondaryComplete a table of values for variables in inverse proportion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5153
176pSecondaryDetermine if two variables are in direct or inverse proportion from a given table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5154
177SecondaryExam Practice: Exchange ratesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=455E177
177aSecondaryUse an exchange rate to calculate an amount by multiplying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1312https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sFoIfbjhnf4K234
177bSecondaryUse an exchange rate to calculate an amount by dividing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1313https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xKX-dedgV24K235
177cSecondaryCalculate an exchange rate from two equivalent costs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8669
177dSecondaryDetermine a difference between costs in two different currencies or compare two values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2276
177eSecondaryDetermine the maximum number of notes in one currency that can be obtained with an amount in another currency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2346
177fSecondaryUse two exchange rates to compare values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2347
177gSecondarySolve a problem with multiple arithmetic operations, involving two currencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2348
177hSecondaryUse a conversion between two units of mass or volume along with different currencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2349
177iSecondarySolve problems involving fluctuating exchange rates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5155
177jSecondarySolve problems involving exchange rates and commission.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5156
178SecondaryExam Practice: Conversion graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=414E178
178aSecondaryDraw a conversion graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1463K91
178bSecondaryUse a conversion graph within the scale.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1464K92
178cSecondaryUse a conversion graph for a value outside the scale.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5157
179SecondaryExam Practice: Geometric notation for shapes and linesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=581E179
179aSecondaryUse three-letter angle notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1384https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sXyk8eeSqnEK102
179bSecondaryUse lettered notation to identify a line segment or a shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5158
179cSecondaryUse notation to represent parallel and perpendicular lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5159
179dSecondaryUse notation to represent equal side lengths and angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5160
180SecondaryExam Practice: Perimeter of rectilinear shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4238E180
180aSecondaryFind the perimeter of a composite rectilinear shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1310https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JKxm0-UaK3cK116
180bSecondaryFind the perimeter of shapes made from several congruent rectangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1286K117
181SecondaryExam Practice: Area of composite rectilinear shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4239E181
181aSecondaryFind the area of a composite rectilinear shape where all side lengths are given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8860
181bSecondaryFind the area of a composite rectilinear shape where some side lengths are missing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1224https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-zDWva2jNs8K118
181cSecondaryDetermine a length in a rectilinear shape using its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5161
181dSecondaryDetermine a cost or quantity required associated with a composite rectilinear shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5162
182SecondaryExam Practice: Area of composite shapes (no circles)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=127https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7kp1xSIChNEE182
182aSecondaryCalculate the area of a composite shape involving a triangle and a rectangle, given all lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2073
182bSecondaryDetermine the area of a composite shape involving a triangle and a rectangle and missing side lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2041
182cSecondaryDetermine the area of a composite shape involving a triangle and a rectangle, and the area of a simple part.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2074
182dSecondaryDetermine a length in a composite shape involving a triangle and a rectangle, and the total area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8882
182eSecondaryDetermine the area of a non-standard quadrilateral drawn on a square grid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5163
182fSecondaryDetermine the area of a triangle or a rotated rectangle inside another rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5164
182gSecondarySolve problems involving dividing the area of a rectilinear shape for a given quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5165
182hSecondarySolve problems involving dividing the area of a rectilinear shape and calculating costs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8685
182iSecondaryDetermine the area of a pentagon formed from a rectangle and a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5166
182jSecondaryDetermine the area of a hexagon formed from a rectangle and a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2109
182kSecondaryDetermine the area of a hexagon formed from a rectangle and two triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5167
183SecondaryExam Practice: Area of kitesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4240E183
183aSecondaryCalculate the area of a kite involving right-angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2023
183bSecondaryCalculate the area of a kite given the length of its two diagonals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5168
184SecondaryExam Practice: Area of trapeziumsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=125https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aKqIc1fmjGcE184
184aSecondaryCalculate the area of a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=674https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/a5laQQJgR-wK299
184bSecondaryDetermine a length in a trapezium given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1288https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8ScDWTrmFZgK300
184cSecondarySolve problems involving cost with the area of a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2064
184dSecondaryDetermine the length or area within a compound shape involving or forming a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2065
184eSecondaryDetermine the length or area within a compound shape formed by two polygons (one non-rectangular), given the total area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5236
185SecondaryExam Practice: Related area problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4241E185
185aSecondaryDetermine the area of a rectangle with the same perimeter as a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8814
185bSecondaryDetermine the side length or perimeter of a rectangle with the same area as a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2055
185cSecondaryDetermine the base or height of a triangle with the same area as a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2056
185dSecondaryDetermine the side lengths of rectangles and triangles with related areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2012
185eSecondaryDetermine the side lengths of rectangles and trapezia with related areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5169
185fSecondaryDetermine the side lengths of triangles and trapezia with related areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5170
186SecondaryExam Practice: Estimating measures in contextdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4242E186
186aSecondarySuggest a suitable unit of measurement for a physical quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5171
186bSecondaryEstimate the physical measurement of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5172
186cSecondaryEstimate a value from limited information using Fermi estimation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5173
187SecondaryExam Practice: Rounding a number to a given number of significant figuresdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=43https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CKTmUZauibkE187
187aSecondaryIdentify the digit of a given significant figure in a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8732
187bSecondaryIdentify the place value of a given significant figure in a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8734
187cSecondaryRound a large number to 1 significant figure.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8736
187dSecondaryRound a small number to 1 significant figure.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8917
187eSecondaryRound a large number to 2 or more significant figures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8737
187fSecondaryRound a small number to 2 or more significant figures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8918
188SecondaryExam Practice: Estimating the result of a calculation by first rounding each numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=44https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y7Qmot2vWe8E188
188aSecondaryEstimate the answer of a simple calculation using rounding to significant figures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=806https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mmebHnp_qeUK224
188bSecondaryEstimate the result of a division by a decimal using rounding to significant figures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=807https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cTapGue8CKUK225
188cSecondaryEstimate a value from a problem in context with a single arithmetic operation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5174
188dSecondaryEstimate a value from a problem in context with multiple arithmetic operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8877
188eSecondaryDetermine a better estimate to a calculation using rounding not to significant figures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8603
188fSecondaryDetermine whether an estimated value is an underestimate or overestimate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8921
189SecondaryExam Practice: Rounding errors (round-off errors)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4243E189
189aSecondaryDetermine the rounding error (round-off error) when the result of a calculation is rounded.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5175
189bSecondaryDetermine the effect of early rounding on subsequent calculation with that value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5176
190SecondaryExam Practice: Algebraic terminologydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4244E190
190aSecondaryDistinguish between constants, variables, terms, expressions, equations and formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5177https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GwoT1OtF-uE
191SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying single algebraic terms (no index laws)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QhWFFoxCTqIE191
191aSecondaryMultiply an algebraic term involving one variable by a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5178https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bPYpcYwLp-c
191bSecondaryMultiply two or more algebraic terms with no coefficients, in one variable only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8569https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rNQZxuCY6gY
191cSecondaryMultiply an algebraic term involving multiple variables by a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5179https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Rkm0n6Ep8l4
191dSecondaryMultiply algebraic terms with positive coefficients, giving an answer with no powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5180https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y_okuqPef0w
191eSecondaryMultiply algebraic terms with positive coefficients, giving an answer with a maximum power of 2.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=610https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AZpfWcwWxWQK148
191fSecondaryMultiply algebraic terms with negative coefficients, giving an answer with a maximum power of 2.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5181https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ftq24IY8kUA
192SecondaryExam Practice: Dividing single algebraic terms (no index laws)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/thSfyYxJJIEE192
192aSecondaryDivide an algebraic term involving one variable by a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5182https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hJYlWVBLPO4
192bSecondaryDivide an algebraic term involving multiple variables by a positive integer (maximum power of 2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2036https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/umOmh1ZyXio
192cSecondaryDivide an algebraic term by an algebraic term with coefficient of 1 (maximum power of 2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2037https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tUVMbs_885o
192dSecondaryDivide algebraic terms with positive coefficients (maximum power of 2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2038https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UiXYRH3D7YY
192eSecondaryDivide algebraic terms with negative coefficients (maximum power of 2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5183https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zivbTCoj39w
192fSecondaryCombine multiplication and division of algebraic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2039https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6TpNjGIwz8o
193SecondaryExam Practice: Collecting like termsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=3https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PC8q9cyCgjIE193
193aSecondaryAdd algebraic terms containing the same variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1748https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8NdzmTWgUVs
193bSecondaryAdd and subtract algebraic terms containing the same variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=762https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aPS8KIsLFYsK141
193cSecondaryCollect like terms involving multiple variables, which are positive and without powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1361https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HnHIX0nT3KEK142
193dSecondaryCollect like terms involving multiple variables and without powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=609https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6jbxQm0kXz0K143
193eSecondaryCollect like terms with powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=761https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/s32zrAyXr5oK144
193fSecondaryCollect like terms with powers and combinations of two variables within each term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1722https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fdq_Kg6aF0Q
194SecondaryExam Practice: Algebraic index laws (basic)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4245E194
194aSecondaryUse laws of indices for multiplying powers with algebraic bases.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5184https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EGCaCGk7ReM
194bSecondaryUse laws of indices for terms with numerical bases and algebraic powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8404https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tWo4EWHaVc0
194cSecondaryUse laws of indices for dividing powers with algebraic bases.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5185https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YuDC93jh_Tk
194dSecondaryMultiply algebraic terms with powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=611https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k0QM-jHI_ZEK149
194eSecondaryDivide algebraic terms with powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=613https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3frvtCrX9i4K151
194fSecondaryRaise an algebraic term to the power of 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5186https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EYMPif4Uhdc
194gSecondaryUse laws of indices for raising a power to a power with an algebraic base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5187https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tJ2NQBSgidQ
194hSecondarySimplify an expression using multiple index laws with a single algebraic variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1518https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SXQyFKWWopIK718
194iSecondarySimplify an expression using multiple index laws with a single algebraic variable and fractional indices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5188https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5GPGbZ0Zduk
194jSecondaryRaise an algebraic term to a positive integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=817https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AMLmbvG7g0IK439
194kSecondaryRaise an algebraic term containing fractional indices to a positive integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5189https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RQJmc08Aca8
194lSecondarySimplify an expression using multiple index laws with multiple algebraic variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5190https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/K62Ozs2y4PU
194mSecondarySplit a fraction using index laws where the exponents are fractional.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5191https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-TawtDdX-AQ
194nSecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving index laws with positive indices given its algebraic equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8400https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oRHkG94E9Qw
195SecondaryExam Practice: Function machines involving decimals, negative numbers and algebraic inputsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4246E195
195aSecondaryCalculate the input or output of a function machine involving a negative value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2246https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mTYMr_0Vqss
195bSecondaryCalculate the input or output of a function machine involving a decimal value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2364https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/t8-5F-yMN6k
195cSecondaryCalculate the input or output of a function machine involving a fractional value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2365https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BnYOU_z62Nw
195dSecondaryDetermine an algebraic expression for the output of a function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2240https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1K9P1_MAvBU
195eSecondaryDetermine the missing operation in a function machine given a single variable as the input and an algebraic expression as the output.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2366https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S8_13heJWAY
196SecondaryExam Practice: Further substitution with positive integers (including powers, roots and brackets)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=103https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Cnu4wcuGEMwE196
196aSecondarySubstitute positive integers into an expression with one variable, including powers, roots and brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1030https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_3dQufRJ8OoK138
196bSecondarySubstitute positive integers into an expression with two variables, including powers, roots and brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1031https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2HMz6TRh2QgK139
196cSecondarySubstitute positive integers into an algebraic formula with two variables to find the value of the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8421
197SecondaryExam Practice: Substitution with decimals, negative integers and fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4247E197
197aSecondarySubstitute decimals into basic basic algebraic expressions and formulae involving arithmetic operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5192
197bSecondarySubstitute decimals into more general basic algebraic expressions and formulae, including powers, roots and brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5193
197cSecondarySubstitute decimals into basic algebraic expressions and formulae with variables on the denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5194
197dSecondarySubstitute decimals into formulae with two variables to find the value of the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8422
197eSecondarySubstitute negative numbers into basic algebraic expressions and formulae involving arithmetic operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5195
197fSecondarySubstitute negative numbers into more general basic algebraic expressions and formulae, including powers, roots and brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1032https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WUXkIx8R5v0K140
197gSecondarySubstitute negative numbers into basic algebraic expressions and formulae with variables on the denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5196
197hSecondaryConvert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius using a formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8586
197iSecondarySubstitute fractions into basic basic algebraic expressions and formulae involving arithmetic operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5197
197jSecondarySubstitute fractions into more general basic algebraic expressions and formulae, including powers, roots and brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5198
197kSecondarySubstitute fractions into basic algebraic expressions and formulae with variables on the denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1944
198SecondaryExam Practice: Forming algebraic expressions and formulae from a given contextdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=104E198
198aSecondaryForm an expression with one operation and one variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1347https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/s6GJzO1Ff-4K165
198bSecondaryWrite a formula connecting variables with one operation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5199
198cSecondaryForm an expression with one variable and two operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1352https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gxfkCU-xrwYK166
198dSecondaryWrite an expression or formula connecting multiple variables, including for total quantity or cost.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5200
198eSecondaryWrite a formula connecting two variables from a rule written in words.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5201
198fSecondaryWrite an expression or formula for the perimeter of a 2D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1349https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rrUAJP6fMEIK168
198gSecondaryWrite an expression or formula for the area of a standard 2D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5202
198hSecondaryWrite an expression or formula for the area of a composite or rectilinear shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1508https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YjTMqrjxfGMK712
198iSecondaryDetermine an expression for an unknown side length given the perimeter or area of a 2D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5203
199SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear equations where the variable appears on one side of the equation onlydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=17https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Da9cfL1IaukE199
199aSecondaryUnderstand balancing algebraic equations where the same operation is applied to both sides of the equality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5204
199bSecondarySolve a one-step linear equation involving addition or subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=635https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TCIi4C2YzRMK145
199cSecondarySolve a one-step linear equation involving multiplication or division.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8803
199dSecondarySolve a two-step equation of the form ax+b=c where the solution is a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=658https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5JU9Uh4nq-AK146
199eSecondarySolve a two-step equation of the form \frac{x}{a}+b=c or \frac{1}{a}x+b=c where the solution is a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8675
199fSecondarySolve a two-step equation of the form ax+b=c where the solution is a negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2129
199gSecondarySolve a two-step equation of the form \frac{x}{a}+b=c or \frac{1}{a}x+b=c where the solution is a negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8844
199hSecondarySolve a two-step equation of the form ax+b=c where the solution is a terminating decimal or a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2134
199iSecondarySolve a linear equation requiring simplification to the form ax+b=c where the solution is an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2168
199jSecondarySolve a linear equation requiring simplification to the form ax+b=c where the solution is a positive or negative terminating decimal or a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5205
199kSecondarySolve a linear equation the form a-x=bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8804
199lSecondarySolve a linear equation the form a-bx=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=842https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VDKMWvBTGwAK370
199mSecondarySolve a linear equation the form a-\frac{1}{b}x=c or a-\frac{x}{b}=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8845
200SecondaryExam Practice: Solving equations involving integer powers and their roots as inversesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=415https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AZg6ngfFlt4E200
200aSecondarySolve a one-step equation involving a variable squared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5206
200bSecondarySolve a one-step equation involving a variable cubed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8314
200cSecondarySolve a one-step equation involving a power of a variable where the power is 4 or above.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8315
200dSecondarySolve a one-step equation involving a square root of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5207
200eSecondarySolve a one-step equation involving a cube root of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5208
200fSecondarySolve a one-step equation involving the nth root of a variable, where n>3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5209
200gSecondarySolve a two-step equation involving a power of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1686
200hSecondarySolve a two-step equation involving the nth root of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5210
200iSecondarySolve a multi-step equation involving powers and roots of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5211
200jSecondarySolve an equation where a power or root is involved on the denominator of a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5212
201SecondaryExam Practice: Changing the subject where the variable appears once only, excluding bracketsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=14https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y-cGpOFCB3QE201
201aSecondaryChange the subject of a linear formula requiring a single step.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1008https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/euTMpMDGtQEK359
201bSecondaryChange the subject of a linear formula requiring two steps (including simple divisions).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=974https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5a3L6Q1uymIK360
201cSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject is multiplied or divided by more than one constant or variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2339
201dSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears on the denominator of a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2337
201eSecondaryChange the subject of a linear formula where the coefficient of the subject is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2341
201fSecondaryChange the subject of a simple formula where the subject is squared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=979https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3xqx7C1opW4K363
201gSecondaryChange the subject of a simple formula with a power of the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2340
201hSecondaryChange the subject of a simple formula with a root of the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=977https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JhaQGWmEJs8K364
202SecondaryExam Practice: Distinguishing between different types of sequencesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4248E202
202aSecondaryIdentify named sequences such as square numbers, cube numbers, triangular numbers and the Fibonacci sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5213
202bSecondaryIdentify if a sequence is linear, quadratic or geometric.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5214
203SecondaryExam Practice: Describing, generating and continuing sequences using term-to-term rulesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=419https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HpvmiG4-4YsE203
203aSecondaryDescribe the term-to-term rule of a sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1979
203bSecondaryDraw the next term in a pictorial sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5215
203cSecondaryDraw a later term in a pictorial sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8322
203dSecondaryDetermine the number of items (e.g. squares) in a subsequent shape, following an arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1980
203eSecondaryGenerate an arithmetic sequence given the first term and the common difference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5216
203fSecondaryGenerate a quadratic sequence given the first two terms and the common second difference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5217
203gSecondaryGenerate a geometric sequence given the first term and the common ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5218
203hSecondaryDetermine the next term(s) in an arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1163https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1Cq5nPggsIYK158
203iSecondaryDetermine the next term(s) in a quadratic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5219
203jSecondaryDetermine the next term(s) in a geometric sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1757
203kSecondaryDetermine a later term in an arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2005
203lSecondaryDetermine a later term in a quadratic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1992
203mSecondaryDetermine a later term in a geometric sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1586K761
203nSecondaryDetermine a missing term in an arithmetic sequence with a single gap.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1991
203oSecondaryDetermine missing terms in an arithmetic sequence with consecutive gaps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8880
203pSecondaryDetermine the difference between non-consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8881
203qSecondaryDetermine a missing term in a geometric sequence with a single gap.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1731
203rSecondaryContinue a Fibonacci-style sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1736https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/03KPPtuYUaA
203sSecondaryContinue an arithmetic sequence where terms are algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5220
203tSecondaryContinue a geometric sequence where terms are algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1735
203uSecondaryContinue a Fibonacci-type sequence where terms are algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5221
204SecondaryExam Practice: Generating terms of a sequence given a position-to-term ruledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=76https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IqcVmglS36AE204
204aSecondaryGenerate any term in a sequence using a linear nth term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=888https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TmasnxrjPasK163
204bSecondaryGenerate the first few terms of a sequence given a linear nth term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1752
204cSecondaryGenerate terms in a sequence using a quadratic nth term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5222
204dSecondaryGenerate terms in a sequence using a geometric nth term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5223
204eSecondaryGenerate terms in a sequence using an nth term with brackets or powers greater than 2.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1049https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rpDKPQkQ8FoK164
204fSecondaryGenerate terms in a sequence using a fractional nth term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8748
205SecondaryExam Practice: nth term formula for arithmetic sequences (no standard formulae)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=78https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ujsVk8zqqFAE205
205aSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for an arithmetic sequence by comparison to andrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5224
205bSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for an ascending arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=750https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/scFJlXIM2WAK160
205cSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for a descending arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1378https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8S-ZgTxjpbcK161
205dSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for shapes in a sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2066
205eSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a linear sequence with fractional terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5225
205fSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for an ascending arithmetic sequence where n is algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2089
205gSecondaryUse an existing formula for a linear sequence to determine the formula for a similar sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5226
205hSecondaryDetermine the formula for a linear sequence given non-consecutive terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8511
206SecondaryExam Practice: Determining if a term belongs in an arithmetic sequencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=81https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ahgHYPquFK0E206
206aSecondaryDetermine whether a number is a term in an arithmetic sequence using properties such as evenness/oddness.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8907
206bSecondaryDetermine whether a number is a term in an arithmetic sequence using algebra.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1338https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/L9ld4zWtg18K162
206cSecondaryDetermine the term number of a particular term in an arithmetic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2138
206dSecondaryDetermine the term in an arithmetic sequence closest to a particular number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2139
207SecondaryExam Practice: Mode, median, range from listed datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=340https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MDv7JYfw7eYE207
207aSecondaryDetermine the mode from listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=669https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SeH31kH5VUAK237
207bSecondaryDetermine the median from listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=667https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/00xV5v85GqwK238
207cSecondaryCalculate the range from listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=668https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4cs6RrYWd0wK239
207dSecondaryDetermine the median, mode and range from a table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1894
207eSecondaryDetermine the median, mode and range from a chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1901
207fSecondarySelect an appropriate average for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1914
207gSecondaryCompare two sets of data using the range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8501
207hSecondaryCompare two sets of data using median and the range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1916
207iSecondaryDetermine the effect of an additional very large or very small value on the median and mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5227
207jSecondaryDetermine the change to the data that results in a change of the median, mode or range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1915
207kSecondaryDetermine the median, mode and range from a list of algebraic data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1919
207lSecondaryDetermine a list of integers given information about their mean, median, range and mode.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=958https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DV5kUU5uBbwK241
208SecondaryExam Practice: Combining means or dealing with changes to a meandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=343https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QpM3ZpIICCEE208
208aSecondaryDetermine an unknown value given the mean and the other listed values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=957https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IinVQwJjU1oK240
208bSecondaryDetermine the value that resulted in a change of mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=970https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h2ufot_DGfgK242
208cSecondaryDetermine the resulting mean when a value is removed or added.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=971https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fn6RFYVkUvwK243
208dSecondaryDetermine the combined mean of two groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=972https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gPDUOY0-VyEK244
208eSecondaryDetermine the mean of one group given the combined mean and the mean of the other group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=973https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pDl5dBGV04AK245
209SecondaryExam Practice: Circumference of a full circledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=476E209
209aSecondaryCalculate the circumference of a full circle given its radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=711https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DQMt2ukfvAIK287
209bSecondaryCalculate the circumference of a full circle given its diameter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=713https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dTOnq14So7IK288
209cSecondaryCalculate the exact circumference of a full circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1597https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xvDeeyZxIQ4
209dSecondaryDetermine the radius or diameter of a full circle given its circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=717https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lvpLbJyfbhoK289
209eSecondaryDetermine a cost involving the circumference of a full circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1998https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Om20vkBZonk
209fSecondaryDetermine the circumference of a full circle given the area or perimeter of a square it is inscribed in.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2011https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vVs3mkklRk0
209gSecondaryDetermine the number of revolutions of a wheel across a given distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2022https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3kFdUghaBog
210SecondaryExam Practice: Area of a full circledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=126https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jOwlhcRGwdkE210
210aSecondaryCalculate the area of a full circle given its radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=710https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1YGiqKY2PC8K290
210bSecondaryCalculate the area of a full circle given its diameter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=712https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QVi_tRrz9gcK291
210cSecondaryCalculate the exact area of a full circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1598https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/54SvdWGx-0s
210dSecondaryDetermine the radius of a circle given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=716https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7NKUIrloxgIK292
210eSecondaryDetermine the area of a circle given its circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8861
210fSecondaryDetermine the circumference of a circle given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8862
210gSecondaryDetermine missing lengths in a circle or a rectangle with related areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5228https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/p7wpGIporMw
210hSecondaryDetermine missing lengths in a circle or a triangle with related areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5229https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Sn-XVce3vNc
211SecondaryExam Practice: Area or perimeter of simple fractions of circlesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=477E211
211aSecondaryCalculate the area of a simple fraction of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=714https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/R-koceQeDLcK294
211bSecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a simple fraction of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=715https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/K5Z1ZuYwVd4K293
211cSecondaryCalculate the exact area of a simple fraction of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1599https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JNyxE_9TBHA
211dSecondaryDetermine the exact perimeter of a simple fraction of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1600https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YnzS0UAocwg
211eSecondarySolve problems involving the cost of covering a fraction of a circle or the quantity of materials needed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2034https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2Yw2YhHtzFI
211fSecondaryEquate the area of fractions of circles or full circles to determine a length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2035https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cNqKVv_ISZY
211gSecondaryDetermine the shaded area where a semicircle is enclosed in a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5230https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/M_FaiPHbGdE
212SecondaryExam Practice: Perimeter of compound shapes that includes curved edgesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=351E212
212aSecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a standard running track.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2094
212bSecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a compound shape involving a rectangle and a fraction of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2095
213SecondaryExam Practice: Area of composite shapes involving circlesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4249E213
213aSecondaryDetermine the area of an annulus/ring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5231
213bSecondaryDetermine the area of a fraction of an annulus/ring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5232
213cSecondaryDetermine the shaded area where a circle is enclosed in a square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5233
213dSecondaryDetermine the shaded area where one or more circles is enclosed in a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1602https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nmjUy3_OaFQ
213eSecondaryDetermine the exact shaded area where one or more circles is enclosed in a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1603https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nmjUy3_OaFQ
213fSecondaryDetermine the remaining area where a semicircle is cut from a quarter circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2110
213gSecondaryDetermine the area of a polygon joined to a fraction of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2180
213hSecondaryDetermine the area of a segment formed within a quarter circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5234
213iSecondarySolve problems involving cost and a composite shape with curved areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5235
214SecondaryExam Practice: Determining what percentage one number is of anotherdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=49https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-j0LFo1TKBgE214
214aSecondaryDetermine what percentage one number is of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=883https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KJT1fti5lwUK207
214bSecondaryDetermine an unknown percentage in two related percentages of different amounts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8878
215SecondaryExam Practice: Percentage changedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=50https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3cVed2FkrYYE215
215aSecondaryCalculate a percentage change with a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1268https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3n8i3Ca5qcQK208
215bSecondaryCalculate percentage profit or loss when selling items at a fixed price.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2172
215cSecondaryCalculate percentage profit or loss when selling items at variable prices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2179
215dSecondaryCalculate a percentage change in context (excluding profit/loss).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2266
216SecondaryExam Practice: Percentage error and relative errordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4250E216
216aSecondaryCalculate percentage error.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2242
216bSecondaryCalculate relative error.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5237
217SecondaryExam Practice: Percentage of an amount, greater than 100%, by chunkingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4251E217
217aSecondaryCalculate a percentage of an amount (greater than 100%) by chunking.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5238
218SecondaryExam Practice: Percentage of an amount, by multiplying by an equivalent fractiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4252E218
218aSecondaryRewrite a percentage calculation using an equivalent fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5239
218bSecondaryCalculate a percentage of an amount (less than 100%) by multiplication by an equivalent fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5240
218cSecondaryCalculate a percentage of an amount (greater than 100%) by multiplication by an equivalent fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5241
219SecondaryExam Practice: Percentage of an amount, using decimal multipliersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=537E219
219aSecondaryDetermine the decimal multiplier for a percentage less than 100%.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1202https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zNh1_IGyqbEK211
219bSecondaryCalculate the percentage of an amount (less than 100%) using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=620https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/16Cw4UIYW74K213
219cSecondaryDetermine the decimal multiplier for a percentage greater than 100%.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5242
219dSecondaryCalculate the percentage of an amount (greater than 100%) using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5243
219eSecondaryDetermine the decimal multiplier where the percentage is a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1292https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wWfI-RNuYXcK212
219fSecondaryCalculate the amount after simple interest.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=969https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lACnWvGArhgK426
219gSecondaryCalculate the simple interest rate from the starting and final amounts in the account.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8785
219hSecondaryCalculate the amount of time for an amount to increase under simple interest.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8864
219iSecondarySolve a multi-step problem in context involving a percentage of an amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1876https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fdlMYi5j-VM
219jSecondaryDetermine the percentage of some portion of an amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1886https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JUdKlhKVfYo
220SecondaryExam Practice: Value after a simple percentage change, using non-calculator methodsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=52https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YIkRY0curBcE220
220aSecondaryIncrease or decrease an amount by a percentage using chunking.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=834https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9HdjlMAhBbwK210
220bSecondarySolve problems in context involving percentage changes and arithmetic operations, without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5244
220cSecondarySolve value for money problems involving a percentage change without a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5245
221SecondaryExam Practice: Value after a general percentage change, using decimal multipliersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=536E221
221aSecondaryDetermine the decimal multiplier that would lead to a percentage increase or decrease.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1875https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3F9LpJEyGLE
221bSecondaryIncrease or decrease an amount by a percentage with a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=621https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AsW_3-w7vHAK214
221cSecondarySolve a multi-step problem in context involving a percentage change with decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1895https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2fnHP-44Gtg
221dSecondarySolve value for money problems involving a percentage change with a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5246
222SecondaryExam Practice: Reverse percentage problems using chunkingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4253E222
222aSecondaryCalculate the original value given a percentage of the value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8558
222bSecondaryCalculate the original value before a percentage increase using chunking.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5247
222cSecondaryCalculate the original value before a percentage decrease using chunking.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5248
223SecondaryExam Practice: Reverse percentage problems using decimal multipliersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=53https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/48KHVQJfwPcE223
223aSecondaryCalculate the original value given a percentage of the value using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8559
223bSecondaryCalculate the original value before a percentage increase using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=744https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BrpHQyMFI48K424
223cSecondaryCalculate the original value before a percentage decrease using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8560
223dSecondaryCalculate the original value given the value of a percentage increase or decrease, using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=745https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aIcEnfI0hDYK425
223eSecondaryCalculate the value of a percentage increase or decrease given the value after the change, using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8832
223fSecondaryCalculate the final value given only the percentage increase or decrease and its value, using decimal multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8833
224SecondaryExam Practice: Simplifying ratios and forming ratios from a given contextdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=66https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7_UQJ82Et2ME224
224aSecondaryWrite a ratio with two parts in its simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=955https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/26IywWqJb6gK196
224bSecondaryWrite a ratio with three parts in its simplest form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5249
224cSecondaryDetermine a ratio in simplest form from a diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5250
224dSecondaryWrite a ratio in the form 1 : n or n : 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=956https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9q-SwK4n0MAK197
224eSecondarySimplify a ratio involving mismatched metric units or time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1569K749
224fSecondaryDetermine a ratio from a given graph or chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8865
224gSecondaryDetermine a ratio from a given context involving arithmetic operations, fractions of an amount and percentages.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1441K200
224hSecondaryDetermine a ratio from a given context involving area or perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8867
224iSecondaryWrite a simple multiplicative relationship in words as a ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8866
224jSecondaryConvert an equation involving two variables into a ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1255https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7ou72pnJ47sK695
224kSecondaryWrite a numeric ratio as a linear function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8815
225SecondaryExam Practice: Finding a quantity within a ratio where either the total amount, a particular amount or a difference in an amount is givendrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=67https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bp4Auq5CZTkE225
225aSecondaryShare an amount into a ratio with two parts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=704https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iN7nEIkxD5oK202
225bSecondaryShare an amount into a ratio with three parts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=705https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yu6l8tGIn80K203
225cSecondaryDetermine a value in a ratio when the total of the parts is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5252
225dSecondaryDetermine a value in a ratio when one amount is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1267https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6ldL4hoCTfMK205
225eSecondaryDetermine a value in a ratio when the difference between two amounts is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1266https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_3VqXZZEibwK204
225fSecondaryShare quantities in a ratio to subsequently calculate cost.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5253
225gSecondarySolve problems involving sharing in a ratio and angle facts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8859
226SecondaryExam Practice: Relationship between fractions, percentages and ratiodrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4254E226
226aSecondaryDetermine the fraction of the whole represented by each part of a given ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5254
226bSecondaryDetermine the percentage of the whole represented by each part of a given ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5255
226cSecondaryConvert fractional amounts to a ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5251
226dSecondarySolve problems involving fractions, percentages and ratios.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5256
227SecondaryExam Practice: Combining ratios and proportions into a single ratiodrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=534E227
227aSecondaryCombine two ratios to form one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1256https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pFl10x2VazgK206
227bSecondaryCombine two ratios to determine what fraction or percentage of items are a particular type.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1877https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SNIIDW3Yppw
227cSecondaryCombine two ratios involving algebraic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1878https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2NHdHTQXngw
227dSecondaryDetermine a value in a ratio when another ratio and an amount is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1879https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/M8bh4uTbMWc
227eSecondaryCombine two three-part ratios to form one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1887https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/o-JgNJ07JjY
227fSecondaryCombine ratios in order to reflect on the total possible quantity of items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1888https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mSCiyQMpy4k
227gSecondaryProblem solve involving combining ratios and lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1889https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CGbBnQKiOfk
227hSecondaryCombine ratios where the second ratio is a subdivision of one of the parts of the first.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1893https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AvLkhQYt6wM
227iSecondaryCombine ratios where the second two ratios are subdivisions of each part of the first.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1897https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/X8jfRb4Pq10
227jSecondaryForm a four-part ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1566https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XU566aVi5gMK746
228SecondaryExam Practice: Front elevation, side elevation and plan of a 3D shapedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=402https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LAtTeUmSBBEE228
228aSecondaryDraw the front elevation, side elevation or plan of a shape made from 1 \,\textrm{cm}^3 blocks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5257
228bSecondaryDraw the front elevation, side elevation or plan of a 3D shape on squared paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1014https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pqD0ObttzycK545
229SecondaryExam Practice: Draw 3D shapes on isometric paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4255E229
229aSecondaryDraw a shape made of 1 \,\textrm{cm}^3 blocks on isometric paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5258
229bSecondaryDraw cubes and cuboids to scale on isometric paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5259
229cSecondaryDraw triangular prisms on isometric paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5260
229dSecondaryDraw prisms with rectilinear cross-sections on isometric paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5261
229eSecondaryDraw a 3D shape on isometric paper given its net.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5262
229fSecondaryDraw a 3D shape on isometric paper, given its plan and elevations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5263
230SecondaryExam Practice: Problem solving involving volume of a cuboiddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4256E230
230aSecondaryCalculate an unknown dimension of a cuboid given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1363https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QbbqCyiGyAIK312
230bSecondaryCalculate an unknown dimension of a cube given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5264
230cSecondarySolve problems involving a fixed volume to fill or to fill with using a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8670
230dSecondarySolve problems involving the depth of a filled container.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1918https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/04_mQG5EQlA
230eSecondarySolve problems involving the capacity of one cuboid in terms of the volume of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1924
230fSecondarySolve problems involving fitting copies of a smaller cuboid into a larger one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8671
230gSecondarySolve problems involving cuboids with equal volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1925
230hSecondaryForm an expression for the volume of a cuboid or cube, involving simple variable side lengths only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5265
231SecondaryExam Practice: Volume of a prismdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=113https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4aGCTP4XYtwE231
231aSecondaryDetermine the volume of a prism by counting cubes in the cross-section.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5266
231bSecondaryCalculate the volume of a prism, given the area of the cross-section.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5267
231cSecondaryCalculate the volume of a prism, where the area of the cross-section must be calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=778https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XkmjAxDJ71MK313
231dSecondaryCalculate the volume of a prism where the cross section is a compound shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1659
231eSecondaryDetermine an unknown dimension in a triangular prism given the volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1535https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/F1Zkr7hszKYK731
231fSecondaryDetermine the volume of a composite solid made from other prisms joined together.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5268
231gSecondaryDetermine the volume of a solid involving one prism cut out of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5269
231hSecondaryForm an expression for the volume of a prism, involving simple variable side lengths only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5270
232SecondaryExam Practice: Surface area of a cuboid and prismsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=379https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EHsP0fGlQkME232
232aSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=676https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gi-cuUDmJw0K315
232bSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a cube.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5271
232cSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a solid by counting congruent square faces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8570
232dSecondaryForm an expression for the surface area of a cuboid, involving simple variable side lengths only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5272
232eSecondaryDetermine the side length of a cube given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5273
232fSecondaryDetermine a missing dimension of a cuboid given its surface area and two other dimensions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5274
232gSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a cube given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5275
232hSecondaryDetermine the volume of a cube given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5276
232iSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a prism.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1027https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/G1yv3mfPg_YK314
232jSecondaryForm an expression for the surface area of a prism, involving simple variable side lengths only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5277
232kSecondaryDetermine a missing dimension of a prism given its surface area and other dimensions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5278
232lSecondaryCalculate costs using a surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1505K709
233SecondaryExam Practice: Volume of a cylinderdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=394https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JOqKkrBBJHQE233
233aSecondaryCalculate the volume of a cylinder from its radius and height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=813https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hZdcXE83LxUK316
233bSecondaryCalculate the volume of a cylinder from its diameter and height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=814https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZhHpG0jXlCMK317
233cSecondaryCalculate the volume of a semi-cylinder from its diameter or radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8271
233dSecondaryDetermine an unknown dimension of a cylinder given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1533K729
233eSecondaryDetermine an unknown dimension of a semi-cylinder given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8272
233fSecondaryDetermine the volume of a composite solid, one of them cylindrical.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5279
233gSecondaryDetermine the volume of a solid involving one solid cut out of another, one of them cylindrical.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5280
233hSecondaryDetermine the volume of a composite solid, one of them semi-cylindrical.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8273
233iSecondarySolve problems involving cylinders or a cylinder and cuboid with equal volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5281
233jSecondaryDetermine an expression for a volume, involving simple variable side lengths only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5282
234SecondaryExam Practice: Surface area of a cylinderdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=425https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dRfozegH8TEE234
234aSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a cylinder from its radius and height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1382https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Yo0t7a1_qr8K318
234bSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a cylinder from its diameter and height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1381https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yW-Vorzr1NMK319
234cSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a semi-cylinder from its diameter or radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8274
234dSecondaryDetermine the height of a cylinder given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1534K730
234eSecondarySolve problems involving coating or covering a cylinder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2299
234fSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a cylinder given the volume and a length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2300
234gSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a composite solid, involving a cylinder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2363
234hSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a composite solid, involving a semi-cylinder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8276
235SecondaryExam Practice: Reading and interpreting ungrouped frequency tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=416https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/x0hRBgO47ooE235
235aSecondaryRead frequency values from ungrouped frequency tables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1401https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9xOsjkfe4lYK246
235bSecondaryForm an ungrouped frequency table from discrete data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=703https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Kf3tsCFWIGAK247
235cSecondaryCalculate the total from an ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1436https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d716EPk27pkK248
235dSecondaryDetermine an unknown frequency in an ungrouped frequency table, given the total.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5283
236SecondaryExam Practice: Mean from ungrouped frequency tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=342https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ufl4WNDlCXAE236
236aSecondaryCalculate mean from ungrouped frequency tables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=742https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PknjEHjGsosK249
236bSecondaryDetermine an unknown frequency in an ungrouped frequency table, given the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5284
236cSecondaryDetermine the mean from a pictogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5285
236dSecondaryDetermine the mean from a bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5286
237SecondaryExam Practice: Median, mode and range from ungrouped frequency tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4257E237
237aSecondaryDetermine the median from an ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1394https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-Uwe-x9FUrkK252
237bSecondaryDetermine the mode from an ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1387https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d31sB8NM27kK250
237cSecondaryCalculate the range from an ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1402https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vn5Lw8Y75twK251
238SecondaryExam Practice: Two-way tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=413https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7QvcSidIuhkE238
238aSecondaryRead values off a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5287
238bSecondaryComplete a partially filled two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=965https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CdPxbM5FkIUK84
238cSecondaryComplete an empty two-way table using written information.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5288
238dSecondaryUse written information to determine an unknown frequency, via use of a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5289
238eSecondaryDetermine a percentage from a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8561
239SecondaryExam Practice: Dual and stacked bar chartsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4258E239
239aSecondaryRead off a single value from a dual bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5290
239bSecondaryCalculate the difference between values in a dual bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5291
239cSecondaryIdentify a value pair with the highest or lowest overall total.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5292
239dSecondaryIdentify value pairs with a given total or constraint.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5293
239eSecondaryCalculate the total of each data set in a dual bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5294
239fSecondaryRead off a single value from a stacked bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5295
239gSecondaryCalculate totals from a stacked bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5296
239hSecondaryCalculate the difference between values in a stacked bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5297
239iSecondaryInterpret a back-to-back bar chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5298
240SecondaryExam Practice: Stem-and-leaf diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=407E240
240aSecondaryDraw a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=723https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AZPCcHqG6uAK261
240bSecondaryInterpret a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5299
240cSecondaryDetermine the mode from a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=726https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/o0yl5xDJQw0K264
240dSecondaryCalculate the range from a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=727https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cnUZx9nt9XQK265
240eSecondaryDetermine the median from a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=725https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1bAhrqOZegkK263
240fSecondaryCalculate the mean from a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=724K262
240gSecondaryDraw a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5300
240hSecondaryInterpret data in a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5301
240iSecondaryCompare data sets using stem-and-leaf diagrams.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5302
240jSecondaryDetermine a change to the range or median given updated data in a stem-and-leaf diagrams.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5303
241SecondaryExam Practice: Frequency treesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4259E241
241aSecondaryRead values off a frequency tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5304
241bSecondaryDraw a frequency tree from written information.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1012https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PcCFVFzga04K85
242SecondaryExam Practice: Construct Venn diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=358https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7s8bN0J7jbEE242
242aSecondaryUnderstand what is represented by each region or group of regions in a Venn diagram with 2 sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5305
242bSecondaryDraw a Venn diagram to indicate relationships between different groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5306
242cSecondaryConstruct a Venn diagram with 2 sets from a list of elements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1626
242dSecondaryConstruct a Venn diagram with 2 sets given totals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1041https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2426CiY-sOgK465
242eSecondaryConstruct a Venn diagram for mutually exclusive events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5307
242fSecondaryConstruct a Venn diagram where one set is a subset of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5308
242gSecondaryConstruct a Venn diagram with 3 sets given totals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1133https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_3PdqHV0qhkK466
242hSecondaryDetermine the value of a variable given algebraic frequencies in a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8439
243SecondaryExam Practice: Union, intersection and complements of sets, including the universal and empty setsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=359https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4fu0NsDhc_gE243
243aSecondaryRecognise set notation for the universal set, union, intersection and complement from a shaded Venn diagram with 2 sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1316https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/b1ZetSJaQkwK467
243bSecondaryUnderstand notation for subsets, membership and empty sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5309
243cSecondaryRecognise set notation for the set difference from a shaded Venn diagram with 2 sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5310
243dSecondaryCombine various elements of set notation for a Venn diagram with 2 sets, including associativity and distributivity of notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5311
243eSecondaryWrite a contextual interpretation of an expression using set notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8604
243fSecondaryRecognise set notation for the universal set, union, intersection and complement from a shaded Venn diagram with 3 sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5312
243gSecondaryList elements using set notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1570K750
243hSecondaryDetermine the number of elements in a set given a list.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1571K751
243iSecondaryDetermine the number of elements in a set given a Venn diagram of frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5313
243jSecondaryConstruct a Venn diagram of frequencies given numbers of elements in various sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5314
243kSecondaryDetermine the number of elements in a given set by constructing a Venn diagram of frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8440
244SecondaryExam Practice: Scatter graphs and correlationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=338E244
244aSecondaryPlot points on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=894https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yHRU5zmOXnIK258
244bSecondaryInterpret points on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2315
244cSecondaryIdentify an outlier on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2293
244dSecondaryState the correlation represented on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=896https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KKq9yvBNr8gK259
244eSecondaryState the strength of the correlation represented on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2330
244fSecondaryInterpret the correlation represented on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2331
244gSecondaryAppreciate that correlation does not imply causality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8510
244hSecondaryCalculate the mean from some points on a scatter diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2279
244iSecondarySummarise data from a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2332
245SecondaryExam Practice: Line of best fitdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4260E245
245aSecondaryPlot a line of best fit on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5315
245bSecondaryUse a line of best fit on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=897https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wfRz4ygeqGkK260
245cSecondaryPlot and then use a line of best fit on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5316
245dSecondaryUnderstand interpolation and extrapolation on a scatter graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5317
245eSecondaryCalculate the mean point from a scatter diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8306
245fSecondaryPlot a line of best fit using the mean point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5318
246SecondaryExam Practice: Pie charts with any proportiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=337E246
246aSecondaryDraw a pie chart where the total is a factor or multiple of 360.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5319
246bSecondaryDraw a pie chart where the total is not a factor or multiple of 360.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1036https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/L2a98g8Lx_kK267
246cSecondaryInterpret a pie chart with marked angles, but no totals given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5320
246dSecondaryDetermine the frequency from a pie chart given marked angles and a total which is a factor or multiple of 360.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5321
246eSecondaryDetermine the frequency from a pie chart given marked angles and any total.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1051https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7VWgRl4roIYK266
246fSecondaryDetermine the frequency from a pie chart given the frequency and angle of a segment.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5322
246gSecondaryDetermine the frequency from a pie chart given the total or the frequency of a segment, where angles must be measured.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5323
246hSecondaryUnderstand the limitations of pie charts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5324
246iSecondaryCompare pie charts with no totals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5325
246jSecondaryCompare pie charts given totals or the frequency of a segment.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5326
246kSecondaryCompare data sets in pie charts and other representations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5327
247SecondaryExam Practice: Probabilities using worded terms or placed on a number line between 0 and 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=411https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/noJMMJXSdb0E247
247aSecondaryDetermine the most likely or least likely event from a list.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5328
247bSecondaryDescribe probabilities using worded terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=997https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E_qUD_BnY7MK72
247cSecondaryFind possible outcomes given a worded probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5329
247dSecondaryCompare likelihood between events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5330
247eSecondaryDetermine outcomes based on relative likelihood of events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5331
247fSecondaryUnderstand the probability scale from 0 to 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5332
248SecondaryExam Practice: Theoretical probabilities using countsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=350https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hhDVWfZpypsE248
248aSecondaryDetermine a single probability using counts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=960https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wQmT7RCd6GkK75
248bSecondaryDetermine the probability of an event not occurring using counts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1414https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zDs_iDULoNUK79
248cSecondaryDetermine the probability of one event or another occurring using counts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5333
248dSecondaryPlace an event on a probability scale from 0 to 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=998K73
248eSecondaryDetermine a probability using the total frequency in a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1435K76
248fSecondaryDetermine a probability within a subgroup of a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5334
248gSecondaryDetermine a probability using the total frequency in a frequency tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5335
248hSecondaryDetermine a probability within a subgroup of a frequency tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5336
249SecondaryExam Practice: Sample space diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=348https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/b9CGpXA6_8UE249
249aSecondaryList combined outcomes (not in a table) where one or both sets of outcomes are non-numeric.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5337
249bSecondaryList combined outcomes in a table, where one or both sets of outcomes are non-numeric.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=961https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ycZFfocWZhsK74
249cSecondaryList combined outcomes using a sample space, using an arithmetic operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5338
249dSecondaryDetermine a probability from a given sample space.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1466https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4YraYzuPf7AK77
249eSecondaryDetermine the probability of a combined outcome where the sample space is not given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5339
250SecondaryExam Practice: Probabilities of mutually exclusive eventsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=384https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HMH6a2iYzkYE250
250aSecondaryDetermine the probability of an event not happening.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5340
250bSecondaryDetermine the probability of one event or another mutually exclusive event occurring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5341
250cSecondaryDetermine a probability of a mutually exclusive event from given information.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5342
250dSecondaryDetermine probabilities of mutually exclusive events with a given relationship.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=962https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HkIYqf502QUK78
250eSecondaryFind possible outcomes given numeric probabilities of mutually exclusive events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5343
250fSecondaryDetermine the frequency of an outcome given its theoretical probability and the total frequency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8885
250gSecondaryDetermine the total frequency given the frequency of an outcome and its theoretical probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8886
250hSecondaryUse the frequency of one outcome to find the frequency of another given their theoretical probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8887
251SecondaryExam Practice: Experimental probabilities and biasdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=346https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/F0QK_OromkQE251
251aSecondaryDetermine the relative frequency of an outcome from given data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1048https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k1BoFfN4uWIK269
251bSecondaryDetermine the number of objects added or removed given a change in relative frequency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8786
251cSecondaryUnderstand how the number of trials affects the reliability of an experimentdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5345
251dSecondaryUse a theoretical probability to work out an expected value for a fair event.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5346
251eSecondaryUse a theoretical probability to work out an expected value for a biased event.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1047https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HNWtOeT5-7gK270
251fSecondaryUse a relative frequency to estimate an expected value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8908
251gSecondaryDetermine if an experiment is biased.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5347
251hSecondaryWork out an expected value from a table with missing probabilities in the table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5348
251iSecondaryUse expected values to calculate profit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5349
251jSecondarySolve a problem involving expected counts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8531
252SecondaryExam Practice: Expanding a single bracketdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=69https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VzS_qsrEtfME252
252aSecondaryExpand a single bracket with a positive integer on the front.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=592https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/czs5WUzlJPwK153
252bSecondaryExpand a single bracket with a negative integer on the front.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8305https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tBQBsxChJ8A
252cSecondaryExpand a single bracket with an algebraic term at the front.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1359https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wIPF3OJ7KpcK157
252dSecondaryExpand a single bracket with each term involving one variable or constant, using index laws.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5350https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/n7bpQi1R6oo
252eSecondaryExpand a single bracket with each term involving multiple variables or constants, using index laws.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1360https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jol46Rcp55YK435
252fSecondarySimplify an expression where a single bracket is added to other terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1358https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zNMZKBfJ7AkK154
252gSecondaryExpand and simplify the sum of two sets of single brackets in one variable with integer multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=707https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tnQPM54w7rAK155
252hSecondaryExpand and simplify the sum of two sets of single brackets in multiple variables with integer multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8816https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tnQPM54w7rA
252iSecondarySimplify an expression where a single bracket is subtracted from other terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8720https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_6hOUgC5zGg
252jSecondaryExpand and simplify the difference of two sets of single brackets with integer multipliers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1240https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PyumeICHMnIK156
252kSecondaryExpand and simplify expressions with two sets of single brackets involving subtraction of a bracket with no coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2111https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Px2aMdigjqk
252lSecondaryExpand and simplify two sets of single brackets, where multipliers are variables or terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2128https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tkLdCmczzGE
253SecondaryExam Practice: Factorising out a single termdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=71https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/biXEdyg2bYAE253
253aSecondaryFactorise out a common numeric factor from an expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=777https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DB6TjBVxYHsK348
253bSecondaryFactorise out a common single variable from an expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1238https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vViglKOwRnkK349
253cSecondaryFactorise out a common algebraic factor involving index laws.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1040https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y4EOzJ4ZISUK350
253dSecondaryFactorise out a common algebraic factor involving index laws for an expression with three or more terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5351
253eSecondaryExpand an expression then factorise fully by taking out a single term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5352
254SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear equations where the variable appears on one side of the equation only, including bracketsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4261E254
254aSecondarySolve a linear equation with brackets and positive integer only solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1375https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lFbMuRHonNsK152
254bSecondarySolve a linear equation with brackets and positive fractional solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5355
254cSecondarySolve an equation with brackets where the solution may be written as a positive or negative terminating decimal or a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2177
254dSecondarySolve an equation with brackets and requiring simplification, with the variable on one side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1455https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5W7se3kShXYK372
254eSecondarySolve an equation with brackets and a possible negative coefficient of the unknown.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5356
255SecondaryExam Practice: Custom operatorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4262E255
255aSecondaryCalculate the output of a binary operator given its definition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5357
255bSecondaryCalculate the output of two instances of a custom binary operator composed together.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5358
255cSecondaryDetermine one of the inputs of a custom binary operator given the output.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5359
256SecondaryExam Practice: Finding integer solutions to linear equations (linear Diophantine equations)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=33E256
256aSecondaryDetermine positive integer solutions to ax + by = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5360
256bSecondaryDetermine positive integer solutions to a problem in context that can be modelled as an equation of the form ax + by = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5361
257SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear equations where the variable appears on both sides of the equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=429https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/l-za234E9F4E257
257aSecondarySolve a linear equation with unknown on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=841https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JTy8JL70n6kK367
257bSecondarySolve a linear equation with unknowns on both sides where the leading term is a constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2196
257cSecondarySolve a linear equation with unknowns on both sides and brackets on one side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1239https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/10Tv78eF9Z8K368
257dSecondarySolve a linear equation with unknowns and brackets on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2270
257eSecondarySolve a linear equation with unknowns on both sides and brackets requiring simplification.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=843https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pMdqwf4N_bwK369
257fSecondarySolve a linear equation with two sets of brackets on one side requiring simplification.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2232
258SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear equations involving fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=360https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IHgy9iAk-wUE258
258aSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax}{b}=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8676
258bSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{x+a}{b}=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8677
258cSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax}{b}+c=d or \frac{ax+b}{c}=ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1496https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Q4uBjCH7hJsK707
258dSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{c}=\frac{d}{e}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1074https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nyIxaZmbIoEK373
258eSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{a}{bx}=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5362
258fSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{a}{bx}+c=ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5364
258gSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{a}{bx+c}=ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1606https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rAug794m24U
258hSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax}{b}=cx+ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5363
258iSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax}{b}+c=dx+e or \frac{ax+b}{c}=dx+edrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8608
258jSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{c}=dx+edrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1075https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RAfC856gEH4K371
258kSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{c}=\frac{dx+e}{f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8605
258lSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{cx}=ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8606
258mSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}=edrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8607
258nSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{c}+\frac{dx+e}{f}=gx+hdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1506K710
258oSecondarySolve equations of the form \frac{ax+b}{c}=\frac{dx+e}{f}+gx+hdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8609
259SecondaryExam Practice: Forming and solving linear equations from a given context (excluding angles)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=498E259
259aSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for a given context involving a single occurrence of the variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1761https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/825zWGD2sr8
259bSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation using a given a formula and the value of multiple variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8425
259cSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the perimeter of a 2D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1311https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BJdu8LrgIgUK332
259dSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the area of a simple 2D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1696
259eSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the area of a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1778
259fSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the area of two 2D shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1717https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hE8DTVfchuA
259gSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the volume of a cuboid or cube.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5365
259hSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the volume of a prism.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5366
259iSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the surface area of a cuboid or cube.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5367
259jSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the surface area of a prism.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5368
259kSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for the total cost of a purchase.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5369
259lSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation involving a relationship between two or more items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5370
259mSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation involving a relationship between two or more items, including fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5371
259nSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation involving percentage and/or fractions of amounts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5372
259oSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation relating to the relationship between two or more items requiring use of the mean average.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5373
259pSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation with an unknown on one side for given a function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5374
259qSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for a function machine where the input and output are equal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5375
259rSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for a function machine where the input and output are related.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5376
259sSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation for a given relationship between two sequences.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5377
260SecondaryExam Practice: Changing the subject of a formula where the subject appears once only, including bracketsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4263E260
260aSecondaryChange the subject of a linear formula involving multiplication using brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=975https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iHPjLpYEBMIK361
260bSecondaryChange the subject of a linear formula requiring two steps resulting in a bracket.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=978https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9_ZVbMIsOSQK362
260cSecondaryChange the subject of a formula with brackets and fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2354
260dSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject is squared and with additional steps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8311
260eSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject is cubed (or a higher power) and with additional steps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8312
260fSecondaryChange the subject of a formula with brackets and where the subject is raised to a power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2356
260gSecondaryChange the subject of a formula with brackets raised to a power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2357
260hSecondaryChange the subject of a formula with fractions and powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2358
260iSecondaryChange the subject of a formula with roots and additional steps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2360
260jSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears on the denominator of a fraction, resulting in a bracket.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1754
260kSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the coefficient of the subject is negative and the subject appears on the denominator of a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2361
261SecondaryExam Practice: Interior and exterior angles of regular and irregular polygonsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=332https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wZo6cLD_Q2IE261
261aSecondaryCalculate the interior angle sum of a polygon given its number of sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1609https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xquRv-hprpI
261bSecondaryDetermine missing angles in a non-regular polygon.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=659https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/URkWXLBCwikK479
261cSecondaryDetermine interior angles of a polygon where there is a relationship given between some angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1945https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HBagbIgm1aw
261dSecondaryCalculate the size of the exterior angles of a regular polygon.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=660https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DpRMRA7DwxkK477
261eSecondaryCalculate the size of the interior angles of a regular polygon.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=661https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IrljumKsjcUK480
261fSecondaryDetermine the remaining angle around a point where two or more polygons meet.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1946https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y2eR9fWlEBc
261gSecondaryDetermine an angle formed in a shape using sides or extended sides of polygons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1947https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/psj9SXYRZ9I
261hSecondaryDetermine the number of sides of a regular polygon given the size of its exterior angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=662https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/o3Ly6cTL9fYK478
261iSecondaryDetermine the number of sides of a regular polygon given the size of its interior angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=663https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZbTudLycBnEK481
261jSecondaryDetermine the number of sides of a polygon given a ratio between its interior and exterior angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1948https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DxTy09eClO8
261kSecondaryDetermine angles in polygons within regular polygons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1520https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fsC_AcqWgjMK719
261lSecondaryDetermine if a regular polygon will tessellate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5378https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2ihV65-lBn8
261mSecondaryDetermine the number of sides of an unknown regular polygon required to complete a tessellation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1949https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5PPerb1lwXc
261nSecondaryWrite a geometric proof using angle facts, including those for polygons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8401https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d-CUVFtDZBQ
262SecondaryExam Practice: Alternate, corresponding and cointerior anglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=120https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vO7qId0X5dsE262
262aSecondaryRecognise alternate, corresponding and co-interior (allied) angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1248https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pzDA-MUgMyQK304
262bSecondaryDetermine an angle using alternate angles on parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=630https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tHk10Url7KcK305
262cSecondaryDetermine an angle using corresponding angles on parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=636https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1vI69DMviocK306
262dSecondaryDetermine an angle using co-interior (allied) angles on parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=638https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/l2OfWvr97KIK308
262eSecondaryDetermine if a given pair of lines is parallel using alternate, corresponding or co-interior angle rules.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5379https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/J4hAHGWqNDU
262fSecondaryDetermine angles in a parallelogram or rhombus.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5380https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zzhdTsSmXI0
262gSecondaryDetermine angles in a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5381https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d5qHNIKNT6w
262hSecondaryDetermine an angle using alternate or corresponding angles combined with vertically opposite angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5382https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Qy49Xr8t9lk
262iSecondaryDetermine an angle in a triangle using angles on parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1184https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YhiX9UM_ZIkK302
262jSecondaryDetermine an angle in a complex diagram involving multiple angle laws and parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5383https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4g7IPvJXH8I
262kSecondaryDetermine an angle in a complex diagram involving a parallelogram or rhombus.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5384
262lSecondaryWrite a geometric proof using angle facts, including those for polygons and on parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8402
263SecondaryExam Practice: Algebraic expressions and equations using angle factsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=122https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zo3KOe8fwGQE263
263aSecondaryDetermine an algebraic expression for an angle involving angles on a line or angles about a point, where angles are given as algebraic terms only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1912
263bSecondaryDetermine an algebraic expression for an angle involving angles on a line or angles about a point, where angles are given as general expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5385
263cSecondaryDetermine an algebraic expression for an angle in a triangle, quadrilateral or extended line, where angles are given as general expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5386
263dSecondaryDetermine algebraic expressions for angle involving parallel lines, where angles are given as general expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5387
263eSecondaryForm and solve an equation using algebraic angles to determine an unknown angle on a line or angles around a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1909
263fSecondaryForm and solve an equation using algebraic angles to determine an unknown angle from angles in a triangle or quadrilateral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1913
263gSecondaryForm and solve an equation using algebraic angles to determine an unknown angle in a parallelogram, rhombus or trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5388
263hSecondaryForm and solve an equation using algebraic angles to determine an unknown angle involving parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5389
263iSecondaryForm and solve an equation using algebraic angles to determine an unknown angles in a polygon.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8333
264SecondaryExam Practice: Bearings (excluding trigonometry)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=369E264
264aSecondaryKnow the correspondence between bearings and compass directions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1981https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ggFioN1O2VY
264bSecondaryCalculate a bearing using a simple diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=987https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zwBZi48N6FEK324
264cSecondaryMeasure a bearing using a protractor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1982https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xq_FLzbo4eM
264dSecondaryCalculate a bearing using angles on parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=988https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pc168-OHZeIK325
264eSecondaryUse the bearing of one object from another to calculate the bearing of the opposite.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2115https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jiDfMcJnhLU
264fSecondaryCalculate bearings using a mixture of parallel lines and isosceles triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2108https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GVyI_yA_l5I
265SecondaryExam Practice: Midpoint of two pointsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=136https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1zASK082ZHQE265
265aSecondaryFind the midpoint of two points which have been plotted.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1983
265bSecondaryFind the midpoint of two points given as coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=880https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xseTCpiVjGcK320
265cSecondaryFind a coordinate given another and their midpoint.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=881https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bbws5_NWLQMK322
265dSecondarySolve problems involving the midpoint of two points where some values are unknown.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1988
266SecondaryExam Practice: Splitting a line segment in a ratiodrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4264E266
266aSecondaryFind the coordinates of the middle of three points in a line given the ratio of the distances between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=882https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/esB_uK-WJHUK321
266bSecondaryFind the coordinates of the last of three points in a line given the ratio of the distances between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5390
266cSecondaryFind the coordinates of one of three points on a line given a multiplicative relationship for the distances between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5391
266dSecondaryFind the coordinates of one of three points in a line given a ratio of the distances between two points and the whole line segment.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5392
266eSecondarySolve problems involving two points divided into a ratio where some values are unknown.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5393
267SecondaryExam Practice: Plotting a straight line from a table of valuesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4265E267
267aSecondaryComplete a table of values for a linear graph with a positive integer coefficient of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1235https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y8PbsC05PqAK388
267bSecondaryComplete a table of values for a linear graph with a negative integer coefficient of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5394
267cSecondaryComplete a table of values for a linear graph with a fractional coefficient of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5395
267dSecondaryPlot a linear graph using a completed table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5396
267eSecondaryComplete a table of values and plot the corresponding linear graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5397
267fSecondaryPlot a linear graph using only two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5398
268SecondaryExam Practice: Relationship between a line and its equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=89https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/D-lhiZFNrowE268
268aSecondaryDetermine whether a point lies on a line given its equation in the form y = mx + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1406https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PUZK13UlTHkK394
268bSecondaryDetermine whether a point lies on a line given its equation in the form ax + by = cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2191
268cSecondaryDetermine the missing x or y coordinate given the equation of a straight line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2192
268dSecondaryUse a linear graph to determine a y-value for a given x-value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8562
268eSecondaryDraw a line with equation x=a, y=b, y=x or y=-xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1241https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zow4xzc8oGEK389
269SecondaryExam Practice: x and y intercepts of a linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4266E269
269aSecondaryDetermine the x or y intercept of a straight line which is drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=837https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RZCiW_iX9nwK399
269bSecondaryDetermine the x or y intercept of a straight line given an equation by substitution of 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1397https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zMApPWEBjuEK395
269cSecondaryDetermine the midpoint of the line segment between the x and y intercepts of a straight line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5399
269dSecondaryFind the area enclosed by a straight line and its intercepts with the axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5400
269eSecondaryFind the coordinate of a point between the x and y intercepts in a particular ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1690https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-LNSHoWhFl8
270SecondaryExam Practice: Gradient of a linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=90https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fnKIlkGBfeEE270
270aSecondaryDetermine a positive integer gradient of a line by counting unit squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5401
270bSecondaryDetermine a negative integer gradient of a line by counting unit squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8872
270cSecondaryDetermine a fractional gradient of a line by counting unit squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8386
270dSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a slope triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5402
270eSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a straight line which is drawn with a supporting triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5403
270fSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a straight line which is drawn on axes with scale in ones.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5404
270gSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a straight line which is drawn on axes with unusual scale.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=836https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OxYk4R1cey4K396
270hSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a line given a sketch of two points on the axes (not to scale).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5405
270iSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a line given two pairs of coordinates, where all coordinates are positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=692https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mHzvAzd6HGQK397
270jSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a line given two pairs of coordinates, where 1 or 2 coordinates are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8873
270kSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a line given two pairs of coordinates, where 3 or 4 coordinates are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8874
270lSecondaryDetermine the unknown x or y coordinate given two points and the value of the gradient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5406
270mSecondaryDetermine an algebraic expression for the gradient of a line given two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5408
270nSecondaryDetermine whether three points are collinear.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5409
270oSecondaryDetermine the unknown x or y coordinate given three points which lie on a straight line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5407
271SecondaryExam Practice: Understanding the equation of a straight line, y=mx+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=91https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-oB1lIM0nHsE271
271aSecondaryWrite the equation of a line in the form y=mx+c given a gradient and y-intercept.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5410
271bSecondaryDetermine the gradient or y-intercept of a line given its equation in the form y = mx + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1253https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CjU-C5177UsK398
271cSecondaryWrite the equation of a line in the form ax+by=c given a gradient and y-intercept.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5411
271dSecondaryDetermine the gradient or y-intercept of a line given its equation in the form ax + by = c or ax + by + c = 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1254https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dvx9QJZyq9gK404
271eSecondaryDetermine the steepest line from a set of equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5412
272SecondaryExam Practice: Determining the equation of a straight linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=92https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/v-9C9Og0SrUE272
272aSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line given in the form x=a, y=b, y=x or y=-xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1102https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2e1C1uH6zkgK400
272bSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in y=mx+c form which is drawn, where m is a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=838https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gWATRVIyL-YK401
272cSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in y=mx+c form which is drawn, where m is a negative integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8846
272dSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in y=mx+c form which is drawn, where m is fractional.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8847
272eSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in ax+by=c form which is drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5413
272fSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in y=mx+c form given its gradient and a point, where the gradient is an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1695https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vAXa-tvU0CU
272gSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in y=mx+c form given a non-integer gradient and a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=689https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vAXa-tvU0CUK402
272hSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in ax+by=c form given a gradient and a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5414
272iSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in the form y=mx+c given two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=735https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MTrQvt8Dag0K403
272jSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line in the form ax + by = c given two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5415
272kSecondaryDetermine the equation of the median of a triangle given its coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5416
273SecondaryExam Practice: Drawing a line from its equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=88https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-15NrddYXosE273
273aSecondaryDraw a line from its equation given in the form y=mx+c when the gradient is positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=798https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xAIJ3Zki24oK390
273bSecondaryDraw a line from its equation given in the form y=mx+c when the gradient is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=799https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IP1xJr9bjnUK391
273cSecondaryDraw a line from its equation given in the form y=mx+c when the gradient is a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=800https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5P7vPnNMFtoK392
273dSecondaryDraw a line with an equation given in the form x+y=adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5417
273eSecondaryDraw a line with an equation given in the form ax+by=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1303https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wCjr7KVxU1AK393
274SecondaryExam Practice: Equations of parallel linesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=93https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JO_xha-5EwUE274
274aSecondaryDetermine if two straight lines are parallel from their equations in the form y=mx+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5418
274bSecondaryDetermine if two straight lines are parallel from their equations, requiring rearrangement with addition and subtraction only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8888
274cSecondaryDetermine if two straight lines are parallel from their equations, requiring rearrangement with multiplication and division.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8889
274dSecondaryFind an equation of a line parallel to another in the form y=mx+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=736https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ugNY9ag08GgK405
274eSecondaryFind an equation of a line parallel to another given in the form ax+by=cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5419
274fSecondaryFind an equation of a line in the form y=mx+c which is parallel to the line segment connecting two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5420
274gSecondaryFind an equation of a line in the form ax+by=c which is parallel to the line segment connecting two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5421
275SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations using graphical methodsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=84E275
275aSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations using an existing plot of each line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1760
275bSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations by first plotting each line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5422
276SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations using elimination or substitutiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=82https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XWNropJ5pn0E276
276aSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where one unknown has equal positive coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1018https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BueMJH0h3e8K376
276bSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where one unknown has equal negative coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8441
276cSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where one unknown has equal coefficients with different signs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1022https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3OUQpUl1pg0K377
276dSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where one equation needs to be scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1751
276eSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where both equations need to be scaled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1023https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8ZEdxhitNqQK378
276fSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations requiring rearrangement by elimination.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1174K774
276gSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1555K742
276hSecondarySolve non-linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where y is the subject of both equations, to give a linear equation to be solved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5423
276iSecondaryForm and solve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations for a given non-geometric context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1026https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CeA_Uqp9hwgK380
276jSecondaryForm and solve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations for a given geometric context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8521
276kSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations to determine the point of intersection of two lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1025K375
277SecondaryExam Practice: Converting from a recurring decimal to a fractiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=36https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Je9sKSmPThEE277
277aSecondaryRound a recurring decimal to given number of decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8411
277bSecondaryConvert from a recurring decimal to a fraction with a single digit recurring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=821https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LjQ5VmPx97UK469
277cSecondaryConvert from a recurring decimal to a fraction with two or more digits recurring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=830https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wJfCuhrmIGAK470
277dSecondaryConvert from a recurring decimal to a fraction where some digits do not recur.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=831https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_UufLnymjx8K471
277eSecondaryAdd or subtract two recurring decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8412
277fSecondaryMultiply or divide two recurring decimals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5424
277gSecondaryConvert a recurring decimal with a variable as a digit to a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5425
278SecondaryExam Practice: Reflecting a shape in a line with given equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NSPvXW6M3PsE278
278aSecondaryReflect a shape against a vertical or horizontal line with a given equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=850https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yijLg88zRAgK489
278bSecondaryReflect a shape against a diagonal line with a given equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1475K490
279SecondaryExam Practice: Describing a reflectiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wZmdzlsnkJ4E279
279aSecondaryDescribe a reflection in a vertical or horizontal line on a set of axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=852https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0ffVS3ijEd0K491
279bSecondaryDescribe a reflection in a diagonal line on a set of axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=853https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_s25lIaNJ6QK492
280SecondaryExam Practice: Rotational symmetrydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=144https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uoLkjhC-InUE280
280aSecondaryIdentify the order of rotational symmetry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=996https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uoLkjhC-InUK98
280bSecondaryIdentify shapes with a given order of rotational symmetry from their name.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5426
280cSecondaryDraw or modify a diagram to achieve a rotational symmetry of a given order.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8325
281SecondaryExam Practice: Rotating a shape by a given angle around a given pointdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=10https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WgKHtet5dNUE281
281aSecondaryRotate a shape by 90^{\circ}, 180^{\circ} or 270^{\circ} about a point on a grid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5427
281bSecondaryRotate a shape by 90^{\circ}, 180^{\circ} or 270^{\circ} on axes, about the origin, using tracing paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2318
281cSecondaryRotate a shape by by 90^{\circ}, 180^{\circ} or 270^{\circ} on axes, about any point, using tracing paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=802K276
281dSecondaryRotate a shape by 90^{\circ} or 270^{\circ}on axes, about any point, without tracing paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5428
281eSecondaryRotate a shape by 180^{\circ} on axes, about any point, without tracing paper.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5429
282SecondaryExam Practice: Describing a rotationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=11https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TahCIk3iDCEE282
282aSecondaryDescribe a rotation centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=854https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/N-PlllnzOWsK282
282bSecondaryDescribe a rotation centred at any point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=855https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rH8ap8kJTWgK283
282cSecondaryUse positive and negative numbers to describe the direction of a rotation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5430
283SecondaryExam Practice: Scale drawings including map scalesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=132https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6H_h_YrLf-ME283
283aSecondaryDetermine the measurement of a real-life object given a measurement on a model and a ratio in the form 1:ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5431
283bSecondaryDetermine the measurement of a model given the real-life measurement and a ratio in the form 1:ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5432
283cSecondaryDetermine and use a scale, given the measure of the real-life and scaled objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8426
283dSecondaryEstimate the measurement of a real-life object given a scale drawing and another real-life measurement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5433
283eSecondaryEstimate the measurement of a real-life object given a scale drawing and an estimation of another real-life object.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5434
283fSecondaryUse a map scale to find an actual distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1376https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/61MN_RknWA4K543
283gSecondaryUse a map scale to find a distance on a map.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8442
283hSecondaryUse a map scale given in the form 1:n to find an actual distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1377https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jgwxNzCUW14K544
283iSecondaryUse a map to estimate a distance given another distance on the map.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8443
283jSecondaryComplete scale drawings with bearings.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5435
284SecondaryExam Practice: Constructions with lines and anglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=131https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/b35saVAV21oE284
284aSecondaryUnderstand Euclid's Postulates that form the basis of constructing diagrams with a straight edge and compass.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5436
284bSecondaryConstruct a circle with a given radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5437
284cSecondaryConstruct the perpendicular bisector of a line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1127K533
284dSecondaryConstruct the bisector of an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1128K534
284eSecondaryConstruct a line perpendicular to another line, passing through a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1415K536
284fSecondaryConstruct a line perpendicular to another line, passing through a given point on the line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1416K537
284gSecondaryConstruct a line segment of a given length on a given raydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5438
284hSecondaryConstruct a division of a line segment into two equal segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5439
284iSecondaryConstruct a division of a line segment into three equal segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5440
284jSecondaryConstruct a division of a line segment into more than three equal segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5441
284kSecondaryConstruct a 60 degree angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5442
284lSecondaryConstruct a 30 degree angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5443
284mSecondaryConstruct a 90 degree angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5444
284nSecondaryConstruct a 45 degree angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5445
284oSecondaryConstruct a parallelogram given the length of the sides and the measure of the angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5446
284pSecondaryConstruct a hexagon inside a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5447
284qSecondaryConstruct a square given one of the sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5448
284rSecondaryDetermine the centre of rotation between a shape and its image by constructing perpendicular bisectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5449
285SecondaryExam Practice: Locidrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=133E285
285aSecondaryConstruct the locus of the points away from two given points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1411K538
285bSecondaryConstruct the locus of the points away from at least two line segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1412K539
285cSecondaryConstruct the locus of the points away from a point and a line segment.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1413K540
285dSecondaryConstruct the locus of the points away from a shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1469K541
285eSecondaryConstruct the locus of the points equidistant from two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1470K542
285fSecondaryConstruct the locus of points given multiple criteria.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8791
286SecondaryExam Practice: Drawing and constructing trianglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4267E286
286aSecondaryConstruct an equilateral triangle given one of its edges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5450
286bSecondaryConstruct a triangle given two angles and a side (ASA).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1353K535
286cSecondaryConstruct a triangle given a right-angle, another angle and a side (ASA).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5451
286dSecondaryConstruct a triangle given three sides (SSS).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5452
286eSecondaryConstruct a triangle given two sides and their included angle (SAS).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5453
286fSecondaryConstruct a right-angled triangle given the lengths of the hypotenuse and another side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5454
287SecondaryExam Practice: Fractalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4268E287
287aSecondaryUnderstand properties of fractals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5455
287bSecondaryKnow the names of common fractal types.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5456
287cSecondaryUse a fractal rule to construct a shape to a particular depth.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5457
287dSecondaryAppreciate the occurrence of fractal features in natural phenomena.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5458
288SecondaryExam Practice: Pythagoras' theorem in 2D (excluding surds)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=137https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SaU9vS6HJEsE288
288aSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to calculate the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=718https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1U9hMmNtGgoK504
288bSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to calculate a shorter side of a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=719https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MJTMhKRiorIK505
288cSecondaryDetermine if a triangle is right-angled or if it is possible to construct (converse of Pythagoras' theorem).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=959https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pjvo_fTa9KUK506
288dSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find a length in an isosceles triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1193https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vp2Xn5sGGCYK508
288eSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find the area of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2014https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ibcy0Ro6UhQ
288fSecondaryUse the area of a triangle to find a length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2052https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/86Tenxw6UQQ
288gSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find the area of a kite.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8817https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/H8xijQsCT34
288hSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to solve problems involving movement in cardinal directions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2057https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eHnNNwZcLTI
288iSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find a cost or other physical quantity involving the perimeter of a shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2071https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/o4cp_rrCU0w
288jSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find a cost or other physical quantity involving the area of a shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2072https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/U9OPnpFN-lo
288kSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem twice for two triangles with a shared shorter side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1226https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2nxt3yFVs9kK509
288lSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem twice where a hypotenuse and a shorter length are shared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1617https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/g2bn0bGmGtY
288mSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem twice where a right-angled triangle is inscribed into another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1681https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xsdkhBAiAFQ
288nSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find the area or circumference of a circle from an inscribed triangle or rectangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8724https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eVkCo0VSGb0
288oSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find the perimeter of a compound shape that involves a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2067https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/egPj41h-IOY
288pSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to determine the area of a compound shape that involves a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2069https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qbQLk-7cyY4
288qSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to determine a length in a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2107https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rB4T6DMnjcQ
288rSecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a polygon formed from triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2135https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y7_Ym-uVMF8
288sSecondaryUse the length of the diagonal of a square to find its side length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2194https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GIVOG7CW1ZI
288tSecondaryDetermine a length related to the side of an octagon enclosed in a square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8751https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4eHDttlt_us
288uSecondaryDetermine a length involving touching circles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2203https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Wx-2FvUWePI
288vSecondaryProve Pythagoras' theorem and its converse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5459https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uICzJdMY5E0
289SecondaryExam Practice: Distance between two points given their coordinatesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=367https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ubyFqGudR_sE289
289aSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find the distance between two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=788https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-XxWqKmrq-UK507
289bSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to determine the perimeter of a rectangle on a coordinate grid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5460https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9JRnMqJuv0c
289cSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to determine the perimeter of a rectangle given the coordinates of its vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8848https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/382OCIfJJ10
290SecondaryExam Practice: Properties of congruent shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4269E290
290aSecondaryIdentify congruent shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5461
290bSecondaryIdentify angles and lengths in congruent shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5462
290cSecondaryIdentify whether two triangles are congruent by SSS, SAS, ASA or RHS.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5463
291SecondaryExam Practice: Properties of similar shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4270E291
291aSecondaryDetermine an angle in a shape similar to another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5464
291bSecondaryDetermine an angle in a shape similar to another with unknown angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5465
291cSecondaryDetermine the scale factor between two similar shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5466
291dSecondaryIdentify similar shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8653
291eSecondaryDetermine if two shapes are similar given their lengths, considering the ratio of corresponding lengths in the shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5467
291fSecondaryDetermine if two shapes are similar given their lengths, considering the ratio of lengths within the shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5468
292SecondaryExam Practice: Determine unknown lengths in similar shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=139https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DJfaDL9JPyoE292
292aSecondaryDetermine unknown lengths given two separate similar shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=734https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wlWIGPNbU1kK520
292bSecondaryDetermine unknown lengths given two similar triangles with one vertex in common.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=728https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZtX87R6zgDMK521
292cSecondaryDetermine unknown lengths given two similar shapes where one is inscribed inside the other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=732https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rCUh4spSAhMK522
292dSecondaryDetermine missing lengths given two similar shapes and information about their perimeters.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5469
292eSecondaryCalculate the amount of trimming required when enlarging an image from one size to another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5470
292fSecondaryDetermine unknown lengths given two similar shapes where one is inscribed inside the other and requires subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=733https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/j7lxlY9Wdw0K523
292gSecondaryDetermine an unknown shorter length on the coinciding side of one shape inscribed inside another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5471
292hSecondaryDetermine a length using similar triangles combined with Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5472
292iSecondaryUse similar triangles to split a length in a ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5473
293SecondaryExam Practice: Midpoint theorem and intercept theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4271E293
293aSecondaryUse the intercept theorem to find an unknown length on a smaller triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5475
293bSecondaryDetermine lengths using the intercept theorem in a triangle where multiple lines parallel to a side have been added.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5476
293cSecondaryProve the midpoint theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5477
293dSecondaryUse the midpoint theorem to reason about angles or lengths in a triangle where two midpoints have been joined.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5478
293eSecondaryUse the midpoint theorem to find the perimeter of a triangle formed by joining the midpoints of a larger triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5479
293fSecondaryUse the intercept theorem to find unknown lengths in a diagram where a parallelogram is inscribed inside a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5480
293gSecondaryUse the converse of the midpoint theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5481
294SecondaryExam Practice: Describing an enlargement/dilation for a positive integer scale factordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=13https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/frfbJCqYf5YE294
294aSecondaryIdentify the scale factor of enlargement/dilation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2186
294bSecondaryDescribe an enlargement/dilation with an integer scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=858https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/C-Ri_p-kz04K286
295SecondaryExam Practice: Enlarging/dilating a shape by a given positive integer scale factor around a given centre of enlargement/dilation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=12https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EbVnFbA4O5wE295
295aSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a positive integer scale factor with no given centre of enlargement/dilation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8587
295bSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a positive integer scale factor around a given centre of enlargement/dilation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=803https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/i3_SRGPc1BcK285
296SecondaryExam Practice: Describing an enlargement/dilation for a positive decimal or positive fractional scale factordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=578E296
296aSecondaryDescribe an enlargement/dilation with a unit fraction scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5482
296bSecondaryDescribe an enlargement/dilation with a decimal/fractional scale factor less than one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=859https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/J7xIqspTw3QK495
296cSecondaryDescribe an enlargement/dilation with a decimal/fractional scale factor greater than one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5483
297SecondaryExam Practice: Enlarging/dilating a shape by a decimal or fractional scale factordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=579E297
297aSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a unit fraction scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5484
297bSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a decimal or fractional scale factor less than one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=805https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OtXz8iA2ZxsK494
297cSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a decimal or fractional scale factor greater than one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5485
298SecondaryExam Practice: Negative indicesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=57https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RBPbRrHSCVsE298
298aSecondaryRaise a whole number to a negative integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=648https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nGRL49vG1PAK436
298bSecondaryRaise a fraction to a negative integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=649https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BRHrDcQEFaoK437
298cSecondaryRaise a decimal to a negative integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8343
298dSecondaryRaise an algebraic term to a negative integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=818https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vNLeaAm9UVUK440
298eSecondaryWrite a fraction with an algebraic term on the denominator as a power of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1621
298fSecondaryRaise an algebraic fraction to a negative integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2267
298gSecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving negative indices, given its equivalent value as a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2258
298hSecondaryDetermine the unknown base in an expression involving negative indices, given its equivalent as a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2310
298iSecondaryDetermine the unknown power or base in an expression involving negative indices, given its equivalent as a decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2314
298jSecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving index laws and negative indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2268
298kSecondaryDetermine the unknown base in an expression involving index laws and negative indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2311
299SecondaryExam Practice: Expanding two bracketsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=70https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QwAwH5qiA1YE299
299aSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (x+a)(x+b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5486https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Fu3UfgcFiVc
299bSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (x- a)(x- b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=632https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/T1KG1Q9AXfQK351
299cSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (x + a)(x - b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8723https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/l43UvD8Yyvw
299dSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (x-a)(x+a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1351https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZdQ9HC4KB9kK354
299eSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (x \pm a)^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1295https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oXtG1JxXyPUK353
299fSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (ax \pm b)(cx \pm d)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=633https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y0kIV_rvR9YK352
299gSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (ax-b)(ax+b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5487https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QNkmN1Os8qU
299hSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (a \pm bx)(c \pm dx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5488https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GsuPJ0EMNIQ
299iSecondaryExpand double brackets involving binomial expressions with multiple variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5489https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/i5RmMFb-zm4
299jSecondaryExpand double brackets with up to three terms in a single bracket.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5490https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E8LWcdZknjU
299kSecondaryExpand double brackets given in the form (ax \pm b)(cx^2 \pm dx \pm e)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1013https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/a1dhEi_eMbAK763
299lSecondaryExpand a single term and two brackets given in the form ax(bx \pm c)(dx \pm e)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2015https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/T3ZsF8tWnnY
299mSecondaryExpand double brackets involving index laws.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5491https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Kt5sMcFGxSA
299nSecondaryExpand and simplify the sum of a double and single bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1403https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3jZhlmQXQVcK356
299oSecondaryExpand and simplify the difference of a double and single bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8722https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TQDZpN-BgHc
299pSecondaryExpand and simplify the sum of two double bracket expansions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5492https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/x8gqr-4cR2k
299qSecondaryExpand and simplify the difference of two double bracket expansions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1400https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LxWeb-t1RlUK355
299rSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (ax \pm b)^2 \pm (cx\pm d)^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2017https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7TAbB7uxxmc
299sSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (a\pm\frac{b}{x})^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2018https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zyWH8DhU2Kk
300SecondaryExam Practice: Expanding three (or more) bracketsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=501E300
300aSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (x \pm a)(x \pm b)(x \pm c)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1650https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BuacIrsxZ6g
300bSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (x \pm a)(bx \pm c)(dx \pm e)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5494
300cSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (ax \pm b)(cx \pm d)(ex \pm f)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=634https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GyqOPBdGcHoK357
300dSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (ax \pm b)^3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1294https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kpMH9JabDQAK358
300eSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (ax+b)^2(cx+d)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1994https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hxqegvamG9c
300fSecondaryExpand an expression given in the form (ax+b)^3+(cx+d)^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2009https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QdhWhTMVgIk
301SecondaryExam Practice: Conversion of large numbers to and from standard form/scientific notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=45https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/v2m_PKVVLwQE301
301aSecondaryDetermine the smallest or largest value from numbers greater than 1 written in standard form/scientific notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5495
301bSecondaryOrder a set of large numbers given in standard form/scientific notation, without converting to ordinary numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8283
301cSecondaryConvert a large number to standard form/scientific notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=789https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S_3w3bpPQfMK444
301dSecondaryConvert a large number in standard form/scientific notation to a normal number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=791https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KPcVaXrh198K446
301eSecondaryConvert a large number given in the form a \times 10^b, where a \ge 10 and b is positive, to standard form/scientific notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=790https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0sWuPH0AIBQK447
301fSecondaryOrder a mixture of larger numbers given in standard form/scientific notation and ordinary numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1448K443
301gSecondaryOrder a mixture of larger numbers given in standard form/scientific notation, ordinary numbers and a \times 10^b form, where a \ge 10 and b is positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8282
302SecondaryExam Practice: Conversion of small numbers to and from standard form/scientific notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=46https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3pUioUlapFwE302
302aSecondaryDetermine the smallest or largest value from numbers less than 1 written in standard form/scientific notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8787
302bSecondaryOrder a set of small numbers given in standard form/scientific notation, without converting to ordinary numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8286
302cSecondaryConvert a small number to standard form/scientific notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1263https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nsl2604P89oK445
302dSecondaryConvert a small number in standard form/scientific notation to a normal number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2355
302eSecondaryConvert a number given in the form a \times 10^b, where a <1 or a \ge 10, to standard form/scientific notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2350
302fSecondaryOrder a mixture of small numbers given in standard form/scientific notation and ordinary numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2351
302gSecondaryOrder a mixture of small numbers given in standard form/scientific notation, ordinary numbers and a \times 10^b form, where a <1 or a \ge 10 and b is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8285
303SecondaryExam Practice: Adding or subtracting numbers in standard form/scientific notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=48https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8ozX1iXs_GIE303
303aSecondaryAdd or subtract numbers in standard form/scientific notation by use of a scientific calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8344
303bSecondaryAdd or subtract large numbers in standard form/scientific notation by conversion to ordinary numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=795https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pdsE38Z8UmAK448
303cSecondaryAdd or subtract small numbers in standard form/scientific notation by conversion to ordinary numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=796https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4XbZpicZ0NgK449
303dSecondaryAdd or subtract large numbers in standard form/scientific notation by use of equivalent powers of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5496
303eSecondaryAdd or subtract small numbers in standard form/scientific notation by use of equivalent powers of 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5497
304SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form/scientific notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=47https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BWNWVZF41rAE304
304aSecondaryMultiply or divide numbers in standard form/scientific notation by use of a scientific calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8345
304bSecondaryMultiply numbers in standard form/scientific notation with only positive powers where no index adjustment is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2373
304cSecondaryDivide numbers in standard form/scientific notation with only positive powers where no index adjustment is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2377
304dSecondaryMultiply numbers in standard form/scientific notation with only positive powers where index adjustment is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2375
304eSecondaryDivide numbers in standard form/scientific notation with only positive powers where index adjustment is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2372
304fSecondaryMultiply numbers in standard form/scientific notation with a mixture of positive and negative powers where index adjustment may be required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2376
304gSecondaryDivide numbers in standard form/scientific notation where the first power is negative and where index adjustment may be required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2379
304hSecondaryDivide numbers in standard form/scientific notation where the second power is negative and where index adjustment may be required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=794https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wAF2i7JMh9wK452
304iSecondaryComplete calculations in standard form combining an addition/subtraction with a multiplication/division by use of a scientific calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8413
304jSecondaryRaise an algebraic expression in standard form to a positive integer power, converting back to standard form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5498
305SecondaryExam Practice: Bases of number systems and counting in different basesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=430E305
305aSecondaryCount in bases other than base 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5499
305bSecondaryIdentify the base of a number system.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5500
306SecondaryExam Practice: Converting numbers to decimal from another basedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=431E306
306aSecondaryConvert numbers to decimal from binary.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1855https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6uDIPxV7VhA
306bSecondaryConvert numbers to decimal from any base between 3 and 9.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1858https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LAlLv8ddgpY
306cSecondaryConvert numbers to decimal from any base greater than 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1859https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nLzcKkcZnyo
306dSecondaryWrite an expression, in terms of n for the value of a number in decimal, when written in base ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5501
307SecondaryExam Practice: Converting a number from decimal to another base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=432E307
307aSecondaryConvert numbers from decimal to binary.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1861
307bSecondaryConvert numbers from decimal to any base between 3 and 9.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1862
307cSecondaryConvert numbers from decimal to any base greater than 10.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1863
308SecondaryExam Practice: Converting to and from other ancient number systemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4272E308
308aSecondaryConvert a number from Egyptian numeral hieroglyphs to decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5502
308bSecondaryConvert a number from Mayan (base 20) to decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5503
308cSecondaryConvert a number from Babylonian (base 60) to decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5504
308dSecondaryConvert a number from Cistercian numerals to decimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5505
309SecondaryExam Practice: Understanding algebraic statements of inequalitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=87https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aospnqxvk2wE309
309aSecondaryRepresent a one-ended inequality on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1121https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JKSbMlBdeyAK341
309bSecondaryInterpret a one-ended inequality represented on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1055https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iKJN-j4eIu4K342
309cSecondaryRepresent a two-ended inequality on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5506
309dSecondaryInterpret a two-ended inequality represented on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5507
309eSecondaryList the integer values represented by an inequality on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5508
309fSecondaryList the integer values represented by an algebraic statement of inequality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8338
310SecondaryExam Practice: Upper and lower bound of rounded values or identifying an error intervaldrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=156https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sfrT6b8QoXME310
310aSecondaryCalculate bounds of a number rounded to the nearest 1, 10, 100, 1000.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=808https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OwzB3rcsWR8K453
310bSecondaryCalculate bounds of a number rounded to a given number of decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=809https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2j9h0Y-DY-IK454
310cSecondaryCalculate bounds of a number rounded to a given number of significant figures.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=810https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CsaqPmsDV3QK455
310dSecondaryDetermine the error interval of a rounded number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1120https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4l6Q6IdYkQcK456
311SecondaryExam Practice: Forming a grouped frequency table (using inequality notation)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4273E311
311aSecondaryRead off frequency values from grouped frequency tables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2344
311bSecondaryForm a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=722https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kR-nhxuin84K253
311cSecondaryUnderstand the limitations of grouped data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8397
312SecondaryExam Practice: Estimating the mean from grouped frequency tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=387https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lAWcjzTaj6cE312
312aSecondaryExplain why midpoints are used to make estimates from grouped frequency tables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5509
312bSecondaryEstimate the total from a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1437https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Catys9NjVvcK254
312cSecondaryEstimate the mean from a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=743https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Jgd-GrmEGiYK255
312dSecondaryDetermine an unknown frequency given an estimated mean for a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5510
313SecondaryExam Practice: Modal and median class interval and estimate of the range from a grouped frequency tabledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4274E313
313aSecondaryIdentify the modal class from a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1388https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cJzf3yxizC0K256
313bSecondaryIdentify the class interval of the median for a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1425https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Am9Fj9A0Vr8K257
313cSecondaryDetermine possible maximum and minimum ranges from grouped frequency tables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5511
314SecondaryExam Practice: Histograms of equal class widthdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4275E314
314aSecondaryComplete a histogram with equal class widths using a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5512
314bSecondaryCalculate the frequency of a given range on a histogram with equal widths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5513
314cSecondaryCalculate a proportion or probability from a histogram with equal class widths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8323
315SecondaryExam Practice: Frequency polygonsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=335https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Tpw76PK3zxYE315
315aSecondaryInterpret a frequency polygon for ungrouped data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5514
315bSecondaryDraw a frequency polygon for ungrouped data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1054https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MppB0LJJOmYK268
315cSecondaryInterpret a frequency polygon for grouped data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5515
315dSecondaryDraw a frequency polygon for grouped data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5516
315eSecondaryCompare data sets using frequency polygons.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5517
316SecondaryExam Practice: Analysing graphical representationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4276E316
316aSecondaryDetermine the most suitable graphical representation for a set of data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5518
316bSecondaryDetermine the modal value or class interval from a given graphical representation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5519
316cSecondaryDetermine the median value or class interval from a given graphical representation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5520
316dSecondaryDetermine the range or an estimate of the range from a given graphical representation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5521
316eSecondaryDetermine the mean or an estimate of the mean value from a given graphical representation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5522
316fSecondaryUnderstand how graphical representations can be used to mislead.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5523
317SecondaryExam Practice: Further terms in relation to circles, including chord and segmentdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=130https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KtvUWq_6ji0E317
317aSecondaryIdentify tangents, chords, arcs, sectors and segments of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5524
317bSecondaryUnderstand and use the relationship between a chord and its perpendicular bisector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5525
317cSecondaryDetermine the length of a perpendicular bisector of a chord in a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2118
317dSecondaryUse the property that equal chords are equidistant from the centre of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5526
318SecondaryExam Practice: Arc length of more general sectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=370https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ftfKqYOV1pUE318
318aSecondaryCalculate the arc length of a sector of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1544https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Z2TX1j6L6LcK739
318bSecondaryCalculate the perimeter of a sector of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=721https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KG7TmtN5LoMK498
318cSecondaryDetermine the angle of a sector given its arc length and radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=786https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_p69pN_x4rUK500
318dSecondaryDetermine the radius of a sector given its arc length and angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=785https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4ONZUnSTTRYK499
318eSecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a portion of an annulus.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2220
319SecondaryExam Practice: Area of more general sectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=575E319
319aSecondaryCalculate the area of the sector of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=720https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VQ2oYjLIGlMK501
319bSecondaryDetermine the angle of a sector given its area and radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=787https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ECTZMzpGf5IK503
319cSecondaryDetermine the radius of a sector given its area and angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=784https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/j2LnyqJlCXUK502
319dSecondaryDetermine the area of a portion of an annulus given the area of a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5527
319eSecondaryDetermine the area of a sector given its arc length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2218
319fSecondaryDetermine the perimeter or arc length of a sector given its area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2217
320SecondaryExam Practice: Further constructions involving relationships of triangles and circlesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4277E320
320aSecondaryConstruct the circumcentre and circumcircle of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5528
320bSecondaryConstruct the incentre and incircle of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5529
320cSecondaryConstruct a tangent to a circle at a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5530
320dSecondaryConstruct the centroid of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5531
320eSecondaryConstruct the orthocentre of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5532
321SecondaryExam Practice: Trigonometry to determine side lengths in a right-angled triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=147https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/r6xuUjwyKekE321
321aSecondaryLabel sides relative to a given angle in a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=729https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cHdxdEmgT4wK482
321bSecondarySelect a trigonometric ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1536https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/O3XR8m9yJq0K732
321cSecondaryUse \sin, \cos and \tan to determine an unknown shorter length in a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=591https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IowDUc54xV4K483
321dSecondaryUse \sin, \cos and \tan to determine the hypotenuse or adjacent side in a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=730https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YkUWvbrF8FQK484
321eSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem then trigonometry to determine an unknown side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1227https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3HazNgPcZYcK485
321fSecondaryUse trigonometry twice to determine side lengths on triangles with a shared side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8364https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k9mSAfmaRUI
321gSecondaryDetermine a length in a right-angled triangle by first using a ratio to determine the angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1725https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xtdTazaW8u0
321hSecondaryDetermine lengths involving angles of depression or elevation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1952https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DoXnxTyISqU
321iSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine the perimeter or a length within an isosceles triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5533https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6WVDDLLuYi4
321jSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine the perimeter or a length within a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1953https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-M9WGhAv3Gk
321kSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine the area of a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1954https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4kdCyxzRN1I
321lSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine the area of an isosceles triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1955https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tBFHiXhOdQA
321mSecondaryDetermine a length within one triangle inscribed inside another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1956https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YsNM2tAxC3Y
321nSecondaryDetermine a length of an isosceles triangle with an inscribed circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1957
321oSecondaryDetermine the area of an isosceles triangle with an inscribed circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2061https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cdshMwd73jw
321pSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine the area of the kite created by two radii and two tangents of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1958https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OKeI5Yvya8c
321qSecondaryDetermine the lengths of a right-angled triangle to calculate the perimeter of a compound shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1960https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/buWbnJhj5uc
321rSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine a length in a bearings problem involving a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8858
321sSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine the area enclosed between two tangents and the arc of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1959https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LrBUBmLzubI
322SecondaryExam Practice: Trigonometry to determine angles in a right-angled triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=148https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5brkGmejvqUE322
322aSecondaryUse inverse trigonometric functions to solve \sin x = a using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1759https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aHBXJq5QCEM
322bSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine unknown angles in a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=731https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tmw76U5EeTgK486
322cSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem then trigonometry to determine an unknown angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1225https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FqBYdbcSoxwK487
322dSecondaryUnderstand and identify angles of elevation and depression (no trigonometry required).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8834
322eSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine angles of elevation and depression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1675https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mPSA9kvpTGY
322fSecondaryDetermine an angle when a ratio of sides is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2142https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/X1ruXb00z6c
322gSecondaryDetermine an angle in an isosceles triangle (no cosine rule/Law of Cosines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2145https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vUIujoIAkP8
322hSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine a length followed by an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2146https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/e6noeMruB5Q
322iSecondaryDetermine an angle in a scalene triangle drawn on a unit grid, where a side length is aligned to the grid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2147https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Q99Un-qcux0
322jSecondaryDetermine an angle in a scalene triangle drawn on a unit grid, where side lengths are not aligned to the grid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8290https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eM352eGkgJQ
322kSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine an angle in inscribed triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2148https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xOFIkBgFksg
322lSecondaryDetermine an angle in a trapezium using Pythagoras' theorem or three of the lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2149
322mSecondaryDetermine an angle in a trapezium using its area and parallel sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2150https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NIsEVP0j63U
322nSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine an angle in a bearings problem involving a right-angled triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8444https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/feqSlb2Utjg
322oSecondaryUse trigonometry to determine an arc length given tangents and radii of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2151https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7A8TYcJA440
322pSecondaryCalculate the gradient of a line given its angle of inclination or depression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8532https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AmlysMmNhMM
322qSecondaryCalculate the angle of inclination given two points on a straight line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8533https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6I-afPeNsew
323SecondaryExam Practice: Converting between units of area and volumedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=154https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6xEMe5M9VJgE323
323aSecondaryConvert metric units of area by multiplying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1211https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FxRCoWfVt_EK529
323bSecondaryConvert metric units of area by dividing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1212https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y4McxXelJvwK530
323cSecondaryConvert metric units of volume by multiplying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1213https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/e2v1ZyfhmIEK531
323dSecondaryConvert metric units of volume by dividing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1214https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lizhx89P7UgK532
323eSecondaryConvert from units of capacity to units of volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1282K135
323fSecondaryConvert from units of volume to units of capacity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1283K134
323gSecondaryWrite an algebraic expression for an area or volume resulting from a unit conversion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8905
324SecondaryExam Practice: Relationship between scale factors of length, area and volumedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=140https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ao0GmorAq3IE324
324aSecondaryDetermine the scale factor of area for two similar shapes given the scale factor of length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8571
324bSecondaryDetermine the area of a shape, given the area of a similar shape and a length on each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=824https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/efHHb2-wUnIK524
324cSecondaryDetermine an unknown length of a shape, given the area of two similar shapes and one of their side lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5534
324dSecondaryDetermine the scale factor of volume for two similar solids given the scale factor of length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8572
324eSecondaryDetermine the volume of a solid, given the volume of a similar solid and a length on each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=826https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SoMC_burbacK525
324fSecondaryDetermine an unknown length of a solid, given the volume of two similar solids and one of their side lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5535
324gSecondaryDetermine the area/volume of a solid, given the area/volume of a similar solid and a length on each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8573
324hSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a similar solid when the volumes are given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=825https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bCvYK5ba4UgK526
324iSecondaryDetermine the volume of a similar solid when the surface areas are given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=827https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/u411Iper_bMK527
324jSecondaryDetermine the length/surface area/volume for a similar solid when the scale factor is given in ratio form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=828https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cYFDbET1njUK528
324kSecondaryDetermine the ratio of the length/surface area/volume for two similar solids given a scale factor of another quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8575
324lSecondarySolve problems involving two similar solids when the scale factor for length/surface area/volume is given in percentage difference form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8574
324mSecondaryAppreciate that scale factor of mass is the same as scale factor of volume where the material is the same.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2237
324nSecondaryDetermine an actual area given an area on the map.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1575K754
324oSecondaryDetermine an area on a map given the actual area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1576K755
324pSecondaryDetermine an area for inscribed triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2269
324qSecondaryForm an equation relating areas in inscribed triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2281
324rSecondaryUse the area of a shape to determine the increase in area to a similar shape that it is inscribed in.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2287
324sSecondaryUse the area of a shape to determine the increase in area from a similar shape inscribed in it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2307
324tSecondaryUse the area of increase from an enlarged shape to determine the area of the original shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2325
324uSecondarySolve problems involving similarity of a frustum and its original cone or pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2326
325SecondaryExam Practice: Speed calculations for a single journeydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=155https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/J_r_TopXCMEE325
325aSecondaryCalculate the average speed given the distance and time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=739https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hkF8L21LJrkK512
325bSecondaryCalculate the average speed when the time is given in hours and minutes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5536
325cSecondaryCalculate the distance given the average speed and time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=740https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3y5aSr1qRhgK513
325dSecondaryCalculate the time given the average speed and distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=741https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gCybJxJ4YKoK514
325eSecondaryCalculate the end time on a 12 or 24 hour clock using a calculation involving speed, distance and time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5539
325fSecondaryCalculate a speed or distance using a timetable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5537
325gSecondarySolve problems involving speed with unit conversionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1742
325hSecondaryCalculate speed or time using the perimeter of a shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5538
326SecondaryExam Practice: Speed calculations for multiple journeys or a journey in stagesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4278E326
326aSecondaryDetermine the speed, distance or time in the second part of a journey.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5540https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ltnAwkmfxHk
326bSecondaryDetermine the average speed by combining two parts of a journey.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1399https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dS_XfcLcPEsK515
326cSecondaryUse a speed, distance or time calculation from one journey to make a calculation about another journey.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5541https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qNTo045WniE
327SecondaryExam Practice: Constructing and reading distance-time graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=395E327
327aSecondaryState the distance from a point using a distance-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2278
327bSecondaryState the time of specific events on a distance-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2161
327cSecondaryState the duration of specific events on a distance-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2162
327dSecondaryCalculate a speed on a distance-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1125K327
327eSecondaryConstruct a distance-time graph from provided information.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1124https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fEGH5satAEwK326
327fSecondaryProblem solve from a distance-time graph using speed-distance-time calculations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8906
328SecondaryExam Practice: Densitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=400https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XZM9k8j1dOcE328
328aSecondaryCalculate the density given the mass and the volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1289https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/H_o8tewYAjkK517
328bSecondaryCalculate the mass given the density and the volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1290https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eAzRq-9fRTQK518
328cSecondaryCalculate the volume given the density and the mass.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1291https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/f-ipLI__7DAK519
328dSecondarySolve problems involving mass, density and volume of a cuboid or prism (excluding cylinders).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5542
328eSecondarySolve problems involving mass, density and volume of a cylinder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5543
328fSecondarySolve problems using mass, density and volume, involving mixed units.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5544
328gSecondarySolve problems involving two densities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1445K516
329SecondaryExam Practice: Pressuredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4279E329
329aSecondaryCalculate pressure, force or area where two of the values are provided.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5545
329bSecondaryCalculate pressure, force or area where two of the values are provided and have mixed units.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8774
329cSecondarySolve problems involving pressure, force and area involving a surface or 3D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5546
329dSecondarySolve problems involving pressure, force and area involving a surface or 3D shape, involving mixed units.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8775
330SecondaryExam Practice: Other compound measures (excluding speed, pressure and density)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4280E330
330aSecondaryCalculate general compound measures, such as rate of flow.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5547
330bSecondaryDetermine the time to fill or empty a container given the rate of flow.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1577K756
330cSecondarySolve problems involving rate of flow in more complex solids.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5548
331SecondaryExam Practice: Convert between units for compound measuresdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4281E331
331aSecondaryConvert between compound measures where only the first unit changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5549
331bSecondaryConvert between compound measures where only the second unit changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5550
331cSecondaryConvert between compound measures where both units change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5551
331dSecondaryConvert between m/s and km/h.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2090
331eSecondaryConvert between N/cm^2 and N/m^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5552
331fSecondaryConvert between g/cm^3 and kg/m^3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5553
332SecondaryExam Practice: Real-life linear graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4282E332
332aSecondaryDetermine the output of a linear model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8894
332bSecondaryDetermine the gradient of a straight line which is drawn in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5554
332cSecondaryDetermine the y-intercept of a straight line which is drawn in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5555
332dSecondaryInterpret the gradient of a straight line which is drawn in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5556
332eSecondaryInterpret the y-intercept of a straight line which is drawn in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5557
332fSecondaryDetermine the equation of a straight line which is drawn in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5558
332gSecondaryInterpret the gradient and y-intercept of a line of best fit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8307
332hSecondaryDetermine the equation of a line of best fit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8308
332iSecondaryMake connections between the shape of a graph and the story of a phenomenon.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5559
333SecondaryExam Practice: Infinite number setsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4283E333
333aSecondaryDetermine whether a number is in \mathbb{N} and/or \mathbb{Z}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5560
333bSecondaryDetermine if a number is rational or irrational.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5561
333cSecondaryDetermine whether a number is in \mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{R} and/or \mathbb{Q}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5562
333dSecondaryRepresent an inequality on a number line, considering only a given infinite number set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5563
334SecondaryExam Practice: Simplifying surdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=62https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LDH_VS1fwYEE334
334aSecondarySimplify a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=678https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_sOlar67n8QK673
334bSecondarySimplify a multiple of a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1327https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CM4ORTTyY5EK674
334cSecondaryWrite a surd in the form \sqrt{a}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1618https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PSvaPo56dDc
334dSecondarySimplify a surd of a fraction or mixed number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8919
335SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying and dividing surdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=366https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XiuLvyXyRxYE335
335aSecondaryMultiply two surds or a surd and a non-surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=681https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oje4wceCRrYK675
335bSecondarySquare a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5565
335cSecondaryMultiply multiples of surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1985https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/B5OcuvQQsWY
335dSecondarySquare a multiple of a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1986https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bW2BdKo9V_M
335eSecondaryMultiply two surds that require simplifying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=682https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xg2FjpqB8fgK676
335fSecondaryDivide two surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=683https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CfX7K9lBx7cK677
335gSecondaryDivide two surds that require simplifying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1733https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QVmWAGIpPhw
335hSecondaryMultiply or divide surds with algebra.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1619https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dcOwRSBNpDU
335iSecondaryGenerate a geometric sequence with a surd as common ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5566
336A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting surdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=61https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/O0Hm8oAgrPIE336
336aA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract surds with the same root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=679https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zIPsPUHMsL4K678
336bA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract surds that require simplifying.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=680https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vlqatolhDwcK679
336cA Level, SecondaryReason about the sum, difference and product of a mixture of rational and irrational numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8863
337SecondaryExam Practice: Expanding brackets with surdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4284E337
337aSecondaryExpand a single bracket with surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=685https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3Q9HxC3TgAEK680
337bSecondaryExpand a single bracket with surds, where simplification of surds is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1987https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JrWRh-MYsqY
337cSecondaryExpand two brackets involving surds given in the form (a+\sqrt{b})(c+\sqrt{b})drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=867https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9SpdRhVL2TMK681
337dSecondaryExpand two brackets with surds, where simplification of surds is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=869https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eLPnx0ANusoK682
337eSecondaryExpand two brackets involving multiples of surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=870https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tR2bBd4D7OMK683
337fSecondarySquare a bracket involving surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=871https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FKdFK5DtkqgK684
337gSecondaryMultiply three brackets involving surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1990https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-LrZUmdQDWM
337hSecondaryCompare coefficients of surds and non-surds to determine values of variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1993https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VryGlnNEbIw
338SecondaryExam Practice: Pythagoras' Theorem with surdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4285E338
338aSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem giving the answer in simplified surd form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5567https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/I8LvK0H9GhI
338bSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem to find the distance between two points in simplified surd form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1673https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/b1RnFfW42_w
338cSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem with sides which are surd terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5568https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WavoGftazx8
338dSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem with sides which are surd expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1999https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d0b93aLIbNw
338eSecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a composite shape in surd form, where a missing side is found by use of Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5569https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-lsKZRH6Gdw
338fSecondaryDetermine the area of a composite shape in surd form, where a missing side is found by use of Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5570https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MrJNSbD4W3s
339SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear inequalities in one variabledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=85https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h20HXgEgUq0E339
339aSecondarySolve a linear inequality in one variable with one step.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1605https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vAlrKVT3dYM
339bSecondarySolve a linear inequality in one variable with two steps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1122https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WT8sdeti_wIK343
339cSecondarySolve a linear inequality in one variable involving simple fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5571
339dSecondarySolve a linear inequality in one variable involving brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8729
339eSecondarySolve a linear inequality in one variable involving brackets and fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8730
339fSecondarySolve a linear inequality in one variable where the coefficient of x is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1468K344
339gSecondaryDetermine the greatest or least integer which satisfies a linear inequality in one variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5572
339hSecondarySolve and represent the solution of a one-ended linear inequality in one variable on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5573
339iSecondarySolve and represent the solution of a linear inequality in one variable, with solutions in a given infinite number set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5574
340SecondaryExam Practice: Solving linear inequalities with one variable on both sidesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4286E340
340aSecondarySolve a linear inequality with the unknown on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1247https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UWl8oZvuF7gK345
340bSecondarySolve a linear inequality with brackets and the unknown on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1802
340cSecondarySolve a linear inequality involving a single fraction and the unknown on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8830
340dSecondarySolve a linear inequality involving multiple fractions and the unknown on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8831
341SecondaryExam Practice: Solving two-ended linear inequalitiesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4287E341
341aSecondarySolve a two-ended linear inequality in one variable with a single step.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1245https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WL8lKEb_WiYK346
341bSecondarySolve a two-ended linear inequality in one variable with two steps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1246https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/y_RVu9_ExLEK347
341cSecondarySolve a two-ended linear inequality in one variable involving fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5575
341dSecondarySolve a two-ended linear inequality in one variable and list the integer values which satisfy it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5576
341eSecondarySolve a two-ended linear inequality in one variable which has a negative coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5577
341fSecondarySolve and represent the solution of a two-ended linear inequality in one variable on a number line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5578
341gSecondaryCombine two inequalities where one implies the other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8826
341hSecondaryCombine two inequalities with an overlapping range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8827
341iSecondaryCombine two more complex inequalities involving an 'or'/disjunction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8828
341jSecondarySolve a pair of linear inequalities in one variable and state the integer values that satisfy both.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5579
341kSecondarySolve a more complex two-ended linear inequality where the variable appears in the outer expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8829
342SecondaryExam Practice: Forming and solving linear inequalities from a given contextdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4288E342
342aSecondaryForm and solve a one-ended linear inequality in one variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5580
342bSecondaryConsider possible solutions to a one-ended linear inequality from two variables, given information about one or both variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5581
342cSecondaryForm and solve a two-ended linear inequality in one variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5582
343SecondaryExam Practice: Inequalities for expressions given a restricted domain on the variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4289E343
343aSecondaryDetermine the set of values satisfying a linear inequality of a variable, given a restricted domain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5583
343bSecondaryDetermine the set of values satisfying a linear inequality of a function of a variable, given a restricted domain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5584
343cSecondaryDetermine the set of values satisfying a linear inequality involving two unknowns and two restricted domains.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5585
343dSecondaryDetermine the set of values satisfying a linear inequality involving a function of two unknowns and two restricted domains.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5586
344SecondaryExam Practice: Types of datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4290E344
344aSecondaryClassify data as qualitative or quantitative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5587
344bSecondaryClassify quantitative data as discrete or continuous.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2214
344cSecondaryClassify data as categorical, ordinal, bivariate or multivariate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5588
344dSecondaryClassify data as primary or secondary.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5589
344eSecondaryUnderstand the advantages and disadvantages of using primary and secondary data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5590
345A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Populations and censuses versus samplingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4291E345
345aA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the difference between a census and a sample.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5591
345bA Level, SecondaryIdentify the population and sampling frame.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5592
346SecondaryExam Practice: Data collection methods (excluding experiments)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=333E346
346aSecondaryIdentify a described data collection method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5593
346bSecondaryCreate or critique a data collection sheet.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5594
346cSecondaryUnderstand question types that are used in questionnaires and when they are appropriate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5595
346dSecondaryCritique questionnaire questions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2215
346eSecondaryWrite a suitable questionnaire question.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2216
346fSecondaryKnow the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews or anonymous questionnaires.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5596
346gSecondaryUnderstand the need for a pilot study or survey.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5597
347SecondaryExam Practice: Statistical experimentsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4292E347
347aSecondaryIdentify the explanatory and response variable in an investigation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5598
347bSecondaryIdentify the type of experiment conducted from a description.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5599
347cSecondaryUnderstand the advantages and disadvantages of different types of experiment.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5600
347dSecondaryUnderstand the importance of identifying and controlling extraneous variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5601
347eSecondaryUse control groups and matched pairs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5602
347fSecondaryUnderstand the importance of blind and double blind trials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5603
347gSecondaryUse completely random and randomised block designs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8262
348A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Simple random samplingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4293E348
348aA Level, SecondaryDefine random and biased samples.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5604
348bA Level, SecondaryDescribe how to take a random sample.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5605
348cA Level, SecondaryComplete a random sample of the sampling frame using a random number table or random number generator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5606
349SecondaryExam Practice: Non-random samplingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4294E349
349aSecondaryIdentify a described non-random sampling method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5607
349bSecondaryUnderstand the advantages and disadvantages of non-random sampling methods.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5608
349cSecondaryDiscuss the suitability of a given sampling method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5609
350A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Stratified samplingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=334E350
350aA Level, SecondaryTake a stratified sample by one category.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1137https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cxlNHItH5UIK271
350bA Level, SecondaryTake a stratified sample by more than one category.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5610
350cA Level, SecondaryUnderstand when taking a stratified sample is appropriate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5611
351SecondaryExam Practice: Capture-Recapturedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4295E351
351aSecondaryUse the capture-recapture method to estimate the size of a population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1309https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BlanMLOCazQK272
351bSecondaryUnderstand the assumptions made in the Petersen capture-recapture method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5612
352SecondaryExam Practice: Planning a statistical enquirydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4296E352
352aSecondaryWrite a hypothesis for an investigation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5613
352bSecondaryDescribe the data needed to investigate a hypothesis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5614
352cSecondaryUnderstand constraints on designing an investigation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5615
352dSecondaryUnderstand the difference between raw and processed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5616
352eSecondaryJustify the size of data groups when grouping data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5617
352fSecondaryKnow how to deal with problems in the data including data cleaning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5618
352gSecondarySuggest suitable data summaries or representations to be used in an investigation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5619
352hSecondaryEvaluate a plan for a statistical enquiry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5620
353A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Probability of independent and successive independent events (including tree diagrams)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=347https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yJva4ph-KEEE353
353aA Level, SecondaryDraw a tree diagram to represent successive independent events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=861https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aqZwLt7iUBYK562
353bA Level, SecondaryDeal with a single chain of outcomes involving successive independent events, using a tree diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=863https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KIDSG4W6IFIK563
353cA Level, SecondaryDeal with a single chain of outcomes involving successive independent events, without using a tree diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5621
353dA Level, SecondaryDeal with multiple different chains of outcomes involving successive independent events, using a tree diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=864https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MT2nJf01-YMK564
353eA Level, SecondaryDeal with multiple different chains of outcomes involving successive independent events, without using a tree diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5622
353fA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of achieving a given sum from multiple values, with item replacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5623
353gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of a first success occurring after a certain number of trials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5624
353hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of a chain of outcomes given the probability of another chain of outcomes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5625
353iA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of at least one occurrence of an event given a larger number of trials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5626
353jA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of succeeding within a fixed number of trials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5627
353kA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of reaching a point via a random route on a grid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5628
353lA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of an outcome in a probability tree given the combined probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8588
354A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Successive dependent events, i.e. sampling without replacement (including tree diagrams)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=349https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UMKClPTcOzoE354
354aA Level, SecondaryDraw a tree diagram to represent successive dependent events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=862https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/D50XkefUMFsK565
354bA Level, SecondaryDeal with a single chain of outcomes involving successive dependent events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=865https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/u8lbulZL7LsK566
354cA Level, SecondaryDeal with multiple different chains of outcomes involving successive dependent events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=866https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0tr0NuPj39EK567
354dA Level, SecondaryDeal with three or more chains of outcomes involving successive dependent events.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5629
354eA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of achieving a given sum or product from multiple values, without item replacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5630
354fA Level, SecondaryDetermine the probability of successive events by grouping outcomes (e.g. into odd and even).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1687https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/quUtSdw-em8
355A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Probabilities from Venn diagrams (no set notation)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=303E355
355aA Level, SecondaryDetermine missing probabilities in a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8445
355bA Level, SecondaryCalculate probabilities of mutually exclusive events from given probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1233K845
355cA Level, SecondaryCalculate probabilities of a single region using a Venn diagram with two non-mutually exclusive sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1538K734
355dA Level, SecondaryCalculate probabilities of multiple regions using a Venn diagram with two non-mutually exclusive sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8446
355eA Level, SecondaryCalculate probabilities using a Venn diagram with three non-mutually exclusive sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1539K735
355fA Level, SecondaryCalculate probabilities by drawing a Venn diagram with two non-mutually exclusive sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1342https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-88kdSHqXQUK568
355gA Level, SecondaryCalculate probabilities by drawing a Venn diagram with three non-mutually exclusive sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1344K569
355hA Level, SecondaryDetermine a probability where the selection is made from a subgroup of a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5631
355iA Level, SecondaryCalculate an unknown variable in algebraic frequencies, given a probability when a selection is made from a subgroup of the Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8868
355jA Level, SecondaryDetermine whether two events are independent using a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8447
356A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Probabilities from Venn diagrams using set notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4297E356
356aA Level, SecondaryUse set notation to calculate probabilities of mutually exclusive events from a Venn diagram filled with frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5632
356bA Level, SecondaryUse set notation to calculate probabilities of non-mutually exclusive events from a Venn diagram filled with frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1134https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7zaJTqVeDO4K468
356cA Level, SecondaryUse set notation to calculate probabilities of non-mutually exclusive events from a Venn diagram filled with elements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1632
356dA Level, SecondaryCalculate a probability involving set notation by constructing a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8448
357A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Conditional probability (no set notation)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=304E357
357aA Level, SecondaryDetermine a conditional probability from a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5633
357bA Level, SecondaryDetermine a conditional probability from a frequency tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5634
357cA Level, SecondaryDetermine a conditional probability from a probability tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5635
357dA Level, SecondaryDetermine a conditional probability from a Venn diagram filled with frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5636
357eA Level, SecondaryDetermine a conditional probability from a Venn diagram filled with elements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5637
358A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Expressing a power using a different basedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=59https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/84dobFhaHJcE358
358aA Level, SecondaryExpress a power using a different base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1726
358bA Level, SecondaryUse change of base to form a linear formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1188https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oENEM7aB_FEK767
358cA Level, SecondaryUse index laws and change of base to write as a single index.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1522K721
358dA Level, SecondarySolve equations by transforming to the same base, leading to a linear equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1511K713
358eA Level, SecondaryChange the subject of the formula by transforming to the same base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5638
359SecondaryExam Practice: Calculating values after compound percentage changesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=54https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ldGnUUnEnAAE359
359aSecondaryUnderstand the difference between simple and compound interest.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5639
359bSecondaryCalculate a value after a compound percentage increase.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=884https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tIlKzp8LwdQK427
359cSecondaryCalculate a value after a compound percentage decrease.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=885https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mY5ND_KZviYK428
359dSecondaryCalculate a value after several compound percentage changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1773
359eSecondaryDetermine a percentage change after one period to subsequently determine further compound changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8821
359fSecondaryCompare the performance of different bank accounts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5641
359gSecondaryCalculate the overall percentage change equivalent to a multiple compound percentage changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5642
359hSecondaryCalculate the annual simple interest rate equivalent to a compound change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8805
359iSecondaryCalculate a percentage change within a compound change consisting of different percentages.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5643
360SecondaryExam Practice: Financial maths (excluding compound interest)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4298E360
360aSecondaryComplete a bank statement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1537K733
360bSecondaryComplete information in a utility or phone bill.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8914
360cSecondarySolve problems involving wages and a salaries, including commission.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5644
360dSecondarySolve problems involving budgeting.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5645
360eSecondaryCalculate profit margin and mark up.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5646
360fSecondarySolve problems with an upfront fee and regular payments thereafter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5648
360gSecondarySolve problems involving VAT.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5647
360hSecondaryComplete calculation of income tax or other taxes with different tax bands.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5649
360iSecondaryComplete calculation of National Insurance payments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8507
360jSecondaryCalculate net pay after tax and other deductions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5650
360kSecondaryComplete calculations involving student loans interest and repayments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5652
360lSecondaryComplete calculations involving mortgages.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5653
360mSecondaryInterpret a demand curve showing the relationship between price and demand.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5654
361SecondaryExam Practice: Compound percentage problems with unknown period or step percentage changedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=510https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ldGnUUnEnAAE361
361aSecondaryDetermine time before a value reaches a given value given some known compound percentage change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=887https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4dicXO70m5YK429
361bSecondaryDetermine the time before a value reaches some multiple of the original, given some known compound percentage change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=886https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kYXvKSB7_5sK430
361cSecondaryDetermine the value before a compound percentage change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1648
361dSecondaryDetermine the value of the percentage during a compound percentage change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1649
361eSecondaryDetermine a percentage change from a compound change to subsequently determine further compound changes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5640
361fSecondaryDetermine each percentage change given a compound change and the start and end amounts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1449K431
362SecondaryExam Practice: Factorising quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 + bx + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=72https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5p79yczPWQcE362
362aSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 +bx + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=684https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fg0PPJotzHQK381
362bSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 - bx + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=687https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OGrItAAPQm8K382
362cSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 +bx - cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=688https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vec6IQY1wz8K383
362dSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 - bx - cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=690https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7EGsomxRCkgK384
362eSecondaryProve that two expressions are equivalent (involving quadratic factorisation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5655https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bXILY-5TcSg
363SecondaryExam Practice: Factorising the difference of two squaresdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=74https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S3JXkf5X97YE363
363aSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares given in the form x^2 - a^2 or a^2 - x^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=691https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/i9h1g8_TEEwK385
363bSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares given in the form kx^2-a^2, where k is a square number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1059https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sJSKQHR8j28K764
363cSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares given in the form ax^2-by^2, where a and b are square numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2195https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lcaA_luzIsc
363dSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares given in the form ax^2-by^2, where a and b have a common numeric factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1428https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IbfD9GGxYOoK386
363eSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares given in the form axy^2-bxz^2, where a and b may have a common numeric factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8291https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OOBRpyr3vIY
363fSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares given in the form ay^n x^2-by^n z^2, where a and b may have a common numeric factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8292https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PTEfCJQful8
363gSecondaryFactorise the difference of two squares to evaluate a numerical calculation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1713https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/P4Xv-swy3uA
364SecondaryExam Practice: Factorising a quadratic where the coefficient of the x^2 term is not 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=73https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cbbEFYpeWV8E364
364aSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 +bx+c with a>1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=738https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wgnk9n6Xl_8K387
364bSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2-bx+c with a>1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1637https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wu1gz7XVcM0
364cSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 + bx - c with a>1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2197https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2-AREKLMq1s
364dSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 -bx - c with a>1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1638https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/b_4w8EesCoA
364eSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 \pm bx \pm c where a>1 and a, b and c share a common factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2334https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mEndykhxqOw
364fSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions requiring rearrangement to the form ax^2 \pm bx \pm c with a>1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2374https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Mq2pCOlGoYQ
364gSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form -x^2 \pm bx \pm cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8295https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hUxL_qrp4Pg
364hSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 \pm bx \pm c with a< -1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8296https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/o7a-yVuQUQk
365SecondaryExam Practice: Factorising more difficult expressions by combining factorisation techniques or substitution of a variabledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=75E365
365aSecondaryFactorise an expression with a common bracket, without powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8738https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FoxwJlmGIng
365bSecondaryFactorise an expression with a common bracket and further brackets, without powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8739https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sJSKQHR8j28
365cSecondaryFactorise an expression with a common bracket where one is squared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1704https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OygvEisfBOs
365dSecondaryFactorise an expression with a common bracket with more general powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8740https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NG2j7Hx4LNg
365eSecondaryFactorise expressions including some factorised and expanded parts by finding a common bracketed factor. drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5656https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/83UmuZhhO1g
365fSecondaryFactorise an expression in multiple variables without powers by grouping into pairs of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1628https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oSDtUyMVxtY
365gSecondaryFactorise an expression in multiple variables with powers by grouping into pairs of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8741https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pOIDDh1V4yM
365hSecondaryFactorise quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 \pm bxy \pm cy^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2068https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yY2zoZWc1f8
365iSecondaryFactorise a cubic expression by first taking out a common factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8742https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/l9WvKdEwmbY
365jSecondaryFactorise a cubic expression by grouping into pairs of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5658https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xesvATjROIw
365kSecondaryFactorise a cubic expression by equating coefficients when given one factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8297
365lSecondaryFactorise a quartic expression using the difference of two squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5659https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XPW8lURoEfw
365mSecondaryFactorise and simplify a difference of two squared binomials in the same variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5657https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bTn6suwtZHw
365nSecondaryFactorise and simplify a difference of two squared binomials with multiple variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8743https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uyIGY3809rM
365oSecondaryFactorise an expression using the substitution of a linear expression to reduce to a standard quadratic form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1521https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4zHQHsJjxicK720
365pSecondaryFactorise an expression using the substitution of a variable or expression with a power to reduce to quadratic form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5660https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fEcVGaJXwQU
365qSecondaryFactorise expressions where the number of terms in an unfactorised group is more than two. drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8744
366SecondaryExam Practice: Plotting quadratic graphs from a table of valuesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=96https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ciRxmAHvYH0E366
366aSecondaryDetermine whether a point lies on a curve given a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8324
366bSecondaryComplete a table of values for a quadratic graph with x^2 coefficient of 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1034https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hS4VxPH9unEK414
366cSecondaryComplete a table of values for a quadratic graph with positive integer coefficient of x^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5661
366dSecondaryComplete a table of values for a quadratic graph with negative integer coefficient of x^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5662
366eSecondaryComplete a table of values for a quadratic graph with fractional coefficient of x^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5663
366fSecondaryPlot a quadratic graph using a completed table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5664
366gSecondaryComplete a table of values and plot the corresponding quadratic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1035https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GfUwv6wPkMYK415
367SecondaryExam Practice: Solving quadratic equations by factorisationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=16https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Idk4R_baULAE367
367aSecondarySolve quadratic equations given in the form (ax+b)(cx+d) = 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1642https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/p5uFjZb-ep8
367bSecondarySolve quadratic equations given in the form x^2 \pm bx \pm c = 0, solvable by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=769https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/B735l744LxcK615
367cSecondarySolve quadratic equations requiring rearrangement to the form x^2 \pm bx \pm c = 0 by factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=771https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EM1aWR7SbscK616
367dSecondarySolve quadratic equations given in the form ax^2 \pm bx \pm c = 0, requiring factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=868https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZxMikp8SLd4K617
367eSecondarySolve quadratic equations requiring rearrangement to the form ax^2 \pm bx \pm c = 0 by factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=774https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S307YyWBvRgK618
367fSecondarySolve a quadratic equation of the form x^2-a^2=0 or x^2=a^2 by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8317https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qf88yVN8mVM
367gSecondarySolve a quadratic equation of the form ax^2-b^2=0 or ax^2=b^2 by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8849https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EO_9hqAZJ78
367hSecondaryDetermine the original quadratic equation given its integer solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5665https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qrYR1XNsdgw
367iSecondaryDetermine the original quadratic equation given its non-integer solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5666https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/x3xDY4q7OCY
368SecondaryExam Practice: Quadratic graphs and their featuresdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=105https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6KgAsvNSc4EE368
368aSecondaryDetermine the y-intercept of a quadratic graph with equation given in the form y=x^2+bx+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1140https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4bZmvY_fKt0K421
368bSecondaryDetermine the x-intercepts of a quadratic graph with equation given in the form y=x^2+bx+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1141https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7eDzoUVGGHEK422
368cSecondaryDetermine the y-intercept of a quadratic graph with equation given in the form y=(x+a)(x+b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5667https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3JElOe5WsfY
368dSecondaryDetermine the x-intercepts of a quadratic graph with equation given in the form y=(x+a)(x+b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5668https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ImT0A4LJsGU
368eSecondaryDetermine the x- and y-intercepts of a quadratic graph with equation given in the form y=ax^2+bx+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1142https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IDD6UKkQvhYK423
368fSecondaryDetermine the x- and y-intercepts of a quadratic graph with equation given in the form y=(ax+b)(cx+d)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5669https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Yzo4Ma6hUHM
368gSecondarySketch a quadratic graph given in the form y=(x+a)(x+b), including its intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1772https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EeZNkbU0Sao
368hSecondarySketch a quadratic graph given in the form y=(ax+b)(cx+d), including its intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5670https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QbN_GOlW2tY
368iSecondarySketch a quadratic graph in the form y=x^2+bx+c, including its intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1770https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d-JEpdYrGaA
368jSecondarySketch a quadratic graph of the form y=ax^2+bx+c, including its intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5671https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/s0YpMmXiqL8
368kSecondarySketch a quadratic graph of the form y=-x^2+bx+c, including its intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5672https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jsy31mTdi1g
368lSecondarySketch a quadratic graph of the form y=-ax^2+bx+c, including its intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5673https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PkuDPYl86g0
368mSecondaryIdentify a sketch of a quadratic graph of the form y = x^2 + a or y = a - x^2, including intercepts only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5674https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Q0EOq_vAZXY
368nSecondaryIdentify a sketch of a quadratic graph given its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5675https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dyueQ34UiyY
368oSecondaryDetermine the equation of the line of symmetry of a sketched quadratic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8835https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/l0ip94jMzss
368pSecondaryDetermine the line of symmetry of a quadratic graph from its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8595https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dfkxKVFKZSY
368qSecondaryDetermine a root of a sketched graph given the turning point and another root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8770https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Q3WsUqM0MJM
368rSecondaryDetermine the coordinate of the turning point of a quadratic using symmetry and a sketch of the graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5676https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fMV6rdhgo9g
368sSecondaryDetermine the equation of a quadratic function from its graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=950https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wcnNURkLV0sK769
368tSecondaryDetermine an unknown constant in a quadratic function given a point on the curve and a sketch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5677https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_44n0zCVOzc
369SecondaryExam Practice: nth term formula for a quadratic sequencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=79https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vpnSZtct26sE369
369aSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence by comparison to n^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2117
369bSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form n^2+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2123
369cSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form n^2 +bn for positive bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2124
369dSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form n^2 +bn for negative bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2133
369eSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form n^2+bn+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2136
369fSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form an^2+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1670
369gSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form an^2 +bndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1678
369hSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form an^2+bn+cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=751https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5Er_L4H1GSEK406
369iSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a quadratic sequence in the form an^2+bn+c where a is negativedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2113
369jSecondaryDetermine the coefficients of a quadratic nth term rule given information about the terms in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2114
369kSecondaryDetermine the position of a term in a quadratic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2116
369lSecondaryUse an existing formula for a quadratic sequence to determine the formula for a similar sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2144
370SecondaryExam Practice: nth term formula for a geometric sequencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=80E370
370aSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a geometric sequence of the form a^n for positive integers a.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5679https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m9UvZdfry_I
370bSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a geometric sequence of the form ka^n for positive integers a.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=752https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8LwUW1r9SvIK407
370cSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a geometric sequence of the form ka^n where all terms are negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5680https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XOLvhnX2bhU
370dSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a geometric sequence of the form ka^n for negative integers a.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8405https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/N90iHFsm_fk
370eSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a geometric sequence of the form ka^n for decimal or fractional a.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5681https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/w85-Wfd1WrM
370fSecondaryDetermine the nth term for a geometric sequence of the form ka^n where a is a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5682https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4Ye4kvCVbHQ
370gSecondaryDetermine the common ratio of a geometric sequence where the terms are expressed algebraically.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5683https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ynH8r5zHG9M
371SecondaryExam Practice: nth term formula more complicated sequencesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4299E371
371aSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a sequence, where the numerator and denominator are linear sequences to be found.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5684
371bSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a sequence, where at least one of the numerator or denominator is quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5685
371cSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula of a sequence where at least one of the numerator or denominator is geometric.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5686
371dSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for a cubic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5687
372SecondaryExam Practice: Column vector notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4300E372
372aSecondaryIdentify the vector associated with a movement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5688
372bSecondaryIdentify the column vector from a given diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5689
372cSecondaryDraw a vector from a given column vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5690
373SecondaryExam Practice: Adding, subtracting and scaling column vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=157https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mt_RdPIbLlwE373
373aSecondaryMultiply a column vector by a positive scalar.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5691
373bSecondaryDraw a positive scalar multiple of a vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5692
373cSecondaryMultiply a column vector by a negative scalar.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5693
373dSecondaryDraw a negative scalar multiple of a vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5694
373eSecondaryAdd or subtract vectors written in column vector form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1056https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CjtvHA2CgdwK649
373fSecondaryDraw the addition or subtraction of column vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5695
373gSecondaryAdd or subtract scalar multiples of vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1058https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wtAXHkNCNygK651
373hSecondarySolve equations formed in vector notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5696
373iSecondarySolve linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations formed with vector notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5697
373jSecondarySolve problems involving vectors where the points form a given shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8610
374SecondaryExam Practice: Translations of shapes by a vectordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EUdGPC3SJf4E374
374aSecondaryTranslate a shape horizontally or vertically using a vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5698
374bSecondaryTranslate a shape by a vector involving positive values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5699
374cSecondaryTranslate a shape by any vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=801https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZdJgVCH_WJcK280
375SecondaryExam Practice: Describing translations using vector notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=9https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tgxpTTotBz0E375
375aSecondaryDescribe a translation in a horizontal or vertical direction using vector notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2173
375bSecondaryDescribe a translation using vector notation with positive numbers only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2174
375cSecondaryDescribe any translation using vector notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=849https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BWWcg_IOG5EK281
376SecondaryExam Practice: Enlargement/dilation of shapes by a negative scale factordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4301E376
376aSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a negative scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=804https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/K45RrS0NvTMK493
376bSecondaryEnlarge/dilate a shape by a negative and fractional scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1427https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EPeLMNMX590K497
377SecondaryExam Practice: Describing enlargements/dilations for a negative scale factordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4302E377
377aSecondaryDescribe an enlargement/dilation with a negative scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=860https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QmvCjLPx7zEK496
377bSecondaryDescribe an enlargement/dilation with a negative and fractional scale factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5700
378SecondaryExam Practice: Combining transformationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4303E378
378aSecondaryComplete two transformations on a given shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5701
378bSecondaryDescribe the single transformation of a shape following two translations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5702
378cSecondaryDescribe the single transformation of a shape following two rotations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5703
378dSecondaryDescribe the single transformation of a shape following two horizontal and/or vertical reflections.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5704
378eSecondaryDescribe the single transformation of a shape following any two reflections.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5705
378fSecondaryDescribe the single transformation of a shape following a combination of two different transformations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5706
379SecondaryExam Practice: Invariant pointsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4304E379
379aSecondaryGive the coordinate of an invariant point for a given transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5707
379bSecondaryGive the coordinate of an invariant point for a given combination of transformations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5708
379cSecondaryDescribe a transformation that would leave a given point invariant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5709
380SecondaryExam Practice: Listing all combinationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=65https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cLvrDx-30JoE380
380aSecondaryList combinations of items from two or more groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5710
380bSecondaryList all possible orderings of items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5711
380cSecondaryList all possible routes between two points in a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5712
381SecondaryExam Practice: Product rule for counting (Fundamental Counting Principle)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=64https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/slevVi3goQkE381
381aSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when an item is taken from each group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2159
381bSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when an item is repeatedly taken from the same group, but with replacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2185
381cSecondaryUse the number of combinations to determine the number of items in a group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2187
381dSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when multiple items are taken from the same group, where order matters.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2189
381eSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when an item is taken from only some of the groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2190
381fSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when the selection from one or more groups must be a given type.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8869
381gSecondaryUse the number of combinations to determine a probability or fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2204
381hSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when two items are taken from the same group, where order does not matter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2209
381iSecondaryDetermine the number of combinations when multiple forms of a list are produced, with some items taken from the same group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2208
381jSecondaryUse the number of combinations from multiple forms of a list to determine a probability or fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2271
382SecondaryExam Practice: Non-multiplicative approaches to counting, including case analysisdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=385E382
382aSecondaryUse listing strategies to find the number of combinations that result in a given property.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5713
382bSecondarySolve problems by use of case analysis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5714
383SecondaryExam Practice: Truncating a number to a given number of decimal placesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=383https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/P9NVIheNOdwE383
383aSecondaryTruncate a number to a given number of decimal places or to a whole number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1396https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OfTNgSg99_kK457
383bSecondaryCalculate bounds of a number truncated to a given number of decimal places.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1078https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wQwj6sVOMzgK458
383cSecondaryIdentify the error interval for a truncated number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5715
384SecondaryExam Practice: Using lower and upper bounds within calculations to calculate a further lower/upper bounddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=388https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VqRVIEWAzQsE384
384aSecondaryCalculate a further bound for a given formula involving a multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1080https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/o9KGaTJMM-wK460
384bSecondaryCalculate a further bound for a given formula involving an addition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1082https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2OgeM3HwFA0K459
384cSecondaryCalculate a further bound for a given formula involving a subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1083https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/891T3-gSXgYK461
384dSecondaryCalculate a further bound for a given formula involving a division.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1081https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sN8gtyj-KcYK462
384eSecondaryCalculate a lower or upper bound for a speed, distance or time calculation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5716
384fSecondaryCalculate a further bound for a given formula involving multiple arithmetic operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1084https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UkDv8UJL_L8K463
384gSecondaryCalculate a further bound and specify the value to a suitable degree of accuracy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1138https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k0_I-LN60u4K464
385SecondaryExam Practice: Tolerancedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4305E385
385aSecondaryWrite a minimum and maximum measurement in tolerance form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5717
385bSecondaryWrite the tolerance form from a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5718
385cSecondaryFind the maximum and minimum from a tolerance written as a percentage.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5719
385dSecondaryWrite a tolerance from a given context when the tolerance is written as a percentage.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5720
385eSecondaryAccumulate error (by addition or subtraction only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5721
386SecondaryExam Practice: Algebraic direct and inverse proportiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=355https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JVbNzRe0hKEE386
386aSecondaryDetermine the formula connecting two variables which are directly proportional.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=811https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xk497iF8MGEK472
386bSecondaryDetermine the formula connecting two variables which are directly proportional involving powers/roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=846K473
386cSecondaryDetermine the formula connecting two variables which are inversely proportional.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=812https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qGfghjjASLQK474
386dSecondaryDetermine the formula connecting two variables which are inversely proportional involving powers/roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=847K475
386eSecondaryDetermine and then use the formula connecting two variables which are directly proportional, possibly involving powers/roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8909
386fSecondaryDetermine and then use the formula connecting two variables which are inversely proportional, possibly involving powers/roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8910
386gSecondaryComplete a table of values for a directly proportional relationship.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2272
386hSecondaryComplete a table of values for an inversely proportional relationship.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5723
386iSecondaryDecide on the proportional relationship between two variables given two pairs of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2282
386jSecondaryDetermine a formula to connect two proportional relationships with a common variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1610
386kSecondaryUse the constant of proportionality for direct or inverse proportion involving a percentage change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1510K975
386lSecondaryDetermine a formula for a directly or inversely proportional relationship where the inputs are algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2297
387SecondaryExam Practice: Simplifying single algebraic fractions by cancelling common factorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=356https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RfFqb93M4U4E387
387aSecondarySimplify a factorised algebraic fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1446https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZR7ItaSpe2IK411
387bSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where linear factorisation of one of the numerator or denominator is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1545https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qwdOLaLI0isK740
387cSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where linear factorisation of both the numerator and denominator is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1546https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/R1nQV2lrRDUK741
387dSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where factorisation of a simple quadratic on the numerator or denominator is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1236https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZzS1hdihiOQK412
387eSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where factorisation of a simple quadratic on both the numerator and denominator is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1237https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1IfM07KM2wEK413
387fSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where factorisation of a non-monic quadratic expression on the numerator or denominator is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5725
387gSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where factorisation of a non-monic quadratic expression on both the numerator and denominator is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8335
387hSecondarySimplify algebraic fractions where one factorised term is a negative of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5726
388SecondaryExam Practice: Multiplying and dividing algebraic fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=357https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PMXJGwzW1AME388
388aSecondaryMultiply algebraic fractions with single terms on the numerators and denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1153https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wX202wCRmssK409
388bSecondaryDivide algebraic fractions with single terms on the numerators and denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1154https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9cS5X5YOF9EK410
388cSecondaryMultiply algebraic fractions with bracketed expressions on the numerators and denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8534https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Li4RLySr8a0
388dSecondaryDivide algebraic fractions with bracketed expressions on the numerators and denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8535https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gFIdzhTk2vQ
388eSecondaryMultiply algebraic fractions requiring prior simple factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8536https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GGeLi8VpDV4
388fSecondaryDivide algebraic fractions requiring prior simple factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8537https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ThzHYHLgVtk
388gSecondaryMultiply algebraic fractions requiring prior factorisation including monic quadratic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1937https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cBgLcK-FNMM
388hSecondaryDivide algebraic fractions requiring prior factorisation including monic quadratic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1942https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hoGy_6dTLWY
388iSecondaryMultiply algebraic fractions requiring prior factorisation, including non-monic quadratic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1943https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zFxnJlZKhxc
388jSecondaryDivide algebraic fractions requiring prior factorisation, including non-monic quadratic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1950https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Z66n9s4F08s
389SecondaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting algebraic fractions (no factorisation of denominators required)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=18https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PQWQQRRpUlQE389
389aSecondaryAdd and subtract algebraic fractions with integer denominators and single terms on the numerators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1096https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IJa8_uWgFvcK408
389bSecondaryAdd and subtract algebraic fractions with integer denominators and linear expressions on the numerators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8611
389cSecondaryAdd and subtract algebraic fractions with linear expressions on numerator and the same denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8612
389dSecondaryAdd and subtract algebraic fractions with linear expressions on numerator and different denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8613
389eSecondaryAdd or subtract algebraic fractions with algebraic denominators made of single terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1540https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RzojiUG3jgAK736
389fSecondaryAdd algebraic fractions with algebraic linear denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1155https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nA0KBAKTp7MK605
389gSecondarySubtract algebraic fractions with algebraic linear denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1244https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uUYnGCrGD4YK606
389hSecondaryAdd or subtract a mixture of fractional and non-fractional terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1963https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qZu2SOi7y6s
389iSecondaryAdd or subtract algebraic fractions with a factorised quadratic expression in one denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1964https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c2fr5lnyQmA
389jSecondaryCombine multiplication or division of algebraic fractions, not requiring prior factorisation of the denominators, with an addition or subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5728
389kSecondaryChange the subject of a formula involving algebraic fractions, where the subject is in the denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2362
390A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Adding and subtracting algebraic fractions, requiring prior factorisation of the denominatorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=361https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oSy_5CWt3DgE390
390aA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract algebraic fractions where non-quadratic factorising is required (changing one denominator).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8563https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m2PFNBrzxog
390bA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract algebraic fractions where non-quadratic factorising is required (changing two denominators).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8654https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/M_0e037cM-o
390cA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract algebraic fractions where quadratic factorising is required (changing one denominator).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1672https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qHMCSIxUJsI
390dA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract algebraic fractions where quadratic factorising is required (changing two denominators).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1677https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rK3VjQ5oTzE
390eA Level, SecondaryAdd or subtract three fractions requiring prior factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5727https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YARxmWmhtm0
390fA Level, SecondaryCombine multiplication or division of algebraic fractions, requiring prior factorisation of the denominators, with an addition or subtraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1620https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/T5P0U9fSZwk
391SecondaryExam Practice: Changing the subject of a formula where the subject appears multiple timesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=15https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AtoHt5-jpFkE391
391aSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears on the same side twice.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=980https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UYeklmx3f4oK572
391bSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears on the same side twice as a square term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2304
391cSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=981https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NTNj__TosfIK573
391dSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears twice on a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=982https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5ehDvtjZi-oK574
391eSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears twice with a square root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=983https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Qx6iYTwLqLoK575
391fSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears twice on a fraction as a term with power 2 or higher.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2305
391gSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears on both sides of the equation, with a fractional term on one side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8321
391hSecondaryChange the subject of a formula where the subject appears twice with a single fractional term on each side of the equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2306
391iSecondaryChange the subject of the formula with multiple fractions, where the subject is in a numerator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8384
391jSecondaryChange the subject of the formula with multiple fractions, where the subject is in a denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1623https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/a-gZnDHGqVc
392A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Rationalising the denominator where the denominator consists of a single surd termdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=586E392
392aA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a}{\sqrt{b}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=686https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0sSjrJfz6UQK685
392bA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a}{b\sqrt{c}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8614
392cA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a}{\sqrt{b}} and where subsequent simplification is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2027https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/p_WoUulAKws
392dA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a\sqrt{b}}{c\sqrt{d}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8683
392eA Level, SecondarySimplify expressions given in the form \frac{a + \sqrt{b}}{\sqrt{c}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2031https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/X5smkgYqVGY
392fA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction to subsequently add or subtract surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2029
392gA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form (a\sqrt{b})x = c or (a\sqrt{b})x = c\sqrt{d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8684
392hA Level, SecondarySimplify \left(\frac{a}{\sqrt{b}}\right)^n where n is large.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2032https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/flzGFaSKOOE
393A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Rationalising the denominator where the denominator consists of a surd and a second termdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=63https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wiBovf97ihcE393
393aA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a}{b + \sqrt{c}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2046
393bA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a\sqrt{b}}{c + \sqrt{d}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8680
393cA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a}{\sqrt{b} + \sqrt{c}} or \frac{a\sqrt{b}}{\sqrt{c} + \sqrt{d}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1139https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aZmdegR1JTwK688
393dA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a}{b + c\sqrt{d}} or \frac{a\sqrt{b}}{c + d\sqrt{e}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8681
393eA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a + \sqrt{b}}{c + \sqrt{b}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=872https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GkdPm1qjlEAK686
393fA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a+\sqrt{b}}{c+\sqrt{d}}, where simplification of a surd is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2045
393gA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a + b\sqrt{c}}{d + e\sqrt{c}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=873https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qxqFsazeTdkK687
393hA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction given in the form \frac{a+b\sqrt{c}}{d+e\sqrt{f}}, where simplification is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2042
393iA Level, SecondaryRationalise the denominator of a fraction where either the numerator or the denominator is squared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2047
393jA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x(a + b\sqrt{c}) = d or x(a + b\sqrt{c}) = d+e\sqrt{f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2044
393kA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x(a + b\sqrt{c}) = d+e\sqrt{f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8682
393lA Level, SecondarySolve equations with surds and unknowns on both sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2043
394A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Fractional indicesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=58https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E-gq8eq105IE394
394aA Level, SecondaryRaise a number to the power of one half.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2125
394bA Level, SecondaryRaise a number to the power of a unit fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=650https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cmP8DoNjP6cK689
394cA Level, SecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving unit fractions as indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5729
394dA Level, SecondaryDetermine the unknown base in an expression involving unit fractions as indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5730
394eA Level, SecondaryRaise a fraction to the power of a unit fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=652https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_OPbhcaouZsK691
394fA Level, SecondaryRaise a number to the power of a non-unit fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2075
394gA Level, SecondaryRaise a fraction to the power of a non-unit fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2076
394hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the unknown power in an expression involving non-unit fractions as indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5731
394iA Level, SecondaryDetermine the unknown base in an expression involving non-unit fractions as indices, given its numeric equivalent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5732
394jA Level, SecondaryRaise a number to the power of a negative fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=651https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uN135i-SefkK690
394kA Level, SecondaryRaise a fraction to the power of a negative fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=653https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ND5Ls34mRd4K692
394lA Level, SecondaryRaise an algebraic term to the power of a positive unit fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=819https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2yavvH_Un3wK693
394mA Level, SecondaryRaise an algebraic term to the power of any positive fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5733
394nA Level, SecondaryRaise an algebraic term to the power of a negative fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=820https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZabULuxYCrsK694
394oA Level, SecondaryRaise an algebraic fraction to the power of a negative fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2077
394pA Level, SecondaryWrite a power with a unit fractional index as a surd expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8341
394qA Level, SecondaryWrite a power with a non-unit fractional index as a surd expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8342
394rA Level, SecondaryWrite a surd expression in one variable as a power of that variable (or value).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2085
394sA Level, SecondaryWrite a collection of terms in the form ax^bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1281K762
394tA Level, SecondarySimplify an algebraic fraction using index laws with negative and fractional powers and surd notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=976K766
394uA Level, SecondaryWrite a fraction as a collection of terms by splitting the fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1498K967
394vA Level, SecondaryRaise an algebraic expression in standard form to a fractional power and convert back to standard form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5734
395A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Solving equations involving negative and fractional powers and surdsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4306E395
395aA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x^{-1} = adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5735
395bA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x^{-a} = bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5736
395cA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x^\frac{1}{a} = bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5737
395dA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x^\frac{a}{b} = c resulting in integer solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2126
395eA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x^\frac{a}{b} = c resulting in solutions in surd form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2132
395fA Level, SecondarySolve equations given in the form x^{-\frac{a}{b}} = cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5738
395gA Level, SecondarySolve equations requiring rearrangement, leading to x^a=b where a is a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1676
395hA Level, SecondarySolve equations where a root or fractional power is involved requiring operations with surds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5739
395iA Level, SecondarySolve equations with negative and fractional powers, then manipulate these values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5740
396SecondaryExam Practice: Quartiles from discrete datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=341https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JZWRp2ANCg0E396
396aSecondaryFind quartiles of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1398https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/d1jUs4FceAQK552
396bSecondaryFind the interquartile range of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1422https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uXT0v3Zx6ukK553
396cSecondaryFind the semi-interquartile range of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5741
396dSecondaryDetermine the upper and lower quartiles from a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1439K554
396eSecondaryDetermine the interquartile range from a stem-and-leaf diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1758
396fSecondaryCompare two sets of data based on their medians and interquartile ranges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5742
396gSecondaryDetermine the lower or upper quartile from an ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2158
397SecondaryExam Practice: Deciles and percentiles from discrete datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4307E397
397aSecondaryFind deciles of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5743
397bSecondaryFind percentiles of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5744
397cSecondaryFind the inter-decile range of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5745
397dSecondaryFind the inter-percentile range of listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5746
397eSecondaryCompare two sets of data using deciles and percentiles, or the inter-decile or inter-percentile ranges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5747
398SecondaryExam Practice: Cumulative frequency graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=344https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sfxNFPWfn14E398
398aSecondaryForm a cumulative frequency table from a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1579K757
398bSecondaryInterpret a cumulative frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8399
398cSecondaryDraw a cumulative frequency curve given a continuous cumulative frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=815https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pKH4XjD4S9MK557
398dSecondaryDraw a cumulative frequency curve given a continuous, grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=816https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mhvDfyc_IIMK558
398eSecondaryUse a cumulative frequency curve to estimate the median.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=839https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4yQck0Or7PkK559
398fSecondaryUse a cumulative frequency curve to estimate the interquartile range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=840https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/K2G-hEvhHtMK560
398gSecondaryUse a cumulative frequency curve to estimate values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1076https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9stxtowIyKkK561
398hSecondaryUse a cumulative frequency curve to estimate a percentile or decile.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5748
398iSecondaryUse a cumulative frequency curve to estimate the inter-decile or inter-percentile range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5749
398jSecondaryForm a cumulative frequency table from a discrete, ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5750
398kSecondaryDraw a cumulative frequency step-polygon given a discrete, ungrouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5751
398lSecondaryCompare the distribution of two cumulative frequency graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8398
399SecondaryExam Practice: Box plots / box and whisker diagrams (excluding outliers)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=345https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lIcj_NjZlZUE399
399aSecondaryInterpret a box plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=898https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/e3SPUZLszRYK555
399bSecondaryDraw a box plot where the quartiles have been calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1039https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/deNsGhWY-8AK556
399cSecondaryDraw a box plot using listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5752
399dSecondaryDraw a box plot from a cumulative frequency diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1750
399eSecondaryUnderstand the proportions shown in a box plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5753
399fSecondaryCompare the distribution of two box plots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1811
400SecondaryExam Practice: Time series and moving averagesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4308E400
400aSecondaryDraw a time-series graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1458K90
400bSecondaryRead a time-series graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1457K89
400cSecondaryDraw a trend line on a time-series graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5754
400dSecondaryDescribe the trend of a given time series graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5755
400eSecondaryUnderstand and interpret seasonal variation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5756
400fSecondaryCalculate a four-point moving average.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5757
400gSecondaryCalculate a moving average with a given number of points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5758
400hSecondaryUse a moving average to plot a trend line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5759
400iSecondaryCalculate the mean seasonal variation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5760
400jSecondaryUse mean seasonal variation and the trend line to give a predicted future value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5761
400kSecondaryJustify the use of a given number of points for a moving average or the validity of a prediction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5762
401A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Histograms and frequency density (unequal class widths)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=339https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yvVOFvXTY3sE401
401aA Level, SecondaryComplete a histogram from a frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=876https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yvYLF8Tg764K623
401bA Level, SecondaryComplete a frequency table from a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=877https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tNomKD1fvkAK624
401cA Level, SecondaryUse a single frequency to determine another for a given range on a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=878https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WAUKD2E_Lh8K625
401dA Level, SecondaryDetermine the total frequency from a histogram given one frequency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=879https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0D2ijgv6Jl8K626
401eA Level, SecondaryEstimate a frequency in a given range from a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5763
401fA Level, SecondaryDetermine a probability or proportion of a range from a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5764
401gA Level, SecondaryFind the dimensions of a histogram bar.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1093K844
401hA Level, SecondaryEstimate the mean from a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5765
401iA Level, SecondaryEstimate the median from a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5766
401jA Level, SecondaryEstimate a quartile, decile or percentile from a histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5767
401kA Level, SecondaryCompare two sets of data by considering their histograms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8395
402SecondaryExam Practice: Understanding skewnessdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4309E402
402aSecondaryDetermine whether data is unimodal or bimodal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8672
402bSecondaryIdentify where data is clustered.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8673
402cSecondaryDescribe the skewness of a given frequency diagram or histogram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5768
402dSecondaryDescribe the skewness of a given box plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5769
402eSecondaryDetermine skewness of a data set by comparing its mean, median and mode.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5770
402fSecondaryCompare two sets of data by considering their skewness.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5771
403SecondaryExam Practice: Comparing data sets using different representationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4310E403
403aSecondaryCompare two data sets, where one is represented in a diagram and the other as a set of summary statistics.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5772
403bSecondaryCompare two data sets, where each is represented with a different statistical diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5773
404SecondaryExam Practice: Cavalieri's principledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4311E404
404aSecondaryApply Cavalieri's principle in 2D.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5774
404bSecondaryApply Cavalieri's principle in 3D.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5775
405SecondaryExam Practice: Volume of a pyramid, cone or spheredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=115https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TNnauy1E0gwE405
405aSecondaryCalculate the volume of a pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=781https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/X7OWPOii4Y8K662
405bSecondaryDetermine an unknown dimension of a pyramid given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1529https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/J6QOr7BVz0kK725
405cSecondaryCalculate the volume of a cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1003https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EAX950Orq98K663
405dSecondaryDetermine the height of a cone given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1006https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pkfs8H8E2WoK664
405eSecondaryDetermine the radius or diameter of a cone given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1005https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QDMakCHENkoK665
405fSecondaryCalculate the volume of a sphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=999https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-oYEaZtRY-EK657
405gSecondaryDetermine the radius or diameter of a sphere given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1002https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xK9xcPJjXJ8K659
405hSecondaryCalculate the volume of a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1000https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Tb6Gzf3rE58K658
405iSecondaryDetermine the radius or diameter of a hemisphere given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1530K726
405jSecondaryDetermine a density or mass using the volume of a pyramid, cone or sphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5776
405kSecondaryForm and solve equations in one variable where the volume of a pyramid or cone is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5777
405lSecondaryDetermine the quantity of one solid that makes up the volume of another where at least one has a curved surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8414
405mSecondaryForm an expression for the volume of a pyramid, cone or sphere with algebraic lengthsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8576
405nSecondaryEquate volumes of solids, where at least one has a curved surface, with all but one length known, to determine that length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5778
405oSecondaryEquate volumes of solids, where at least one has a curved surface and there is a ratio between two lengths, to determine an unknown.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5779
405pSecondaryEquate volumes of solids, where at least one has a curved surface, involving algebraic lengths, to obtain an equation for one variable in terms of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5780
405qSecondaryProblem solve involving ratios and volumes of solids, where at least one has a curved surface, to find a length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5781
405rSecondaryDetermine the volume of a cone given its net.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5782
405sSecondaryDetermine the volume inside one solid but outside another, where at least one has a curved surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5783
406SecondaryExam Practice: Surface area of a cone or sphere/hemispheredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=116E406
406aSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a square-based pyramid given the side length of the base and the altitude of the lateral face.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8502
406bSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a square-based pyramid given the side length of the base and the slant height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8503
406cSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a square-based pyramid given the side length of the base and the vertical height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8504
406dSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a cone given the slanted height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1010https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ygc3occoSckK667
406eSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a cone given the perpendicular height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1011https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KyeHi2WinJYK666
406fSecondaryDetermine the slanted height of a cone given the surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8279
406gSecondaryDetermine the radius of a cone given the surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8280
406hSecondaryDetermine the perpendicular height of a cone given the surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8281
406iSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a cone given the volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5788
406jSecondaryDetermine the volume of a cone given the surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5789
406kSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a sphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1007https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hG2TpAew2CoK660
406lSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1424https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OZtmPxtXhX8K661
406mSecondaryDetermine the radius of a sphere given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1532K727
406nSecondaryDetermine the radius of a hemisphere given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1531K728
406oSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a sphere given its volume, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5786
406pSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a hemisphere or quarter sphere given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5787
406qSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a compound solid with curved faces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5784
406rSecondaryEquate the surface area of solids, with all but one length known, to determine that length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5785
406sSecondaryEquate the surface area of solids, involving algebraic lengths, to obtain an equation for one variable in terms of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5790
407SecondaryExam Practice: Volume of more complex compound 3D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=117https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/z5OOZNcQqeAE407
407aSecondaryCalculate the volume of a compound solid comprising of a cylinder and a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5791
407bSecondaryCalculate the volume of a compound solid comprising of a pyramid and a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5792
407cSecondaryCalculate the volume of a frustum of a cone or pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1009https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0ihDuFhSc8MK668
407dSecondaryCalculate the volume of a compound solid comprising of a cone and a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1795
407eSecondaryCalculate the volume of a compound solid comprising of a cylinder and a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5793
407fSecondaryCalculate the volume of a compound solid comprising of a cylinder and a cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5794
407gSecondaryFind a the missing dimension in a compound solid where at least one of the parts has a curve surface and the total volume is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8580
407hSecondaryFind a the missing dimension in a frustum given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8581
407iSecondaryDetermine the volume of a compound solid where the volume of one solid is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5795
407jSecondaryEquate volumes of solids, where one is a frustum, involving algebraic lengths, to obtain an equation for one variable in terms of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8818
407kSecondarySolve rates of flow problems involving compound solids.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5796
408SecondaryExam Practice: Surface area of more complex compound 3D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4312E408
408aSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a compound solid comprising of a pyramid and a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5797
408bSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a frustum of a cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5798
408cSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a compound solid comprising of a cone and a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5799
408dSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a compound solid comprising of a cylinder and a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5800
408eSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a compound solid comprising of a cylinder and a cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5801
408fSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a compound solid comprising of a semi-cylinder and a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8769
408gSecondaryCalculate the surface area of a compound solid comprising of a cylinder and a cube.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5802
408hSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a compound solid where the volume of one solid is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5803
408iSecondaryDetermine the surface area of a compound solid given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5804
409SecondaryExam Practice: 3D coordinatesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=135E409
409aSecondaryInterpret a 3D coordinate in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8768
409bSecondaryDetermine the 3D coordinate of a vertex on a cube or cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5805
409cSecondaryDetermine the midpoint of two 3D coordinates or a coordinate given the midpoint and one of the points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5806
409dSecondaryDetermine the 3D coordinate of a midpoint of an edge or face on a cube or cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5807
409eSecondaryDetermine a 3D coordinate on a pyramid or triangular prism.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5808
409fSecondaryDetermine the coordinates of a point that shares a 3D line in a ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5809
410SecondaryExam Practice: Pythagoras' theorem in 3D shapesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=138https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hh1jZKSM4UEE410
410aSecondaryCalculate the length of a space diagonal of a cuboid using Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1194https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6nBYRRPhNN0K511
410bSecondaryCalculate the length of a face diagonal of a cuboid using Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1195https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/G6LeXI_Qz80K510
410cSecondaryCalculate the side length of a prism using Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8513https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ii-44Q4QdbA
410dSecondaryCalculate the length of a face diagonal of a prism using Pythagoras' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1671https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2NXUhWXza6g
410eSecondaryCalculate the length of a space diagonal of a prism.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5810https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bH1605jiujE
410fSecondaryDetermine the height of a square or rectangular based pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5811https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tMFhvhq8Yqo
410gSecondaryDetermine a length of a sloped edge of a square or rectangular based pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5812https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HKojY02PoQM
410hSecondaryDetermine the distance between two 3D coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8767https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5KvNpD3BJwM
411SecondaryExam Practice: Trigonometry in 3D shapes (right-angled only)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=576E411
411aSecondaryCalculate the angle between a line and a plane in a cuboid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1146https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/totOyFxPp8IK641
411bSecondaryCalculate the angle between a sloped edge and the base of a pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1306https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tBf5vHTJyhgK642
411cSecondaryCalculate the angle between two opposite slant edges of a pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5813
411dSecondaryDetermine the angle between a line and a plane in a triangular prism using its lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5814
411eSecondaryDetermine the angle between a line and a plane in a triangular prism using another angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5815
411fSecondaryCalculate a length in a triangular prism using given angles and lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5816
411gSecondaryCalculate an angle in a general prism using given angles and lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8485
411hSecondaryCalculate a length in a general prism using given angles and lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8486
411iSecondaryCalculate a length in a right-angled tetrahedron given angles and lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5817
411jSecondaryDetermine the angle between the sloped plane and the base of a right-angled tetrahedron.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5818
411kSecondaryDetermine the angle between a sloped face and the base of a pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5819
412SecondaryExam Practice: Exact trigonometric valuesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=152https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7t_SK-wJfFIE412
412aSecondaryKnow exact trigonometric ratios.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=822https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ojmP7GLS5Q4K488
412bSecondaryCalculate the value of an expression using exact trigonometric ratios.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8519
412cSecondaryCalculate a length in a single right-angled triangle using exact trigonometric ratios.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5820
412dSecondaryDetermine a length by using an exact trigonometric ratio combined with Pythagoras or further trigonometry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5821
412eSecondaryDetermine an area of composite shape involving a sector and a triangle using exact trigonometric values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8895
413SecondaryExam Practice: Completing the square to put an expression in the form (x+a)^2 + bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=107https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sQooemMboCwE413
413aSecondaryComplete the square for quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 + bx + c where b is even.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=748https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XCqR1w9cou4K580
413bSecondaryComplete the square for quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 + bx + c where b is odd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1753https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wM2qFqIaIB0
413cSecondaryComplete the square for quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 + bx + c where b is algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1611https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lTn3AtSe2P0
413dSecondaryComplete the square for quadratic expressions given in the form x^2 + bx + c where b is a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5822https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lXdp7xECd8A
414SecondaryExam Practice: Completing the square to put an expression in the form a(x+b)^2 + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=509https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sQooemMboCwE414
414aSecondaryComplete the square for quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 + bx + c, where a is positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=749https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fLj1cDKJsQMK581
414bSecondaryComplete the square for quadratic expressions given in the form ax^2 + bx + c, where a is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1015https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kUoStGhP5EYK768
415SecondaryExam Practice: Solving quadratic equations by completing the squaredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=110https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ypo9PKsiD8kE415
415aSecondarySolve a quadratic equation when given in completed square form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1720
415bSecondarySolve a quadratic equation by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8346
416SecondaryExam Practice: Minimum or maximum point of a quadratic graph by completing the squaredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=106https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bIH8FVngi2UE416
416aSecondaryDetermine the minimum point of a quadratic graph when given in completed square form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1714https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nfys3hXt7U8
416bSecondaryDetermine the original quadratic function given the maximum or minimum point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1716https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lOHS0cj2CeQ
416cSecondaryDetermine the maximum point of a quadratic graph when given in completed square form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1715https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HXkW4WEZ9xQ
416dSecondaryDetermine the minimum point of a quadratic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=772https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nBPgTjcMlrsK582
416eSecondaryDetermine the maximum point of a quadratic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=844https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mDm6fWmM9kQK583
416fSecondaryDetermine the equation of the line of symmetry for a quadratic graph by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1418https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NJDvbHdkuisK584
416gSecondarySketch a quadratic graph, including its intercepts and turning point by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1563https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/R_P8XVmY4_4K743
416hSecondaryUse information from a scenario, modelled as a quadratic curve to find the horizontal or vertical distance to the turning point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8596https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5GzCOPfJ8-U
416iSecondaryUse information from a scenario, modelled as a quadratic curve with a given turning point, to determine the equation of the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8329https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/a-quSH2ocZY
416jSecondaryUse information from a scenario, modelled as a quadratic curve with a given turning point, to determine the width of the curve for a particular height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8319https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/e2azk3-d1W0
417SecondaryExam Practice: Quadratic formula to solve quadratic equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=109https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/q0vb8ybymKIE417
417aSecondarySolve a quadratic equation to get exact solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=782https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m6BTCVHtKakK619
417bSecondarySolve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula to get numeric solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=783https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/m6BTCVHtKakK620
417cSecondarySolve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula, requiring rearrangement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5823
417dSecondaryDetermine the original quadratic equation given use of the quadratic formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5824
418SecondaryExam Practice: Forming quadratic or non-linear equations from a given context (excluding probability problems)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=499E418
418aSecondaryForm a quadratic expression or equation from the area of a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1662https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YM39s9xWowk
418bSecondaryForm a quadratic expression or equation using sides of a right-angled triangle where the area is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5825
418cSecondaryForm a quadratic expression or equation from the area of a more complex rectilinear shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5826
418dSecondaryForm a quadratic expression or equation from the area of a trapezium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1664https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xh6ZvbsG7mM
418eSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic expression or equation for the area of a trapezium inside a rectangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1657
418fSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation by equating the area of two shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8347
418gSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using the sides of a right-angled triangle using Pythagoras' Theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1656
418hSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using sides of a right-angled triangle where a perimeter is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5827
418iSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using the dimensions of a cuboid where the volume is known or where two volumes are equal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5828
418jSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using the dimensions of a cuboid where the surface area is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5829
418kSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using the dimensions of a prism where the volume is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5830
418lSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation to determine the radius or diameter of a cylinder given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8403
418mSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation to determine an unknown dimension of a semi-cylinder given its surface area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8275
418nSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using the dimensions of a cone where the surface area is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8348
418oSecondaryForm an expression for the volume of a cuboid given its net.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8578
418pSecondaryWrite a non-linear expression in one variable by rearranging known relationships between two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8582
419A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Solving non-linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations by substitutiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=83https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2_n1KKPzmm8E419
419aA Level, SecondaryUse a given value of x or y to verify a point of intersection of two graphs with given equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8896
419bA Level, SecondarySolve non-linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations where y is the subject of both equations, to give a quadratic equation to be solved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1085https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vpfpFrcBE8AK570
419cA Level, SecondarySolve non-linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations by substitution, where one includes a product or division of two variables and the other has x or y as the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5833
419dA Level, SecondarySolve non-linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations with one equation given in the form x^2 + y^2 = a and the other where x or y is the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1159https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mcJCVfqGJR4K571
419eA Level, SecondarySolve simultaneous equations/systems of equations given in the form ax + by = c and x^2 + y^2 = ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1304K775
419fA Level, SecondarySolve simultaneous equations/systems of equations with variables in denominator of fractions e.g. \frac{x}{y}+\frac{2y}{x}=4 and y=x-2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5834
419gA Level, SecondaryForm and solve non-linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8522
420SecondaryExam Practice: Plotting simple cubic graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4313E420
420aSecondaryComplete a table of values for a cubic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5835
420bSecondaryPlot a cubic graph in the form y=ax^3 using a completed table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8912
420cSecondaryPlot a cubic graph using a completed table of values with positive coefficient of x^3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5838
420dSecondaryPlot a cubic graph using a completed table of values with negative coefficient of x^3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8913
420eSecondaryComplete a table of values and plot the corresponding cubic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5839https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vA9zaxktXks
421SecondaryExam Practice: Using graphs to find approximate solutions to quadratic equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=99E421
421aSecondaryDetermine the number of solutions to f(x)=g(x) given graphs of y=f(x) and y=g(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8898
421bSecondaryDetermine the number of solutions to an equation that can be rearranged to f(x)=g(x) given graphs of y=f(x) and y=g(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8899
421cSecondaryDetermine the range of values for k in f(x)=k given the graph of y=f(x) and the number of solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8900
421dSecondaryDetermine approximate solutions to a quadratic equation using a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1815
421eSecondarySolve simultaneous equations/systems of equations using graphical methods, where one is linear and the other is quadratic or a given curved graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1037K374
421fSecondaryDraw a horizontal line to determine approximate solutions to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1123https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EAInxAQnfdUK608
421gSecondaryDraw a non-horizontal line to determine approximate solutions to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1324https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4ellJ6ww-yAK609
421hSecondaryDraw a line to determine approximate solutions to a quadratic equation requiring rearrangement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1325https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LYsEQfT9r5IK610
421iSecondaryDraw a straight line to determine approximate solutions to a cubic equation, which may require rearrangement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8332
421jSecondaryDraw a straight line to determine approximate solutions to a more general equation, which may require rearrangement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8388
421kSecondaryUse technology to solve a more general equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8589
422SecondaryExam Practice: Plotting reciprocal graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4314E422
422aSecondaryComplete a table of values for a graph with equation y=\frac{a}{x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1136K612
422bSecondaryComplete a table of values for a graph with equation y=-\frac{a}{x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5840
422cSecondaryComplete a table of values for a graph with equation y=\frac{a}{x^2} or y=-\frac{a}{x^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5841
422dSecondaryPlot a graph of y=\frac{a}{x} or y=-\frac{a}{x} using a completed table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5842
422eSecondaryPlot a graph of y=\frac{a}{x^2} or y=-\frac{a}{x^2} using a completed table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8911
422fSecondaryComplete a table of values and plot the corresponding reciprocal graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5843
422gSecondaryDetermine the number of solutions to an equation involving a reciprocal term and a straight line or quadratic curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8369
422hSecondaryPlot a graph involving an equation with a mixture of reciprocal and linear terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8520
423SecondaryExam Practice: Plotting exponential graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4315E423
423aSecondaryComplete a table of values for an exponential graph with equation y=a^x for positive integer adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5844https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1PKpXMprkvE
423bSecondaryComplete a table of values for an exponential graph with equation y=ka^x for positive integers a and kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1573https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uCVUQ86crrcK753
423cSecondaryComplete a table of values for an exponential graph with equation y=a^{-x} for positive integer adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5845https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dykRP_HTGbY
423dSecondaryComplete a table of values for an exponential graph with equation y=a^{x} for fractional adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8493https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5OqtEkUt5VA
423eSecondaryPlot an exponential graph using a completed table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1135https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3QXx_wC-WtkK611
423fSecondaryPlot exponential graphs of the form y=ka^x+bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5846https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ijYKfB8fJtI
423gSecondaryComplete a table of values and plot the corresponding exponential graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5847https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MxE9DFkTw9w
424A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Properties of exponential graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4316E424
424aA Level, SecondaryIdentify the y-intercept of an exponential graph given in the form y=a^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5848https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/07WJvc1k974
424bA Level, SecondaryIdentify the y-intercept of an exponential graph given in the form y=ka^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5849https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Xf7YUl-Ky68
424cA Level, SecondaryInterpret the value of k in an exponential model y = ka^x in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5850https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/W56cM1XXXBY
424dA Level, SecondaryInterpret the value of a in an exponential model y = ka^x in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5851https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lp3M94ldMQE
424eA Level, SecondaryIdentify the y-intercept of an exponential graph given in the form y=ka^{x} +b or y=ka^{-x} + bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5853https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tUg9HCrPZ38
424fA Level, SecondaryIdentify asymptotes given an exponential graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5854https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PMzJ1MX2Wxs
424gA Level, SecondaryIdentify asymptotes given the equation of an exponential graph of the form y=ka^x + b for positive integer adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5855https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1WffG2D3eWc
424hA Level, SecondaryIdentify asymptotes given the equation of an exponential graph of the form y=ka^{-x} + bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8494https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BTR91ojS4zY
424iA Level, SecondaryIdentify asymptotes given the equation of an exponential graph of the form y=ka^x + b for fractional adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8495https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uLE_-WLo2XM
425SecondaryExam Practice: Determining the values of p and q in the exponential function y = pq^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=100https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9cHBsfER4ikE425
425aSecondaryDetermine the values of k and a in the exponential function y = ka^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1099https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wSsnrLZNT4IK607
425bSecondaryUse a graph to determine the function y = ka^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2097https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mAK4V8cI7Cc
425cSecondaryDetermine an exponential model y = ka^x from two data points to make a prediction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2182https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PBWM8YBBMiQ
425dSecondaryDetermine an exponential model y = ka^x +b from two data points to make a prediction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8318
426SecondaryExam Practice: Recognising the shape of basic forms of cubic, reciprocal and exponential graphs based on their equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=426https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FVfjEuLxe90E426
426aSecondarySketch the basic quadratic (y=x^2), cubic (y=x^3), reciprocal (y=1/x) and exponential (y=a^x) graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5856
426bSecondaryRecognise the shape of simple quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5857
426cSecondaryRecognise graphs for directly proportional and inversely proportional relationships.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2294
427SecondaryExam Practice: Recognising the shape of more complex forms of quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential graphs based on their equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4317E427
427aSecondaryUse the shape of more general linear, quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential graphs and match to a given equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1144https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TbZn2LyewocK613
427bSecondaryIdentify a particular quadratic graph amongst other quadratic graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5858
427cSecondaryIdentify a particular cubic graph amongst other cubic graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5859
427dSecondaryIdentify a particular reciprocal graph amongst other reciprocal graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5860
427eSecondaryIdentify a particular exponential graph amongst other exponential graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5861
428A LevelExam Practice: Choosing a model given the shape of datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4318E428
428aA LevelDecide between a linear, quadratic and exponential model based on the shape of bivariate data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5862
428bA LevelInformally assess the suitability of a linear, quadratic or exponential model based on the (absolute) residuals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5863
428cA LevelLinearise a graph showing a directly proportional relationship.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5864
429SecondaryExam Practice: Angles in quadrantsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4319E429
429aSecondaryIdentify the initial and terminal side of an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5865
429bSecondaryCalculate the angle between the initial and terminal sides for an angle in the standard position.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5866
429cSecondaryIdentify coterminal angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5867
429dSecondaryCalculate the reference angle for an angle between 0 and 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5868
429eSecondaryCalculate the reference angle for an angle above 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5869
430SecondaryExam Practice: Using the unit circle to find trigonometric values above 90^{\circ}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4320E430
430aSecondaryUse the unit circle to find \sin, \cos or \tan of a multiple of 90^{\circ}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5870
430bSecondaryUse the unit circle to find \sin, \cos or \tan of a value in the second quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5871
430cSecondaryUse the unit circle to find \sin, \cos or \tan of a value in the third or fourth quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5872
430dSecondaryUse the unit circle to find \sin, \cos or \tan of angles above 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5873
431SecondaryExam Practice: Plotting and recognising graphs of trigonometric functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=98https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1rghC25XnHYE431
431aSecondaryPlot and recognise graphs of y = \sin(x) and y = \cos(x) in degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1143https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7hpTzJiEnMoK621
431bSecondaryPlot and recognise the graph y = \tan(x) in degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2171https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7jkrFvSy2oQ
431cSecondaryAppreciate the relationship between \sin and \cos for complementary angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2345https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wNLl4Fx0igM
431dSecondaryUnderstand the amplitude, period and midline of a trigonometric function using its graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2359https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EUT795ao_JI
432SecondaryExam Practice: Function notation and calculating outputs or inputs or a functiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=392https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/F8g8urV7ZZwE432
432aSecondaryCalculate the output of a function, given the input.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=832https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RoOwcP6UxpMK590
432bSecondaryDetermine an output for a given scenario modelled as a quadratic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8819
432cSecondaryWrite a function that represents a function machine.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2286
432dSecondaryDetermine the input of a linear function, given the output.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1801
432eSecondaryDetermine the input of a non-linear function, given the output.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2301
432fSecondaryDetermine an expression using transformations of a function with a single variable input.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2303
432gSecondaryDetermine an expression for f(...) with more general algebraic inputs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2302
432hSecondaryDetermine an expression for a combination of f(...) with different inputs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2312
432iSecondaryDetermine an expression using transformations of a function with different inputs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2313
432jSecondarySolve equations given in the form f(...) = k for more general algebraic inputs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2321
432kSecondaryDetermine an input for a given scenario modelled as a quadratic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8820
432lSecondarySolve equations where the output of two functions is equated, leading to a linear equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2327
432mSecondarySolve equations where the output of two functions is equated, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2328
433SecondaryExam Practice: Graph representation of functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=539E433
433aSecondaryDetermine the output of a function using a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2102
433bSecondaryDetermine the roots of a function using a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8389
433cSecondarySolve f(x) = k, for some fixed k, using a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2103
433dSecondarySolve f(x) = k, using a graph, where k must be calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8390
433eSecondarySolve f(x) = g(x), using a graph, where y=g(x) must be drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8391
433fSecondaryDetermine the range of values of k for which f(x) = k has a particular number of solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2104
434SecondaryExam Practice: Solving simple trigonometric equations, e.g. \sin(x) = k, using a graphdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=386E434
434aSecondaryRecognise the values for which the output of a trigonometric function is equal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8415
434bSecondaryRecognise the values for which the output of a trigonometric function is equal but one term is negated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8416
434cSecondaryDetermine the number of solutions of a trigonometric equation, in the form \sin(x) = k or \cos(x) = k.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2098
434dSecondaryUse a graph to solve equations given in the form \sin(x) = k or \cos(x) = k in the range 0 to 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2099
434eSecondaryUse a graph to solve equations given in the form \tan(x) = k in the range 0 to 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2370
434fSecondaryUse a graph to solve equations given in the form \sin(x) = k or \cos(x) = k in a range greater than 0 to 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1447K622
434gSecondaryUse a graph to solve equations given in the form \tan(x) = k in a range greater than 0 to 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2371
434hSecondaryUse a graph to solve equations given in the form \tan(x) = k in a range greater than 0 to 360 degree, given only a graph for 0 to 360 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2100
434iSecondarySolve equations given in the form \sin(x) = \sin(k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2101
434jSecondarySolve equations given in the form \sin(x) = -\sin(k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2160
434kSecondarySolve equations of the form \sin(x) = k or \cos(x) = k where evaluation of exact trig values is first required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8367
434lSecondaryDetermine the number of solutions of a more complex equation involving a trigonometric term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8368
435SecondaryExam Practice: Composite functions (excluding exponentials and modulus)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=391https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7Ksdo3zA448E435
435aSecondaryCalculate the numeric output of a composite function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1157https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Cz5LaMAcSZcK595
435bSecondaryDetermine the algebraic output of a composite function where both functions are linear.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1476K596
435cSecondaryDetermine the algebraic output of a composite function where at least one function is quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1774
435dSecondaryDetermine the algebraic output of a composite function for more general functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5874
435eSecondaryIdentify the constituent functions that make up a composite function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5875
435fSecondarySolve an equation involving a composite function, leading to a linear equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5876
435gSecondarySolve an equation involving a composite function, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5877
435hSecondaryDetermine ff(x) for functions given in the form f(x) = \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5878
435iSecondaryDetermine the output of a composite function where at least one the functions are in graph form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8678
436SecondaryExam Practice: Inverse functions (excluding exponentials and modulus)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=390https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TQNqHeAnfC8E436
436aSecondaryDetermine the inverse function for an expression with one operation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5879
436bSecondaryDetermine the inverse function for a linear expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1073https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/B6Q8yjOTHIQK592
436cSecondaryDetermine the value of inverse function for a given input.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5880
436dSecondaryDetermine the inverse function where f(x) = \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1179K887
436eSecondaryDetermine the inverse function for a quadratic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1738
436fSecondaryDetermine the inverse function of a composite function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5881
436gSecondarySolve an equation involving both a composite and inverse function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5882
436hSecondarySimplify f^{-1} f(x) and understand self-inverse functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5883
437SecondaryExam Practice: Domain and range of simple functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=424E437
437aSecondaryDetermine the range of a linear function for a given domain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5884
437bSecondaryDetermine the range of values that should be excluded from the domain of a reciprocal function or root function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5885
437cSecondaryDetermine the range of a quadratic function in completed square form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5886
437dSecondaryDetermine the range of a quadratic function with a given domain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5887
437eSecondaryDetermine the domain or range of a function in graph form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5888
437fSecondaryDetermine the domain of a function for a given range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8396
438SecondaryExam Practice: Properties of functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4321E438
438aSecondaryRecognise odd functions and even functions from their graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5889
438bSecondaryDetermine if a function is odd, even or neither from its algebraic definition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5890
438cSecondaryRecognise periodic functions from their graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5891
439SecondaryExam Practice: Trial and improvement to approximate a solution to an equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=352E439
439aSecondaryUse trial and improvement to approximate a solution to an equation given in the form f(x)=kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5892
439bSecondaryUse trial and improvement to approximate a solution to an equation formed from a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5893
440SecondaryExam Practice: General iterative processesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4322E440
440aSecondaryUse a general iterative formula given an initial value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5894
440bSecondaryWrite an iterative formula from a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5895
440cSecondaryUse an iterative formula to generate a periodic sequence and solve problems using the periodicity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5896
440dSecondaryDetermine an unknown in an iterative formula using two given values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5897
441SecondaryExam Practice: Fixed point iteration to approximate a solution to an equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=393E441
441aSecondaryRearrange an equation into the form x = g(x) ('fixed point iteration') for subsequent use in an iterative method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5898
441bSecondaryAppreciate the significance of a sign change in identifying an interval for the root of an equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5899
441cSecondaryApproximate a solution to an equation using (fixed point) iteration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1147K589
442SecondaryExam Practice: Circle theoremsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=129https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3XCiG7Rp4dkE442
442aSecondaryKnow that the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=677https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mRs1_u6yCsgK645
442bSecondaryKnow that angles in the same segment are equal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=693https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jNuG1-wTPdcK646
442cSecondaryKnow that the angle in a semicircle is 90 degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=694https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ldBN402lMd4K643
442dSecondaryKnow that opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=695https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nfAFJ58EGiAK647
442eSecondaryKnow that the angle between a tangent and the radius at the point of contact is 90.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=696https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CV1d6vvRDcEK644
442fSecondaryKnow that the angle between the tangent and a chord is equal to the angle in the alternate segment (alternate segment theorem / tangent-chord theorem).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=697https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5WsiIgooaz4K648
442gSecondaryKnow that tangents which meet at the same point are equal in length (possibly involving other circle theorems).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1697https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3QB9T_ePanQ
442hSecondaryUse Pythagoras' theorem alongside circle theorems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1562https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tdegfy46xpoK744
442iSecondaryDetermine an angle in an arrowhead centred at the circle centre.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2221https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FKBEl6CiTg8
442jSecondaryUse the theorems: angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference and the radii of a circle are equal in length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1693https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/L78RUzfmQxY
442kSecondaryUse the theorems: the angle between tangent and radius is 90 and radii of a circle are equal in length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2026https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gH2_5WLdEoM
442lSecondaryUse the theorems: the angle at the centre is double the angle at circumference and the angle between a radius and a tangent is 90, using a quadrilateral inside the circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2030https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GKQ2bFb_Q2o
442mSecondaryUse the theorems: the angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference and the angle between a radius and a tangent is 90, using a quadrilateral outside the circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2040https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SQbL3NoF4Oc
442nSecondaryUse the theorems: the angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference and opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2050https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-qVIWB5Lzwk
442oSecondaryUse the theorems: angles in same segment are equal and an angle in a semicircle is 90.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2053https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Hw6LrhtrLCI
442pSecondaryUse the theorems: opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180 and an angle in a semicircle is 90.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2070https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kvMAOvCIySo
442qSecondaryUse the theorems: the angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference and the alternate segment theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2079https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kMA0UGf310Q
442rSecondaryUse the theorems: the angle between a radius and a tangent is 90 and the alternate segment theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2091https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5TMcJdy8DC0
442sSecondaryUse the theorems: opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral add to 180 and the alternate segment theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2092https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h0y3giHUfic
442tSecondaryUse the theorems: opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral add to 180 and the alternate segment theorem, with an isosceles triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2175https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EVNrv2zHxNM
442uSecondaryUse parallel lines combined with the theorems: opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180 and alternate segment theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2245https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tz-dpqaIzjA
442vSecondarySolve problems involving triangles intersecting to form a cyclic quadrilateral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2252https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/twizoKKSYtI
442wSecondaryForm and solve linear equations using circle theorems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5900https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SdibMCZ2YlQ
442xSecondaryForm and solve simultaneous equations using circle theorems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5901
442ySecondaryKnow that tangents from a point to the circle are equal in length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5902
442zSecondaryDetermine the angle between a tangent and an extended side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5903https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TQCk5MlhIUE
443SecondaryExam Practice: Intersecting chord and intersecting secant theoremsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=423https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Bua6NRzcF5YE443
443aSecondaryUse the intersecting chord theorem to determine an unknown length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1461K669
443bSecondaryUse the intersecting chord theorem to determine the radius of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5904
443cSecondaryUse the intersecting secant theorem to form and solve a linear equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1462K670
443dSecondaryUse the intersecting secant theorem to form and solve a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5905
443eSecondaryCombine the intersecting chord and intersecting secant theorems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5906
444SecondaryExam Practice: Proofs of circle theoremsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4323E444
444aSecondaryProve that the angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5907
444bSecondaryProve that angles in the same segment are equal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5908
444cSecondaryProve that opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180^\circdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5909
444dSecondaryProve the alternate segment theorem / tangent-chord theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5910
444eSecondaryProve the intersecting chord theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5911
444fSecondaryProve the intersecting secant theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5912
445A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Equations of perpendicular linesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=94https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zEHxOjR7mmQE445
445aA Level, SecondaryDetermine the gradient of a line perpendicular to another with a given gradient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1647
445bA Level, SecondaryDetermine whether two lines are perpendicular given their equations (no rearrangement).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1379https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-pqSlgOR0lkK576
445cA Level, SecondaryDetermine whether two lines are perpendicular given their equations (rearrangement required).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1380https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZowrDc5jZrgK577
445dA Level, SecondaryDetermine whether two lines are perpendicular by calculating their gradients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8371
445eA Level, SecondaryFind an equation of a line perpendicular to another that passes through a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=737https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eC9uFJy84uwK578
445fA Level, SecondaryFind an equation of a line perpendicular to another that passes through a given point (rearrangement required).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5913
445gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a line perpendicular to another line that passes through two given points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5914
445hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the point of intersection of a line with a given equation and its perpendicular with a given y-intercept.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8365
445iA Level, SecondaryDetermine a missing coordinate on a line given another is perpendicular to it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8372
445jA Level, SecondaryDetermine a point on a line which is closest to another point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8366
445kA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of an altitude of a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5915
445lA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of the perpendicular bisector of two points, or the diagonal of a kite given the other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5916
445mA Level, SecondarySolve problems involving the intersection of perpendicular lines with the coordinate axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5917
445nA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of the diagonal of a kite given the coordinates of the vertices on the other diagonal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5918
445oA Level, SecondaryDetermine the coordinates of a point on a kite given one diagonal and another point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5919
445pA Level, SecondaryDetermine the area of a rectangle whose diagonal is a coordinate axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5920
445qA Level, SecondaryShow that points make geometric shapes when connected using gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines and their lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5921
445rA Level, SecondaryDetermine the area of a triangle given the coordinates of its three vertices, by finding the perpendicular to a line that goes through two of the vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5922
446SecondaryExam Practice: Graphs of circles centred at the origindrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=97https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kKBGlZ0lhNUE446
446aSecondaryAppreciate that a point on the circumference of a circle centred at the origin satisfies its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2200
446bSecondaryPlot the graph of a circle centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1098https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9m2IjCNw9XQK417
446cSecondaryDetermine the radius of a circle given its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1426https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fpX2t1P4U9IK420
446dSecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle centred at the origin given its radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1044https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c5JH6BVO_roK419
446eSecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle centred at the origin which is drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1042https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qc1cxIR4rPkK418
446fSecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle centred at the origin, using a point given on the circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2205
446gSecondaryDetermine an area or circumference of a circle centred at the origin given its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2206
446hSecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle centred at the origin given its area or circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2207
446iSecondaryDetermine an area or perimeter of a portion of an annulus, given the equations of the circles centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2210
446jSecondaryUse trigonometry to solve problems involving unknown points on a circle centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8661
447SecondaryExam Practice: Equation of a tangent to a circle centred at the origindrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=389https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/N1j0BmTxwVME447
447aSecondaryDetermine the equation of a tangent to a circle centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1404https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5nlVm8NXrTMK579
447bSecondaryDetermine the x-intercept or y-intercept of a tangent to a circle centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1977https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pCMQ-WgftWs
447cSecondaryDetermine the area of a triangle formed by a tangent to a circle centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1978https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gWg3YgSdxEs
448A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Graph transformations of y = f(x+a) and y = f(x) + adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=95https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rZDKPySPHwME448
448aA Level, SecondarySketch the graph y = f(x + a) given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5923
448bA Level, SecondarySketch the graph y = f(x) + a given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5924
448cA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the effect on a point under the transformation y = f(x + a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=779https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tVeSBMpVIOkK585
448dA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the effect on a point under the transformation y = f(x) + adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=780https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Jr_gbVwmReYK586
448eA Level, SecondaryApply transformations y=f(x+a) and y=f(x)+a in a table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1769
448fA Level, SecondarySketch the graphs of trigonometric functions y=\sin(x)+a or y=\sin(x+a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2353
448gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation in f(x) after a translation of a given graph to f(x)+a and f(x+a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2352
448hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation of a function after a translation by \begin{pmatrix}a\\0\end{pmatrix} or \begin{pmatrix}0\\a\end{pmatrix}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2333
449A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Graph transformations of y = f(-x) and y = -f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=544E449
449aA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = -f(x) given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2143
449bA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = f(-x) given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2163
449cA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the effect on a point under the transformation y = -f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=968https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Da_56RdYKGwK587
449dA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the effect on a point under the transformation y = f(-x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2165
449eA Level, SecondarySketch the graphs of trigonometric functions y=-\sin(x) or y=\sin(-x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2261
449fA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation in f(x) notation after a reflection of a given graph in one axis only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2275
449gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation of a function after a reflection in one axis only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5925
450A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Graph transformations of y = f(ax) and y = af(x) (dilations)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=543E450
450aA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = af(x) given the graph of y = f(x), where a>0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2167
450bA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = f(ax) given the graph of y = f(x), where a>0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2166
450cA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = af(x) given the graph of y = f(x), where a<0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2259
450dA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = f(ax) given the graph of y = f(x), where a<0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2260
450eA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the effect on a point under the transformation y = af(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2183
450fA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the effect on a point under the transformation y = f(ax)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2184
450gA Level, SecondaryApply transformations y=f(ax) and y=af(x) in a table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5926
450hA Level, SecondarySketch the graphs of trigonometric functions y = a\sin(x) or y = \sin(ax)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2188
450iA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation in f(x) notation after the transformation of a given graph to y=af(x) or y=f(ax)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2233
450jA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation of a function after a scaling transformation y=f(ax) or y=af(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5927
450kA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vertical scaling on an exponential graph equivalent to a horizontal translation, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8564https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bzhZ5dIjPEo
451A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Combinations of graph transformationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4324E451
451aA Level, SecondarySketch the graph y = f(x + a) + b given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2298
451bA Level, SecondarySketch the graph y = af(bx) given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5928
451cA Level, SecondarySketch the graph af(x)+b, af(x+b) and f(ax)+b given the graph of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2316
451dA Level, SecondarySketch the graph of a trigonometric function given in the form y = \sin(x + a) + bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1513K714
451eA Level, SecondarySketch the graph of a trigonometric function given in the form y = a\sin(bx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5929
451fA Level, SecondarySketch the graph of a trigonometric function given in the form y = a\sin(x+b), y = a\sin(x)+b or y = \sin(ax)+bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5930
451gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the constants of a trigonometric function given in the form y = a\sin(x+b), y =a\sin(bx)+c or y = a\sin(x+b) + c given its sketch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2199
451hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation in f(x) notation after a translation of a given graph to y = f(x + a) + bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5931
451iA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation in f(x) notation after the transformation of a given graph to y = af(bx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5932
451jA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation in f(x) notation after the transformation of a given graph to y = af(x)+b, y = af(x+b) or y = f(ax)+bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5933
451kA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation of a function after a translation by a given vector \begin{pmatrix}a\\b\end{pmatrix}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5934
451lA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation of a function after transformations given in the form y = af(bx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5935
451mA Level, SecondaryDetermine the new equation of a function after a combination of transformations, y = af(x)+b, y = af(x+b) and y = f(ax)+bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5936
452A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Graphs of root functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4325E452
452aA Level, SecondarySketch the graph of y=x^{1/2} or y=\sqrt{x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5937
452bA Level, SecondarySketch the graph of y=ax^{1/2} or y=a\sqrt{x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5938
452cA Level, SecondarySketch the graph of y=ax^{-1/2} or y=\frac{a}{\sqrt{x}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5939
452dA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = a\sqrt{x+b}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5940
452eA Level, SecondarySketch a graph of y = a\sqrt[3]{x+b}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5941
453SecondaryExam Practice: Testing conjectures and identifying counterexamplesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=101https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BW9oKyy3eEgE453
453aSecondaryGive a counterexample to show that a conjecture is false using properties of numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5942https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/M4AT7zjlnXU
453bSecondaryDetermine which conjecture is disproved by a given counterexample.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5943
453cSecondaryDetermine a counterexample by substitution into an algebraic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5944https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SQOD0mbiO4U
453dSecondaryConsider the validity of more general algebraic statements, including constraints on the variables or relationships between expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5945https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SDz6dNCXce8
454SecondaryExam Practice: Algebraic proofs involving integersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=102https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cIiw609iT-YE454
454aSecondaryIdentify expressions that represent a multiple of an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1148https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RGFF9zafkh4K598
454bSecondaryIdentify expressions that represent odd/even integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1150https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nvZdPltdYqcK597
454cSecondaryProve that a given algebraic expression is always odd/even, requiring bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8855
454dSecondaryProve that a given algebraic expression is always odd/even (no bracket expansion).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1149https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iKuEN4TKEOQK601
454eSecondaryProve that a given algebraic expression is always a multiple of a number (no bracket expansion).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2225https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S7ziBZ5Z8R8
454fSecondaryProve that a given algebraic expression is always a multiple of a number, requiring bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8856
454gSecondaryProve that a given algebraic expression is always something less or something more than a multiple of a number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8825
454hSecondaryUse expressions for consecutive integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1151https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GQxuEKksOp0K599
454iSecondaryProve that a sum of consecutive integers has some given property.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2229https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XFdKCTywqnE
454jSecondaryProve that the sum or difference of the squares of consecutive integers has some given property.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2235https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/89VyWbwW6lc
454kSecondaryUse expressions for consecutive odd/even integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1152https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2foXLbkHDdwK600
454lSecondaryProve that a sum of consecutive odd or even integers has some given property.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2236https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/czK5wn-ev8M
454mSecondaryProve that a sum of the squares of consecutive odd or even integers has some given property.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2241https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8dW_9ea_F34
454nSecondaryUse expressions for different odd/even integers, not necessarily consecutive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2234https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GBi6MhvAcjY
454oSecondaryProve a property about some arithmetic combination of two different odd/even numbers, not necessarily consecutive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2243https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iBIwml8uhBw
454pSecondaryForm and solve an equation using relationships between consecutive integers/evens/odds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2249https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kJ_AJ4kvgIo
454qSecondaryProve that an algebraic expression is a perfect square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2256https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/s1Edynq-58I
455SecondaryExam Practice: Equating coefficients in an identity f(x) \equiv g(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=577E455
455aSecondaryEquate coefficients to determine constants in an identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1541https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aJmIHTmGo6QK737
455bSecondaryEquate coefficients to determine constants in an identity requiring two single bracket expansions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1542https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zFya8CW8pb4K738
455cSecondaryEquate coefficients to determine constants in an identity requiring expanding double brackets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2019
455dSecondaryEquate coefficients to determine constants in an identity, involving a combination of single and double bracket expansions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2033
456SecondaryExam Practice: Inequalities in two variables, including their representation on a plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=353https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iln-BONbRz0E456
456aSecondaryIdentify a region in 2D indicated by an inequality in the form x < a and y < adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1158K604
456bSecondaryIdentify a region in 2D indicated by a linear inequality in two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8857
456cSecondaryIdentify regions in 2D indicated by two inequalities in the form x < a and y < adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1515https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MtDWoFaSj3EK716
456dSecondaryIdentify regions in 2D indicated by two linear inequalities where at least one is in two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5947
456eSecondaryIdentify regions in 2D indicated by three or more linear inequalities where at least one is in two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1516https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MrhvFclpk7UK717
456fSecondaryConsider possible solutions to a one-ended linear inequality in two variables, given information about one or both variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5948
456gSecondaryConsider possible solutions to a two-ended linear inequality in two variables, given information about one or both variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5949
456hSecondaryDetermine a fixed number of integer solutions which satisfy a given set of linear inequalities in two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5950
456iSecondaryState the maximum or minimum value of an expression related to one or more linear inequalities in two variables shown on a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5951
456jSecondaryDetermine the linear inequalities represented by a region on a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5953
456kSecondaryDetermine the linear inequality that results in a region with a given area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5952
456lSecondaryForm a one-ended linear inequality in two variables from a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5954
456mSecondaryForm a two-ended linear inequality in two variables from a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5955
456nSecondaryForm a set of linear inequalities in two variables from a given context and determine a solution set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5956
456oSecondaryConsider the validity of related linear inequalities in two variables, given others known to be true.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5957
456pSecondaryIdentify regions in 2D indicated by a mixture of linear and quadratic inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8901
456qSecondaryDetermine the linear and quadratic inequalities represented by a region on a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8902
457SecondaryExam Practice: Set builder notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4326E457
457aSecondaryUse set notation to represent a single one-ended or two-ended range of values for a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5958
457bSecondaryUse set notation to represent multiple ranges of values for a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5959
457cSecondaryUse set notation to represent more advanced discrete sets, e.g. odd numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5960
458A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Solving quadratic inequalitiesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=86https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NfxMCCrwcJYE458
458aA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form x^2 + bx + c > 0 or x^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=937https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BkU2ct9_T5oK602
458bA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form x^2 + bx> 0 or x^2 +bx < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5961
458cA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form x^2 - a^2> 0 or x^2 - a^2 < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5962
458dA Level, SecondarySolve inequalities requiring rearrangement to the form x^2 + bx + c > 0 or x^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1974https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tPiWCrLw8sw
458eA Level, SecondarySolve inequalities requiring expanding brackets and rearrangement to the form x^2 + bx + c > 0 or x^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5963
458fA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form ax^2 + bx + c > 0 or ax^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5964
458gA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities requiring rearrangement to the form ax^2 + bx + c > 0 or ax^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=936https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2onyWoJIk9kK603
458hA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities requiring expanding brackets and rearrangement to the form ax^2 + bx + c > 0 or ax^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5965
458iA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form ax^2 > bx or ax^2 < bxdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5966
458jA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form ax^2 > b or ax^2 < bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1975https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LlrFQi3xdxY
458kA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form -x^2 + bx + c > 0 or -x^2 + bx + c < 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1976https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/P_dONvKtsNc
458lA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities given in the form f(x) < g(x), where at least one of these expressions is quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5967
458mA Level, SecondarySolve quadratic inequalities involving a division by a positive algebraic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1796https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ms886WTYZ9A
458nA Level, SecondaryExpress the solution of a quadratic inequality using set notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5968
458oA Level, SecondaryCombine a linear and a quadratic inequality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1797https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ik21a78Vt0c
458pA Level, SecondaryForm and solve a quadratic inequality to find the terms in a quadratic sequence that fulfil certain criteria.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5969
458qA Level, SecondaryForm and solve a quadratic inequality for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8349
459SecondaryExam Practice: Understanding and drawing speed-time graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=396E459
459aSecondaryDetermine the maximum and minimum speed reached on a speed-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5970
459bSecondaryDetermine when a speed-time graph shows uniform acceleration, uniform deceleration or maintaining a constant speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5971
459cSecondaryDraw a speed-time graph given information about speed and time only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1061https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/t_SHL6gNU9wK860
459dSecondaryCalculate an acceleration from a speed-time graph using gradient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1160K551
459eSecondaryDraw a speed-time graph given information about acceleration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5972
459fSecondaryDetermine unknown values on the axes of a speed-time graph given information about the acceleration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5973
459gSecondaryCalculate the distance from a speed-time graph of an object which is accelerating or decelerating only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5974
459hSecondaryCalculate the total distance from a speed-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1065https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/j4-6kbB5XZ0K546
459iSecondaryDetermine the time on a speed-time graph given the total displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1067K862
459jSecondaryDetermine an unknown speed on a speed-time graph given the total distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5975
459kSecondarySolve problems involving two overlapping speed-time graphs where one object overtakes another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5976
460SecondaryExam Practice: Estimating area under a curved graphdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=401https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VxPXdHipOrEE460
460aSecondaryEstimate the area under a curved graph between two x values, where the strip is drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8277
460bSecondaryEstimate the area under a curved graph between two x values, where the strip is not drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8278
460cSecondaryEstimate the area under a curved graph using a given number of strips of equal width, where these are drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5977
460dSecondaryEstimate the area under a curved graph using a given number of strips of equal width, where these are not drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5978
460eSecondaryState whether an estimated area under a curve is an overestimate or an underestimate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5979
460fSecondaryEstimate the distance using a speed-time graph, where the strips are drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1410https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JuLqkQ2HaCgK547
460gSecondaryDetermine whether an estimated distance is an overestimate or an underestimate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5980
460hSecondaryEstimate the distance using a speed-time graph, where the strips are not drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1409https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JuLqkQ2HaCgK548
460iSecondaryInterpret the area under a curved graph in contexts outside of speed-time graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5981
461SecondaryExam Practice: Estimating the gradient of a curvedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=422https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5JI780BoDzUE461
461aSecondaryEstimate the gradient of a curve between two given points (average rate of change).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5982
461bSecondaryEstimate the gradient of a curve at a given point (instantaneous rate of change).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1145K550
461cSecondaryEstimate the gradient of a curve in context as an average rate of change of a quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5983
461dSecondaryEstimate the gradient of a curve in context as an instantaneous rate of change of a quantity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5984
461eSecondaryEstimate the average speed between two times from a curved distance-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5985
461fSecondaryEstimate a velocity at a given time from a curved distance-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5986
461gSecondaryEstimate the average acceleration between two times from a curved speed-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5987
461hSecondaryEstimate the acceleration at a given time from a curved speed-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5988
461iSecondaryInterpret the gradient of a curve in contexts outside of speed-time graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5989
462SecondaryExam Practice: Solving equations involving fractions that lead to a quadratic equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=500E462
462aSecondarySolve an equation requiring multiplication by a single algebraic term, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1965https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/U1VDJmhZb-k
462bSecondarySolve an equation with a single algebraic fraction on one side of the equation, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1966https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/WwCYFMOBPiw
462cSecondarySolve an equation with a single algebraic fraction on each side of the equation, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1967https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4DbJuBardTg
462dSecondarySolve an equation requiring addition or subtraction of algebraic fractions, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1156https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xbXhOyn6zicK614
462eSecondarySolve an equation with fractions requiring prior factorisation of one of the fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1973
462fSecondarySolve simultaneous equations/systems of equations with variables in the denominators of the fractions of one of the equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5990
462gSecondaryForm and solve an equation with algebraic fractions on each side given algebraic terms in a geometric sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8487
462hSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation from a percentage problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5832
463SecondaryExam Practice: Algebraic probability problems involving independent/dependent eventsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=511https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yJva4ph-KEEE463
463aSecondaryGive an expression for the probability of a single choice given algebraic frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5991
463bSecondaryGive an expression for the probability of a single chain of outcomes involving algebraic frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5992
463cSecondaryGive an expression for the probability of multiple chains of outcomes involving algebraic frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5993
463dSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation where a choice is made from two separate groups with an unknown in one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5994
463eSecondaryForm an equation using sampling without replacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=829https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/THQEajeUa24K628
463fSecondaryForm an equation using sampling without replacement involving subtraction of frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8824
463gSecondaryForm an equation using sampling without replacement where there are multiple chains of outcomes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5995
463hSecondaryForm and solve an equation using sampling without replacement where a difference is given between two quantities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5996
464SecondaryExam Practice: Problem solving with ratiosdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=535E464
464aSecondaryWrite an algebraic ratio as a linear function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1442K201
464bSecondaryForm and solve a linear equation using equivalent ratios.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5997
464cSecondaryForm and solve a quadratic equation using equivalent ratios.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5998
464dSecondaryDetermine an amount given a change in a ratio where one part is changing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1250https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ge2aPe9XJH8K696
464eSecondaryDetermine an amount given a change in a ratio where two parts are changing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1293https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vjKJz3h2ycAK697
464fSecondaryForm a ratio from a quadratic equation in two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8615
464gSecondaryDetermine the quantities required of two mixtures to produce a combined mixture with components in a given ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8538
465A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Sine rule (Law of Sines) and cosine rule (Law of Cosines) to determine lengths in a non-right angled triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=150https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/oMf2TA9XMSME465
465aA Level, SecondaryUse the sine rule/Law of Sines to determine unknown sides in non right-angled triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=764https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KcZW0bXhyykK633
465bA Level, SecondaryUse the sine rule/Law of Sines to determine acute angles in non right-angled triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=765https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/YnOk-JO4jlUK634
465cA Level, SecondaryUse the sine rule/Law of Sines to determine obtuse angles in non right-angled triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=766https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S473tphsHi4K635
465dA Level, SecondaryProve the sine rule (Law of Sines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6001
466A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Sine rule (Law of Sines) and cosine rule (Law of Cosines) to determine angles in a non-right angled triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=149https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pYjmT5W0KwkE466
466aSecondary, A LevelUse the cosine rule/Law of Cosines to determine unknown sides in non right-angled triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=767https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sToDr67fVl0K636
466bA Level, SecondaryDetermine the perimeter of a segment or a compound shape consisting of a sector and a triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=5999
466cA Level, SecondaryUse the cosine rule/Law of Cosines to determine unknown angles in non right-angled triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=768https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xM4dAaTTK0cK637
466dA Level, SecondaryDetermine the largest or smallest angle of a triangle given its sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6002
466eA Level, SecondaryUse the sine and/or cosine rule to determine a length in adjoined triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1654
466fA Level, SecondaryUse the sine and/or cosine rule to determine an angle in adjoined triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8840
466gA Level, SecondaryUse a combination or repetition of the sine rule/Law of Sines and cosine rule/Law of Cosines within a single triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1585https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7o8CnrKMEyMK760
466hA Level, SecondaryUse the cosine rule/Law of Cosines on algebraic sides to determine the value of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6000
466iA Level, SecondaryProve the cosine rule (Law of Cosines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8841
467A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Area of a triangle using two lengths and the angle between themdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=151https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JfoyDWUFWLoE467
467aA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a triangle using two lengths and the included angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=770https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DW-yixJRMVkK639
467bA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a parallelogram using two lengths and the included angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6003
467cA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a kite using two lengths and the included angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6004
467dA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a triangle using two lengths and an angle not included between the two sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1423https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cR3HT9cuKukK640
467eA Level, SecondaryDetermine an expression for the area of a triangle given algebraic sides.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6005
467fA Level, SecondaryCalculate a length of a triangle given its area, another length and the included angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6006
467gA Level, SecondaryCalculate the length of the side opposite an angle in a triangle, using its area and another side.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6007
467hA Level, SecondaryCalculate an angle in a triangle given two sides and the area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1771
467iA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a segment of a circle, given the radius of the circle and the angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1527K722
467jA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a segment of a circle, given the radius of the circle and chord length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1526K723
467kA Level, SecondaryCalculate the length of an arc given the area of the segment.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1528K724
467lA Level, SecondaryCalculate the area of a triangle using its side lengths only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6008
467mA Level, SecondaryDetermine the area of a compound shape consisting of a triangle and sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6009
467nA Level, SecondaryDetermine the area of a triangle by finding a length shared with another triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6010
467oA Level, SecondaryDetermine the area of a quadrilateral given the area of one of its constituent triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6011
467pA Level, SecondaryDetermine the area of a hexagon given its side lengths and some of its angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6012
467qA Level, SecondaryDetermine the shaded area in overlapping circles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1565K745
468SecondaryExam Practice: Advanced formulae for area involving side lengths onlydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4327E468
468aSecondaryCalculate the area of a triangle using Heron's formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6013
468bSecondaryCalculate the area of a cyclic quadrilateral using Brahmagupta's formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6014
469SecondaryExam Practice: Bearings problems involving non-right-angled trigonometrydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=508E469
469aSecondaryUse the cosine rule/Law of Cosines to determine a bearing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2257
469bSecondaryUse the cosine rule/Law of Cosines to determine a distance in a bearing problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1472K672
469cSecondaryUse the sine rule/Law of Sines to determine a bearing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2263
469dSecondaryUse the sine rule/Law of Sines to determine a distance in a bearing problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2295
469eSecondaryUse the sine and cosine rules (Laws of Sines/Cosines) to determine a bearing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2296
469fSecondaryUse the sine and cosine rules (Laws of Sines/Cosines) to determine a distance in a bearing problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2335
469gSecondaryDetermine an enclosed area in a bearings problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2336
470SecondaryExam Practice: 3D shape problems involving non-right-angled trigonometrydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4328E470
470aSecondaryDetermine a missing side length in a prism using sine and/or cosine rules (Law of Sines/Cosines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6015
470bSecondaryDetermine a missing side length in a pyramid using sine and/or cosine rules (Law of Sines/Cosines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6016
470cSecondaryDetermine an angle in a prism using sine and/or cosine rules (Law of Sines/Cosines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6017
470dSecondaryDetermine an angle in a pyramid using sine and/or cosine rules (Law of Sines/Cosines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6018
470eSecondaryDetermine the area of a plane within a 3D shape.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6019
470fSecondaryDetermine the angle between two sloped planes of a pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8449
471SecondaryExam Practice: Proving triangle congruence using SSS, SAS, ASA and RHSdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=141https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dTbbETfstgIE471
471aSecondaryProve that two triangles are congruent using SSS.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1129K629
471bSecondaryProve that two triangles are congruent using ASA.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1130K630
471cSecondaryProve that two triangles are congruent using SAS.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1131K631
471dSecondaryProve that two triangles are congruent using RHS.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1132K632
471eSecondaryUse circle theorems to prove that two triangles are congruent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8822
471fSecondaryProve that side lengths/angles are equal by first proving congruence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8823
471gSecondaryProve that two triangles are similar using AAA.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8523
472A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Magnitude of a column vectordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=267E472
472aA Level, SecondaryUnderstand that a vector can be defined by its magnitude and direction, or its components.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8809
472bA Level, SecondaryCalculate the magnitude of a 2D column vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1057https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_Y--NQL2FWYK650
472cA Level, SecondaryDetermine the magnitude of a scalar multiple of a 2D column vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6020
472dA Level, SecondaryDetermine an unknown value in a 2D column vector given the magnitude.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6021
472eA Level, SecondaryDetermine the direction or bearing of a vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8810
472fA Level, SecondaryDetermine the components of a vector given its magnitude and direction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8811
472gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the magnitude of the sum or difference of vectors given in component form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8812
472hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the direction of the sum or difference of vectors given in component form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8813
473A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Vectors using variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=268E473
473aA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector between two points using an appropriate path.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1068K652
473bA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector involving a midpoint.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1069K653
473cA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector involving a fraction of the distance between two points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1071K654
473dA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector involving half of a subroute.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6022
473eA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector involving a fraction of a subroute.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6023
473fA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector when one vector is extended out by a ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6024
473gA Level, SecondaryProve that points form a parallelogram or rectangle using vector variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8870
474A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Parallel vectors and straight line proofs using vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=270E474
474aA Level, SecondaryDetermine if two vectors are parallel.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6025
474bA Level, SecondaryDetermine an unknown constant in a vector that is parallel to another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6026
474cA Level, SecondaryDetermine the ratio of two vectors that are parallel to each other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8616
474dA Level, SecondaryProve that two vectors in a diagram are parallel.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1162K655
474eA Level, SecondaryProve that points form a trapezium using vector variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8871
474fA Level, SecondaryProve that three points are collinear using vector variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1161K656
474gA Level, SecondaryProve that three points are collinear using column vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6027
475A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Solving vector problems by introduction of a scalardrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4329E475
475aA Level, SecondaryDetermine a vector by equating coefficients for two different scalars/routes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6028https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kZbXLrUzac4
475bA Level, SecondaryDetermine a ratio by writing a vector using two different scalars/routes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6029https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tOcaoIJd544
475cA Level, SecondaryDetermine a ratio of vectors by extending out a vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1564https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KT_dfEo0LtEK993
476SecondaryExam Practice: Statistical fallaciesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4330E476
476aSecondaryRecognise common examples of incorrect reasoning in probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6030
476bSecondaryRecognise situations where regression to the mean may occur.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6031
477SecondaryExam Practice: Riskdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4331E477
477aSecondaryCalculate the absolute risk of an event.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6032
477bSecondaryCalculate the relative risk of an event.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6033
477cSecondaryUse a two-way table to compare relative risk.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6034
478SecondaryExam Practice: Cost-benefit and risk analysisdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4332E478
478aSecondaryCalculate expected profit or loss of company or individual.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6035
478bSecondaryCalculate expected profit or loss for a given game.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6036
478cSecondaryCalculate expected gains and losses given a control measure.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6037
478dSecondaryDecide if an insurance policy should be taken by considering the cost and benefits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6038
478eSecondaryEvaluate and decide on a course of action considering the expected costs and benefits of different options.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6039
479SecondaryExam Practice: Comparative pie chartsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4333E479
479aSecondaryUnderstand when it is relevant to use comparative pie charts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6040
479bSecondaryCalculate the radius of a second pie chart using \frac{r_{2}^2}{r_{1}^2}=\frac{F_{2}}{F_{1}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6041
479cSecondaryDraw a pair of comparative pie charts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6042
479dSecondaryCalculate the total frequency of a given data set given the comparative radii.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6043
479eSecondaryCalculate the frequency of a given sector in a comparative pie chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6044
479fSecondaryCompare two sets of data using comparative pie charts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6045
480SecondaryExam Practice: Population pyramidsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4334E480
480aSecondaryDraw a population pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6046
480bSecondaryRead a population pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6047
480cSecondaryCompare two sets of data using a population pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6048
480dSecondaryMake inferences about a population based on the shape of a population pyramid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6049
481SecondaryExam Practice: Choropleth mapsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4335E481
481aSecondaryComplete a choropleth map using a given key.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6050
481bSecondaryRead a choropleth map using a given key.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6051
481cSecondaryCompare choropleth maps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6052
482SecondaryExam Practice: Heat mapsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4336E482
482aSecondaryRead a value off a heat map.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6053
482bSecondaryDetermine the colour/intensity of a region to use on a heat map given its value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6054
482cSecondaryMake inferences from data by interpreting a heat map.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6055
483SecondaryExam Practice: Bubble chartsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4337E483
483aSecondaryRead the value represented by a bubble on a bubble chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6056
483bSecondaryDetermine the size of the bubble required on a bubble chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6057
484SecondaryExam Practice: Birth and death ratesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4338E484
484aSecondaryCalculate crude birth and death rates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6058
484bSecondaryCalculate the number or births or deaths given the rate for a population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6059
484cSecondaryUnderstand the limitations of crude rates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6060
484dSecondaryDetermine the standard population for different strata.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6061
484eSecondaryCalculate standardised rates of change.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6062
484fSecondaryCompare rates of change across a population using standardised rates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6063
485A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Solving hidden quadratic equations (no logs or trigonometric functions)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=181E485
485aA Level, SecondarySolve a hidden quadratic equation given in the form x^n by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=951K771
485bA Level, SecondarySolve a hidden quadratic equation containing roots by substitutiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8450
485cA Level, SecondarySolve a hidden quadratic equation given in the form x^n by substitution, that requires multiplying through by a power of x.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1170K772
485dA Level, SecondarySolve an equation where indices can be equated, leading to a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6064
485eA Level, SecondarySolve a quadratic equation in terms of an exponential term of the form a^x (no logarithms).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1066K773
486SecondaryExam Practice: Simultaneous equations/systems of equations involving 3 variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=484E486
486aSecondarySolve simultaneous equations/systems of equations with 3 variables, by eliminating a given term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6065
486bSecondarySolve simultaneous equations/systems of equations with 3 variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1926
486cSecondaryForm and solve simultaneous equations/systems of equations with 3 unknown values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6066
487SecondaryExam Practice: Piecewise functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=445E487
487aSecondaryUse a piecewise function to find an output for a specific input.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1812
487bSecondarySketch a piecewise function involving linear segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1817
487cSecondarySketch a piecewise function that includes non-linear segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8781
487dSecondaryDetermine the component functions of a sketched piecewise function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1826
487eSecondaryDetermine the number of solutions to f(x) = k where the function is piecewise.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1852
487fSecondarySolve equations given in the form f(x) = k when the function is piecewise.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1853
487gSecondaryDetermine the range of a piecewise function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1856
487hSecondaryDetermine a piecewise function given knowledge of its range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1857
487iSecondaryDetermine the area enclosed under a piecewise function with linear segments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1860
488SecondaryExam Practice: Stepwise functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4339E488
488aSecondaryDetermine an output of a step function using a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6067
488bSecondaryDetermine an output of a step function defined algebraically piecewise.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6068
488cSecondaryDetermine the range of a step function defined algebraically piecewise.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6069
488dSecondarySketch a step function using a single algebraic expression that makes use of the floor function (greatest integer function) or ceiling functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6070
489SecondaryExam Practice: Dimensional analysisdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=428E489
489aSecondaryPropose a formula to calculate a quantity given its unit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6071
489bSecondaryDetermine the dimensions of a quantity in a formula, given the dimensions of the other variables/constants.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6072
489cSecondaryUse dimensional analysis to determine unknown indices in a proposed formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6073
490SecondaryExam Practice: Dealing with logical true-false statements (Boolean algebra)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=374E490
490aSecondaryEvaluate a simple expression involving a single Boolean operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6074
490bSecondaryComplete a truth table for a single Boolean operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6075
490cSecondaryEvaluate an expression involving two or more Boolean operators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6076
490dSecondaryComplete a truth table involving three or more variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6077
490eSecondaryProve the equivalence of expressions with up to 3 variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6078
491SecondaryExam Practice: Syllogisms and tautologiesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4340E491
491aSecondaryUnderstand the terminology of syllogisms, including the major premise, minor premise and conclusion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6079
491bSecondaryReason about the distribution of subjects and predicates in propositions such as "All X are Y" and "Some X are not Y".drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6080
491cSecondaryDetermine whether a syllogism involving distribution of items is logically valid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6081
491dSecondaryUse the Law of Syllogisms and Law of Detachment (modus ponens) for conditional statements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6082
491eSecondaryIdentify when a statement is a tautology (including common types) or a contradiction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6083
492Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Discriminant of a quadratic functiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=185https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ponJzpfss9UE492
492aSecondary, A LevelCalculate the discriminant of a quadratic function with numeric coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1828https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1cyhJcOpPcQ
492bSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant of a simple quadratic function to determine the number of solutions to an equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1829https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UbEg7aMJ4ME
492cSecondary, A LevelUnderstand the relationship between the discriminant of a quadratic function and its sketch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1834https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xVyA7wdMJwE
492dSecondary, A LevelDetermine the discriminant of a quadratic function with algebraic coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1869https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GVVzOs-TKv8
492eSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant to reason about the number of solutions of a factorised cubic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1880https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/41i10vp8iZ4
492fSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant to determine the values for algebraic coefficients in a quadratic function, where there are equal roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1884https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3lBvDUUwbB0
492gSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant to determine the values for algebraic coefficients in a quadratic function, where there are no roots or distinct roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=933https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/s0h_8DgPx8YK770
492hSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant to determine the values for algebraic coefficients in a quadratic function, requiring rearrangement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1898https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EDveaNq4KEU
492iSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant to determine when a straight line is tangent to a quadratic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1755https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/k4cVXUw36Ow
492jSecondary, A LevelProve that a quadratic with algebraic coefficients always has either distinct or no solutions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8330https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2_ircBlPSQY
493Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of more general reciprocal functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=540E493
493aSecondary, A LevelIdentify the x and y intercepts of a more general reciprocal function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6084
493bSecondary, A LevelIdentify the equation of the vertical asymptote of a more general reciprocal function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1808
493cSecondary, A LevelIdentify the equation of the horizontal asymptote of a more general reciprocal function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6085
493dSecondary, A LevelSketch reciprocal functions given in the form y = a + \frac{b}{cx + d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1809
493eSecondary, A LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = \frac{a}{x^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6086
493fSecondary, A LevelSketch reciprocal functions given in the form y = \frac{ax + b}{cx + d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6087
493gSecondary, A LevelDetermine coefficients in a more general reciprocal function that lead to a given x or y intercept.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6088
493hSecondary, A LevelDetermine coefficients in a more general reciprocal function that lead to a given vertical or horizontal asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6089
494A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of polynomials of order 3 or more, particularly cubic and quartic functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=186https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KwLJd1rTMtQE494
494aA LevelIdentify the intercepts of a cubic with the coordinate axes, where the equation is factorised.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1763https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/OdBxuFlsaNI
494bA LevelSketch a cubic graph where the function is in factorised form (including cubics with a stationary point of inflection).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1767https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xMN8kkkGhf8
494cA LevelSketch a cubic graph where the function requires factorising.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1764https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lFmeZEcI54M
494dA LevelIdentify the factorised equation of a sketched cubic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1803https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IcjNGM2Z3V0
494eA LevelIdentify the expanded equation of a sketched cubic graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1766https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vkdlwRYdoJ4
494fA LevelSketch the graph of a quartic function where the function is in factorised form (including quartics with a stationary point of inflection).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1765https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xr_PNk-Adp0
494gA LevelSketch the graph of a quintic function where the function is in factorised form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6090https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wsthzN0y8h0
495A LevelExam Practice: Using the formula y-y_1 = m(x-x_1) to find the equation of a straight linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=195https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qvoIpfd_JB4E495
495aA LevelDetermine an equation of a straight line given the gradient and one point using y-y_1=m(x-x_1)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1109https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hmAp8K46KQK779
495bA LevelDetermine an equation of a straight line, in the form ax + by = c, parallel to another using y-y_1=m(x-x_1)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1111https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/noaW3XmoPqsK781
495cA LevelDetermine an equation of a straight line, in the form ax + by = c, given two points using y-y_1=m(x-x_1)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1110https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h63eGtaFIKgK780
495dA LevelFind an equation of a straight line, in the form ax + by = c, perpendicular to another using y-y_1=m(x-x_1)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1112https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/q1LMV96eSVIK782
495eA LevelDetermine the perpendicular bisector of a line using y-y_1=m(x-x_1)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1046https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Tzmsmf6VU4UK783
495fA LevelDetermine the area of a triangle enclosed by an axis and two intersecting lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1177https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1xGfLwQYysgK784
495gA LevelDetermine the area of a quadrilateral enclosed by both axes and two intersecting lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6091https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mdqD_UE_9bI
495hA LevelDetermine the equation of a line for a given context using y-y_1=m(x-x_1)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1927https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sL-ZRrnNzUg
495iA LevelDetermine the area of a triangle given by 3 coordinates, given the equation of a line between two of them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6092https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dw7eCEuYgX4
496A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Coordinate geometry on circles and the equation of a circle with any centredrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=196https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0P9LdIjAjAwE496
496aA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle, not centred at the origin, given its centre and an integer radius.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1019https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LbeOq1U6OskK786
496bA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle, not centred at the origin, which is drawn.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1043https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6MKHyNSMW9UK700
496cA Level, SecondaryWrite down the equation of a circle, not centred at the origin, given its centre and radius as a surd.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1045https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ks69CIlXp88K701
496dA Level, SecondaryDetermine the centre and radius of a circle given in completed square form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8392https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-XTshLbrFeE
496eA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle, with given centre and radius/diameter, in expanded form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1922https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Y_SXFnQmg88
496fA Level, SecondaryPlot the graph of a circle not centred at the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1101https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pOBNusuuoiAK702
496gA Level, SecondaryAppreciate that a point on the circumference of a circle, not centred at the origin, satisfies its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8394
496hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the intercepts of circle given its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1806https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pOBNusuuoiA
496iA Level, SecondaryDetermine a constant in the equation of a circle given a point on the circumference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8417https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pnEE87s63Gc
496jA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle using the endpoints of the diameter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1017https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/iYntIJCSN6EK787
496kA Level, SecondaryComplete the square to determine the centre and radius of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1016https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DG-w3VQqxKwK785
496lA Level, SecondaryDetermine the valid range of values for a constant in the equation of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1935https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/x2uhY1wuvnY
496mA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle using simple reasoning to establish the centre or radius of the circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6093https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FSon7iCMPTQ
496nA Level, SecondaryUse the coordinates of the endpoint of chord of a circle and the radius to determine the circle's centre.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1807https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zeVRNBxIm1k
496oA Level, SecondaryDetermine the coordinate of a centre of a circle given its radius and the length of a tangent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6094https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9NMRwKq2g_4
496pA Level, SecondaryDetermine the tangent to a circle centred at any point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1021https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rIXLDgWOTRcK789
496qA Level, SecondaryDetermine the shortest distance between two circles with given equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6096https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/U2TXJts0tKI
496rA Level, SecondaryDetermine whether circles overlap or touch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6095https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wdtD2vaPC-8
496sA Level, SecondaryDetermine the length of a tangent from a point to a circle with given equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6097https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/UMOwOMYflsg
496tA Level, SecondaryDetermine the shortest distance from a chord of the circle of given length to the centre of the circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8418https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/M4Zj7Ly7vgk
496uA Level, SecondaryDetermine whether a straight line cuts or is tangent to a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1917
496vA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a tangent to a circle that is parallel to another given tangent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1804https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kJGm1G-fK-k
496wA Level, SecondaryDetermine the equation of a circle given the coordinates of 3 points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6098https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hJb84tE-wX4
497A LevelExam Practice: Algebraic divisiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=362E497
497aA LevelDetermine a factor from algebraic division of a quadratic or cubic expression, given another factor (no zero coefficients).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6099
497bA LevelDetermine a factor from algebraic division of a cubic expression with zero coefficients, given another factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8590
497cA LevelDetermine a factor from algebraic division of a polynomial of degree >3 given another factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6100
497dA LevelDetermine the quotient and remainder from an algebraic division (no zero coefficients).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6101
497eA LevelDetermine the quotient and remainder from an algebraic division (with zero coefficients).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6102
497fA LevelDetermine the quotient and remainder for a division by a quadratic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8692
497gA LevelTurn a top-heavy algebraic fraction into a form involving a quotient and remainder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6103
497hA LevelDetermine the original function given the divisor, quotient and remainder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1827
498Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: The factor theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=182https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VUKuwXspxTIE498
498aSecondary, A LevelDetermine whether a linear expression is a factor of a polynomial.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1896
498bSecondary, A LevelDetermine a factor of a polynomial using the factor theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8419
498cSecondary, A LevelFactorise a cubic when one of the factors is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1821
498dSecondary, A LevelFactorise a cubic expression using the factor theorem, where a factor is not known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1091K791
498eSecondary, A LevelFactorise the sum and difference of two cubes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6104
498fSecondary, A LevelUse the factor theorem to find a unknown coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1090K790
498gSecondary, A LevelUse the factor theorem to find two unknown coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1839
499A LevelExam Practice: The remainder theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4341E499
499aA LevelDetermine the remainder when a polynomial is divided by a linear expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6105
499bA LevelUse the remainder theorem to find an unknown coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6106
499cA LevelUse the remainder theorem to find two unknown coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6107
500A LevelExam Practice: Solving cubic and quartic equations, or polynomials of higher degreedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=427https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FEke3XrV1esE500
500aA LevelSolve cubic equations given in the form x^3 + bx^2 + cx = 0, solvable by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1688
500bA LevelSolve cubic equations given in the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx = 0, solvable by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1689
500cA LevelSolve cubic equations using the factor theorem, given one of the roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6108
500dA LevelSolve cubic equations given in the form x^3 + bx^2 + cx +d = 0, solvable by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8707
500eA LevelSolve cubic equations given in the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx +d= 0, solvable by factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8708
500fA LevelSolve cubic equations with only one rational solution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8699
501A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Binomial expansion of (a + bx)^n where n is a positive integerdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=198E501
501aA Level, SecondaryExpand (x + b)^n, where n is a positive integer up to 6, using Pascal's triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1820
501bA Level, SecondaryExpand (x - b)^n, where n is a positive integer up to 6, using Pascal's triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1831
501cA Level, SecondaryExpand (ax \pm b)^n, where n is a positive integer up to 6, using Pascal's triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=903K792
501dA Level, SecondaryFind the first few terms of the expansion of (ax + b)^n, with n>6, using the choose function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6109
501eA Level, SecondaryFind the first few terms of the expansion of (ax - b)^n, with n>6, using the choose function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8579
501fA Level, SecondaryDetermine the value of a coefficient in a binomial expansion with a positive integer power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=904K793
501gA Level, SecondaryExpand (ax \pm b)^n for positive integers n, where b is fractional.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1835
501hA Level, SecondaryExpand (a + bx)^n for positive integers n, where b is algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1836
501iA Level, SecondaryUse a binomial expansion to reason about terms in the expansion of (a + bx)^n (c + dx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1847
501jA Level, SecondaryUse a binomial expansion to estimate the value of k^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1872
501kA Level, SecondaryReason about the b and n in (a + bx)^n given known coefficients of terms in the binomial expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1885
501lA Level, SecondaryUse a relationship between the coefficients of terms in a binomial expansion to determine an unknown constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1934
501mA Level, SecondaryReason about or determine terms of a binomial expansion where one of the terms in the binomial is a reciprocal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6110
501nA Level, SecondaryExpand (ax+\frac{b}{x})^n, where n is a positive integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6111
502A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Constructing proofs involving \sin, \cos and \tan (excluding double angle formulae), and simplifying expressionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=213https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/i2T1t-G_93UE502
502aA Level, SecondaryDetermine exact values of \sin, \cos and \tan using another known trigonometric ratio, for acute angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1108K800
502bA Level, SecondaryDetermine exact values of \sin, \cos and \tan using another known trigonometric ratio, for obtuse or reflex angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6112
502cA Level, SecondaryDetermine exact values of \sin, \cos and \tan using another known trigonometric ratio in terms of an algebraic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6118
502dA Level, SecondaryProve that \sin^2 x + \cos^2 x \equiv 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6113
502eA Level, SecondarySwitch between \sin^2 and \cos^2 for expressions given in the form a \sin^2 bx or a \cos^2 bxdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6114
502fA Level, SecondaryWrite an expression given in the form a \sin^2 x + b \cos^2 x in terms of just \sin or \cosdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6115
502gA Level, SecondaryProve that \tan x \equiv \frac{\sin x}{\cos x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6117
502hA Level, SecondarySimplify a trigonometric expression by splitting a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6116
502iA Level, SecondarySimplify a trigonometric expression by using the identity \sin^2 x + \cos^2 x \equiv 1 and \tan x = \frac{\sin x}{\cos x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2105
502jA Level, SecondarySimplify a trigonometric expression involving \tan^2 x or \tan^3 xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2130
502kA Level, SecondarySimplify an algebraic fraction in terms of \sin and \cos using quadratic factorisation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6119
503A LevelExam Practice: Solving trigonometric equations, involving \sin, \cos and \tan, in an interval in degreesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=207https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/U3MKPIzoC7IE503
503aA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation given in the form \sin x = k where x is in degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=874K796
503bA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation given in the form \sin(ax) = k where x is in degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6120
503cA LevelState the number of solutions to a trigonometric equation given in the form \sin(ax) = k or \cos(ax) = k or \tan(ax) = k for a given range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6121
503dA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation given in the form \sin (ax+b) = k where x is in degrees and k is positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=875K797
503eA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation given in the form \sin (ax+b) = k where x is in degrees and k is negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6122
503fA LevelSolve trigonometric equations given in the form \sin^2 x=a where x is in degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1624
503gA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation in terms of \sin(ax) where the equation involves a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6123
503hA LevelDetermine the value of \tan x given an equation in the form p\sin(x) = q\cos(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6124
503iA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation given in the form p\sin (ax+b) = q\cos (ax+b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1685
503jA LevelSolve a quadratic equation involving a single trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=892K798
503kA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation involving a mixture of \sin and \cos where one is squared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=893K799
503lA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation involving \tan and either \sin or \cosdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6125
503mA LevelDetermine the constants in y = \sin(ax + b) given its roots on the graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6126
503nA LevelUse the solutions from a trigonometric equation to deduce the solutions to a related equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8903
503oA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation from a modelled scenario.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6127
504A LevelExam Practice: Writing vectors in terms of unit vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4342E504
504aA LevelWrite a column vector in \textbf{i}-\textbf{j}-\textbf{k} form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6128
504bA LevelWrite a vector in \textbf{i}-\textbf{j}-\textbf{k} form as a column vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6129
504cA LevelAdd and subtract vectors written in \textbf{i}-\textbf{j}-\textbf{k} form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6130
504dA LevelCalculate the magnitude of a 2D vector written in \textbf{i}-\textbf{j} form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=944K801
504eA LevelCalculate the magnitude of a 3D vector written in \textbf{i}-\textbf{j}-\textbf{k} form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6131
504fA LevelConvert a 2D or 3D vector in either column vector or \textbf{i}-\textbf{j}-\textbf{k} form to a unit vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8304
505A LevelExam Practice: Position vectors and the distance between two points from their position vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=269E505
505aA LevelDetermine a 2D or 3D position vector given another position vector and the vector between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=946K803
505bA LevelDetermine the vector between two 2D or 3D position vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1728
505cA LevelDetermine the position vector of a point that divides the vector between positions in a given ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8565
505dA LevelCalculate the distance between two 2D or 3D position vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1730
505eA LevelDetermine the coordinate of a point given a mixture of position vectors and vectors between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8617
505fA LevelDetermine an unknown component of a position vector for collinear points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8618
506A LevelExam Practice: Trigonometry involving vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=545E506
506aA LevelDetermine the angle between a vector and the x or y axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=945K802
506bA LevelGiven two vectors in magnitude and direction form, determine the magnitude and direction of their sum.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6132
507A LevelExam Practice: Limit notation and limiting values from graphs or tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=443E507
507aA LevelDetermine a limit from a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6133
507bA LevelDetermine a one-sided limit using a graph (excluding asymptotes).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6134
507cA LevelDetermine a one-sided limit involving an asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6135
507dA LevelEstimate a limit from a table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6136
507eA LevelEstimate a one-sided limit from a table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6137
507fA LevelDetermine the limit of a function by direct substitution into the function, including where the value is unbounded.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6138
507gA LevelDetermine limits of trigonometric functions for a given value (in degrees) by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6139
507hA LevelDetermine the limit for a continuous piecewise function by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6140
508A LevelExam Practice: Combining limits using graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4343E508
508aA LevelDetermine the limit of a product of two functions given the graphs of each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6141
508bA LevelDetermine the limit of a division of two functions given the graphs of each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6142
508cA LevelDetermine the limit of a composite function f(g(x)) where the limit of each function exists.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6143
508dA LevelDetermine the limit of a composite function f(g(x)) where the limit of g does not exist but the limit of f(g(x)) does.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6144
508eA LevelDetermine the limit of a composite function f(g(x)) where the limit of g exists but the limit of f does not.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6145
509A LevelExam Practice: Determining limits for a finite value using algebraic manipulationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4344E509
509aA LevelKnow the 7 different indeterminate forms and understand that we need strategies to deal with these when encountered in limits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6146
509bA LevelDetermine a limit of an indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} by simplifying an algebraic fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6147
509cA LevelDetermine a limit of an indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} by rationalising a denominator of a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6148
509dA LevelDetermine a limit of an indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} where a surd occurs in the numerator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6149
510A LevelExam Practice: Unbounded limits and determining limits to infinity (including limiting values of sequences)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4345E510
510aA LevelDetermine a one-ended limit corresponding to a vertical asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6150
510bA LevelDetermine the limit to \pm\infty/end behaviour given the graph of a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6151
510cA LevelDetermine the limit to \infty involving a linear expression in the numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6152
510dA LevelDetermine the limit to \infty involving quadratic expressions (and greater degree) in the numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6153
510eA LevelDetermine the limiting value of a fractional nth term formula with a linear expression in the numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1928
510fA LevelDetermine the limiting value of a fractional nth term formula with a quadratic expression in the numerator and denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6154
510gA LevelDetermine the limit to \pm\infty for more general functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6155
510hA LevelDetermine the equation of a horizontal asymptote(s) of a graph by considering the limits to \pm\inftydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6156
510iA LevelDetermine the limit for \pm\infty for quotients involving a square root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6157
511A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating from first principles for small positive powers of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=219https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ztlTJZSzX9oE511
511aA LevelUse a secant line to obtain an initial expression for a limiting gradient for a function (x^n terms only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6158
511bA LevelDifferentiate from first principles and simplify to obtain an expression for the gradient of a secant line as an approximation to the gradient of a tangent line (x^n terms only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6159
512Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating x^n for rational values of ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=221https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ufoD67KuSUwE512
512aSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a single term given in the form ax^bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1243https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6RbXSOeo2p0K804
512bSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a collection of terms with integer powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=631K699
512cSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a collection of terms given in the form ax^bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=905https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AC5l5eJmYnkK805
512dSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a collection of terms given in the form ax^b involving an algebraic coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8492
512eSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate x^n to find the gradient of a tangent to a curve (i.e. the instantaneous rate of change) at a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1580K996
512fSecondary, A LevelDetermine the value of x which gives rise to a given gradient of the tangent to a curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8451
512gSecondary, A LevelDetermine the value of a constant given the gradient of the tangent to a curve at a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8854
512hSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a polynomial expression requiring bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=911https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2TmZfFRO1koK807
512iSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a collection of terms that require rewriting in the form ax^bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=906https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tYVHcXTrLBgK806
512jSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate a polynomial expression written as a fraction with a single term on the denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=910K808
512kSecondary, A LevelDifferentiate an expression written as a fraction with a single term on the denominator and that contains a root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1729
513A LevelExam Practice: Mean value theorem and Rolle's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4346E513
513aA LevelIdentify the gradient that must exist in an interval of a function by the Mean Value Theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6160
513bA LevelIdentify the point on a graph whose gradient satisfies the Mean Value Theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6161
513cA LevelUnderstand and apply Rolle's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6162
514A LevelExam Practice: Differentiability of functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4347E514
514aA LevelDetermine the values on a graph for which the function is not differentiable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6163
514bA LevelDetermine the values for which a piecewise function is not differentiable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6164
514cA LevelIdentify cusps by examining the behaviour nearby.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6165
515Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Second derivative of a polynomial function (involving powers of x only)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=220https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NoUjqjJd07QE515
515aSecondary, A LevelDetermine the second derivative of a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=934K812
515bSecondary, A LevelEvaluate the second derivative of a function at a specific point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6166
515cSecondary, A LevelDetermine the point on a curve which has a given second derivative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8655
516Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Increasing and decreasing polynomial functions (involving powers of x only)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=224https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-N_H9LDsR04E516
516aSecondary, A LevelUnderstand the terms increasing and decreasing and apply to a drawn graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6167
516bSecondary, A LevelDetermine the interval for which a quadratic function is increasing or decreasing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6168
516cSecondary, A LevelDetermine whether a function is increasing or decreasing at a specific point on the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6169
516dSecondary, A LevelDetermine the interval for which a cubic function is increasing or decreasing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=935K811
516eSecondary, A LevelProve that a function is increasing or decreasing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6170
516fSecondary, A LevelDetermine the range of values for which a function is increasing/decreasing involving a reciprocal term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6171
517Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Maxima and minima and stationary points for powers of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=223https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/v1KWoPYFHj0E517
517aSecondary, A LevelDetermine the stationary point of a quadratic function using differentiation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6172
517bSecondary, A LevelDetermine the stationary points of a cubic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6173
517cSecondary, A LevelDetermine the stationary points of a quartic function or higher power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8488
517dSecondary, A LevelDetermine whether a stationary point is a maximum or minimum by using the second derivative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1261K814
517eSecondary, A LevelDetermine whether a stationary point is a maximum, minimum or point of inflection by using the gradients either side of the point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6174
517fSecondary, A LevelDetermine the stationary points of a curve involving negative powers of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6175
517gSecondary, A LevelDetermine the stationary points of a curve involving roots and fractional powers of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8489
517hSecondary, A LevelDetermine the maximum or minimum value of a function within a closed interval.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8619
517iSecondary, A LevelDraw a cubic graph by using its stationary points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6176
517jSecondary, A LevelDetermine coefficients of an equation given a turning point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1514K715
517kSecondary, A LevelDetermine the turning point of a sketched cubic graph, where one turning point touches the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6177
517lSecondary, A LevelUse the discriminant to determine the number of stationary points of a cubic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6178
517mSecondary, A LevelDetermine the number of roots of cubic, quartic and quintic equations by considering turning points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6179
518A LevelExam Practice: Optimisation problems involving powers of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4348E518
518aA LevelForm an expression for a physical quantity in terms of one variable by combining an expression to optimise with a constraint equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6180
518bA LevelUse differentiation to find the minimum or maximum value of a physical quantity, and the value of a controllable quantity that gives rise to this.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6181
518cA LevelDetermine whether the optimum value for a physical quantity was a minimum or maximum.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6182
519A LevelExam Practice: Sketching the gradient function for a given curve, e.g. in relation to speed and accelerationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=218https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/86VF9JFSZqIE519
519aA LevelReason about a sketched gradient function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1258K815
519bA LevelSketch a gradient function when the original function is a quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6183
519cA LevelSketch a gradient function when the original function is a cubic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6184
519dA LevelSketch a gradient function for a more general function, potentially including points of inflection and a horizontal asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6185
520Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Equations of tangents and normals (powers of x only)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=222https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JW_VOWTm-RcE520
520aSecondary, A LevelDetermine the equation of a tangent or normal to a curve at a turning point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6186
520bSecondary, A LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal to a curve at a given point, where the gradient function is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6187
520cSecondary, A LevelFind an equation of a tangent to a polynomial curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=913K809
520dSecondary, A LevelFind an equation of a normal to a polynomial curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=914K810
520eSecondary, A LevelDetermine the coordinate of a point on a curve given the function and the gradient of the tangent or normal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6188
520fSecondary, A LevelDetermine the coordinate of a point on a curve given the equation of a line parallel to the tangent or normal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6189
520gSecondary, A LevelDetermine the equation of a tangent or normal to a curve where the function involves fractional or negative powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6190
520hSecondary, A LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal of a curve at an intercept with the axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6191
520iSecondary, A LevelDetermine the coordinates of the point where a tangent or normal to a curve at one point intercepts with the coordinate axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6192
520jSecondary, A LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal of a curve in the form ax + by + c = 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6193
520kSecondary, A LevelDetermine a triangular area formed by a tangent or normal to a curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6194
520lSecondary, A LevelDetermine the coordinates of the point where a tangent or normal to a curve at one point intercepts with the curve again.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6195
520mSecondary, A LevelDetermine an unknown coefficient in a function given the gradient of the tangent/normal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6196
520nSecondary, A LevelDetermine an unknown coefficient in a function given the tangent/normal to the curve is parallel to another line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6197
520oSecondary, A LevelDetermine an unknown coefficient or constant in the equation of a tangent or normal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6198
521Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Integrating x^n (excluding n=-1) for rational ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=228https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1Gic04ANEeQE521
521aSecondary, A LevelIntegrate a collection of terms in the form ax^bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=938K816
521bSecondary, A LevelIntegrate a collection of terms in the form ax^b requiring rewriting of roots and reciprocals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=939K817
521cSecondary, A LevelIntegrate an expression requiring bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=940K818
521dSecondary, A LevelIntegrate an expression written as a fraction with a single term on the denominator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=941K819
522A LevelExam Practice: Determining a function given its derivative and a point, for polynomialsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=230https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/IMzxmaPEeKgE522
522aA LevelDetermine a function by integrating \frac{dy}{dx}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=942K820
522bA LevelDetermine a function by integrating \frac{dy}{dx}in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8771
522cA LevelDetermine a function by integrating \frac{dy}{dx} involving one or more unknown coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8904
522dA LevelUse a model obtained from a simple differential equation in the form \frac{dy}{dx} = f(x) to find inputs, outputs and long-term behaviour.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8772
523A LevelExam Practice: Riemann sumsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4349E523
523aA LevelCalculate the left Riemann sum of a given function with uniform partitions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6199
523bA LevelCalculate the right Riemann sum of a given function with uniform partitions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6200
523cA LevelCalculate the middle Riemann sum of a given function using the midpoint rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6201
523dA LevelUnderstand a definite integral as a Riemann sum in the limit where the rectangles become infinitely small.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6202
524A LevelExam Practice: The fundamental theorem of calculus and accumulation functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4350E524
524aA LevelUnderstand and use the accumulation function F(x) = \int^x_a f(t) \textrm{d}tdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6207
524bA LevelUnderstand the fundamental theorem of calculus \frac{\textrm{d}}{\textrm{d}x} \left[ \int^x_a f(t) \textrm{d}t \right] = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6208
525Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Evaluating definite integrals for powers of x, e.g. to find an area under a curve or area between curvesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=229https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/e5RlHoflbpIE525
525aSecondary, A LevelEvaluate a definite integral where the integrand is a collection of terms in the form ax^bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=943K821
525bSecondary, A LevelEvaluate a definite integral where the integrand is a collection of terms in the form ax^b, including roots, reciprocals and where splitting of fractions is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6203
525cSecondary, A LevelDetermine definite integrals by using the areas of basic shapes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6204
525dSecondary, A LevelDetermine the area enclosed between a curve, the x-axis and two given bounds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1929
525eSecondary, A LevelDetermine the shaded area enclosed between a curve and the x-axis where the limits are roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1033K822
525fSecondary, A LevelDetermine the shaded area enclosed between a curve and the y-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8505
525gSecondary, A LevelDetermine a definite integral in terms of an algebraic limit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8506
525hSecondary, A LevelUse a known area enclosed under a curve to determine an unknown bound or an unknown coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6205
525iSecondary, A LevelDetermine an area enclosed between a curve and the x-axis where the curve goes both above and below the axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1930
525jSecondary, A LevelDetermine the area of a composite shape using integration, by adding areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1931
525kSecondary, A LevelDetermine the area between a curve and a line by subtraction of areas.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1932
525lSecondary, A LevelDetermine the area enclosed between two curves, where the bounds are given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6206
525mSecondary, A LevelDetermine the area enclosed between two curves, where the bounds need to be determined.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1933
526A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of exponential functions y = e^{ax+b} + c and exponential growth and decaydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=214https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lc1dhlKt7b8E526
526aA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = a e^{bx} for positive bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6209
526bA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = a e^{bx} for negative bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6210
526cA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = a e^{ax + b} + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6211
526dA LevelDetermine the output of an exponential function in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6212
526eA LevelDetermine the initial value of an exponential model involving time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6213
526fA LevelDetermine the long-term limit of an exponential model involving time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6214
527A LevelExam Practice: Laws of logs (excluding \ln(x))drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=216https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/B_kXThIyKA4E527
527aA LevelEvaluate the log of a value (without a calculator).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6219
527bA LevelConvert from index form to logarithmic form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1727
527cA LevelSolve logarithmic equations given in the form \log_{a}x=bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=915K824
527dA LevelSolve equations given in the form a^x = b using logarithms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6220
527eA LevelDetermine the x-intercept of an exponential graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8620
527fA LevelUse laws of logs to simplify a logarithmic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=912K823
527gA LevelUse laws of logs to write a logarithm as an expression by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1756
527hA LevelSolve logarithmic equations given in the form \log[\text{f}(x)]=\log[\text{g}(x)]drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=928K825
527iA LevelSolve equations using logarithm product and quotient laws (excluding power law).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1652
527jA LevelSolve logarithmic equations by using the power law.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=929K826
527kA LevelUse laws of logs to make an algebraic variable the subject.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6221
527lA LevelSolve equations which are quadratic in an exponential term (excluding e^x).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6222
527mA LevelSolve simultaneous equations involving logarithms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8621
527nA LevelSolve equations given in the form a^{f(x)} = b^{g(x)}, for linear exponents, using logarithms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1734
527oA LevelUse the change of base formula for logs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6223
528A LevelExam Practice: Solving equations and manipulate expressions involving e^x and \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=365https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LHnZs4urHV4E528
528aA LevelRecognise Euler's number e and its equivalent definitions, including Bernoulli's compound interest problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6224
528bA LevelSolve exponential equations involving a single occurrence of edrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1103K827
528cA LevelSolve logarithmic equations involving a single occurrence of \lndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1104K828
528dA LevelDetermine the value of a physical quantity, e.g. time, in an exponential model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6225
528eA LevelDetermine the amount of time for a population to reach a multiple of the initial population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8622
528fA LevelDetermine the value of a constant in an exponential model using known quantities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6226
528gA LevelUse laws of logs to solve equations involving \lndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6227
528hA LevelSolve equations which are quadratic in e^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1062K829
528iA LevelSolve equations which are quadratic in e^x after manipulation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6228
528jA LevelDetermine the point of intersection of two exponential equations with different powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6229
528kA LevelSolve equations given in the form a^x e^x = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6230
528lA LevelUse a modelled scenario to determine the parameters in an exponential model y = a + be^{kx}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8491
529A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of \log_a(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=215https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7FG8abd7F3YE529
529aA LevelSketch y = \log(x) or y = \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8313
529bA LevelDetermine coordinates of intercepts with the axes for functions given in the form y = \log(x + a) or y = \ln(x+a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6215
529cA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = \log(x + a) or y = \ln(x + a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6216
529dA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = \log(a - x) or y = \ln(a - x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6217
529eA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = \log(ax+b) or y = \ln(ax+b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6218
530A LevelExam Practice: Using log graphs to estimate parameters in y = ax^n and y = kb^x for given data in x and ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=217https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4b7H6c_7W4IE530
530aA LevelDetermine the parameters of an exponential graph y = ab^x using the equation of the line of best fit of the logged data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6231
530bA LevelDetermine the parameters of polynomial graph y = ax^b using the equation of the line of best fit of the logged data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6232
530cA LevelUse logarithms to estimate parameters of graphs with equations in the form y=ab^x given the data points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1107K830
530dA LevelUse logarithms to estimate parameters of graphs with equations in the form y=ax^b given the data points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1106K831
531A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Further sampling techniques, including systematic, quota and opportunity samplingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=298E531
531aA Level, SecondaryIdentify the different types of sampling.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1182K832
531bA Level, SecondaryIdentify the most appropriate sampling technique for a given scenario.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6234
531cA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the relative advantages and disadvantages of different sampling techniques.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6235
531dA Level, SecondaryIdentify flaws, sources of bias and potential improvements for a sampling method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6236
532A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Sigma notation and mean in a statistical contextdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4351E532
532aA Level, SecondaryCalculate \Sigma x for a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6237
532bA Level, SecondaryCalculate the mean of a discrete variable using the formula \bar{x} = \frac{\Sigma x}{n}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6238
532cA Level, SecondaryCalculate the mean of a grouped continuous variable using the formula \bar{x} = \frac{\Sigma fx}{\Sigma f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6239
533A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Mean absolute deviationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4352E533
533aA Level, SecondaryCalculate the mean absolute deviation using the formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6240
533bA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the meaning of mean absolute deviation and the effect of additional values on it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6241
534A Level, SecondaryExam Practice: Variance and standard deviation of grouped or ungrouped datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=301E534
534aA Level, SecondaryUnderstand the meaning of standard deviation and compare data sets using it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6242
534bA Level, SecondaryState the effect on standard deviation of additional values added to the data set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8298
534cA Level, SecondaryCalculate the standard deviation of listed data, using formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1543K836
534dA Level, SecondaryCalculate the variance of listed data, using formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6243
534eA Level, SecondaryCalculate the variance or standard deviation of listed data, using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6244
534fA Level, SecondaryCalculate the variance or standard deviation given \sum x and \sum x^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1199K835
534gA Level, SecondaryDetermine the variance or standard deviation of grouped data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1114K837
534hA Level, SecondaryDetermine the variance of two combined data sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6245
535SecondaryExam Practice: Standardised scoresdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4353E535
535aSecondaryCalculate a standardised score using the mean and standard deviation of scores.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6246
535bSecondaryCalculate a the value of the original variable, given its standardised score and value of the mean and standard deviation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6247
535cSecondaryCompare two standardised scores.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6248
536Secondary, A LevelExam Practice: Outliersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=299E536
536aSecondary, A LevelDetermine the outlier boundaries using the interquartile range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6249
536bSecondary, A LevelDetermine the outlier boundaries using the standard deviation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6250
536cSecondary, A LevelIdentify an outlier from listed data using the interquartile range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1189K843
536dSecondary, A LevelIdentify an outlier from listed data using the standard deviation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6251
536eSecondary, A LevelDraw a box plot with outliers (using interquartile range for the outlier boundary).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6252
536fSecondary, A LevelDraw a box plot with outliers (using standard deviation for the outlier boundary).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6253
537SecondaryExam Practice: Quality assurancedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4354E537
537aSecondaryUnderstand the process of quality insurance and the role of sampling.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6254
537bSecondaryCalculate warning and action limits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6255
537cSecondaryConstruct control charts using the mean, median or range of samples.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6256
537dSecondaryUnderstand what action should be taken after taking a sample and comparing to the warning and action limits.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6257
538SecondaryExam Practice: Weighted meandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4355E538
538aSecondaryDetermine the weighted mean of two values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6258
538bSecondaryDetermine the weighted mean of three or more values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6259
538cSecondaryDetermine the weighted mean in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6260
538dSecondaryDetermine an unknown frequency given the weighted mean, associated weights and all other frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6261
539SecondaryExam Practice: Geometric meandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4356E539
539aSecondaryDetermine the geometric mean of two values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6262
539bSecondaryDetermine the geometric mean of three or more values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6263
539cSecondaryCalculate a geometric mean in context, e.g. mean of percentage increases.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6264
539dSecondaryCalculate a value given the geometric mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8916
540SecondaryExam Practice: Average of rates and sum of ratesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4357E540
540aSecondaryDetermine the average speed when travelling the outward and return journeys at different fixed speeds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6265
540bSecondaryDetermine the average of various compound measures, including density and rate of work, where the first quantity is fixed for each rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6266
540cSecondaryDetermine the harmonic mean of two values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6267
540dSecondaryDetermine the harmonic mean of three of more values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6268
540eSecondaryDetermine the time taken to complete a task given the combined contribution of multiple workers/sources/machines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6269
541A LevelExam Practice: Logarithmic scalesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4358E541
541aA LevelCalculate the ratio change on a logarithmic scale given a change in the value it represents (e.g. earthquake energy).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6270
541bA LevelCalculate the ratio change of a value given the ratio change in its corresponding logarithmic scale (e.g. Richter scale and decibel scale).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6271
541cA LevelCalculate a midpoint between two values on a logarithmic scale using the geometric mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6272
541dA LevelCalculate the ratio change on a inverse logarithmic scale given a change in the value it represents (e.g. concentration of hydrogen ions).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6273
541eA LevelCalculate the ratio change of a value given the ratio change in its corresponding inverse logarithmic scale (e.g. pH level).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6274
541fA LevelUse a modelled scenario to determine the parameters in a logarithmic model y = a + b \ln xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8326
542SecondaryExam Practice: Simple index numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4359E542
542aSecondaryCalculate a simple index number with reference to a base year.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6275
542bSecondaryCalculate a value for a given year given its simple index number with reference to the base year.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6276
542cSecondaryInterpret the simple index number as a percentage increase or decrease.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6277
542dSecondaryCompare variables using simple index numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6278
542eSecondaryUnderstand GDP and its link to recession.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6279
542fSecondaryCalculate a weighted index number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6280
542gSecondaryCalculate an unknown index number given all other index numbers, the weighted index number and associated weights.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6281
542hSecondaryCompare amounts over time to weighted index numbers to RPI and CPI with a given base year.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6282
543SecondaryExam Practice: Chain base index numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4360E543
543aSecondaryKnow the difference between a simple index number and a chain base index number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6283
543bSecondaryCalculate chain base index numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6284
543cSecondaryCalculate prices over time using chain base index numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6285
543dSecondaryCompare prices in consecutive time periods using chain base index numbers, including RPI, CPI and GDP.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6286
543eSecondaryUse the geometric mean to summarise a change over time given chain base index numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6287
544A LevelExam Practice: Interpolation to determine median, quartiles and percentilesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=302E544
544aA LevelState the class interval within which a given quartile lies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6288
544bA LevelState the class interval within which a given decile or percentile lies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6289
544cA LevelEstimate frequency for part of a group in a grouped frequency table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6290
544dA LevelEstimate the median of grouped data using interpolation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1088K838
544eA LevelEstimate the median of grouped data where intervals have gaps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1185K839
544fA LevelDetermine quartiles or percentiles of grouped data using interpolation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1092K840
544gA LevelEstimate the interquartile range from a grouped frequency table using interpolation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6291
544hA LevelEstimate the inter-decile or inter-percentile range from a grouped frequency table using interpolation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6292
545A LevelExam Practice: Coding datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=451E545
545aA LevelState the effect of a coding on mean and median.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6293
545bA LevelState the effect of a coding on quartiles, range, standard deviation and variance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6294
545cA LevelCalculate the mean of coded data with a single transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1186K841
545dA LevelCalculate the mean of coded data with a multiple transformations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6295
545eA LevelCalculate the standard deviation of coded data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6296
545fA LevelDetermine the mean and standard deviation given the coded mean and standard deviation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1187K842
545gA LevelDetermine the linear coding from one data set to another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6297
545hA LevelCalculate the average of data more efficiently by first coding the data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6298
545iA LevelCalculate the standard deviation of data more efficiently by first coding the data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6299
546A LevelExam Practice: Calculating the skewness of datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=300E546
546aA LevelCalculate the skew of a set of data using the formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1547K980
546bA LevelInterpret the value for skew for a given data set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6300
547A LevelExam Practice: Using and interpreting the equation of a regression linedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=448E547
547aA LevelDetermine whether a regression line would be suitable for a given set of data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6301
547bA LevelDetermine when use of a regression line is likely to be unreliable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6302
547cA LevelPlot a regression line from its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6303
547dA LevelEstimate a value using the equation of a regression line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6304
547eA LevelInterpret the gradient or y-intercept of a regression line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6305
547fA LevelDetermine the equation of an uncoded linear regression line, given coded variables and the coded linear regression line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6306
548A LevelExam Practice: Functional notation for discrete random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=542E548
548aA LevelDetermine unknown probabilities or connect probabilities in the probability distribution of a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8309
548bA LevelDetermine the probability of the sum of two or more outcomes from the same discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6307
548cA LevelDetermine a probability using a functional notation for the probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6308
548dA LevelRecognise situations under which the discrete uniform distribution is likely to be an appropriate model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8434
548eA LevelCalculate probabilities using a discrete uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8435
548fA LevelDetermine a constant in a function for a probability distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1308K965
548gA LevelDetermine a probability using a probability function defined recursively.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6309
548hA LevelDetermine the output of a cumulative distribution function given the probability function of a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8623
548iA LevelDetermine a cumulative distribution from a discrete random variable involving unknowns.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8624
549A LevelExam Practice: Conducting hypothesis test for p in a binomial modeldrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=316E549
549aA LevelIdentify the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis for a (one or two-tailed) hypothesis test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6310
549bA LevelState and understand the test statistic for a test on a binomial model, assuming the null hypothesis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6311
549cA LevelDetermine the p-value in a one-tailed test on a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6312
549dA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for a binomial model where the p-value is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6313
549eA LevelDetermine the critical region for a one-tailed hypothesis test using a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1318K856
549fA LevelConduct a one-tailed hypothesis test on a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1320K858
549gA LevelDetermine the critical region for a two-tailed hypothesis test using a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1319K857
549hA LevelDetermine the p-value in a two-tailed test on a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8566
549iA LevelConduct a two-tailed hypothesis test on a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1321K859
549jA LevelDetermine the actual level of significance for a test on a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8567
550A LevelExam Practice: Displacement-time graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4361E550
550aA LevelDescribe the displacement of an object at a given time using a displacement-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6314
550bA LevelCompare the overall displacement and distance travelled from a displacement-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6315
550cA LevelCompare the average velocity and average speed from a displacement-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6316
550dA LevelDescribe the motion at a point from a velocity-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8625
550eA LevelDetermine the total distance travelled from a velocity-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8626
550fA LevelCalculate an acceleration from a velocity-time graph using gradient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8627
551A LevelExam Practice: suvat' equations (excluding forces)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=324E551
551aA LevelUse the constant acceleration formula v=u+atdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=916K863
551bA LevelUse the constant acceleration formula s=\left(\frac{u+v}{2}\right)tdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=917K864
551cA LevelUse the constant acceleration formula v^2=u^2+2asdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=918K865
551dA LevelUse the constant acceleration formula s=ut+\frac{1}{2}at^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=919K866
551eA LevelUse the constant acceleration formula s=vt-\frac{1}{2}at^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1635
551fA LevelBe able to use all constant acceleration formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=920K867
551gA LevelUse a single constant acceleration formula for information presented as a velocity-time graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6317
551hA LevelUse constant acceleration formulae involving three points on a journey.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6318
551iA LevelUse the constant acceleration formulae with two linked objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1622
552A LevelExam Practice: Projectile motion in 1Ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=326E552
552aA LevelDetermine the final speed of a vertically projected particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6319
552bA LevelDetermine the initial speed of a vertically projected particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6320
552cA LevelDetermine the greatest height or total distance travelled when a particle is projected vertically upwards.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=921K868
552dA LevelDetermine the time of flight of a particle projected vertically.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=922K869
552eA LevelDetermine the times at which a particle projected vertically is at a given height.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6321
552fA LevelUse constant acceleration formulae for two particles colliding in vertical motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1629
553A LevelExam Practice: Forces on a single particle in equilibrium, not on an inclined plane, no F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=517E553
553aA LevelFind the magnitude of unknown forces when a particle is in equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=923K870
554A LevelExam Practice: Forces as vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4362E554
554aA LevelDetermine the resultant vector of forces expressed in i and j notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6322
554bA LevelDetermine unknown components in force vectors that gives a resultant vector or achieves equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6323
554cA LevelDetermine the magnitude of a force vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6324
554dA LevelDetermine the direction of a force vector as an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6325
554eA LevelSolve problems involving force vectors in the same direction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6326
554fA LevelDetermine unknown coefficients when a resultant vector is parallel to a given vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1792
555A LevelExam Practice: Forces on an accelerating single particle, not on an inclined plane, no F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=521E555
555aA LevelCalculate the acceleration of a particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=925K872
555bA LevelDetermine the magnitude of missing forces when a particle is accelerating.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=924K871
555cA LevelCalculate the acceleration of a particle in context, including normal reaction, tension and gravitational forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6327
555dA LevelDetermine the magnitude of missing forces in context, including normal reaction, tension and gravitational forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6328
555eA LevelDetermine an unknown force by using constant acceleration formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8883
555fA LevelDetermine a time, distance or velocity, where the acceleration must first be calculated using forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8884
555gA LevelDetermine the acceleration vector of a body given force vectors acting on it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6329
555hA LevelDetermine missing components of forces given the acceleration vector of the body.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6330
556A LevelExam Practice: Forces on accelerating connected particles, not on an inclined plane, no F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=529E556
556aA LevelDetermine the tension in the string connecting two particles on smooth horizontal ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=926K873
556bA LevelDetermine the tension in the string connecting two particles on rough horizontal ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=927K874
556cA LevelDetermine the tension in the string attached to a lift.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1596
556dA LevelConnect the motion of a lift with a body inside to determine a reaction force, tension or reaction force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6331
556eA LevelDetermine the acceleration of two particles connected by a string passing over a smooth pulley.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=930K875
556fA LevelDetermine the mass of one of two particles connected by a string passing over a smooth pulley.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6332
556gA LevelDetermine the acceleration of two particles connected by a string passing over a smooth pulley on the corner of a table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=931K876
556hA LevelDetermine the tension in the string passing over a smooth pulley connecting particles whose mass are variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1604
556iA LevelDetermine the tension, acceleration and mass when three particles are joined by strings with one string passing over a smooth pulley and the masses are variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1660
556jA LevelDetermine the mass of a lift and a body inside it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6333
557A LevelExam Practice: Considering forces on accelerating particles (no inclines nor F = \mu R) to make calculations about subsequent motiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4363E557
557aA LevelDetermine the time or distance taken for one particle to come to rest, after being disconnected from another particle on horizontal ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6334
557bA LevelDetermine the time taken for one particle to hit the pulley, where the other particle is hanging over a table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6335
557cA LevelFor particles hanging vertically over a pulley, determine the time taken for time taken for one particle to hit the ground, after the other hits the ground or the string breaks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6336
557dA LevelFor particles hanging vertically over a pulley, determine the time or distance from when the string becomes slack to becoming taut.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6337
557eA LevelDetermine the maximum height reached by a particle connected to another by a string passing over a pulley.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1251K877
558A LevelExam Practice: Calculus in kinematics for motion in a straight line, e.g. v = \frac{dr}{dt}, in 1 dimensiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=325E558
558aA LevelUse differentiation to find an expression for the velocity or the acceleration of a particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1322K878
558bA LevelDetermine when a particle is instantaneously at rest, given an expression for the velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6338
558cA LevelDetermine when a particle is instantaneously at rest, given an expression for the displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6339
558dA LevelUse differentiation once to find the velocity or acceleration of a particle at a given instant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1323K879
558eA LevelUse differentiation twice to find the acceleration of a particle at a given instant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6340
558fA LevelUse integration once to find an expression for the displacement or the velocity of a particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1329K880
558gA LevelUse integration twice to find an expression for the displacement of a particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6341
558hA LevelUse integration once find the displacement or the velocity of a particle at a given instant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1330K881
558iA LevelUse integration twice find the displacement of a particle at a given instant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6342
558jA LevelShow that the displacement or velocity is always positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6343
558kA LevelSketch a velocity-time graph given an expression for the displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6344
558lA LevelDetermine the maximum displacement or depth reached of a particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6345
558mA LevelDetermine the distance travelled where the velocity changes between positive and negative throughout the journey.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6346
558nA LevelSolve problems involving variable acceleration where two objects meet.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6347
558oA LevelUse a velocity-time graph or other sets of data to determine multiple unknown coefficients for a quadratic expression for velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6348
558pA LevelDerive the constant acceleration formulae using calculus.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8514
559A LevelExam Practice: Decompose rational expressions into partial fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=184https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/e8xWWDFQXpYE559
559aA LevelDecompose a rational function into partial fractions: \frac{ax+b}{(cx + d)(ex + f)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=907K882
559bA LevelDecompose a rational function into partial fractions: \frac{ax^2 + bx + c}{(dx + e)(fx + g)(hx + i)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=891K883
559cA LevelDecompose a rational function with a repeated factor into partial fractions: \frac{ax + b}{(cx + d)(ex + f)^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=895K884
559dA LevelDecompose a top-heavy rational function into partial fractions:\ \frac{ax^2+bx+c}{(dx + e)(fx + g)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1574K994
559eA LevelDecompose a rational function with a quadratic factor into partial fractions: \frac{ax^2 + bx + c}{(dx^2 + e)(fx + g)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6349
560A LevelExam Practice: Proof by deductiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=159E560
560aA LevelUnderstand the structure, language and notation of proofs by deduction to show the equivalence of expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6350
560bA LevelUse proof by deduction to show that a quadratic expression is always positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6351
560cA LevelUse proof by deduction to prove some statement about odd and even numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6352
560dA LevelUse proof by deduction more generally where there are provided assumptions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6353
561A LevelExam Practice: Proof by exhaustiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4364E561
561aA LevelUse proof by exhaustion to show some statement is true in a provided finite range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6354
561bA LevelUse proof by exhaustion to show some expression is always odd or always even.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6355
561cA LevelUse proof by exhaustion to prove statements involving more general divisibility.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6356
562A LevelExam Practice: Proof by contradictiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4365E562
562aA LevelWrite the negation of a statement, including conditional statements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8299
562bA LevelProve by contradiction that there is no greatest number with some property.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6357
562cA LevelProve by contradiction some statement about the evenness/oddness of squares or cubes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6358
562dA LevelProve by contradiction that the arithmetic combination of some pair of irrational/rational numbers is irrational.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6359
562eA LevelProve by contradiction that there are infinitely many prime numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6360
562fA LevelProve by contradiction that \sqrt{n} is irrational (where n is not square).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6361
562gA LevelProve by contradiction that \sqrt[3]{n} is irrational (where n is not square).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6362
563A LevelExam Practice: Advanced concepts of proof, including 'if and only if', sufficient conditions and necessary conditionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4366E563
563aA LevelIdentify the contrapositive of a conditional statement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8300
563bA LevelIdentify the negation of existential ('there exists') and universal ('for all') quantifiers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8301
563cA LevelUnderstand the concept and notation of a two-way implication 'if and only if' (iff) when constructing proofs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6363
563dA LevelDetermine conditions that are sufficient for a given statement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6364
563eA LevelDetermine conditions that are necessary for a given statement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6365
563fA LevelDetermine conditions that are necessary and sufficient for a given statement (or their negations).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6366
564A LevelExam Practice: Domain and range of more advanced functions (e.g. exponential)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=363https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/v1wjiHN30q8E564
564aA LevelDetermine the domain or range of a sketched function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6367
564bA LevelDetermine the value that must be excluded from a function given in the form f(x) = \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6368
564cA LevelDetermine the range of an exponential function f(x)=a+be^{kx}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8784
564dA LevelDetermine the range of a trigonometric function for a given domain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6369
564eA LevelDetermine the domain of a trigonometric function that would yield a certain range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6370
564fA LevelDetermine the allowed domain of a function given in the form \sqrt{ax + b}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6371
564gA LevelDetermine the range of a quadratic function given in the form x^2 + k or k - x^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6372
564hA LevelDetermine the range of a quadratic function by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1550K891
564iA LevelDetermine the range of a general quadratic function with a restricted domain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6373
564jA LevelDetermine the range of a rational function f(x)=\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1777
565A LevelExam Practice: One-to-one vs many-to-one functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4367E565
565aA LevelDetermine whether a mapping is a function using a mapping diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8782
565bA LevelDetermine whether a mapping is a function from its graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8783
565cA LevelDetermine whether a function is one-to-one or many-to-one from its graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6374
565dA LevelDetermine whether a basic function is many-to-one or one-to-one from its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6375
565eA LevelDetermine whether a quadratic with restricted domain is one-to-one vs many-to-one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6376
565fA LevelDetermine whether a function with a given domain has an inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6377
566A LevelExam Practice: Surjective, injective and bijective functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4368E566
566aA LevelDetermine if a given function is a surjection (onto) given the domain and codomain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6378
566bA LevelDetermine if a given function is an injection (one-to-one) given the domain and codomain.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6379
566cA LevelDetermine if a given function is a bijection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6380
567A LevelExam Practice: Composite functions involving e^x, \ln x or algebraic fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=188https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rJUzSg4he4ME567
567aA LevelDetermine the output of a composite function for a numeric input, where one of the functions contains e^x or \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6381
567bA LevelFind the algebraic output of a composite function (including e^x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1741
567cA LevelDetermine the range of a composite function involving e^x or \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6382
567dA LevelDetermine values for which fg(x) = gf(x), where one of the functions involves e^x or \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6383
567eA LevelDetermine a composite function ff(x) where f(x) is given in the form \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6384
567fA LevelDetermine a coefficient or constant given a known output of a composite function involving e^x or \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6385
567gA LevelDetermine the input of a composite function involving adding or subtracting of algebraic fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6386
568A LevelExam Practice: Inverse functions involving e^x and \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=364https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6O8mMPqgaS4E568
568aA LevelDetermine the inverse of exponential and logarithmic functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1719
568bA LevelDetermine the domain of the inverse function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6387
568cA LevelSolve equations given in the form f^{-1}(a) = f(a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6388
569A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of inverse functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4369E569
569aA LevelSketch the graph of an inverse function given the graph of the original function (no restricted domains and excluding exponential and log graphs).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6389
569bA LevelRecognise that the domain of a function may need to be restricted in order to sketch the inverse function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6390
569cA LevelSketch the graph of an inverse function given the graph of an exponential or logarithmic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6391
569dA LevelSketch the graph of an inverse trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8674
570A LevelExam Practice: Sketching graphs involving the modulus functiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=187https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8gsku6lHo9EE570
570aA LevelDetermine the output of a function involving a modulus function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8778
570bA LevelDetermine the output of a composite function involving a modulus function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6392
570cA LevelSketch a graph of y = \left| f(x) \right| given a sketch of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6393
570dA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = \left|ax + b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1175K885
570eA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = \left|ax + b\right| + cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6394
570fA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the vertex or intercepts of a modulus graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6395
570gA LevelSketch graphs given in the form y = a - \left|bx + c\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6396
570hA LevelSketch a modulus graph of a quadratic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6397
570iA LevelSketch a modulus graph of a trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6398
570jA LevelDetermine the range of a modulus function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6399
570kA LevelUse a sketch of a modulus function to determine its equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6400
570lA LevelSketch a graph of y = f(\left|x\right|) given a sketch of y = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6401
571A LevelExam Practice: Solving equations involving the modulus equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4370E571
571aA LevelSolve an equation given in the form \left|ax + b\right| = cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6402
571bA LevelDetermine the roots of a modulus graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8777
571cA LevelSolve an equation given in the form \left|ax+b\right|=cx+ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1223K890
571dA LevelSolve an equation given in the form \left|ax+b\right| = k\left|cx + d\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6403
571eA LevelDetermine a coefficient or constant in a modulus equation given the number of intersections with another graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6404
571fA LevelSolve a modulus equation involving an exponential function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6405
571gA LevelSolve a modulus equation involving a quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6406
572A LevelExam Practice: Solving inequalities involving the modulus functiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=183https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8gsku6lHo9EE572
572aA LevelSolve a modulus inequality where the graphs are already sketched.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6407
572bA LevelSolve modulus inequalities given in the form \left|ax + b\right| > cdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6408
572cA LevelSolve modulus inequalities given in the form \left|ax + b\right| > cx + ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6409
572dA LevelSolve modulus inequalities given in the form \left|ax + b\right| > \left|cx + d\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6410
572eA LevelSolve modulus inequalities involving algebraic constants.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6411
572fA LevelSolve modulus inequalities involving a quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6412
573SecondaryExam Practice: nth term formula for arithmetic sequences (using standard formulae)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=203E573
573aSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for an arithmetic sequence with known first term and common difference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6413
573bSecondaryDetermine the nth term formula for an arithmetic sequence given the first few terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8717
573cSecondaryDetermine a term of an arithmetic sequence with known first term and common difference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6414
573dSecondaryDetermine a term of an arithmetic sequence used to model a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6417
573eSecondaryDetermine the position of a term in an arithmetic sequence given the first term and common difference.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8515
573fSecondaryDetermine a term of an arithmetic sequence where the first term or constant difference is algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6415
573gSecondaryDetermine the first term and common difference of an arithmetic sequence given the position and value of two terms in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6416
573hSecondaryDetermine the value of a given term in an arithmetic sequence given the position and value of two other terms in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=908K894
573iSecondaryDetermine the position in two related sequences when there is a relationship between corresponding terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6418
573jSecondaryUse the properties of an arithmetic sequence to determine an unknown constant in its terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6419
574SecondaryExam Practice: Sum terms in an arithmetic seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=587E574
574aSecondaryProve the formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic series.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6420
574bSecondaryFind the sum of the first n terms (the nth partial sum) of an arithmetic series.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1205K893
574cSecondaryFind the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic series used to model a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1583K997
574dSecondaryDetermine the sum of multiples in a given range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6421
574eSecondaryDetermine the sum of terms in an arithmetic series in-between two given terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6422
574fSecondaryDetermine the sum of terms in an arithmetic series where the number of terms must be determined.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6423
574gSecondaryFind the number of terms for an arithmetic series to equal a given value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8516
574hSecondaryFind the least number of terms for an arithmetic series to exceed a given value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1206K896
574iSecondaryDetermine the sum of terms in an arithmetic series where the terms are algebraic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6424
574jSecondarySolve problems involving comparison of two arithmetic sequences.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6425
574kSecondaryDetermine the sum of terms in an arithmetic series where terms are eventually capped at an amount.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6426
574lSecondaryDetermine the first term and common difference for an arithmetic series given the value of a term and a sum of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6427
574mSecondaryDetermine the value of a given term in an arithmetic series using the value of another term and a sum of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=909K895
574nSecondaryDetermine the sum of terms in a sequence given a different sum of terms and another term in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6428
574oSecondaryDetermine the first term and common difference for an arithmetic series given two sums of terms or a relationship between them.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6429
574pSecondaryUse the properties of an arithmetic sequence to determine an unknown constant in its terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6430
575A LevelExam Practice: nth term formula for a geometric sequencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=204E575
575aA LevelDetermine a term of a geometric sequence given the first term and common ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6431
575bA LevelDetermine a term of a geometric sequence used to model a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6432
575cA LevelDetermine the first term and common ratio of a geometric sequence given two terms in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6433
575dA LevelDetermine the value of a term in a geometric sequence given two terms in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1052K897
575eA LevelUse the properties of a geometric sequence to determine an unknown constant in its terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6434
575fA LevelDetermine the first term of a geometric sequence to exceed a value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6435
576A LevelExam Practice: Tests for convergence of a seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4371E576
576aA LevelRecognise the harmonic series and p-series.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6436
576bA LevelUse the nth-term test to determine if an infinite series diverges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6437
576cA LevelUse the ratio test to determine if an infinite series converges or diverges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6438
576dA LevelUse the alternating series test to test whether an alternating series converges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6439
576eA LevelUse the integral test to determine whether an infinite series converges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6440
576fA LevelUse the comparison test (direct comparison test) to determine if an infinite series is convergent or divergent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6441
576gA LevelDetermine with a series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent, or divergent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6442
576hA LevelUse the limit comparison test to determine if an infinite series is convergent or divergent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6443
576iA LevelDetermine the radius of convergence of a power series using the ratio test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6444
576jA LevelDetermine the interval of convergence of a power series using the radius of convergence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6445
577A LevelExam Practice: Alternating series error bounddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4372E577
577aA LevelDetermine a bound for a convergent alternating series by using a partial sum and a bound for the remaining terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6446
577bA LevelDetermine the minimum number of terms required for a partial sum to bound the difference with the infinite sum to a given threshold.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6447
578A LevelExam Practice: Summing terms in a geometric series (including the sum to infinity)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=588E578
578aA LevelProve the formula for the sum of the first n terms of a finite geometric series.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6448
578bA LevelFind the sum of the first n terms (the nth partial sum) of a geometric series.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1208K898
578cA LevelDetermine the sum of terms in a geometric series used to model a given non-financial context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6449
578dA LevelDetermine the sum of terms in a geometric series used to model a given financial context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6450
578eA LevelDetermine the least number of terms for a geometric series to exceed or equal a given value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1207K899
578fA LevelDetermine the sum to infinity of a geometric series.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1209K900
578gA LevelDetermine the first term or common ratio of a series given its sum to infinity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1210K901
578hA LevelDetermine a term or common ratio in a geometric series given a ratio between the sum of terms/sum to infinity and a term or sum of terms in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6451
578iA LevelDetermine the first term or common ratio when the sum to infinity and a sum of terms is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6452
578jA LevelDeal with geometric series involving logarithmic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6453
579A LevelExam Practice: Amortisation and repaymentsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4373E579
579aA LevelCalculate the AER given a monthly or daily compounded rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6454
579bA LevelCalculate the monthly or daily interest rate given the AER or nominal interest rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6455
579cA LevelDerive the effective annual interest rate when the APR or nominal annual interest rate is given, with monthly or daily compounding.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6456
579dA LevelUse technology to convert between effective interest rates and APR/nominal annual interest rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8752
580A LevelExam Practice: Annuitiesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4374E580
580aA LevelUse F=P(1+i)^n to link present/principal and future values when there are not additional payments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6457
580bA LevelUse a recurrence relation to represent an incremental change in value of a loan or investment with no additional payments.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6458
580cA LevelDetermine the value at the end of an investment with no additional payments (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8753
580dA LevelDetermine the value at the end of an investment with periodic payments (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8754
580eA LevelDetermine the interest rate required that results in a given final value, with periodic payments (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8755
580fA LevelDetermine the number of compounding periods that results in a given final value, with periodic payments (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8756
580gA LevelDetermine algebraically the value at the end of an investment with periodic payments in.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8757
580hA LevelDetermine how long an annuity fund lasts (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8758
580iA LevelDetermine the periodic or total amount that can be withdraw from an annuity fund (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8759
580jA LevelCalculate the total amount of interest earned on an annuity fund (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8760
580kA LevelDetermine the time required to repay an amortised loan (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8761
580lA LevelDetermine the periodic repayment on an amortised loan (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8762
580mA LevelDetermine the total interest paid on an amortised loan (using technology).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8763
580nA LevelDerive the formula for the periodic payment on an amortised loan.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8764
581A LevelExam Practice: Sigma notation for sums of seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=202E581
581aA LevelDetermine the first term and common difference/ratio in an arithmetic or geometric series expressed using sigma notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6459
581bA LevelDetermine the sum of terms of an arithmetic sequence expressed using sigma notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6460
581cA LevelDetermine the sum of terms of a geometric series expressed using sigma notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6461
581dA LevelDetermine the sum to infinity of a geometric series expressed using sigma notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6462
581eA LevelDetermine a sum of a mixture of an arithmetic and geometric series using sigma notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6463
581fA LevelDetermine the sum of terms of a geometric series, expressed using sigma notation, when the terms are logarithmic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6464
582A LevelExam Practice: Recurrence relations given in the form x_{n+1} = f(x_n)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=200E582
582aA LevelIdentify whether a sequence is arithmetic, geometric or periodic given its terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6465
582bA LevelDetermine the order of a periodic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1578K995
582cA LevelIdentify the type of sequence given a term-to-term recurrence or position-to-term formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6466
582dA LevelUse a recurrence relation and the first term to find subsequent terms of a sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6467
582eA LevelUse a recurrence relation involving two previous terms to find a subsequent term or a sum of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6468
582fA LevelUse a recurrence relation, involving an algebraic constant, and the first term to find subsequent terms of a sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6469
582gA LevelUse known consecutive terms of a sequence and a recurrence relation to find values of a constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6470
582hA LevelUse known non-consecutive terms of a sequence and a recurrence relation to find values of a constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6471
582iA LevelUse the periodicity of a sequence combined with a recurrence relation to form and solve an equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6472
582jA LevelUse sigma notation combined with a recurrence relation to find values of a constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6473
582kA LevelDetermine the sum of a large number of terms of a periodic sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6474
582lA LevelDetermine the limiting value of a convergent recurrence relation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6475
582mA LevelUse a periodic sequence, defined by a recurrence relation, to determine a distant term in the sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6476
582nA LevelProve algebraically that a sequence, defined using a recurrence relation, is periodic for any starting value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6477
583A LevelExam Practice: Binomial expansion of (a + bx)^n where n is any rational numberdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=199E583
583aA LevelBinomially expand (1 \pm kx)^n, where n is a rational number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1001K903
583bA LevelBinomially expand (a \pm kx)^n, where n is a rational number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1004K904
583cA LevelDetermine the binomial expansion of an expression involving roots or reciprocals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6478
583dA LevelDetermine the range of values for a variable for which a binomial expansion is valid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6479
583eA LevelUse a binomial expansion to estimate the value of a root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6480
583fA LevelDetermine the binomial expansion of expressions given in the form \sqrt{\frac{a + bx}{c + dx}} or \frac{a+bx}{\sqrt{cx+d}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6481
583gA LevelUse the binomial expansion of \sqrt{\frac{a + bx}{c + dx}} to estimate the value of a root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6482
583hA LevelDetermine the range of values for a variable for which the product of two binomial expansions is valid.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6483
583iA LevelDetermine the range of values for a variable for which a binomial expansion is valid, for more general (1+f(x))^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6484
583jA LevelDetermine the binomial expansion of a fraction that can be split into partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6485
584A LevelExam Practice: Using radians for arc lengths and areas of sectors, and lengths, angles and areas of trianglesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=208E584
584aA LevelUnderstand the definition of radians and convert between degrees and radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1079K905
584bA LevelDetermine the length of an arc of a sector where the angle is in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6486
584cA LevelDetermine the radius or angle subtended by the arc given the arc length or perimeter.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8628
584dA LevelDetermine the perimeter of a sector removed from a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6488
584eA LevelDetermine the area of a sector where the angle is in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6489
584fA LevelUse basic trigonometry and sine/cosine rules (Laws of Sines/Cosines) when the angles are in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6490
584gA LevelUse the area of a triangle formula where the angle is in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6491
584hA LevelDetermine the perimeter of a segment where the angle is in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6492
584iA LevelDetermine the area of a segment where the angle is in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8629
584jA LevelDetermine the area of a composite shape involving a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6493
584kA LevelDetermine the perimeter of a region obtained by removing a triangle from a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6494
584lA LevelDetermine the area of a region obtained by removing a triangle from a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6495
584mA LevelDetermine the area of a sector where the angle is obtained using trigonometry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6496
584nA LevelDetermine the perimeter of a composite shape involving a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6497
584oA LevelDetermine the area of a shape involving subtraction of a sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6498
584pA LevelDetermine the angle or radius of a sector given an area involving subtraction of the sector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6499
584qA LevelDetermine the area or perimeter of a composite shape involving a sector, where some of the lengths are algebraic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6500
584rA LevelDetermine the angle and radius of a sector given its perimeter and area.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6487
585A LevelExam Practice: Properties of sinusoidal graphs (in radians)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4375E585
585aA LevelDetermine the period (in radians) of a sinusoidal graph given two points on the graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6501
585bA LevelDetermine the period (in radians) of a sinusoidal function given in the form y = a \sin (bx + c)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6502
585cA LevelDetermine the equation of the midline of a sinusoidal function given in the form y = a \sin (bx + c) + ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6503
585dA LevelDetermine the amplitude of a sinusoidal function given in the form y = a \sin (bx + c) + ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6504
585eA LevelUse a modelled context to determine the parameters in a sinusoidal model y = a \sin (bx + c) + d, including understanding of phase shift.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8327
585fA LevelUse technology to determine the parameters in a sinusoidal model y = a \sin (bx + c) + ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8591
586A LevelExam Practice: Small angle approximations for \sin, \cos and \tan when in radiansdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=209E586
586aA LevelSimplify expressions involving \sin or \tan using small angle approximations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6505
586bA LevelSimplify expressions involving \cos using small angle approximations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6506
586cA LevelSimplify expressions involving \cos of angles k\theta using small angle approximations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6507
586dA LevelApproximate the solution of an equation using small angle approximations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6508
586eA LevelDetermine a small angle approximation for a root of \cos x by use of a binomial expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6509
587A LevelExam Practice: Solving trigonometric equations, involving \sin, \cos and \tan, in an interval in radiansdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=516E587
587aA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation given in the form \sin \left(ax\right) = k where x is in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1222K908
587bA LevelDetermine the minimum or maximum point(s) of a trigonometric graph, in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6510
587cA LevelDetermine the roots, in radians, of a trigonometric graph y = a + b \sin(cx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6511
587dA LevelSolve an equation, in radians, given in the form \sin(kx) = a \cos(kx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6512
587eA LevelDetermine the points of intersection of two trigonometric graphs, in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6513
587fA LevelSolve an equation, in radians, involving \arcsin, \arccos or \arctandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6514
587gA LevelSolve a trigonometric inequality given in the form \sin(kx) < a in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6515
587hA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation, in radians, involving a mixture of \sin and \cos where one is squared.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8592
588A LevelExam Practice: Sketching y = \frac{1}{f(x)} and y = \left[f(x)\right]^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4376E588
588aA LevelSketch y = \frac{1}{f(x)} given a sketch of y=f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6516
588bA LevelSketch y = \frac{1}{f(x)} where y=f(x) includes a vertical asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8836
588cA LevelSketch y = \frac{1}{f(x)} where y=f(x) includes a horizontal asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8837
588dA LevelSketch y = \left[f(x)\right]^2 given a sketch of y=f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6517
588eA LevelSketch y = \left[f(x)\right]^2 where y=f(x) includes a vertical asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8838
588fA LevelSketch y = \left[f(x)\right]^2 where y=f(x) includes a horizontal asymptote.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8839
589A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cotdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=210E589
589aA LevelEvaluate \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot for common angles in radians.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6519
589bA LevelSketch the graph of y=\sec x, y = \textrm{cosec}\, x or y = \cot x and identify any intercepts with the axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6518
589cA LevelSketch graph transformations of y=\sec x, y = \textrm{cosec}\, x and y = \cot xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8808
590A LevelExam Practice: Angle sum and double/half angle formulae for \sin, \cos and \tandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=211E590
590aA LevelMake simple use of angle sum formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6521
590bA LevelProve the angle sum formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6520
590cA LevelSimplify more general expressions involving \sin(A \pm B) or \cos(A \pm B)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6526
590dA LevelDetermine exact values for \sin, \cos and \tan of more complex angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6524
590eA LevelProve the double angle formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6522
590fA LevelMake simple use of double angle formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6523
590gA LevelSimplify more general trigonometric expressions involving double angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6528
590hA LevelDetermine the value of \sin(2x) or \cos(2x) given \sin(x) or \cos(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6527
590iA LevelProve identities involving \sin, \cos and \tan that also involve single and double angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6529
590jA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation involving a mixture of single and double angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6530
590kA LevelUse the double angle formulae backwards (half-angle formulae).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6525
590lA LevelSimplify expressions involving \sin(3x) or \cos(3x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6531
590mA LevelUse the compound angle formulae leading to \tan x = adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1587K999
590nA LevelWrite \sin A \pm \sin B or \cos A \pm \cos B as a product of \sin and \cosdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6532
591A LevelExam Practice: Expressing a \cos(x) + b \sin(x) in the form r \cos(x + k) or r \sin(x+k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=212E591
591aA LevelWrite a\cos x+b\sin x in the form R\cos(x+\alpha)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=899K912
591bA LevelSketch an equation written in R \sin(x + \alpha) form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6533
591cA LevelUse a R \sin(x + \alpha) form to deduce the maximum or minimum value of the original expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6534
591dA LevelCalculate the value of x for which the maximum or minimum value of R \sin(x + \alpha) occurs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6537
591eA LevelUse a R \sin(x + \alpha) form to deduce the maximum or minimum value of a more complex expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6536
591fA LevelUse a R\sin(x + \alpha) form to solve an equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6535
591gA LevelUse a R \sin(x + \alpha) form to deduce the maximum or minimum value and corresponding value of x, where a variable substitution is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6538
591hA LevelUse a R\sin(x + \alpha) form to determine the time required to make one or more oscillations in the original model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6540
592A LevelExam Practice: Constructing proofs involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cotdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=514E592
592aA LevelSimplify expressions involving \sin, \cos and \tan that can subsequently be written in terms of \sec, \textrm{cosec} or \cotdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6541
592bA LevelSimplify expressions involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot (excluding double angle formulae).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6542
592cA LevelSimplify expressions involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot that also involve double angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6543
592dA LevelProve more general identities involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot on both sides of the identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6544
592eA LevelSimplify expressions involving \sec^2, \textrm{cosec}^2 and \cot^2 that also involve double angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6545
592fA LevelWrite an expression given in the form \sec(x + \alpha), \textrm{cosec}(x + \alpha) or \cot(x + \alpha) in terms of \cos, \sin or \tandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6546
593A LevelExam Practice: Solving trigonometric equations, involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot, in an intervaldrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=515E593
593aA LevelSolve a trigonometric equation with \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot given in the form \sec(ax+b) = k where x is in degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=900K910
593bA LevelUse an identity involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} or \cot to subsequently solve an equation (in degrees or radians).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6547
593cA LevelSolve an equation involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot (no double angles).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6548
593dA LevelSolve quadratic equations in terms of \sec, \textrm{cosec} or \cotdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=901K911
593eA LevelSolve an equation involving \sec and \tan or \textrm{cosec} and \cot that leads to a quadratic, by using an appropriate identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6549
593fA LevelSolve an equation involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot and a mixture of single and double angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6550
593gA LevelSolve an equation involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot that uses the angle sum formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6551
594A LevelExam Practice: Parametric equations and conversion between Cartesian and parametric formsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=197https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CQgB7tHPyY4E594
594aA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a quadratic expressed in parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6552
594bA LevelDetermine a Cartesian equation of a circle expressed in parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6553
594cA LevelDetermine a Cartesian equation of an exponential function expressed in parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6554
594dA LevelUse parametric equations to find intersections with the coordinate axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6555
594eA LevelDetermine a domain or range of a function using parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6556
594fA LevelDetermine the point of intersection of two curves where one is given as a Cartesian equation and the other a pair of parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8776
594gA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation where the parametric equations involve reciprocals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6557
594hA LevelDetermine a Cartesian equation where the parametric equations involve double angle formulae or a sum of angles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6558
594iA LevelDetermine a Cartesian equation where the parametric equations involve \sec, \textrm{cosec} or \cotdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6559
595A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating exponential functions and \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=225https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xqIropQ-q1YE595
595aA LevelDifferentiate terms given in the form a e^{kx}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6560
595bA LevelDifferentiate terms given in the form a \ln(kx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6561
595cA LevelDifferentiate a^x.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6562
595dA LevelDifferentiate a mixture of e^x and \ln(x) with other functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6563
595eA LevelDetermine the rate a physical quantity is increasing/decreasing by at a particular moment in time, using an exponential model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6564
595fA LevelDetermine the turning point of a function involving e^{kx}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6565
595gA LevelUse a known rate of growth/decay to determine a constant in an exponential model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6566
595hA LevelDetermine when two exponential models are growing/decaying at the same rate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6567
596A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating \sin x and \cos xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4377E596
596aA LevelDifferentiate \sin x and \cos x from first principles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6568
596bA LevelDifferentiate expressions of the form \sin(kx) and \cos(kx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6569
596cA LevelDifferentiate a mixture of exponential, logarithmic and sinusoidal terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6570
597A LevelExam Practice: Product, quotient and chain rulesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=226https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FtTUSAN9Hg4E597
597aA LevelApply the chain rule to differentiate functions of the form f(x)=a(bx+c)^n for rational ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=984K913
597bA LevelApply the chain rule to differentiate functions of the form \left[f(x)\right]^n where f(x) is a polynomial and n is rational.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=985K914
597cA LevelApply the chain rule to differentiate functions of the form \ln(ax+b), e^{ax+b}, \sin(ax+b) or \cos(ax+b) where the inner function is linear.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=986K915
597dA LevelApply the chain rule to differentiate functions of the form \ln(f(x)), e^{f(x)}, \sin(f(x)) or \cos(f(x)) for more general f(x).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6571
597eA LevelDifferentiate powers of \sin kx and \cos kxdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8727
597fA LevelDetermine \frac{\textrm{d}y}{\textrm{d}x} for a function x=f(y)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8568
597gA LevelUse the product rule with simple functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1588K1000
597hA LevelUse the product rule and the chain rule within a single expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1589K1001
597iA LevelUse the quotient rule with simple functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1590K1002
597jA LevelUse the quotient rule and the chain rule within a single expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1591K1003
597kA LevelDetermine the gradient of a function at a given point, requiring use of chain, product or quotient rules.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6572
597lA LevelDetermine the value of a constant in a function where the gradient is given, requiring use of chain, product or quotient rules.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6573
597mA LevelDetermine the second derivative or higher using the chain, product or quotient rules.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8630
598A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating \tan x, reciprocal trigonometric functions, and powers of thesedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=438https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SXGne4Sj_MUE598
598aA LevelDifferentiate expressions of the form \tan (kx) and \cot (kx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6574
598bA LevelDifferentiate expressions of the form \sec(kx) and \textrm{cosec}(kx)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6575
598cA LevelUse the chain rule to differentiate expressions given in the form \sec(f(x)), \textrm{cosec}(f(x)) or \cot(f(x)) for more general f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6576
598dA LevelDifferentiate powers of \tan x and reciprocal trigonometric functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6577
598eA LevelUse the product or quotient rule where one of the terms is \tan x or a reciprocal trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6578
598fA LevelDetermine a second derivative or higher of \tan x or reciprocal trigonometric functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8726
599A LevelExam Practice: Graphs of reciprocal functions with quadraticsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4378E599
599aA LevelSketch functions given in the form y = \frac{ax + b}{(cx + d)(ex + f)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6579
599bA LevelIdentify the equation of the oblique asymptote of graphs of functions in the form y = \frac{(ax + b)(cx + d)}{ex + f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6580
599cA LevelIdentify the turning points of graphs of functions in the form y = \frac{(ax + b)(cx + d)}{ex + f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6581
599dA LevelSketch functions given in the form y = \frac{(ax + b)(cx + d)}{ex + f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6582
599eA LevelUse quadratic theory (not calculus) to find the coordinates of the stationary points of the graph for rational functions given in form \frac{ax^2+bx+c}{dx^2+ex+f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6583
599fA LevelSketch the graph for a function given in the form f(x) = \frac{ax^2+bx+c}{dx^2+ex+f}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6584
600A LevelExam Practice: Implicit differentiationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=437https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/26Bitr8kWgkE600
600aA LevelDifferentiate a single term in terms of x and ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8631
600bA LevelDetermine the gradient function for a polynomial in x and ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6585
600cA LevelDetermine the gradient for a polynomial in x and y at a specific point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6586
600dA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for more general implicit relationships, including trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6587
600eA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for more general implicit relationships, where x or y is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6588
600fA LevelDetermine the coordinates of critical points where the tangent of a curve, defined by an implicit equation, is parallel to the y-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6590
600gA LevelDetermine the coordinates of points on a circle, with given equation, where the tangent has given gradient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8852
601A LevelExam Practice: Logarithmic differentiationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4379E601
601aA LevelProve that the derivative of a^x is a^x \ln adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6591
601bA LevelDifferentiate functions of the form \left[f(x)\right]^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6592
601cA LevelDifferentiate functions of the form \left[f(x)\right]^{g(x)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8632
601dA LevelDetermine the stationary point for a function of the form \left[f(x)\right]^xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6593
602A LevelExam Practice: Concavity and points of inflectiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4380E602
602aA LevelDetermine whether a curve is convex (concave-up) or concave (concave-down) at a specific point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6594
602bA LevelReason about the shape of a drawn graph at a specific point by using the second derivative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6595
602cA LevelDetermine the interval for which a curve is convex (concave-up) or concave (concave-down).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6596
602dA LevelShow that function is convex or concave for all real values of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6597
602eA LevelDetermine a non-stationary point of inflection of a cubic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6598
602fA LevelDetermine a non-stationary point of inflection for a more complex function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6599
603A LevelExam Practice: Connected rates of changedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=462https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/s1nWynPfUSYE603
603aA LevelDetermine the rate at which the volume or surface area of a cube is increasing, given the rate of increase of the height, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6601
603bA LevelDetermine the rate at which the volume or surface area of a sphere is increasing given the rate of increase of the radius, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6602
603cA LevelDetermine the rate of change of a volume, surface area or length given an arbitrary formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6603
603dA LevelDetermine the rate of change of a volume, surface area or length where the formula must be derived.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8490
603eA LevelUse the chain rule twice to determine the rate at which the volume or surface area of a solid is increasing given the rate of the other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6604
604A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating parametric equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=227https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SI0lT8IqSAME604
604aA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for parametric equations involving powers of tdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6605
604bA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for parametric equations involving reciprocals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8656
604cA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for parametric equations involving e^t and \ln(t)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6606
604dA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for parametric equations involving \sin, \cos and \tan and their powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6607
604eA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} for parametric equations involving \sec, \textrm{cosec} and \cot and their powers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6608
604fA LevelUse parametric equations for a displacement (x,y) to find the speed of a particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6609
604gA LevelDetermine the equation of a tangent or normal to a parametric curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8657
605A LevelExam Practice: Tangents and normals for non-polynomial functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=512E605
605aA LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal to a curve, involving e^x, \ln(x), \sin, \cos and \tan (no product/chain/quotient rule).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8633
605bA LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal to a curve, involving e^x, \ln(x), \sin, \cos and \tan, requiring use of the product/chain/quotient rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6610
605cA LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal to a curve when x = f(y)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6611
605dA LevelDetermine the equation of the tangent or normal to a curve using parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6612
606A LevelExam Practice: Maxima and minima and stationary points for non-polynomial equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=513E606
606aA LevelDetermine the stationary point for expressions involving e^x, \ln(x), \sin, \cos and \tan, requiring use of the product rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6613
606bA LevelDetermine the stationary point of a fractional expression using the quotient rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6614
606cA LevelDetermine the stationary points for an implicit polynomial relationship between x and ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6615
606dA LevelDetermine the stationary point for a curve expressed using parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6616
606eA LevelFind the coordinates of stationary points where the curve is defined by an implicit equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6589
606fA LevelDetermine the range of values for which a non-polynomial function is increasing or decreasing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8635
606gA LevelShow that a non-polynomial function is increasing or decreasing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8636
606hA LevelFind the value of a constant for which a non-polynomial function is increasing or decreasing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8634
607A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating expressions given in the form x = f(y) for trigonometric functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4381E607
607aA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} where x = \sin(ky) or x = \cos(ky)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6617
607bA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} where x = \tan(ky) or x = \cot(ky)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6618
607cA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} where x = \sec(ky) or x = \textrm{cosec}(ky)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6619
607dA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} where x is a power of a trigonometric function in terms of ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6620
607eA LevelDetermine \frac{dy}{dx} where x = \ln(f(y)) or x = e^{f(y)} for some trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6621
608A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating inverse trigonometric functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=239E608
608aA LevelDifferentiate inverse trigonometric functions directly.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6622
608bA LevelDifferentiate a product or quotient involving an inverse trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6623
608cA LevelDifferentiate composite functions using standard results for inverse trigonometric functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6624
608dA LevelDetermine the equation of a tangent or normal to an inverse trigonometric curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6625
609A LevelExam Practice: (Fixed point) iteration on more advanced functions and use of cobweb and staircase diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=282E609
609aA LevelForm an iterative formula that would enable the root of the function to be found.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6626
609bA LevelUse an iterative formula involving \ln(x), e^x, \sec, \textrm{cosec}, \cot or inverse trigonometric functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6627
609cA LevelForm an iterative formula to that would enable a point of intersection of two curves to be found.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6628
609dA LevelForm an iterative formula to determine a turning point or where the gradient is a given value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6629
609eA LevelUse a cobweb or staircase diagram to determine whether an iterative formula will converge to the root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6630
610A LevelExam Practice: Applying relaxations to a fixed point convergencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4382E610
610aA LevelUse the relaxed fixed point iteration formula x_{n+1} = (1-\lambda)x_n + \lambda g(x_n) with a specified \lambda to accelerate convergence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6631
611A LevelExam Practice: Solving equations using the Newton-Raphson method (Newton's method)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=283E611
611aA LevelUse a given point and given gradient to perform one iteration of the Newton-Raphson method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6633
611bA LevelUnderstand the conditions under which the Newton-Raphson method fails.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6634
611cA LevelForm an iterative formula using the Newton-Raphson method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6636
611dA LevelUse the Newton-Raphson method to find the root of a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6637
611eA LevelUse the Newton-Raphson method to find the solution of an equation given in the form f(x) = g(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6638
611fA LevelUse the Newton-Raphson method to find the turning point of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8807
612A LevelExam Practice: Bisection methoddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4383E612
612aA LevelUse the bisection method on a starting interval to narrow the location of the root to an interval of a given size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6639
613A LevelExam Practice: Linear interpolation method (false position method) for locating rootsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4384E613
613aA LevelUse linear interpolation, with one or more iterations, to find approximations of a root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6640
614A LevelExam Practice: Secant methoddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4385E614
614aA LevelUse the secant method, with one or more iterations, to find the approximations of a root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6641
615A LevelExam Practice: Order of convergence of numerical methods for locating rootsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4386E615
615aA LevelDetermine the order of convergence for a given fixed point iteration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6642
615bA LevelShow that the Newton-Raphson method has quadratic convergence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6643
615cA LevelShow that the bisection method has linear convergence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6644
615dA LevelShow that the linear interpolation method has linear convergence and compare to the bisection method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6645
616A LevelExam Practice: Forward difference method and central difference method for approximating derivativesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4387E616
616aA LevelEstimate a first derivative using the forward difference method where the graph of the function is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6646
616bA LevelEstimate a first derivative using the central difference method where the graph of the function is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6647
617A LevelExam Practice: Integrating exponential, trigonometric functions and \frac{1}{x}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=231https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-wfk6oAXQ80E617
617aA LevelIntegrate trigonometric functions of the form k \sin xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8539
617bA LevelIntegrate other standard functions (no chain rule).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1334K917
617cA LevelIntegrate standard functions first requiring bracket expansion (no chain rule).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8637
617dA LevelDetermine a definite integral using trigonometric functions of the form k \sin xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8540
617eA LevelDetermine a definite integral using other standard functions (no chain rule).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6648
617fA LevelUse a known definite integral value to determine an unknown constant or bound, involving standard functions (no chain rule).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6649
618A LevelExam Practice: Integration by inspectiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=368https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FBKuSOICxkkE618
618aA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form (x + b)^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8541
618bA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form (ax + b)^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6650
618cA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \frac{a}{(bx+c)^n}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8542
618dA LevelIntegrate other standard functions given in the form f(ax+b), including \frac{1}{ax+b}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1335K918
618eA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form kf'(x)\left[ f(x) \right]^n by inspection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1305K919
618fA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \frac{kf'(x)}{\left[ f(x) \right]^n} by inspection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8370
618gA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \frac{k f'(x)}{f(x)}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6652
618hA LevelIntegrate \sin^2 x, \cos^2 x, \tan^2 x, \cot^2 xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1631
618iA LevelCalculate a definite integral involving integration by inspection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6653
618jA LevelCalculate a definite integral involving integration by inspection that includes a tangent or normal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8638
619A LevelExam Practice: Integration by substitutiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=232https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ibmND5Mwm_EE619
619aA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form x(ax+b)^n using a substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1478K950
619bA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \sin^n(x) \cos(x) using a substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6654
619cA LevelUse a (non-trigonometric) substitution to integrate more general expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6655
619dA LevelDetermine a definite integral involving a (non-trigonometric) substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8765
619eA LevelUse a trigonometric substitution to integrate more general expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6656
619fA LevelDetermine a definite integral involving a trigonometric substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8766
619gA LevelUse a substitution u^2 = ... by using implicit differentiation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6657
620A LevelExam Practice: Integration by partsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=233https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/z1aznGsx_YkE620
620aA LevelDetermine an integral using integration by parts (excluding \ln(x)).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1479K951
620bA LevelDetermine an integral involving \ln(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6658
620cA LevelDetermine an integral using integration by parts twice.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1480K952
620dA LevelDetermine a definite integral or area under a graph using integration by parts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6659
620eA LevelDetermine an integral involving (\ln(x))^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6660
620fA LevelDetermine the area formed by a curve and a normal to the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6661
620gA LevelUse a substitution to obtain an expression which can be integrated by parts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6662
621A LevelExam Practice: Integration using partial fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=234https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/l_sBYRZ4YkkE621
621aA LevelDetermine an integral involving partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6663
621bA LevelDetermine an integral involving partial fractions where a factor in the denominator is in the form ax^2 + c.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8464
621cA LevelDetermine a definite integral involving partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6664
621dA LevelDetermine a definite integral by use of a substitution followed by splitting into partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6665
621eA LevelDetermine a definite integral by use of a substitution followed by integration by parts.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6666
622A LevelExam Practice: Solving first order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=235https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/S9sXzIYf0xEE622
622aA LevelForm a differential equation using provided relationships between variables/quantities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6667
622bA LevelSolve differential equations given in the form \frac{dy}{dx} \propto x and \frac{dy}{dx} \propto y and appreciate their significance in modelling.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6668
622cA LevelSolve differential equations involving general polynomial expressions in x and y, including roots and reciprocalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6669
622dA LevelSolve a differential equation involving exponential functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8640
622eA LevelSolve a differential equation involving trigonometric functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6670
622fA LevelSolve a differential equation involving partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6671
622gA LevelSolve a differential equation where factorisation is required to make the variables linearly separable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6672
622hA LevelFind the particular solution of a first order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8641
622iA LevelUse a model obtained from a first-order differential equation to find inputs, outputs and long-term behaviour.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8642
623A LevelExam Practice: Logistic models f(x) = \frac{L}{1 + Ce^{-kx}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4388E623
623aA LevelUnderstand the properties of logistic growth and how it forms the differential equation \frac{dP}{dt} = kP(a - P), and recognise the shape of the graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6673
623bA LevelSolve a logistic growth differential equation to obtain a logistic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6674
623cA LevelDetermine an output of a logistic model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6675
623dA LevelDetermine an input of a logistic model given the output.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6676
623eA LevelDetermine the horizontal asymptote (carrying capacity) of a logistic model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6677
624A LevelExam Practice: Integrating parametric equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=454https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4Ziy6LXtC5YE624
624aA LevelDetermine an indefinite integral using parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6678
624bA LevelDetermine a definite integral or area under a graph using parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6679
625A LevelExam Practice: The trapezium rule (trapezoidal rule)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=284E625
625aA LevelUse the trapezium rule (trapezoidal rule) with a given table of values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6680
625bA LevelUse the trapezium rule (trapezoidal rule) where a table of values is first required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6681
625cA LevelDetermine when the trapezium rule (trapezoidal rule) will underestimate or overestimate an area under the graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6682
625dA LevelExplain how an estimate for the area using the trapezium rule (trapezoidal rule) could be made more accurate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8593
625eA LevelUse an estimate for an area under a graph to estimate the area of a transformed function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6683
626A LevelExam Practice: Covariancedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4389E626
626aA LevelInterpret the covariance of a data set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6684
626bA LevelCalculate the covariance of two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6685
627A LevelExam Practice: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of codingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=322E627
627aA LevelInterpret a given product moment correlation coefficient and whether it supports a regression equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6686
627bA LevelUnderstand that correlation does not imply causation (and identify potential lurking/confounding variables in a study).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6687
627cA LevelDetermine the effect of linear coding of one or both variables on the product moment correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6688
628A LevelExam Practice: Calculating the Product Moment Correlation Coefficientdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4390E628
628aA LevelUse a calculator to calculate the product moment correlation coefficient from listed data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6689
628bA LevelCalculate the product moment correlation coefficient using formulae.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6690
629A LevelExam Practice: Spearman's rank correlation coefficientdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=323E629
629aA LevelUnderstand the conditions under which it would be appropriate to calculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficient versus the Product moment correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6691
629bA LevelInterpret a calculated Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6693
629cA LevelCalculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficient using the standard formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1548K981
629dA LevelCalculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficient using the statistics functionality on a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8496
629eA LevelCalculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficient with tied ranks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6692
630A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis test on a product moment correlation coefficientdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=319E630
630aA LevelState the null and alternative hypothesis of a one-tailed or two-tailed test on a product moment correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6694
630bA LevelDetermine the critical value for a one-tailed or two-tailed test on a product moment correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6695
630cA LevelConduct a full hypothesis test on a product moment correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6696
630dA LevelUse a p-value to conduct a hypothesis test on a product moment correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6697
631A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis test on a Spearman's rank correlation coefficientdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4391E631
631aA LevelConduct a one-tailed hypothesis test for association using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6698
631bA LevelConduct a two-tailed hypothesis test for association using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8497
632A LevelExam Practice: Probability using set notationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=450E632
632aA LevelUse set notation to calculate probabilities of mutually exclusive events from given probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1776
632bA LevelUnderstand how mutual exclusivity is reflected in Venn diagrams and understand the significance of A \cap B = \emptysetdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6699
632cA LevelCalculate P(...) probabilities involving a mixture of set intersection, union and complements, with a given Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6700
632dA LevelCalculate P(...) probabilities involving a mixture of set intersection, union and complements, by forming a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6701
633A LevelExam Practice: Probability law for independent events (multiplication rule)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4392E633
633aA LevelCalculate probabilities of independent events, using P(...) notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1234https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2FXHYuJG3noK846
633bA LevelCalculate the probability of one event given the probability of another independent event and their combined probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6704
633cA LevelDetermine whether two events are independent given probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1190https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/rwlJnamNH5sK849
633dA LevelDetermine whether two events are independent given a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1297K850
633eA LevelDetermine whether two events are independent by first forming a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6705
633fA LevelDetermine an unknown probability in a Venn diagram by using independence of variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6706
634A LevelExam Practice: Addition rule for mutually exclusive eventsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=449E634
634aA LevelDetermine P(A \cup B) using the addition rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6702
634bA LevelCombine the addition rule and independence of two variables to determine a probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6703
635A LevelExam Practice: Probability law for conditional eventsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4393E635
635aA LevelDetermine a probability P(A|B) using a two-way table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6707
635bA LevelDetermine a probability P(A|B) using a Venn diagram with frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6708
635cA LevelDetermine P(A|B) via use of a Venn diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6709
635dA LevelUse the conditional probability formula to find P(A|B)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6710
635eA LevelDetermine P(A|B) where A and B are independent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8643
635fA LevelUse the conditional probability formula to find P(A \cap B)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6711
635gA LevelUse a Venn Diagram to find the probability of a conjunction using the conditional probability formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1584K998
635hA LevelDetermine a conditional probability using a tree diagram and the conditional probability formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6712
635iA LevelDetermine unknown probabilities in a Venn diagram by using the conditional probability formula combined with independence of variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6714
636A LevelExam Practice: Bayes' Theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4394E636
636aA LevelDetermine P(A|B) given P(B|A) and P(B)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6715
636bA LevelDetermine P(A|B) using Bayes theorem by first forming a probability tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6716
637A LevelExam Practice: Permutations and Combinationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=483E637
637aA LevelUse the factorial function to get the number of arrangements of objects.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6717
637bA LevelUse the factorial function to get the number of arrangements of multiple groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6718
637cA LevelDetermine the number of arrangements of letters in a word with repeated letters.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6719
637dA LevelUse a single application of a permutation function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6720
637eA LevelUse a single application of a choose function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6721
637fA LevelDetermine the number of choices when picking multiple items from two or more groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6722
637gA LevelDetermine the number of choices when a subsequent group of items is chosen from the same group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6723
637hA LevelDetermine the number of arrangements when a group of objects needs to be kept together.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6724
637iA LevelDetermine the number of arrangements when two objects must be kept apart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6725
637jA LevelDetermine a probability involving the choose function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6726
637kA LevelDetermine a probability, involving the choose function or factorials, in terms of a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6727
637lA LevelDetermine the number of arrangements when more than two objects must be kept apart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8393
637mA LevelDetermine the number of subsets of a set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8679
638A LevelExam Practice: Further properties of Pascal's triangledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4395E638
638aA LevelProve Pascal's rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6728
638bA LevelProve that the sum of each row of Pascal's triangle gives powers of 2.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6729
638cA LevelProve that the sum of each diagonal of Pascal's triangle forms the Fibonacci sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6730
639A LevelExam Practice: Binomial distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=305E639
639aA LevelDetermine a binomial model appropriate for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6731
639bA LevelDetermine the probability of no successes or all successes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6732
639cA LevelCalculate binomial probabilities in the form P(X=x) (no context), and appreciate the relationship of this formula with the binomial expansion of (p + q)^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1524K851
639dA LevelCalculate binomial probabilities in the form P(X=x) in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1525K852
639eA LevelKnow the assumptions made when modelling using a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6733
639fA LevelCalculate cumulative binomial probabilities (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1087K853
639gA LevelCalculate cumulative binomial probabilities in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1317K854
639hA LevelCalculate the probability of a range for a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6734
639iA LevelUse a binomial probability to calculate another binomial probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1345K855
639jA LevelDetermine the probability of success given the probability of at least one success.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6735
639kA LevelDetermine the number of trials given the probability of at least one success.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1560K991
639lA LevelUse the probability of success obtained from a binomial distribution to find an unknown in a given function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6736
639mA LevelDetermine a range in a binomial model that leads to a given probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6737
639nA LevelDetermine an unknown in a binomial distribution given a ratio between probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8644
640A LevelExam Practice: Properties of the normal distribution and finding the probability of rangesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=309E640
640aA LevelKnow the conditions for the normal distribution to be a suitable model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6738
640bA LevelUnderstand the notation X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^{2}) and use this to sketch normal curves.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6739
640cA LevelCalculate the number of standard deviations a value has from the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6740
640dA LevelUse the 68-95-99.7 rule to find the probability of values within a given number of standard deviations of the mean, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6741
640eA LevelUse the 68-95-99.7 rule to find the probability of more general ranges, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6742
640fA LevelCalculate probabilities with the normal distribution (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1228K920
640gA LevelCalculate probabilities with the normal distribution in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6743
641A LevelExam Practice: Inverse normal distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=452E641
641aA LevelUse the inverse normal distribution (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1229K921
641bA LevelUse the inverse normal distribution in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6744
641cA LevelDetermine a quartile of a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6745
641dA LevelUse the inverse normal distribution with a double inequality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1232K922
641eA LevelUse the inverse normal distribution with a double inequality, where the variable is used twice.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6746
642A LevelExam Practice: Conditional probabilities involving a normal distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4396E642
642aA LevelDetermine a conditional probability of a range using a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6747
642bA LevelDetermine the median of a restricted range within a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6748
642cA LevelUse the symmetry of a normal distribution to find conditional probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6749
642dA LevelDetermine a value at a more general position given a restricted range in a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6750
642eA LevelSolve more difficult problems involving conditional probabilities for a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6751
643A LevelExam Practice: Standard normal distribution (including unknown mean and standard deviation)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=453E643
643aA LevelUnderstand the Z distribution and convert values to a z-value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6752
643bA LevelDetermine the mean of a normal distribution (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1230K923
643cA LevelDetermine the standard deviation of a normal distribution (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1231K924
643dA LevelDetermine the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1762
643eA LevelDetermine the mean or standard deviation of a normal distribution in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6753
643fA LevelDetermine the mean or standard deviation of a normal distribution where the probability of a two-ended range is given in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6754
643gA LevelDetermine the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6755
644A LevelExam Practice: Normal distribution as an approximation to a binomial distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=310E644
644aA LevelApproximate a binomial distribution using a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6756
644bA LevelUse a continuity correction to give an equivalent continuous range to a discrete one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6757
644cA LevelDetermine the probability of a range by using a normal approximation to a binomial distribution (no context).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1264K925
644dA LevelDetermine the probability of a range by using a normal approximation to a binomial distribution in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6758
644eA LevelUse a normal approximation to a binomial distribution to determine the k in P(X \le k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6759
644fA LevelUse a normal approximation to a binomial distribution to determine the number of trials n.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8780
645A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis tests on the mean of a population by using a sampledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=317E645
645aA LevelDetermine the distribution for the sample mean \bar{X}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6760
645bA LevelConduct a one-tailed hypothesis test on the mean of a population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6761
645cA LevelConduct a two-tailed hypothesis test on the mean of a population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6762
645dA LevelDetermine the critical region for the sample mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6763
646A LevelExam Practice: Solving problems involving moments, with forces in a single plane (e.g. rods, suspended bar)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=327E646
646aA LevelCalculate the moment of a force about a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1089K926
646bA LevelCalculate the resulting moment of perpendicular forces about a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1097K927
646cA LevelCalculate the resulting moment of inclined forces about a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1166K928
646dA LevelDetermine the reaction forces on a uniform rod resting on two supports.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1167K929
646eA LevelDetermine the mass of an object resting on a uniform rod.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6764
646fA LevelDetermine the distance of a support from a point on a uniform rod when the rod is in equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1168K930
646gA LevelDetermine a distance on a uniform rod when reaction forces are connected.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1169K931
646hA LevelDetermine the reaction forces on a non-uniform rod resting on two supports.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1171K932
646iA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a non-uniform rod resting on two supports.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1172K933
646jA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a non-uniform rod resting on a single support.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1173K934
646kA LevelSolve problems involving rods where the rod is on the verge of tilting.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6765
646lA LevelDetermine the tension in two strings supporting a suspended rod.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6766
646mA LevelSolve problems involving rods where an object on the rod is considered at multiple locations (no tilting).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6767
646nA LevelSolve problems involving rods where an object on the rod is considered at multiple locations (with tilting).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6768
646oA LevelCalculate the moment of a couple.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8465
647A LevelExam Practice: Forces on a single particle in equilibrium, not on an inclined plane, using F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=518E647
647aA LevelDetermine the coefficient of friction where a horizontal force pulls a particle in limiting equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1200K935
648A LevelExam Practice: Determining components of angled forces and manipulating the resultant force vectordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4397E648
648aA LevelDetermine the vertical or horizontal components of a single angled force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6769
648bA LevelDetermine the resultant vector from multiple angled forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6770
648cA LevelDetermine the magnitude of the resultant vector from multiple angled forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6771
648dA LevelDetermine the direction of an angled force that would result in equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8517
648eA LevelDetermine the direction of the resultant vector from multiple angled forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6772
648fA LevelDetermine the magnitude of an unknown angled force that leads to a resultant vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6773
649A LevelExam Practice: Forces on a single particle in equilibrium, on an inclined plane/inclined forces, no F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=519E649
649aA LevelDetermine the force needed to hold a particle in equilibrium on a smooth inclined plane, when the force is parallel to the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1694
649bA LevelDetermine the force needed to hold a particle in equilibrium on a smooth inclined plane, when the force is horizontal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1698
649cA LevelDetermine the tension when a particle on a string is held at an incline to a vertical wall.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6774
649dA LevelDetermine the mass of a particle on a string that is held at an incline to a vertical wall.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6775
649eA LevelDetermine the force needed to hold a particle in equilibrium on a smooth inclined plane, when the force is neither horizontal nor parallel to the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1700
649fA LevelDetermine the normal reaction force when an angled force holds a particle in equilibrium on a smooth inclined plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6776
649gA LevelDetermine the unknown force or mass when a particle attached to a string is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1701
649hA LevelDetermine the unknown force or mass when a particle attached to a string is held in equilibrium by a force that is not horizontal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1703
649iA LevelDetermine the tensions when a particle is suspended from a ceiling by two strings.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6777
650A LevelExam Practice: Forces on a single particle in equilibrium, on an inclined plane/inclined forces, using F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=520E650
650aA LevelDetermine the coefficient of friction where an inclined force pulls a particle in limiting equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1201K936
650bA LevelDetermine the maximum magnitude of an inclined force to a rough horizontal plane where the particle maintains equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6778
650cA LevelDetermine a force at an angle to a rough inclined plane that would maintain a particle in equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6779
650dA LevelDetermine the tension of a rope keeping a particle in equilibrium on a rough inclined plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6780
650eA LevelDetermine the coefficient of friction when a force at an angle to a rough inclined plane maintains a particle in equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6781
650fA LevelProve that \mu = \tan \theta is the angle of inclination at which a block will slide on a rouch inclined plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8662
651A LevelExam Practice: Forces on an accelerating single particle, not on an inclined plane, using F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=522E651
651aA LevelFind the acceleration of a particle on a rough horizontal plane pulled by a horizontal force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1203K937
652A LevelExam Practice: Forces on an accelerating single particle, on an inclined plane/inclined forces, no F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=523E652
652aA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a particle pulled by a string on an inclined plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1198K948
653A LevelExam Practice: Forces on an accelerating single particle, on an inclined plane/inclined forces, using F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=524E653
653aA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a particle on a rough horizontal plane pulled by an inclined force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1204K938
653bA LevelDetermine the mass of a particle on a rough horizontal plane pulled by an inclined force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6782
653cA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a particle down a rough inclined slope, where no additional forces are involved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6783
653dA LevelDetermine the coefficient of friction of a particle accelerating on an inclined plane, where additional forces are involved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1249K939
653eA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a particle accelerating on an inclined plane, where friction is involved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6784
654A LevelExam Practice: Projectile motion in 2Ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=485E654
654aA LevelDetermine the horizontal displacement of a particle projected horizontally.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1215K941
654bA LevelDetermine the vertical displacement of a particle projected horizontally.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1216K942
654cA LevelDetermine the time taken for a particle to reach the ground after being projected horizontally.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1217K943
654dA LevelDetermine the initial velocity of a particle projected horizontally.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1218K944
654eA LevelDetermine the maximum height of a particle projected at an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1219K945
654fA LevelDetermine the time taken for a particle to reach the ground after being projected at an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8853
654gA LevelDetermine the angle of projection of a particle given the maximum height it has reached.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1220K946
654hA LevelDetermine the minimum speed of a particle projected at an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6785
654iA LevelDetermine the angle of projection of a particle given its horizontal range and initial speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6786
654jA LevelDetermine the height of a particle projected at an angle, after a given horizontal distance is travelled.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6787
654kA LevelDetermine the initial velocity of a particle projected at an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1221K947
654lA LevelDetermine the initial velocity of a particle projected at an angle, where the particle starts above ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6788
654mA LevelDetermine the final speed of a particle projected at an angle, where the particle starts above ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6789
654nA LevelDetermine the height of a particle projected at an unknown angle at a specific instant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1509K974
654oA LevelUnderstand the limitations of a model for projectile motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8850
654pA LevelDetermine the time before a particle is moving parallel to the initial direction of its destination.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6790
654qA LevelSolve problems involving two particles being projected at an angle towards each other.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6791
654rA LevelUse vectors to solve projectile motion problems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6792
654sA LevelDetermine the range of a projectile up or down a uniform slope.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8594
655A LevelExam Practice: Forces on accelerating connected particles, not on an inclined plane, using F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=530E655
655aA LevelDetermine the acceleration of two connected particles on a rough horizontal plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6793
655bA LevelDetermine the coefficient of friction between a rough horizontal plane and two connected particles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6794
655cA LevelDetermine the tension in a string connecting a particle on a rough horizontal table and a vertically hanging particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6795
655dA LevelDetermine the coefficient between a table and a particle when the particle is connected to another hanging over the edge, where the acceleration is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6796
656A LevelExam Practice: Forces on accelerating connected particles, on an inclined plane/inclined forces, no F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=531E656
656aA LevelDetermine the tension or thrust in an inline towbar (where forces of resistance are given).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6797
656bA LevelDetermine the acceleration of two connected vehicles on an inclined road (where forces of resistance are given).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6798
656cA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a system that connects one particle on a smooth inclined plane and one hanging freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6799
656dA LevelDetermine the tension in a string that connects one particle on a smooth inclined plane and one hanging freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6800
657A LevelExam Practice: Forces on accelerating connected particles, on an inclined plane/inclined forces, using F = \mu Rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=532E657
657aA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a system that connects one particle on a rough inclined plane and one hanging freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6801
657bA LevelDetermine the mass of a particle in a system that connects one particle on a rough inclined plane and one hanging freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6802
657cA LevelDetermine the tension in a string that connects one particle on a rough inclined plane and one hanging freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6803
657dA LevelDetermine the acceleration in a system that connects one particle on a rough inclined plane and one on a rough horizontal plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6804
657eA LevelDetermine the tension in a string that connects one particle on a rough inclined plane and one on a rough horizontal plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6805
657fA LevelDetermine the magnitude of the force acting on a pulley that connects one particle on a rough inclined plane and one hanging freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6806
658A LevelExam Practice: Considering forces on accelerating particles (with an incline and possibly F = \mu R) to make calculations about subsequent motiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4398E658
658aA LevelDetermine the distanced moved by a particle on a rough horizontal plane after an inclined towbar connecting it to another particle is detached.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6807
658bA LevelDetermine the velocity a particle hanging vertically hits the ground, when connected to a particle on a rough inclined plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6808
658cA LevelDetermine the distance moved by a particle on a rough inclined plane after it is disconnected from a particle vertically.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6809
658dA LevelDetermine the time taken for the string to become taut again after a particle hanging vertically reaches the ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6810
658eA LevelDetermine the deceleration or distance moved by a particle on a rough horizontal plane after it is disconnected from a particle hanging over an inclined plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6811
659A LevelExam Practice: Static rigid body problems with forces in multiple planes, e.g. hinges/laddersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=533E659
659aA LevelDetermine the coefficient of friction of a rod resting on a wall in limiting equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1242K940
659bA LevelDetermine the reaction force of a horizontal floor or a vertical wall against a rod resting on it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6812
659cA LevelDetermine the range of values for the force applied at the bottom of a rod that would maintain equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6815
659dA LevelDetermine the tension in an inclined string or thrust in an inclined rod that supports another horizontal rod.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6813
659eA LevelDetermine the magnitude of the force exerted by a wall on a horizontal rod that is supported by another inclined rod.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6814
659fA LevelDetermine the reaction force of a rough horizontal floor against a rod resting on a cylinder.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6816
659gA LevelDetermine the reaction force of a vertical wall against a rod resting over the top of it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6817
659hA LevelDetermine the height of a vertical wall on which a rod is resting.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6818
660A LevelExam Practice: Vector calculations for displacement or velocity with constant velocitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4399E660
660aA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle given its velocity vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6819
660bA LevelDetermine the bearing of a moving particle given two displacements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6820
660cA LevelUse the formula \textbf{r}_B = \textbf{r}_A + \textbf{v}t to determine the position of a particle after a given time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6821
660dA LevelUse the formula \textbf{r}_B = \textbf{r}_A + \textbf{v}t to determine the velocity of a particle given two displacements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6822
660eA LevelDetermine a vector for the displacement of a particle in terms of the time t, given two positions of the particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6823
660fA LevelDetermine the angle of direction associated with a velocity vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6824
660gA LevelDetermine the time at which two particles meet, given their initial displacements and velocities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6825
660hA LevelDetermine the times at which a particle is a given distance from a fixed point, given its displacement in terms of the time tdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6826
660iA LevelDetermine the times at which two particles are at a given distance apart, given their initial displacements and velocities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6827
660jA LevelDetermine the time at which a particle is at a cardinal direction relative to a fixed point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6828
660kA LevelDetermine the time at which a particle is at a cardinal direction relative to another, given their displacement vectors in terms of time tdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6829
660lA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle, involving an unknown constant, when it is at a cardinal direction relative to another particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6830
661A LevelExam Practice: Vector calculations given a constant acceleration vectordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=436E661
661aA LevelUse \textbf{F} = m\textbf{a} to find the magnitude of a force given an acceleration vector or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6831
661bA LevelUse the formula \textbf{v} = \textbf{u} + \textbf{a}t with vectors to find the acceleration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6832
661cA LevelUse the formula \textbf{v} = \textbf{u} + \textbf{a}t with vectors to find a velocity as a function of time tdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6833
661dA LevelUse the formula \textbf{v} = \textbf{u} + \textbf{a}t with vectors to find a speed at a given time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6834
661eA LevelUse the formula \textbf{r} = \textbf{u}t + \frac{1}{2}\textbf{a}t^2 with vectors to find a position vector at a given time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6835
661fA LevelUse the formula \textbf{r} = \textbf{u}t + \frac{1}{2}\textbf{a}t^2 with vectors to find the distance from a starting point at a given time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6836
661gA LevelCalculate a vector for velocity to determine the time when a particle is moving in a particular cardinal direction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6837
661hA LevelDetermine the value of a constant in a velocity vector given the magnitude of a force.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6838
662A LevelExam Practice: Vector calculations for displacement or velocity with variable accelerationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4400E662
662aA LevelDifferentiate once to find the velocity or acceleration (vector) of a particle at a particular time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6839
662bA LevelDifferentiate twice to find the acceleration (vector) of a particle at a particular time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6840
662cA LevelIntegrate to determine the displacement at time t of a particle given its velocity and initial displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6841
662dA LevelUse a vector for velocity to determine the time when a particle is moving in a particular direction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6842
662eA LevelUse a vector for velocity to determine the time when a particle is moving at a given speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6843
663A LevelExam Practice: Understanding imaginary numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4401E663
663aA LevelSimplify the square root of a negative number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6844
663bA LevelCalculate i^k for any positive integer kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6845
663cA LevelCalculate (ai)^k for any positive integer k and real adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6846
664A LevelExam Practice: Adding, subtracting and multiplying complex numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=163E664
664aA LevelAdd or subtract two complex numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6847
664bA LevelSimplify a complex expression involving a single bracket expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6848
664cA LevelMultiply two complex numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6849
664dA LevelSquare a complex number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6850
664eA LevelMultiply three complex numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6851
665A LevelExam Practice: Binomial expansion with complex numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4402E665
665aA LevelExpand and simplify (a+bi)^n for positive integer ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6852
665bA LevelExpand and simplify (a-bi)^n for positive integer ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6853
666A LevelExam Practice: Complex conjugationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4403E666
666aA LevelWrite the conjugate of a complex number z^* (or \bar{z}).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6854
666bA LevelDetermine z + z^*drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6855
666cA LevelDetermine zz^*drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6856
666dA LevelSolve an equation involving both z and z^*drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6857
667A LevelExam Practice: Division of complex numbersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4404E667
667aA LevelDivide a complex number by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6858
667bA LevelDivide a complex number by another complex number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1502K971
668A LevelExam Practice: Solving quadratic equations to find potentially complex rootsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=161E668
668aA LevelGiven a complex root of a quadratic equation, state the other root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6859
668bA LevelSolve quadratic equations with complex roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1500K969
668cA LevelDetermine a quadratic equation given one of its complex roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1503K972
668dA LevelFactorise the sum of squares using complex numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6860
668eA LevelKnow the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6861
669A LevelExam Practice: Solving cubic and quartic equations to find potentially complex rootsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=162E669
669aA LevelState the number of real roots and complex roots of a cubic graph given its sketch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6862
669bA LevelState the number of real roots and complex roots of a quartic graph given its sketch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6863
669cA LevelGiven a complex root of a cubic or quartic equation, state another root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6864
669dA LevelDetermine the 3 roots of a cubic equation given factorisation into a linear and quadratic factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6865
669eA LevelDetermine the 4 roots of a quartic equation given factorisation into two quadratic factors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6866
669fA LevelVerify a complex root of a cubic or quartic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6867
669gA LevelSolve a cubic equation with complex roots, given its real root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1504K973
669hA LevelDetermine a cubic equation given a real root and a complex root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6868
669iA LevelDetermine a quartic equation given a real root and a complex root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6869
669jA LevelDetermine a quartic equation given two of its (non-conjugate) roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6870
669kA LevelDetermine the constant term in a quartic equation given a real root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6871
669lA LevelSolve a quartic equation given one of its complex roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6872
669mA LevelDetermine the 3 other roots of a quartic equation given one complex root and some coefficients of the quartic unknown.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6873
670A LevelExam Practice: Argand diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=164E670
670aA LevelPlot a complex number on an argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6874
670bA LevelRead off a complex number plotted on an argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6875
670cA LevelPlot the conjugate z^* of a complex number z on an argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6876
670dA LevelDetermine the modulus \left|z\right| of a complex number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6877
670eA LevelDetermine the midpoint of two complex numbers on an Argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6878
670fA LevelDetermine the distance between two points on an Argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6879
670gA LevelDetermine the argument \textrm{arg}(z) of a complex number in the first quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6880
670hA LevelDetermine the argument \textrm{arg}(z) of a complex number in the second quadrant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6881
670iA LevelDetermine the argument \textrm{arg}(z) of a complex number in the third or fourth quadrants.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6882
670jA LevelDetermine the argument of a complex number that requires prior calculation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6883
670kA LevelDetermine an unknown constant in a complex expression with a given modulus.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6884
670lA LevelDetermine an unknown constant in a complex expression with a given argument.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6885
671A LevelExam Practice: Conversion between Cartesian (rectangular) and modulus-argument (polar) formdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=165E671
671aA LevelConvert a complex number from Cartesian to modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6886
671bA LevelConvert a complex number from modulus-argument form into Cartesian/rectangular form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6887
671cA LevelWrite r(\cos \theta - i \sin \theta) in modulus argument form and recognise as the conjugate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6888
672A LevelExam Practice: Multiplying and dividing complex numbers in modulus-argument formdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4405E672
672aA LevelDetermine the modulus of the product of two complex numbers in modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6889
672bA LevelDetermine the modulus of the product of two complex numbers in a mixture of Cartesian and modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6890
672cA LevelDetermine the modulus of the division of two complex numbers in a mixture of Cartesian and modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6891
672dA LevelDetermine the argument of the product of two complex numbers in modulus-argument form, where one is in the form \cos \theta - i \sin \thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6892
672eA LevelDetermine the product of two complex numbers in modulus-argument form where one is given in Cartesian/rectangular form and the other in modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6893
672fA LevelDetermine the division of two complex numbers in modulus-argument form where one is given in Cartesian/rectangular form and the other in modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6894
672gA LevelUnderstand the geometrical effects of multiplying and dividing two complex numbers on an Argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6895
672hA LevelDetermine a complex number z_1 where z_2 is given along with the argument and modulus of their product.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6896
673A LevelExam Practice: Simple loci in an Argand diagramdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=166E673
673aA LevelSketch the locus of points z such that \left|z\right| = rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6897
673bA LevelSketch the locus of points z such that \left|z\right| - z_1| = rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6898
673cA LevelSketch the locus of points on an argand diagram where \left|z - z_1\right| = \left|z - z_2\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6899
673dA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a locus of points z constrained by \left|z - z_1\right| = \left|z - z_2\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6900
673eA LevelSketch a locus of points z where \textrm{arg}(z) = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6901
673fA LevelSketch a locus of points z where \textrm{arg}(z - z_1) = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6902
673gA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of the locus of points z where arg(z - z_1) = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6903
673hA LevelIdentify a region that combines constraints given in the form \left|z - z_1\right| = r and a < \textrm{arg}(z - z_1) < bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6904
673iA LevelDetermine the maximum or minimum value for \textrm{arg}(z) given that \left|z - z_1\right| = rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6905
673jA LevelDetermine the maximum or minimum value for \left|z\right| given that \left|z - z_1\right| = rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6906
674A LevelExam Practice: Formulae for sums of integers, squares and cubesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=191E674
674aA LevelDetermine \Sigma_{r=1}^n k for a given value of ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6907
674bA LevelDetermine \Sigma_{r=1}^n r for a given value of ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6908
674cA LevelDetermine \Sigma_{r=k}^n r for a given value of k and ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6909
674dA LevelDetermine \Sigma_{r=1}^n r^2 for a given value of ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6910
674eA LevelDetermine \Sigma_{r=1}^n kr or \Sigma_{r=1}^n kr^2 for a given value of ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6911
674fA LevelDetermine the expression for a summation involving a mixture of quadratic, linear and constant terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6912
674gA LevelDetermine the expression for a summation involving a mixture of terms up to cubic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6913
674hA LevelDetermine the expression for a summation involving an expansion to a quadratic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6914
674iA LevelDetermine the expression for a summation involving an expansion to a cubic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6915
674jA LevelUse a result for the summation of 1 to n to calculate a sum from a to bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6916
674kA LevelUse a result for the summation of 1 to n to determine an expression for the summation of 1 to kndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6917
674lA LevelUse a result for the summation of 1 to n to determine an expression for the summation of f(n) to g(n)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6918
674mA LevelDetermine a sum of the square or cubes of consecutive odd or even numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6919
674nA LevelDetermine a summation involving a trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6920
675A LevelExam Practice: Relationship between roots and coefficients of polynomial equations, up to quarticsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=189E675
675aA LevelDetermine the sum or product of roots of a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6921
675bA LevelDetermine the sum of reciprocals of roots of a quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6922
675cA LevelGiven the roots of a quadratic equation, determine integer values for its coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6923
675dA LevelDetermine the sum or roots, sum or root products or product of all roots of a cubic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6924
675eA LevelDetermine, using formulae, the coefficients of a cubic equation given its roots, where two are complex.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6925
675fA LevelDetermine a link between unknown roots of a quartic given the other roots and some of the coefficients.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6926
675gA LevelDetermine the sum of reciprocals of roots of a cubic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6927
675hA LevelDetermine the value of an expression (\alpha + k)(\beta + k)(\gamma + k) for some constant kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6928
675iA LevelDetermine the sum of squares of roots \alpha^2 + \beta^2 + \gamma^2 of a cubic equation by use of an appropriate identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6929
675jA LevelDetermine the sum of cubes of roots \alpha^3 + \beta^3 + \gamma^3 by use of an appropriate identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6930
675kA LevelDetermine the sum \alpha^4 + \beta^4 by use of an appropriate identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6931
675lA LevelUse identities for (\alpha \pm \beta)^2 to determine values for expressions involving roots of a polynomial \alpha and \betadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6932
675mA LevelDetermine roots of a cubic with some unknown coefficients, where expressions for the roots are given in terms of a single constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6933
675nA LevelDetermine two unknown coefficients of a cubic equation given one real root and an area formed by all the roots on an Argand diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6934
676A LevelExam Practice: Polynomial equations whose roots are a linear transformation of the roots of a given polynomial equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=190E676
676aA LevelDetermine a quadratic equation whose roots are a linear transformation k\alpha + c of the original roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6935
676bA LevelDetermine a cubic or quartic equation whose roots are a linear transformation k\alpha + c of the original roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6936
676cA LevelDetermine a quadratic equation whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of another quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6937
676dA LevelDetermine a cubic equation whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of another cubic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6938
676eA LevelDetermine a quadratic equation whose roots are the squares of the roots of another quadratic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6939
676fA LevelDetermine a quadratic equation whose new roots are a mixture of \alpha and \betadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6940
677A LevelExam Practice: Volumes of revolution (powers of x only)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=236E677
677aA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution for a curve revolved around the x-axis (with powers of x only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6941
677bA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution for a part of the circle or ellipse revolved around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6942
677cA LevelDetermine a constant in the equation of a curve or a bound given the volume of the revolved area around the x-axis (with powers of x only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6943
677dA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution for a region revolved around the x-axis, involving addition of volumes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6944
677eA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution for a region revolved around the x-axis, involving subtraction of volumes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6945
677fA LevelDetermine the angle of revolution a region is rotated given the volume and a function with powers of x only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6946
677gA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution for a polynomial curve, revolved around the y-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6947
677hA LevelDetermine a volume of revolution of a curve in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6948
678A LevelExam Practice: Volumes of revolution (for non-polynomials, excluding hyperbolics)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4406E678
678aA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution around the x-axis of an exponential curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6949
678bA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution around the x-axis of a trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6950
678cA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution around the x-axis of a function given in the form \frac{a}{\sqrt{bx+c}} or \frac{a}{(bx+c)^n}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6951
678dA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution around the x-axis of a function given in the form \sqrt{\frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6952
678eA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution around the x-axis that requires splitting into partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6953
678fA LevelCalculate a volume of revolution involving addition of volumes and non-polynomial terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6954
678gA LevelCalculate a volume of revolution involving subtraction of volumes and non-polynomial terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6955
678hA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution around the x-axis for the intersection of two non-polynomial curves.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6956
678iA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution formed by a region between a non-polynomial curve and a normal to the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6957
678jA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution involving parametric equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6958
678kA LevelDetermine the volume of revolution formed by a region between a non-polynomial curve, defined parametrically, and a normal to the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6959
678lA LevelCalculate the volume of revolution around the y-axis involving non-polynomial terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6960
678mA LevelDetermine a volume of revolution in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6961
678nA LevelSolve a rate of flow problem involving the filling of a volume of revolution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6962
679A LevelExam Practice: Adding and subtracting matrices and scalar multiplicationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4407E679
679aA LevelAdd or subtract two matrices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1779
679bA LevelCalculate a scalar multiple of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1780
679cA LevelSubstitute the values of matrices into a simple algebraic expression involving addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1781
680A LevelExam Practice: Multiplying matrices up to 2 by 2 in sizedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=441E680
680aA LevelDetermine the direct product of a 2\times2 and 2\times1 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6963
680bA LevelDetermine the direct product of a 2\times2 and 2\times2 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6964
680cA LevelSubstitute matrices into a simple matrix algebraic expression involving a single product (up to 2\times2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6965
680dA LevelDetermine whether two matrices can be multiplied together (are comformable).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1782
680eA LevelDetermine the direct product of matrices with size 2\times2 and 3\times2 or 2\times3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1512K976
680fA LevelDetermine the direct product of matrices with size 3\times3 and 3\times2 or 2\times3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6966
680gA LevelDetermine the direct product of a 3\times3 and 3\times3 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6967
680hA LevelUnderstand the zero matrix/null matrix, infer its size when used in a matrix expression, and simplify a matrix expression using it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6968
680iA LevelUnderstand that matrix multiplication is associative but not commutative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6969
680jA LevelDetermine the product of a 2\times2 and 2\times2 matrix involving algebraic elements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1783
680kA LevelSquare a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6970
680lA LevelCube a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6971
680mA LevelSubstitute the values of matrices into an algebraic expression involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and scalar multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6972
680nA LevelDetermine an unknown value in a matrix given its product with another matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6973
680oA LevelDetermine two unknown values in a matrix multiplication.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6974
680pA LevelSolve a matrix equation given in the form k\textbf{X} = \textbf{B}\textbf{C}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6975
680qA LevelDetermine unknown values in a matrix multiplication where commutativity is achieved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6976
680rA LevelSolve problems where the product of two matrices is the identity matrix \textbf{I}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6977
680sA LevelFind constants such that \textbf{A}^2 can be written in the form a\textbf{A} + b\textbf{I}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6978
681A LevelExam Practice: Transpose of a matrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4408E681
681aA LevelDetermine the transpose of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6979
682A LevelExam Practice: Calculating determinants of 2\times2 matricesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=175E682
682aA LevelCalculate the determinant of a 2\times2 matrix with numeric terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1794
682bA LevelCalculate the determinant of a 2\times2 matrix containing algebraic elements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6980
682cA LevelDetermine a constant in a 2\times2 matrix given its determinant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6981
682dA LevelDetermine whether a 2\times2 matrix has an inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6982
682eA LevelDetermine a constant for which a 2\times2 matrix is singular.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1800
682fA LevelDetermine the values for a constant for which a 2\times2 matrix is singular (resulting in a quadratic).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6983
682gA LevelUse the property \det(AB) = \det(A)\det(B) to solve matrix problems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8454
683A LevelExam Practice: Calculating determinants of 3\times3 matricesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4409E683
683aA LevelCalculate the determinant of a 3\times3 matrix with numeric terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1814
683bA LevelCalculate the determinant of a 3\times3 matrix containing algebraic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6984
683cA LevelDetermine a constant in a 3\times3 matrix given its determinant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6985
683dA LevelDetermine whether a 3\times3 matrix has an inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6986
683eA LevelDetermine a constant for which a 3\times3 matrix is singular.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1819
683fA LevelDetermine the values for a constant for which a 3\times3 matrix is singular (resulting in a quadratic).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6987
683gA LevelFactorise the determinant of a 3\times3 matrix using row and column operations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6988
684A LevelExam Practice: Inverse of a 2\times2 matrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=176E684
684aA LevelCalculate the inverse of a 2\times2 matrix with numeric terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1798
684bA LevelCalculate the inverse of a 2\times2 containing algebraic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6989
684cA LevelSolve a matrix equation given in the form \textbf{A}\textbf{X} = \textbf{B}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1768
684dA LevelSolve a matrix equation given in the form \textbf{A}\textbf{X} = \textbf{B}\textbf{C} or \textbf{A}\textbf{X} = \textbf{B} - \textbf{C}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6990
684eA LevelUse a self-inverse property of a matrix to determine unknown values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1793
684fA LevelDetermine the product of a matrix inverse and a matrix transpose.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6991
684gA LevelCalculate \textbf{A}^{-1} \textbf{B}^{-1} without finding the inverse of either \textbf{A} or \textbf{B}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6992
685A LevelExam Practice: Inverse of a 3\times3 matrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4410E685
685aA LevelCalculate a minor of an element in a 3\times3 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1816
685bA LevelCalculate a cofactor of an element in a 3\times3 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1818
685cA LevelDetermine the inverse of a 3\times3 matrix with numeric terms only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6993
685dA LevelDetermine the inverse of a 3\times3 matrix containing algebraic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6994
685eA LevelDetermine values for which a 3\times3 matrix is singular involving trigonometric elements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6995
685fA LevelSolve an matrix equation involving \textbf{I}, requiring a matrix inverse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6996
686A LevelExam Practice: Algebraic identities involving matricesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4411E686
686aA LevelProve a matrix identity involving an inverse matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6997
687A LevelExam Practice: Solving simultaneous equations/systems of equations (up to 3 variables) by use of an inverse matrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=177E687
687aA LevelUse a given matrix inverse to solve simultaneous equations/systems of equations in 3 variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6998
687bA LevelUse a matrix inverse to solve simultaneous equations/systems of equations with 3 variables involving an algebraic constant.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=6999
687cA LevelForm and solve a set of simultaneous equations/systems of equations with 3 variables from a modelled context, by use of an inverse matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7000
688A LevelExam Practice: Gaussian elimination / row reduction and general solutions to simultaneous equations/systems of equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=440E688
688aA LevelSolve 3 simultaneous equations/systems of equations using Gaussian elimination / reducing to row echelon form, where there is a unique solution set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7001
688bA LevelDetermine if a matrix is in row echelon form and row reduced echelon form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7002
688cA LevelSolve 3 simultaneous equations/systems of equations using Gaussian elimination / reducing to row echelon form, where there is redundancy, expressing the general solution as equations in terms of the ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7003
688dA LevelSolve 3 simultaneous equations/systems of equations using Gaussian elimination / reducing to row echelon form, where there is redundancy, expressing the general solution in vector form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7004
688eA LevelUse Gaussian elimination to determine a coefficient in simultaneous equations/systems of equations that leads to redundancy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7005
688fA LevelUse Gaussian elimination to determine a coefficient in simultaneous equations/systems of equations that leads to inconsistency.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7006
689A LevelExam Practice: Cramer's ruledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4412E689
689aA LevelUse Cramer's rule to solve simultaneous equations involving two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7007
689bA LevelUse Cramer's rule to solve simultaneous equations involving three variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7008
690A LevelExam Practice: Geometrically interpreting the solution and failure of the solution to three simultaneous linear equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=178E690
690aA LevelUnderstand the geometric significance of the matrix corresponding to linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations being non-singular.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7009
690bA LevelDetermine the value of a constant in linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations that leads to no unique solution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7010
690cA LevelFor linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations corresponding to a singular matrix, determine whether the equations are consistent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7011
690dA LevelFor linear simultaneous equations/systems of equations corresponding to a singular matrix, determine the geometric configuration of the planes they represent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7012
691A LevelExam Practice: Using matrices to represent an arbitrary linear transformationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=444E691
691aA LevelDetermine the matrix needed to transform from a point (x,y) to a point in terms of x and y.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7013
691bA LevelDetermine the image of a single point transformed by a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7014
691cA LevelDetermine unknown values in a matrix that results in a transformation from one point to another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7015
691dA LevelTransform a unit square using a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7016
692A LevelExam Practice: Using matrices to represent reflections, enlargements/dilations and rotations by multiples of 90^\circdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=442E692
692aA LevelWrite a matrix representing a reflection in the x or y axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7017
692bA LevelWrite a matrix representing a reflection in the lines y = x or y = -xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7018
692cA LevelWrite a matrix representing an enlargement/dilation about the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7019
692dA LevelDescribe the effect of a matrix representing an enlargement/dilation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7020
692eA LevelDescribe the effect of a matrix representing a rotation (by a multiple of 90^\circ) or reflection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7021
692fA LevelWrite a matrix that represents a drawn transformation of a unit square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7022
692gA LevelWrite a matrix representing a shear transformation parallel to a coordinate axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8455
693A LevelExam Practice: Using matrices to represent 2D rotations by any angledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=173E693
693aA LevelWrite a matrix that represents a rotation by an arbitrary angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7023
693bA LevelDescribe a rotation represented by a matrix with arbitrary angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7024
694A LevelExam Practice: Using matrices to represent a reflection in the line y = (\tan \theta)x or a projection onto itdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4413E694
694aA LevelWrite a matrix that represents a reflection in the line y = (\tan \theta)x.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7025
694bA LevelIdentify the equation of the line of reflection represented by a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7026
694cA LevelWrite a matrix that represents a projection onto the line y = (\tan \theta)x.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7027
695A LevelExam Practice: Using the inverse of a matrix to represent undoing a transformationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4414E695
695aA LevelDescribe the effect of an inverse matrix representing a transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7028
695bA LevelDetermine the coordinate of an original point given its image and the matrix representing its transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7029
696A LevelExam Practice: Using matrices to represent 3D transformationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4415E696
696aA LevelWrite the matrix representing a 3D rotation about the x, y or z axes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7030
696bA LevelWrite the 3\times3 matrix representation a reflection in the plane x=0, y=0 or z=0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7031
697A LevelExam Practice: Matrix representations of combined transformationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4416E697
697aA LevelCalculate the matrix that represents a sequence of two transformations with given matrices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7032
697bA LevelDescribe the combined transformation represented by a sequence of two given matrices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7033
697cA LevelDetermine a matrix representing repeated applications of the same transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7034
697dA LevelDetermine a matrix that represents a sequence of two rotations/enlargements/dilations/reflections where the matrices are not given (any rotations by multiples of 90^\circ only).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7035
697eA LevelDetermine a matrix that represents a sequence of two rotations/enlargements/dilations/reflections where the matrices are not given (any arbitrary rotation).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7036
697fA LevelDetermine the original point before being transformed by two given matrices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7037
698A LevelExam Practice: Geometrically interpreting the determinant of a 2\times2 matrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4417E698
698aA LevelDetermine the area of the image or object of a transformation given an area and the matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7038
698bA LevelProblem solve with unknown coordinates using given areas and the matrix representing the transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7039
699A LevelExam Practice: Geometrically interpreting the determinant of a 3\times3 matrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4418E699
699aA LevelDetermine the volume of an image given the volume of the object and transformation matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7040
699bA LevelDetermine the volume of a cube transformed by a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7041
699cA LevelDetermine the determinant of the inverse of a matrix without calculating the inverse matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7042
700A LevelExam Practice: Invariant points and lines for a linear transformationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=174E700
700aA LevelDetermine an invariant point of a matrix where one of the x or y coordinate is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7043
700bA LevelDetermine the equation of a line of invariant points for a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7044
700cA LevelShow that an equation is an invariant line for a matrix transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7045
700dA LevelDetermine the equation of any invariant lines for a given matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7046
700eA LevelProve that for a given matrix, there is no invariant line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7047
701A LevelExam Practice: Homogeneous coordinates and affine transformationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4419E701
701aA LevelConvert a homogeneous coordinate in projective space to a Cartesian coordinate.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7048
701bA LevelRepresent points at infinity using homogeneous coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7049
701cA LevelProve that two parallel lines can intersect in projective space using homogeneous coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7050
701dA LevelUnderstand what is meant by an affine transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7051
701eA LevelDetermine the matrix representing a translation of 2D homogeneous coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7052
701fA LevelDetermine the matrix representing a linear transformation of 2D homogeneous coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7053
701gA LevelDetermine the matrix representing a combination of translation with a linear transformation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7054
701hA LevelSolve problems involving inverse matrices and homogeneous coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7055
701iA LevelDetermine invariant points or a line of invariant points involving homogeneous coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7056
702A LevelExam Practice: Proof by induction for summations, divisibility, powers of matrices and inequalitiesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=160E702
702aA LevelProve a summation result of a quadratic expression by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7057
702bA LevelProve a summation result involving fractions by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7058
702cA LevelProve a summation result involving exponential terms by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8645
702dA LevelProve a summation result involving a factorial by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7059
702eA LevelProve the divisibility of an expression involving exponential terms where the coefficient of n is 1.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7060
702fA LevelProve the divisibility of an expression involving exponential terms where the coefficient of n > 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7061
702gA LevelProve a matrix power result by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7062
702hA LevelProve an inequality by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7063
702iA LevelProve the nth derivative of an expression by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7064
703A LevelExam Practice: Strong inductiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4420E703
703aA LevelUse strong induction to prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7065
703bA LevelUse strong induction to prove a tree with n vertices has n-1 edges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7066
703cA LevelUse strong induction to prove more general statements.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7067
704A LevelExam Practice: Vector form of a straight line in 2D and 3Ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=271E704
704aA LevelFind a vector equation \textbf{r} given a point on the line and the direction of the line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7068
704bA LevelDetermine whether two lines with given vector equations are parallel.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7069
704cA LevelFind a vector equation \textbf{r} given two points on the line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1551K983
704dA LevelDetermine whether a point lies on a line given its vector equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1553K985
704eA LevelDetermine unknown values in a coordinate given the vector equation of the line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7070
705A LevelExam Practice: Cartesian (rectangular) form of an equation of a straight line in 2D and 3Ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=272E705
705aA LevelConvert the equation of a straight line from vector form to Cartesian/rectangular form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1552K984
705bA LevelConvert the equation of a straight line from Cartesian/rectangular form to vector form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7071
706A LevelExam Practice: Point of intersection of two straight linesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=273E706
706aA LevelDetermine the point of intersection of two lines given their vector equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7072
706bA LevelShow that two lines with given vector equations do not intersect (i.e. are skew lines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7073
706cA LevelDetermine the point of intersection of two lines given their Cartesian equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7074
706dA LevelShow that two lines with given Cartesian equations do not intersect (i.e. are skew lines).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7075
707A LevelExam Practice: Vector equations of planes in the form \textbf{r} = \textbf{a} + \lambda\textbf{b} + \mu\textbf{c}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=274E707
707aA LevelFind an equation of a plane passing through 3 points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1554K986
707bA LevelDetermine whether a point lies on a plane with given vector equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7076
708A LevelExam Practice: Dot/scalar product and angles between vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=275E708
708aA LevelCalculate the dot product of two vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1557K988
708bA LevelCalculate the angle between two vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1558K989
708cA LevelDetermine the angle formed by the position vectors of 3 points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7077
708dA LevelDetermine the area of a triangle formed by the position vectors of 3 points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7078
708eA LevelShow that two vectors are perpendicular.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7079
708fA LevelDetermine the value of a constant given that two vectors are perpendicular.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1559K990
708gA LevelDetermine a vector perpendicular to two others (without using the cross product).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7080
708hA LevelUse the distributivity of dot products to solve problems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8420
709A LevelExam Practice: Cartesian equation of a plane and \textbf{r} \cdot \textbf{n} = \textbf{a} \cdot \textbf{n} formdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4421E709
709aA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a plane given its normal vector and a point on the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1556K987
709bA LevelDetermine the equation of a plane in the form \textbf{r}\cdot\textbf{n} = p given three points on the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7081
709cA LevelDetermine the equation of a plane in the form \textbf{r}\cdot\textbf{n} = p given its equation expressed in the form \textbf{r} = \textbf{a} + \lambda \textbf{b} + \mu \textbf{c}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8427
709dA LevelConvert between Cartesian/rectangular form and \textbf{r}\cdot\textbf{n} = p form of a plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7082
709eA LevelProve the theorem of three perpendiculars.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7083
710A LevelExam Practice: Point of intersection of a line and a plane or a plane and planedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=276E710
710aA LevelDetermine the point of intersection between a line in vector form and a plane in scalar product form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7084
710bA LevelDetermine the line of intersection between two planes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7085
711A LevelExam Practice: Angles between a combination of lines and planesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4422E711
711aA LevelDetermine the angle between two lines with given vector equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1561K992
711bA LevelDetermine the angle between two lines with given Cartesian equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7086
711cA LevelDetermine the angle between a line in vector form and a plane in scalar product form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7087
711dA LevelDetermine the angle between a line in vector form and a plane in vector form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7088
711eA LevelDetermine the angle between two planes in scalar product form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7089
712A LevelExam Practice: Shortest distance between points or lines, and lines or planesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=277E712
712aA LevelDetermine unknown values in a coordinate for a point that has a given distance from a line with a given vector equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7090
712bA LevelDetermine the shortest distance between two parallel lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7091
712cA LevelDetermine the shortest distance between two general lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7092
712dA LevelDetermine the shortest distance between a point and a line given in vector form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7093
712eA LevelDetermine the shortest distance between a point and a line given in Cartesian/rectangular form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7094
712fA LevelDetermine the shortest distance from a plane to the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7095
712gA LevelDetermine the shortest distance from a point to a plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7096
713A LevelExam Practice: Reflection of points in planesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4423E713
713aA LevelDetermine the coordinate of a point reflected in a plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7097
713bA LevelDetermine the vector equation of a line reflected in a plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7098
714A LevelExam Practice: Limits involving trigonometric functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4424E714
714aA LevelDetermine limits of trigonometric functions for a given value (in radians) by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7099
714bA LevelDetermine a limit of an indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} using a Pythagorean trigonometric identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7100
714cA LevelDetermine a limit of an indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} using a trigonometric double angle formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7101
715A LevelExam Practice: Squeeze theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4425E715
715aA LevelDetermine whether two bounding functions are suitable to apply the squeeze theorem to a limit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7102
716A LevelExam Practice: Discontinuity at pointsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4426E716
716aA LevelIdentity removable discontinuities in a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7103
716bA LevelIdentify jump discontinuities in a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7104
716cA LevelIdentify discontinuities due to an unbounded value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7105
716dA LevelUse factorisation to assign a value to a function and remove a discontinuity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7106
716eA LevelRationalise a denominator to assign a value to a function and remove a discontinuity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7107
717A LevelExam Practice: Continuity at points and intervalsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4427E717
717aA LevelValidate statements related to the continuity at a point using a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7108
717bA LevelDetermine whether a piecewise function, defined algebraically, is continuous at a point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7109
717cA LevelDetermine the intervals over which a function is continuous.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7110
717dA LevelUse the intermediate value theorem to determine intervals which include an output of the function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7111
718A LevelExam Practice: Euler's formula e^{i\theta} = \cos(\theta) + i \sin(\theta)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=168E718
718aA LevelConvert a complex number from modulus-argument form to exponential form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7112
718bA LevelConvert a complex number from Cartesian/rectangular form to exponential form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7113
718cA LevelConvert an exponential term e^{i\theta} to modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7114
718dA LevelConvert an exponential term e^{-i\theta} to \cos\theta - i\sin\theta form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7115
719A LevelExam Practice: Powers of complex numbers using de Moivre's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=167E719
719aA LevelProve de Moivre's theorem by induction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7116
719bA LevelUse de Moivre's theorem to find a power of complex numbers in modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7117
719cA LevelSimplify an expression involving multiplication, division and powers of complex numbers in modulus-argument form, including cos\theta - isin\theta form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7118
719dA LevelUse de Moivre's theorem to find a power of complex numbers in Cartesian/rectangular form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7119
720A LevelExam Practice: Proving trigonometric identities using de Moivre's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4428E720
720aA LevelWrite \sin kx or \cos kx as sum of powers of \sin or \cosdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7120
720bA LevelWrite a power of \sin x or \cos x as a sum of \sin(kx) or \cos(kx) terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7121
720cA LevelIntegrate powers of trigonometric terms where cubed or of a higher power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7122
720dA LevelSolve an equation given in the form \sin ax = b \sin cxdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7123
721A LevelExam Practice: Sums of series using de Moivre's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4429E721
721aA LevelWrite an expression in the form \frac{k}{e^{i\theta} - 1} in terms of trigonometric terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7124
721bA LevelSimplify the sum of a finite geometric series of complex terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7125
721cA LevelSimplify a finite series of \sin(k\theta) terms or \cos(k\theta) terms by use of de Moivre's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7126
721dA LevelSimplify a infinite series of \sin(k\theta) terms or \cos(k\theta) terms by use of de Moivre's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7127
722A LevelExam Practice: nth roots of unity and other complex numbers, and geometric problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=169E722
722aA LevelSolve an equation given in the form z^n = a + bi, giving solutions in modulus-argument form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7128
722bA LevelSolve an equation given in the form z^n = a + bi, giving solutions in Cartesian/rectangular form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7129
722cA LevelDetermine vertices of a regular polygon centred around the origin using complex numbers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7130
722dA LevelGiven one complex root of a polynomial and a geometric shape of the roots, determine the original equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7131
722eA LevelProve that the sum of the nth roots of a complex number add to 0.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8456
723A LevelExam Practice: Method of differences for summation of seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=192E723
723aA LevelSimplify the sum of a subtraction of fractions where consecutive terms cancel.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7132
723bA LevelSimplify a sum of quadratic term by writing as the difference of cubes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7133
723cA LevelSimplify the sum of a fractional expression by splitting into (two) partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7134
723dA LevelSimplify the sum of a subtraction of fractions with more complex cancelling of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7135
723eA LevelSimplify the sum of a fractional expression by splitting into (two) partial fractions, with more complex cancelling of terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7136
723fA LevelSimplify the sum of a fractional expression by splitting into three partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7137
723gA LevelSimplify a more complex summation of terms that combines method of differences with a summation of constant, linear and quadratic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7138
723hA LevelUse a result obtained from the method of differences to find a summation between two more arbitrary bounds.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7139
724A LevelExam Practice: Maclaurin seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=193E724
724aA LevelDetermine f(0), f'(0), f''(0) and f'''(0) for a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7140
724bA LevelDerive Maclaurin expansions of standard functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7141
724cA LevelDerive the Maclaurin expansion of inverse trigonometric functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7142
724dA LevelDetermine the Maclaurin expansion of an expression f(x)g(x) using standard results for f and g.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7143
724eA LevelDetermine the Maclaurin expansion of an expression f(g(x)) for a standard expansion f.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7144
724fA LevelDetermine the Maclaurin expansion of an expression f(g(x)) for a standard expansion g.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7145
724gA LevelDetermine the Maclaurin expansion of an expression f(g(kx)) using standard expansions for both f and g.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7146
724hA LevelDetermine the Maclaurin expansion of \ln(f(x)) by using laws of logs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7147
724iA LevelState the valid domain for a Maclaurin expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7148
724jA LevelUse terms of a Maclaurin expansion to get an expression of a value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7149
724kA LevelDetermine the Maclaurin expansion using implicit differentiation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8663
725A LevelExam Practice: Approximations for \pidrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4430E725
725aA LevelRecognise that \pi is irrational and know fractional approximations of \pi.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7150
725bA LevelUse a Maclaurin expansion of 4\arctan(1) (Madhava-Leibniz series) to generate progressively better approximations of \pi.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7151
725cA LevelUse a Maclaurin expansion of 6\arctan(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}) (Madhava-Leibniz series) to generate progressively better approximations of \pi.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7152
725dA LevelDerive and use Viète's formula to generate progressively better approximations of \pi.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7153
725eA LevelUse the Wallis product to generate progressively better approximations of \pi.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7154
725fA LevelDetermine a bound for \pi by comparing the perimeters of a circle, an inscribed regular polygon and a circumscribing regular polygon (Archimedes' method).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7155
726A LevelExam Practice: Improper integrals where one of the limits extends to infinitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=237E726
726aA LevelDetermine an improper integral where one of the bounds is infinity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7156
726bA LevelDetermine an improper integral for a finite range that extends over a discontinuity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7157
726cA LevelDetermine an improper integral from negative infinity to positive infinity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7158
726dA LevelDetermine an improper integral that requires splitting into partial fractions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7159
727A LevelExam Practice: Integrating functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 - x^2} and \frac{1}{a^2 + x^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=240E727
727aA LevelIntegrate functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 + x^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1481K953
727bA LevelIntegrate functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 - x^2} and \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2 - x^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7160
727cA LevelIntegrate functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 - b^2 x^2} and \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2 x^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1482K954
727dA LevelIntegrate functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 - b^2 x^2} and \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2 x^2}} that first requires splitting a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7161
727eA LevelIntegrate functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 - x^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7162
727fA LevelIntegrate functions requiring a split into partial fractions with subsequent inverse trigonometric results.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7163
727gA LevelIntegration functions using a substitution with subsequent inverse trigonometric results.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7164
728A LevelExam Practice: Mean value of a functiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=238E728
728aA LevelDetermine the mean value of a function involving simple polynomials or expressions given in the form (ax + b)^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7165
728bA LevelDetermine the mean value of more general functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7166
728cA LevelDetermine the mean value of a function requiring integration by substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7167
728dA LevelDetermine the mean value of a function involving functions given in the form \frac{1}{a^2 - x^2} and \frac{1}{a^2 + x^2}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7168
729A LevelExam Practice: Conversion between polar and Cartesian coordinatesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=247E729
729aA LevelConvert from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1489K959
729bA LevelConvert from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7169
729cA LevelConvert an equation of a curve from polar form to Cartesian/rectangular form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7170
729dA LevelConvert an equation of a curve from Cartesian/rectangular form to polar form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7171
729eA LevelConvert a straight line equation of a curve from Cartesian/rectangular form to polar form and simplify to a single trigonometric function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7172
730A LevelExam Practice: Sketching polar curves with r given as a function of \thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=248E730
730aA LevelRecognise common polar graphs including r = a, \theta = \alpha, r = 2a \cos \theta and r = k\thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7173
730bA LevelSketch a cardioid r = a(1 + \cos\theta)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7174
730cA LevelSketch a polar rose r = \sin k\thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7175
730dA LevelSketch a polar equation given in the form r = p \sec(\alpha - \theta)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7176
730eA LevelSketch a polar equation given in the form r = a \sec\thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7177
730fA LevelSketch a lemniscate r2 = a^2 \cos 2\thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7178
730gA LevelDistinguish between variants of the generalisation of a cardioid r = a(p + q\cos \theta) (limaçons).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7179
731A LevelExam Practice: Determining the area enclosed by a polar curvedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=249E731
731aA LevelDetermine the full area under a polar curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7180
731bA LevelDetermine the area under a polar curve between two half lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7181
731cA LevelDetermine an unknown constant in a polar equation given the area under the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7182
731dA LevelDetermine the area between two polar curves.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7183
731eA LevelDetermine the area between a polar curve and vertical or horizontal line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7184
731fA LevelDetermine the area of a polar curve extracted from another region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7185
731gA LevelUse the area under a polar curve in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7186
732A LevelExam Practice: Tangents and normals to polar curvesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4431E732
732aA LevelDetermine the polar coordinates where the tangent is parallel to the initial line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7187
732bA LevelDetermine the polar coordinates where the tangent is perpendicular to the initial line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7188
732cA LevelDetermine the polar equation of the tangent of a polar curve parallel to the initial line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7189
732dA LevelDetermine the polar equation of the tangent of a polar curve perpendicular to the initial line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7190
733A LevelExam Practice: Definitions and graphs of hyperbolic functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=250E733
733aA LevelCalculate \sinh, \cosh, \tanh, \textrm{sech}, \textrm{cosech} and \coth of an integer value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1495K966
733bA LevelCalculate \sinh, \cosh, \tanh, \textrm{sech}, \textrm{cosech} and \coth of a logarithmic value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7191
733cA LevelRecognise graphs of y = \sinh x, y = \cosh x and y = \tanh xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7192
733dA LevelRecognise graphs of y = \textrm{sech}\, x, y = \textrm{cosech}\, x and y = \coth xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7193
734A LevelExam Practice: Inverse hyperbolic functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=252E734
734aA LevelSolve a simple hyperbolic equation given in the form \sinh x = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7194
734bA LevelRecognise graphs of y = \mathrm{arsinh} \, x, y = \mathrm{arcosh} \, x and y = \mathrm{artanh} \, xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7195
734cA LevelUse formulae to calculate the output of inverse hyperbolic values.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7196
734dA LevelDetermine the hyperbolic counterpart to a trigonometric identity using Osborn's rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7197
734eA LevelSolve an equation with a mixture of hyperbolic functions, without squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7198
734fA LevelSolve an equation involving a mixture of hyperbolic and exponential terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7199
734gA LevelSolve an equation using a hyperbolic identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7200
734hA LevelDetermine the output of a hyperbolic function given the output of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7201
734iA LevelSolve a more complex equation by using the definition of a inverse hyperbolic term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7202
735A LevelExam Practice: Differentiating hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=251E735
735aA LevelDifferentiate a simple hyperbolic term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7203
735bA LevelDifferentiate a hyperbolic expression using the chain rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7204
735cA LevelDifferentiate a simple inverse hyperbolic term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7205
735dA LevelDifferentiate a inverse hyperbolic expression using the chain rule.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7206
735eA LevelDifferentiate a product involving an inverse hyperbolic term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7207
735fA LevelObtain a first order differential equation from an inverse hyperbolic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7208
735gA LevelObtain a second order differential equation from an inverse hyperbolic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7209
736A LevelExam Practice: Integrating hyperbolic functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4432E736
736aA LevelIntegrate standard results to yield a hyperbolic expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7210
736bA LevelIntegrate functions to yield a hyperbolic expression that first requires splitting a fraction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7211
736cA LevelIntegrate a product of two hyperbolic terms where one has a power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7212
736dA LevelIntegrate expressions involving \sinh^2 or \cosh^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7213
736eA LevelIntegrate expressions involving \sinh^3 or \cosh^3drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7214
736fA LevelIntegrate expressions involving a product of an exponential and hyperbolic term.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7215
737A LevelExam Practice: Integrating functions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + a^2}} and \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 - a^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=254E737
737aA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + a^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7216
737bA LevelFind the definite integral of expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + a^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7217
737cA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 - a^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7218
737dA LevelCalculate a definite integral for expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 - a^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7219
737eA LevelIntegrate \sqrt{x^2 + a^2} using a hyperbolic substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7220
737fA LevelIntegrate expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2 x^2 + b^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7221
737gA LevelCalculate a definite integral for expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2 x^2 + b^2}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7222
737hA LevelIntegrate an expression given in the form \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{x^2 + a^2}} and \frac{g(x)}{\sqrt{x^2 - a^2}} using a hyperbolic substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7223
737iA LevelIntegrate an expression given in the form \frac{1}{x^2 + bx + c} by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7224
737jA LevelCalculate a definite integral for expressions given in the form \frac{1}{x^2 + bx + c}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7225
737kA LevelIntegrate an expression given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + bx + c}} by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7226
737lA LevelCalculate a definite integral for expressions given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + bx + c}}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7227
737mA LevelIntegrate an expression given in the form \frac{1}{ax^2 + bx + c} by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7228
737nA LevelIntegrate an expression given in the form \frac{1}{\sqrt{ax^2 + bx + c}} by completing the square.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7229
738A LevelExam Practice: Using integrating factors to solve differential equations given in the form \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = Q(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=255E738
738aA LevelSolve a first order differential equation where the left-hand-side of the equation can be expressed as \frac{d}{dx}\left[f(x)y\right]drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7230
738bA LevelDetermine the general solution to first order differential equations, involving polynomial terms, by using an integrating factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7231
738cA LevelDetermine the general solution to first order differential equations, involving trigonometric terms, by using an integrating factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7232
738dA LevelDetermine the general solution to first order differential equations, involving exponential terms, by using an integrating factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8646
738eA LevelDetermine the general solution to first order differential equations, involving logarithmic terms, by using an integrating factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7233
738fA LevelDetermine the particular solution of a first order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7234
738gA LevelDetermine the general solution to first order differential equations involving hyperbolic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7235
739A LevelExam Practice: Homogeneous second order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=256E739
739aA LevelDetermine the general solution of a differential equation a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = 0 where the auxiliary equation has distinct roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7236
739bA LevelDetermine the general solution of a differential equation a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = 0 where the auxiliary equation has equal roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7237
739cA LevelDetermine the general solution of a differential equation a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + cy = 0 where the auxiliary equation has imaginary roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7238
739dA LevelDetermine the general solution of a differential equation a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = 0 where the auxiliary equation has complex roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7239
739eA LevelDetermine the particular solution of a homogeneous second order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7240
739fA LevelDetermine the general solution to a homogeneous second order differential equation involving hyperbolic terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7241
739gA LevelDetermine the general solution of a homogeneous second order differential equation in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7242
739hA LevelComment on the suitability of the solution to a second order differential equation which in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7243
740A LevelExam Practice: Non-homogeneous second order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=257E740
740aA LevelDetermine the general solution of a second order differential equations given in the form a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7244
740bA LevelDetermine the general solution of a second order differential equations given in the form a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = px + qdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7245
740cA LevelDetermine the general solution of a second order differential equations given in the form a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = px^2 + qx + rdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7246
740dA LevelDetermine the general solution of a second order differential equations given in the form a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = pe^{qx}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7247
740eA LevelDetermine the general solution of a second order differential equations given in the form a \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = k \sin \omega xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7248
740fA LevelDetermine the general solution of a non-homogeneous second order differential equation where the particular integral overlaps with the complementary function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7249
740gA LevelDetermine the particular solution to a non-homogeneous second order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7250
740hA LevelDetermine general solutions to non-homogenous second order differential equations in a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7251
740iA LevelDetermine particular solutions to non-homogenous second order differential equations in a modelled context and find the output for a given input.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7252
741A LevelExam Practice: Simple Harmonic Motion (excluding springs)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=258E741
741aA LevelDetermine the period of oscillation of a particle with SHM given the amplitude and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7253
741bA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle with SHM at a particular displacement, given the amplitude and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7254
741cA LevelDetermine the time taken for a particle with SHM to move between different displacements, given the amplitude and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7255
741dA LevelDetermine the period of oscillation of a particle with SHM given the the mass of a particle and a force in the form kxdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7256
741eA LevelDetermine the period of oscillation of a particle with SHM given the maximum acceleration and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7257
741fA LevelDetermine the amplitude of oscillation of a particle with SHM given the maximum acceleration and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7258
741gA LevelDetermine the time taken for a particle with SHM to move between different displacements given the maximum acceleration and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7259
741hA LevelDetermine the amplitude of motion of a particle with SHM given the period and maximum speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7260
742A LevelExam Practice: Modelling damped oscillations using second order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=259E742
742aA LevelForm a second-order differential equation involving a damping force on an oscillation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7261
742bA LevelDetermine whether damped motion is heavy damping, critical damping or light damping using its second-order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7262
742cA LevelDetermine the equation of motion for damped oscillations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7263
742dA LevelDetermine the period of the motion of damped oscillations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7264
743A LevelExam Practice: Modelling forced harmonic motion using non-homogeneous second order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4433E743
743aA LevelForm a second-order differential equation involving forced harmonic motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7265
743bA LevelDetermine the equation of motion for forced harmonic motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7266
744A LevelExam Practice: Coupled first order linear differential equations (no use of eigenvalues)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=260E744
744aA LevelUnderstand and form Lotka-Volterra (predator-prey) equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7267
744bA LevelUse homogeneous coupled differential equations to form a single second order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7268
744cA LevelFind a general solution for x in terms of t for homogeneous coupled differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7269
744dA LevelFind a general solution for y in terms of t for homogeneous coupled differential equations, given the solution for xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7270
744eA LevelUse non-homogeneous coupled differential equations to form a single second order differential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7271
744fA LevelFind a general solution for x in terms of t for non-homogeneous coupled differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7272
744gA LevelFind a general solution for y in terms of t for non-homogeneous coupled differential equations, given the solution for xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7273
744hA LevelDetermine particular solutions to non-homogenous coupled differential equations and find the output for a given input.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7274
744iA LevelSuggest limitations of the solutions to Lotka-Volterra equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7275
745A LevelExam Practice: Partitions of a setdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4434E745
745aA LevelIdentity valid and invalid partitions of a set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7276
745bA LevelPartition a set of 3 or 4 elements into subsets, without restriction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7277
745cA LevelDetermine the number of ways to partition a set into two non-empty subsets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7278
745dA LevelDetermine the number of ways to partition a set without restrictions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7279
746A LevelExam Practice: Pigeonhole principle / Dirichlet's box principledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4435E746
746aA LevelRecognise that if there are more items than containers, there must be multiple items in the same container.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7280
746bA LevelRecognise that if items are shared between containers, there is a container with at least the mean number of items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7281
746cA LevelApply the pigeonhole principle to problems involving remainders, e.g. proving that two chosen values must add up to a certain multiple.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7282
746dA LevelApply the pigeonhole principle to problems where there is a fixed total value of the items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7283
747A LevelExam Practice: Inclusion-exclusion principledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4436E747
747aA LevelBe able to use the inclusion-exclusion principle for 2 sets in solving problems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7284
747bA LevelExtend the inclusion-exclusion principle to more than 2 sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7285
748A LevelExam Practice: Derangementsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4437E748
748aA LevelList the derangements of 3 items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7286
748bA LevelList the derangements of 4 items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7287
748cA LevelDetermine the number of derangements for 5 items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7288
748dA LevelUse the general formula for the number of derangements for n items.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7289
749A LevelExam Practice: Stirling numbers of the second kinddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4438E749
749aA LevelUse an appropriate counting strategy to determine the number of ways of partitioning a set of n objects into k non-empty subsets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7290
749bA LevelUse a formula for the Stirling number S(n,k) to determine the number of ways of partitioning a set of n objects into k non-empty subsets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7291
749cA LevelCalculate the Bell number B_n, the total number of ways of partitioning a set of n objects into non-empty subsets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7292
750A LevelExam Practice: Vector product \textbf{a} \times \textbf{b} of two vectorsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=278E750
750aA LevelState the vector product of a combination of \textbf{i}, \textbf{j} and \textbf{k}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7293
750bA LevelUse the vector product to find a vector perpendicular to two others.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7294
750cA LevelRecognise properties of vector products, including the effect of reversing the order in the product and the vector product of the same vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7295
750dA LevelDetermine the vector product of two vectors based on the position vectors of three points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7296
750eA LevelDetermine the area of a triangle using the vector product of vectors forming two sides of the triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7297
750fA LevelDetermine the area of a triangle given the position vector of the vertices, using the vector product.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7298
750gA LevelDetermine the area of a parallelogram using a vector product.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7299
751A LevelExam Practice: Components of vectors in an arbitrary directiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4439E751
751aA LevelDetermine the component of a vector acting in the direction of another vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7300
751bA LevelDetermine the component of a vector acting perpendicular to the direction of another vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7301
751cA LevelDetermine the component of a force acting parallel to the direction of an object.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7302
751dA LevelDetermine the component of a force acting perpendicular to the direction of an object.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7303
752A LevelExam Practice: Scalar triple product \textbf{a} \cdot \textbf{b} \times \textbf{c}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=279E752
752aA LevelCalculate a scalar triple product.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7304
752bA LevelCalculate the volume of a parallelepiped using a scalar triple product given vectors for three of its edges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7305
752cA LevelCalculate the volume of a parallelepiped using a scalar triple product given position vectors for some its vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7306
752dA LevelDetermine an unknown value in a coordinate of a parallelepiped given its volume.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7307
752eA LevelCalculate the volume of a tetrahedron using a scalar triple product given vectors for three of its edges.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7308
752fA LevelCalculate the volume of a tetrahedron using a scalar triple product given the position vectors of its vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7309
752gA LevelDetermine the volume of a truncated tetrahedron.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7310
753A LevelExam Practice: Equations of lines and planes and shortest distances using vector productsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=280E753
753aA LevelDetermine the equation of a straight line in the form (\textbf{r}-\textbf{a})\times \textbf{b} = 0 using two points on the line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7311
753bA LevelDetermine the equation of a straight line in the form (\textbf{r} \times \textbf{a} = \textbf{b} using two points on the line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7312
753cA LevelDetermine the direction cosines of the lines l, m and ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7313
753dA LevelDetermine the coordinates of a point on a line with given vector product equation and one of the cosines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7314
753eA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a line by calculating the direction cosines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7315
753fA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a plane given vector equations of a line and a point on the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7316
753gA LevelDetermine the normal vector to a plane given its equation in the form \textbf{r} = \textbf{a} + \lambda\textbf{b} + \gamma\textbf{c}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7317
753hA LevelDetermine the equation of a plane in the form \textbf{r}\cdot\textbf{n} = p given three points that lie on the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7318
753iA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a plane given three points that lie on the plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7319
753jA LevelDetermine the vector equation of the line of intersection of two planes with equations in the form \textbf{r} \cdot \textbf{n} = pdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7320
753kA LevelDetermine the vector product equation \textbf{r} \times \textbf{a} = \textbf{b} of the line of intersection of two planes with equations in the form \textbf{r} \cdot \textbf{n} = p or \textbdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7321
753lA LevelDetermine the shortest distance between two skew lines with given vector equations, using the vector product.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7322
753mA LevelDetermine the vector equation of a line formed from the matrix transformation of another line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8647
754A LevelExam Practice: Geometric definitions of conic sectionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4440E754
754aA LevelRecognise circles, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolae as sections of a double cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7323
754bA LevelUnderstand circles, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolae as being defined as a locus of points with some interaction with a focus/foci and a directrix/directrices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7324
755A LevelExam Practice: Parabolas (with vertex at the origin) and their focus and directrixdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4441E755
755aA LevelDetermine the equation of a parabola with a given its focus and directrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7325
755bA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the focus and the equation of the directrix of a parabola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7326
755cA LevelWrite the parametric equations of a parabola given its Cartesian equation, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7327
755dA LevelFind an equation of the tangent to a parabola y^2 = 4ax using its parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7328
755eA LevelFind an equation of the normal to a parabola y^2 = 4ax using its parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7329
755fA LevelDetermine the coordinates of a point where a tangent or normal to a parabola meets the directrix, an axis or the original curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7330
755gA LevelDetermine the equation of a line which passes through two points of a parabola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7331
756aA LevelUnderstand the geometric definition of a rectangular hyperbola in terms of its foci and directrices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8664
756bA LevelWrite the parametric equations of a rectangular hyperbola given its Cartesian equation, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8665
756cA LevelFind the equation of the tangent to a rectangular hyperbola using its parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8666
756dA LevelFind the equation of the normal to a rectangular hyperbola using its parametric form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8667
757A LevelExam Practice: Ellipses and hyperbolae (excluding eccentricity)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4442E757
757aA LevelSketch an ellipse given its Cartesian equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7332
757bA LevelWrite the parametric equations of an ellipse given its Cartesian equation, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7333
757cA LevelWrite the parametric equations of a hyperbola given its Cartesian equation, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7334
757dA LevelSketch a hyperbola and give the coordinates of the roots and equations of the asymptotes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7335
757eA LevelFind an equation of a tangent to an ellipse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7336
757fA LevelFind an equation of a normal to an ellipse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7337
757gA LevelFind an equation of a tangent to a hyperbola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7338
757hA LevelFind an equation of a normal to a hyperbola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7339
757iA LevelFind the equation of the tangent to a hyperbola which passes through a particular point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7340
757jA LevelDetermine an equation in terms of x where a generic line y = mx + c meets a hyperbola with given equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7341
758A LevelExam Practice: Eccentricity in ellipses and hyperbolaedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4443E758
758aA LevelDistinguish between a locus of points in the cases where the eccentricity e < 1, e = 1 and e > 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7342
758bA LevelCalculate the eccentricity for an ellipse with given Cartesian equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7343
758cA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the foci and equations of the directrices for an ellipse with given Cartesian equation, where a > bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7344
758dA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the foci and equations of the directrices for an ellipse with given Cartesian equation, where a < bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7345
758eA LevelDetermine the a and b in the equation of an ellipse given a focus or directrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7346
758fA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the foci and equations of the directrices for a hyperbola with given Cartesian equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7347
758gA LevelShow that the total distance from a point on an ellipse to the two foci is fixed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7348
759A LevelExam Practice: Loci problems involving parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolaedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=266E759
759aA LevelProve that the locus of points equidistant from a focus (a,0) and directrix x=-a has equation y^2 = 4axdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7349
759bA LevelDetermine the equation of the locus of the midpoint of the x and y intercepts of a tangent to an ellipse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7350
759cA LevelDetermine the equation of the locus of the point of intersection of two normals to a parabola where the chord of the two points on the curve passes through the focus.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7351
759dA LevelFind an equation of the locus of the midpoint between a point on an ellipse and the foot of the perpendicular on a line x = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7352
760A LevelExam Practice: Translated parabolasdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4444E760
760aA LevelPut the equation of a vertical parabola in the form (x-h)^2 = 4a(y-k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7353
760bA LevelPut the equation of a horizontal parabola in the form (y-k)^2 = 4a(x-h)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7354
760cA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the vertex and focus and equation of the directrix of a vertical parabola in the form (x-h)^2 = 4a(y-k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7355
760dA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the vertex and focus and equation of the directrix of a horizontal parabola in the form (y-k)^2 = 4a(x-h)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7356
761A LevelExam Practice: General Cartesian equations of conics and their rotationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4445E761
761aA LevelDetermine whether a conic is a parabola, circle, ellipse or hyperbola by observing the coefficients in the general equation of a conic parallel to the coordinate axes Ax^2 + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7357
761bA LevelComplete the square to determine the centre of an ellipse or hyperbola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7358
761cA LevelUse \cot(2\theta) = \frac{A-C}{B} and a rotation matrix to rotate a conic into standard form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7359
761dA LevelDetermine the centre, vertices, foci and equations of the directrices of a rotated hyperbola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7360
761eA LevelDetermine the centre, vertices, foci and equations of the directrices of a rotated ellipse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7361
761fA LevelDetermine the centre, vertices, foci and equations of the directrices of a rotated parabola.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7362
762A LevelExam Practice: Conic sections in polar formdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4446E762
762aA LevelUse a table of values to plot a conic section in the form r = \frac{ed}{1 \pm e \cos \theta} or r = \frac{ed}{1 \pm e \sin \theta}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7363
762bA LevelIdentify the type of conic section from its polar equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7364
762cA LevelDetermine the distance between the focus and directrix of a conic section given its polar equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7365
762dA LevelSketch an ellipse given its polar equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7366
762eA LevelSketch a parabola given its polar equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7367
762fA LevelSketch a hyperbola given its polar equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7368
762gA LevelWrite a polar equation for a conic section with given eccentricity and equation of a directrix in the form x = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7369
762hA LevelWrite a polar equation for a conic section with given eccentricity and equation of a directrix in the form y = kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7370
762iA LevelWrite a polar equation of an ellipse with vertices (r_1, 0) and (r_2, \pi)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7371
762jA LevelWrite a polar equation of a parabola with directrix x = k or y = k and its vertex the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7372
762kA LevelWrite a polar equation of a parabola with vertex (r,\pi) and its focus the origin.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7373
763A LevelExam Practice: Solving cubic and quartic inequalities and inequalities involving fractionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=541E763
763aA LevelSolve inequalities given in the form f(x) > g(x) where one of the functions is quadratic and both functions are sketched.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7374
763bA LevelSolve inequalities given in the form f(x) > g(x) where one of the functions is cubic and both functions are sketched.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7375
763cA LevelSolve an inequality given in the form f(x) < 0 or f(x) > 0, where f(x) is a factorised polynomial of order 3 or higher.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7376
763dA LevelSolve an inequality involving a fraction with linear denominator, leading to a quadratic inequality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2157
763eA LevelSolve an inequality involving a fraction with linear denominator, leading to a cubic inequality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7377
763fA LevelSolve an inequality involving two fractions with different linear denominators, leading to a quartic inequality.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7378
763gA LevelSolve an inequality involving two fractions with different quadratic denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7379
763hA LevelUse graphs to solve inequalities involving fractions with linear denominators.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7380
763iA LevelSolve more complex inequalities involving a modulus, including the modulus of quadratic functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7381
763jA LevelSolve a < f(|x|) < b where a sketch of y = f(x) is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7382
764A LevelExam Practice: Taylor seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=194E764
764aA LevelDetermine the Taylor expansion of a function f(x) as powers of (x-a)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7383
764bA LevelDetermine the Taylor expansion of a function f(x+a) as powers of xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7384
764cA LevelDetermine the Taylor expansion of a function f(x) as powers of (x-a) involving more complex trigonometric expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7385
764dA LevelDetermine the Taylor expansion of a function f(x+a) as powers of x involving more complex trigonometric expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7386
764eA LevelUse a Taylor or Maclaurin expansion to evaluate a limit.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7387
764fA LevelUse a Taylor expansion to find an approximation to a value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7388
765A LevelExam Practice: Lagrange error bound (Taylor remainder theorem)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4447E765
765aA LevelDetermine the least degree of a Taylor polynomial that guarantees an error smaller than a specific value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7389
766A LevelExam Practice: Series solution of differential equations using Taylor seriesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=261E766
766aA LevelUse the Taylor method to find a series solution of a differential equation in powers of x, where x_0 = 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7390
766bA LevelUse the Taylor method to find a series solution of a differential equation in powers of x-a, where x_0 = adrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7391
767A LevelExam Practice: Leibnitz's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=242E767
767aA LevelDetermine the nth derivative of a product using Leibnitz's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7392
767bA LevelDetermine the nth derivative of a product involving a hyperbolic function, using Leibnitz's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7393
767cA LevelFind a general result, in terms of n, for the nth derivative of a product.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7394
767dA LevelUse Leibtnitz's theorem to find a coefficient of a Taylor series expansion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7395
768A LevelExam Practice: L'Hospital's ruledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=243E768
768aA LevelUse L'Hospital's rule once to evaluate a limit that involves the indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} or \frac{\pm\infty}{\pm\infty}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7396
768bA LevelUse L'Hospital's rule twice to evaluate a limit that involves the indeterminate form \frac{0}{0} or \frac{\pm\infty}{\pm\infty}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7397
768cA LevelUse L'Hospital's rule to evaluate a limit involving \textrm{cosec} \, x, \cot x and \sec xdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7398
768dA LevelUse L'Hospital's rule to evaluate limits involving 1^\infty or 0 \times \inftydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7399
769A LevelExam Practice: Tangent half-angle substitution (t-formulae or Weierstrass substitution) for integrationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=244E769
769aA LevelUse t-formulae to turn a more complex trigonometric integration into a simpler one in terms of t.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7400
769bA LevelUse t-formulae to integrate a more complex trigonometric expression.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7401
769cA LevelDetermine a definite integral using a tangent half-angle substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7402
770A LevelExam Practice: Slope fieldsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4448E770
770aA LevelDraw a slope field/tangent field given a gradient function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7403
770bA LevelUse a slope field/tangent field to draw a solution to a differential equation that starts at a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7404
771A LevelExam Practice: Euler's method for numerical solutions to first-order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=285E771
771aA LevelUse Euler's method to find approximate solutions to first-order differential equations, using one iteration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7405
771bA LevelUse Euler's method to find approximate solutions to first-order differential equations, using two or more iterations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7406
771cA LevelUse Euler's method to find approximate solutions to first-order differential equations involving hyperbolic functions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7407
771dA LevelUse Euler's method to find approximate solutions to coupled first-order differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8518
772A LevelExam Practice: Midpoint method for numerical solutions to first-order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4449E772
772aA LevelUse the midpoint method to find approximate solutions to first-order differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7408
773A LevelExam Practice: Runge-Kutta methodsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4450E773
773aA LevelDerive the modified Euler method (Runge-Kutta order 2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7409
773bA LevelUse the modified Euler method (Runge-Kutta order 2) to find approximate solutions to first-order differential equations, with one of more iterations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7410
773cA LevelUnderstand that Runge-Kutta methods of order k in general approximate the kth order Taylor polynomial of the curve at that point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7411
773dA LevelUse one iteration of the classical 4th order Runge Kutta method (RK4) to find approximate solutions to first-order differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7412
774A LevelExam Practice: Euler's method for numerical solutions to second order differential equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4451E774
774aA LevelUse Euler's method to find approximate solutions to second-order differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7413
774bA LevelUse Euler's method to find approximate solutions to second-order differential equations that also contain the first derivative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7414
775A LevelExam Practice: Mid-ordinate ruledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4452E775
775aA LevelUse the mid-ordinate rule/midpoint rule to estimate the area under a curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7415
775bA LevelUse an approximation of area using the mid-ordinate rule/midpoint rule to deduce an approximation of a similar definite integral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7416
776A LevelExam Practice: Simpson's ruledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=286E776
776aA LevelUse Simpson's rule to estimate the area under a curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7417
776bA LevelUse an approximation of area using Simpson's rule to deduce an approximation of a similar definite integral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7418
777A LevelExam Practice: Lagrange's interpolating polynomialdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4453E777
777aA LevelUse Lagrange's interpolating polynomial to find the equation of a straight line that goes through 2 points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7419
777bA LevelUse Lagrange's interpolating polynomial to find the equation of a parabola that goes through 3 points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7420
777cA LevelUse Lagrange's interpolating polynomial to estimate the value of y for a given x.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7421
777dA LevelUnderstand the drawbacks of using Lagrange's interpolating polynomial.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7422
778A LevelExam Practice: Newton's forward difference interpolation methoddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4454E778
778aA LevelCalculate the forward difference table given a list of data points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7423
778bA LevelInterpolate a value for a function using Newton's forward difference interpolation method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7424
779A LevelExam Practice: Angle bisector theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4455E779
779aA LevelProve the angle bisector theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7425
779bA LevelSolve geometric problems using the angle bisector theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7426
779cA LevelUse the converse of the angle bisector theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7427
780A LevelExam Practice: Apollonius' circle theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4456E780
780aA LevelProve that the locus of points where the distances from the point to two foci are in a given ratio (not equal to 1) forms a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7428
780bA LevelDetermine the equation of an Apollonius' circle given the two foci and the ratio of distances.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7429
781A LevelExam Practice: Menelaus' theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4457E781
781aA LevelProve Menelaus' theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7430
781bA LevelUse Menelaus' theorem to find unknown lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7431
781cA LevelUse the converse of Menelaus' theorem to prove that three points are collinear.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7432
781dA LevelUse Menelaus' theorem to solve area problems.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7433
782A LevelExam Practice: Ceva's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4458E782
782aA LevelProve Ceva's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7434
782bA LevelUse Ceva's theorem to find unknown lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7435
782cA LevelUse the converse of Ceva's theorem to prove that the medians of a triangle intersect at a single point (the centroid).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7436
782dA LevelUse the converse of Ceva's theorem to prove that the altitudes of a triangle intersect at a single point (the orthocentre).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7437
783A LevelExam Practice: Ptolemy's theorem for cyclic quadrilateralsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4459E783
783aA LevelProve Ptolemy's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7438
783bA LevelUse Ptolemy's theorem to find unknown lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7439
784A LevelExam Practice: Substitutions to reduce a differential equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=262E784
784aA LevelUse a substitution y = vx to turn a differential equation given in the form \frac{dy}{dx} = f\left(\frac{y}{x}\right) into a linearly separable one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7440
784bA LevelDetermine the general solution of first-order differential equation where a substitution can be used to reduce it to a linearly separable one.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7441
784cA LevelUse a substitution to turn a first-order differential equation (without hyperbolic terms) into one that could be solved using an Integrating Factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7442
784dA LevelUse a substitution to turn a first-order differential equation with hyperbolic terms into one that could be solved using an Integrating Factor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7443
784eA LevelDetermine the general solution of a first-order differentiation equation where a substitution can be used to reduce to the form \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x) y = Q(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7444
784fA LevelUse a substitution to reduce a second-order differential equation into one in the form a \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = ...drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7445
784gA LevelFind the general solution of a second-order differential equation where a substitution can be used to reduce to the form a \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2} + b \frac{dy}{dx} + cy = f(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7446
785A LevelExam Practice: Division theorem and Euclidean algorithmdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=292E785
785aA LevelUse | notation to express divisibility.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7447
785bA LevelProve statements involving divisibility notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7448
785cA LevelUse the division algorithm to find a unique quotient and remainder for any two integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7449
785dA LevelUse the Euclidean algorithm to find the Greatest Common Divisor (Higher Common Factor) of any two integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7450
785eA LevelUse the result a|b and a|c \implies a|(bx+cy) to find common factors of two expressions in the form pn + q and rn + s for any integer n.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7451
786A LevelExam Practice: Bezout's Identitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=293E786
786aA LevelDetermine integers x and y such that ax + by = \textrm{gcd}(a,b)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7452
786bA LevelUnderstand the significance of solutions x and y existing to an equation given in the form ax + by = 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7453
787A LevelExam Practice: Modular arithmeticdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=294E787
787aA LevelDetermine if two integers a and b are congruent modulo k.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7454
787bA LevelList integers congruent to another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7455
787cA LevelUnderstand the significance of a \equiv 0 \,(\textrm{mod} \, k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7456
787dA LevelUse the law of exponentiation for modulo arithmetic to find the remainder when large powers are divided by an integer.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7457
787eA LevelDetermine the last digit of a large power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7458
787fA LevelReason about last digits of expressions containing factorials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7459
787gA LevelReason about the digits of a number in a divisibility problem using modulo arithmetic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7460
787hA LevelUse modular arithmetic to determine all values of n such that expressions an+b and cn+d are not coprime.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7461
788A LevelExam Practice: Equivalence relations and equivalence classesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4460E788
788aA LevelDetermine whether common binary operators on a specified set are reflexive, symmetric and transitive, and therefore is an equivalence relation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7462
788bA LevelDetermine whether a relation, specified as a set of pairs, is an equivalence relation on a set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7463
788cA LevelDetermine the set of all equivalence classes given an equivalence relation over a specified set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7464
789A LevelExam Practice: Partial ordersdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4461E789
789aA LevelDetermine whether common binary operators on a specified set are partial orders relations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7465
789bA LevelDetermine whether common binary operators on a specified set are strict partial orders relations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7466
789cA LevelDraw a Hasse diagram to illustrate a partial order.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7467
790A LevelExam Practice: Wilson's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4462E790
790aA LevelUse Wilson's theorem to determine if a number is prime.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7468
791A LevelExam Practice: Solving congruence equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4463E791
791aA LevelSolve a congruence equation given in the form x \equiv a \,(\textrm{mod}\, k), giving the least residue.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7469
791bA LevelSolve a congruence equation given in the form a \equiv b \,(\textrm{mod}\, x) for x.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7470
791cA LevelDetermine the number of solutions of a congruence equation given in the form ax \equiv b \,(\textrm{mod}\, k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7471
791dA LevelSolve a congruence equation given in the form ax \equiv b \,(\textrm{mod}\, k) using simple cancelling.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7472
791eA LevelDetermine if two integers are multiplicative inverses modulo k.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7473
791fA LevelDetermine a multiplicative inverse of an integer modulo k.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7474
791gA LevelUse multiplicative inverses to solve a congruence equation given in the form ax \equiv b \,(\textrm{mod}\, k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7475
791hA LevelUse solutions to Bezout's identity to solve a congruence equation given in the form ax \equiv b \,(\textrm{mod}\, k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7476
792A LevelExam Practice: The Chinese remainder theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4464E792
792aA LevelDetermine the solution to a Chinese remainder problem where the remainders are all one less than the divisors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7477
792bA LevelDetermine the solution to a Chinese remainder problem by listing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7478
792cA LevelDetermine the solution to a Chinese remainder problem by using multiplicative inverses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7479
793A LevelExam Practice: Fermat's little theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=296E793
793aA LevelRecognise examples of Fermat's Little Theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7480
793bA LevelDetermine the remainder when a large power is divided by a prime number, using Fermat's Little Theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7481
793cA LevelSolve congruence equations using Fermat's Little Theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7482
793dA LevelUse the binomial theorem to show that (a+b)^p \equiv a^p + b^p (mod p) for prime p and use this result.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7483
794A LevelExam Practice: Euler's totient function and Euler's theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4465E794
794aA LevelCalculate Euler's totient function \varphi(n) for an integer n, including where n is prime.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7484
794bA LevelUse \varphi(mn) = \varphi(m) \times \varphi(n) to calculate Euler's totient function of larger integers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7485
794cA LevelUse Euler's theorem a^{\psi(n)} \equiv 1 \,\textrm{mod}\, ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7486
795A LevelExam Practice: Methods in cryptographydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4466E795
795aA LevelUse a Caesar cipher to encrypt and decrypt messages.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7487
795bA LevelConvert a Universal Product Code barcode (UPC-A) to a 12-digit number.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7488
795cA LevelUnderstand concepts in cryptographic hash functions for one-way encryption, including hash collisions and MD5 encryption.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7489
795dA LevelGenerate a key using RSA encryption.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7490
795eA LevelEncrypt an integer with a given public key using RSA.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7491
795fA LevelDecrypt an integer with a given private key using RSA.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7492
796A LevelExam Practice: Non-linear Diophantine equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4467E796
796aA LevelFind integer solutions to equations containing xy, x and y terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7493
796bA LevelFind integer solutions to equations including x^2 and y^2 terms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7494
797A LevelExam Practice: Pell's equationdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4468E797
797aA LevelDetermine integer solutions to Pell's equation x^2 - ny^2 = 1 given n.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7495
797bA LevelUse a solution to Pell's equation to find an approximation to a square root.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7496
798A LevelExam Practice: Pythagorean triplesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4469E798
798aA LevelIdentify a missing value in a Pythagorean triple by inspection using scalings of common primitive Pythagorean triples.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7497
798bA LevelGenerate a primitive Pythagorean triple using Euclid's formula.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7498
798cA LevelReason about the divisibility of terms in Pythagoras' theorem by using modular arithmetic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7499
799A LevelExam Practice: Axioms of a groupdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=287E799
799aA LevelDetermine whether a set is closed under a binary operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7500
799bA LevelIdentify an identity element of a set under a binary operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7501
799cA LevelShow that an operation is associative on a set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7502
799dA LevelShow that all elements of a set have a inverse under a binary operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7503
799eA LevelShow that a set forms a group under a binary operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7504
799fA LevelShow that a set forms an abelian group under a binary operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7505
799gA LevelDetermine the output of an expression given other equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7506
799hA LevelProve a statement given a group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7507
800A LevelExam Practice: Cayley tables and cyclic groupsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=288E800
800aA LevelForm a Cayley table for a group (excluding modular arithmetic) and understand its key properties.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7508
800bA LevelForm a Cayley table for a group modulo ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7509
800cA LevelRead off a value from a Cayley table involving an expression with multiple applications of an operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7510
800dA LevelUse the associativity of an operator of a group to determine a value in a Cayley table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7511
800eA LevelShow that a collection of permutations form a group under composition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7512
800fA LevelShow that a set of geometric transformations together with composition form a group of symmetries.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7513
800gA LevelShow that a value is a generator of a cyclic group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7514
800hA LevelDetermine a generator of a cyclic group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7515
800iA LevelDetermine whether a group is cyclic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7516
800jA LevelProve that all cyclic groups are Abelian.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7517
801A LevelExam Practice: Other symmetries and frieze patternsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4470E801
801aA LevelUnderstand translational symmetry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7518
801bA LevelUnderstand glide reflection symmetry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7519
801cA LevelRecognise the 7 different frieze symmetry groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7520
801dA LevelIdentify the symmetries in different frieze groups, including translation, glide reflection, vertical and horizontal reflection and rotation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7521
802A LevelExam Practice: Orders of groups, orders of elements and subgroupsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=289E802
802aA LevelIdentify the order of an element of a group given the set and operator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7522
802bA LevelIdentify the order of an element of a group using a Cayley table.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7523
802cA LevelIdentify when no element of a group can have a self-inverse, using Lagrange's theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7524
802dA LevelDetermine whether a subset forms a subgroup of a group.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7525
802eA LevelIdentify a subgroup of a group of symmetries.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7526
802fA LevelUse Fermat's Little Theorem to determine possible orders of a subgroup.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7527
803A LevelExam Practice: Isomorphismdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=291E803
803aA LevelDescribe an isomorphism between two groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7528
803bA LevelDetermine whether two groups are isomorphic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7529
804A LevelExam Practice: More complex loci in an Argand diagramdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=170E804
804aA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equations for locus given in the form \left|z-a\right| = k\left|z - b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7530
804bA LevelSketch the locus for equations given in the form \left|z-a\right| = k\left|z - b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7531
804cA LevelDetermine the minimum and maximum values of \textrm{arg}(z) for a locus given in the form \left|z-a\right| = k\left|z - b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7532
804dA LevelDetermine the minimum and maximum values of \left|z\right| for a locus given in the form \left|z-a\right| = k\left|z - b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7533
804eA LevelDetermine a complex number which satisfies both \left|z-a\right| = k\left|z - b\right| and arg(z-c) = \thetadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7534
804fA LevelSketch the locus for equations given in the form arg\left( \frac{z-a}{z-b} \right) = \betadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7535
804gA LevelIdentify the minimum or maximum value of \left|z\right| given a locus given in the form arg\left( \frac{z-a}{z-b} \right) = \betadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7536
804hA LevelIdentify regions in the Argand diagram that include \left|z-a\right| < k\left|z - b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7537
804iA LevelDetermine whether a complex number satisfies an inequality given in the form \left|z-a\right| < k\left|z - b\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7538
805A LevelExam Practice: Elementary transformations from one complex plane to anotherdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=171E805
805aA LevelDetermine the complex equation of a locus given a transformation w = f(z) (with simple changing of subject).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7539
805bA LevelDetermine the complex equation of a locus given a transformation w = f(z) (with more complex changing of subject).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7540
805cA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of a curve formed by applying a transformation w = f(z) to a horizontal or vertical line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7541
805dA LevelDescribe the geometric transformation from one locus to another given a transformation w = f(z).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7542
805eA LevelApply a Mobius transformation w = \frac{az + b}{cz + d} to a circle in the z-plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7543
805fA LevelApply a Mobius transformation w = \frac{az + b}{cz + d} to a straight line in the z-plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7544
806A LevelExam Practice: Fibonacci-like sequences, steady-states and ratio between termsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4471E806
806aA LevelUse Binet's formula to find the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7545
806bA LevelUnderstand and use Cassini's identity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7546
806cA LevelProve algebraically that the ratio between successive terms in a Fibonacci-like sequence tends towards the Golden Ratio.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7547
806dA LevelProve by induction that \phi^n = F_n\times\phi + F_{n-1}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7548
807A LevelExam Practice: Solutions of recurrence relationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=206E807
807aA LevelForm a first-order linear recurrence relation from context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7549
807bA LevelSolve a first-order homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = au_{n-1}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7550
807cA LevelSolve a first-order non-homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = u_{n-1} + g(n)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7551
807dA LevelSolve a first-order non-homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = au_{n-1} + g(n)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7552
808aA LevelDetermine the general or particular solution to a second-order homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = au_{n-1} + bu_{n-2} where the auxiliary equation has distinct real roodrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7553
808bA LevelDetermine the general or particular solution to a second-order homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = au_{n-1} + bu_{n-2} where the auxiliary equation has repeated roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7554
808cA LevelDetermine the general or particular solution to a second-order homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = au_{n-1} + bu_{n-2} where the auxiliary equation has complex roots.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7555
808dA LevelSolve a second-order non-homogeneous linear recurrence relation given in the form u_n = au_{n-1} + bu_{n-2} + g(n)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7556
809A LevelExam Practice: Proof by induction with recurrence relationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4472E809
809aA LevelProve an nth term formula by induction given a first-order recurrence relation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7557
809bA LevelProve an nth term formula by induction given a second-order recurrence relation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7558
810A LevelExam Practice: Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonal formdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=179E810
810aA LevelDetermine whether a given vector is an eigenvector of a given matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7559
810bA LevelDetermine the eigenvalue given an eigenvector of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7560
810cA LevelDetermine the characteristic equation of a 2\times2 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7561
810dA LevelDetermine the eigenvalues of a 2\times2 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7562
810eA LevelDetermine the eigenvalues of a 3\times3 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7563
810fA LevelDetermine the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a 2\times2 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7564
810gA LevelDetermine the eigenvalues and corresponding normalised eigenvectors of a 2\times2 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7565
810hA LevelUse eigenvectors to state the Cartesian equations of invariant lines of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7566
810iA LevelDetermine the eigenvector of a 3\times3 matrix given an eigenvalue.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7567
810jA LevelDetermine the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a 3\times3 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7568
810kA LevelDetermine an unknown value in a matrix given an eigenvector and corresponding eigenvalue.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7569
810lA LevelEigendecompose a diagonalisable matrix into a matrix of eigenvectors \textbf{P} and a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues \textbf{D}.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7570
810mA LevelReduce a 2\times2 matrix to diagonal form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7571
810nA LevelReduce a 3\times3 matrix to diagonal form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7572
810oA LevelDiagonalise a symmetric matrix by use of normalised eigenvectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8463
810pA LevelUse diagonalisation to determine a power of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7573
811A LevelExam Practice: Homogeneous coupled first-order linear differential equations (using eigenvalues)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4473E811
811aA LevelUnderstand and form coupled first-order linear equations in the form \begin{bmatrix}\dot{\textbf{x}}\\\dot{\textbf{y}}\end{bmatrix} = \textbf{M}\begin{bmatrix}\textbf{x}\\\textbf{y}\end{bmatrix}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7574
811bA LevelDetermine the general solution to coupled first-order linear differential equations by finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7575
811cA LevelDetermine the particular solution using an initial point to coupled first-order linear differential equations by finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7576
811dA LevelDetermine the long-term ratio x:y given a solution to coupled first-order linear differential equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7577
812A LevelExam Practice: Sketching phase portraitsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4474E812
812aA LevelVisualise the gradient vector from coupled linear differential equations at a specific point on a slope field.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7578
812bA LevelSketch the phase portrait of coupled linear differential equations when one eigenvalue is real and positive and one real and negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7579
812cA LevelSketch the phase portrait of coupled linear differential equations when both eigenvalues are real and positive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7580
812dA LevelSketch the phase portrait of coupled linear differential equations when both eigenvalues are real and negative.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7581
812eA LevelSketch the phase portrait of coupled linear differential equations when the eigenvalues are complex with positive real part.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7582
812fA LevelSketch the phase portrait of coupled linear differential equations when the eigenvalues are complex with negative real part.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7583
812gA LevelSketch the phase portrait of coupled linear differential equations when the eigenvalues are imaginary.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7584
813A LevelExam Practice: The Cayley-Hamilton theoremdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=180E813
813aA LevelShow that a matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7585
813bA LevelUse the Cayley-Hamilton theorem to prove a given matrix equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7586
813cA LevelUse the Cayley-Hamilton theorem to find the inverse of a 2\times2 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7587
813dA LevelUse the Cayley-Hamilton theorem to find the inverse of a 3\times3 matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7588
814A LevelExam Practice: Set difference and symmetric differencedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4475E814
814aA LevelDetermine the set difference B \ A (or B - A) given sets A and B.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7589
814bA LevelDetermine the symmetric difference (disjunctive union) of two sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7590
815A LevelExam Practice: Cross products of setsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4476E815
815aA LevelDetermine the cross product of two discrete finite sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7591
815bA LevelUnderstand the cross product of infinite sets, e.g. \mathbb{R}^ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7592
816A LevelExam Practice: Power setsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4477E816
816aA LevelDetermine the power set of a set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7593
816bA LevelDetermine the size (cardinality) of the power set of a set.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7594
817A LevelExam Practice: De Morgan's lawdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4478E817
817aA LevelVerify De Morgan's law given two or more sets.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7595
817bA LevelRewrite Boolean statements using De Morgan's law.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7596
818A LevelExam Practice: Vector spaces, spans of vectors, subspaces and the basis of a vector spacedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4479E818
818aA LevelDetermine whether a set forms a vector space (linear space).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7597
818bA LevelUnderstand when a vector space is a subspace of another larger space.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7598
818cA LevelDetermine the span of two or more vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7599
818dA LevelDetermine the linear combination of two non-parallel 2D vectors that would yield a given point in \mathbb{R}^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7600
818eA LevelDetermine whether two or more vectors are linearly independent, and appreciate the span of linearly independent vectors is \mathbb{R}^n.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7601
818fA LevelDetermine the basis vectors of a vector space.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7602
819A LevelExam Practice: Null spaces (kernels)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4480E819
819aA LevelUnderstand the definition of the null space (kernel) and prove that a null space is a subspace.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7603
819bA LevelDetermine the null space (kernel) of a matrix, first reducing to row reduced echelon form.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7604
819cA LevelUnderstand that the null space of a matrix will contain only the zero vector if and only if its rows are linearly independent.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7605
820A LevelExam Practice: Column spaces (images)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4481E820
820aA LevelDetermine the basis vectors of the column space (image) of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7606
820bA LevelDetermine the Cartesian equation of the plane that represents the column space of a matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7607
821A LevelExam Practice: Dimensions of spacesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4482E821
821aA LevelDetermine the dimension of the null space (the nullity).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7608
821bA LevelDetermine the dimension of the column space (the rank).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7609
821cA LevelUse the rank-nullity theorem to determine the rank or nullity of a matrix without requiring the basis vectors of the relevant space.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7610
822A LevelExam Practice: Reduction formulaedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=245E822
822aA LevelProve a reduction formula from an integral (excluding hyperbolic functions).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7611
822bA LevelUse a reduction formula to integrate an expression with a high power (excluding hyperbolic functions).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7612
822cA LevelProve a reduction formula for a definite integral (excluding hyperbolic functions).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7613
822dA LevelUse a reduction formula to calculate a definite integral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7614
822eA LevelProve a reduction formula from a hyperbolic integral.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7615
822fA LevelUse a reduction formula to integrate a hyperbolic expression with a high power.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7616
823A LevelExam Practice: Arc length for Cartesian, parametric or polar equationsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=246E823
823aA LevelDetermine an arc length for curve given in the form y = f(x) (excluding hyperbolics).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7617
823bA LevelDetermine an arc length given parametric equations of the curve.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7618
823cA LevelDetermine an arc length given a polar equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7619
823dA LevelDetermine the length of an arc that requires a hyperbolic substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7620
823eA LevelDetermine the length of an arc involving a hyperbolic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7621
824A LevelExam Practice: Area of surface of revolutiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4483E824
824aA LevelDetermine an expression for the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve with Cartesian equation around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7622
824bA LevelDetermine the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve with Cartesian equation around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7623
824cA LevelDetermine an expression for the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve with parametric equations around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7624
824dA LevelDetermine the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve with parametric equations around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7625
824eA LevelDetermine the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve with polar equation around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7626
824fA LevelDetermine the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve around the x-axis, requiring a hyperbolic substitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7627
824gA LevelDetermine the surface area of the solid produced by revolving a curve around the x-axis, given a hyperbolic function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7628
825A LevelExam Practice: Equations of curved surfacesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4484E825
825aA LevelDetermine an unknown x, y or z value on a surface given in the form z = f(x,y) or g(x,y,z) = c, involving sum and products of powers of x and y only.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7629
825bA LevelDetermine an unknown x, y or z value on a surface given in the form z = f(x,y) or g(x,y,z) = c, involving arbitrary functions including trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7630
825cA LevelSketch a section z = f(a,y) or z = f(x,b) of a surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7631
825dA LevelSketch a contour c = f(x,y) of a surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7632
826A LevelExam Practice: Partial derivativesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4485E826
826aA LevelDetermine the first partial derivative f_x (\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}) or f_y of a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7633
826bA LevelDetermine a mixed derivative f_{xy} or f_{yx} of a function (and appreciate these are the same by the Mixed Derivative Theorem).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7634
826cA LevelDetermine the second partial derivative of a function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7635
827A LevelExam Practice: Gradient vector \triangledown fdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4486E827
827aA LevelDetermine the gradient vector \triangledown f (or \textrm{grad} \, f)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7636
827bA LevelEvaluate the gradient vector \triangledown f (or \textrm{grad} \, f) at a specific point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7637
827cA LevelDetermine the vector normal to the surface of a curved plane using the gradient vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7638
828A LevelExam Practice: Stationary points and tangent planes on 3D surfacesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4487E828
828aA LevelDetermine maxima, minima and saddle-points on a surface by use f_x = f_y = 0drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7639
828bA LevelDetermine the nature of stationary points on a 3D surface by using a Hessian matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7640
828cA LevelDetermine the equation of a tangent plane to a 3D surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7641
829A LevelExam Practice: Envelopesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4488E829
829aA LevelDetermine the envelope of a family of curves.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7642
830A LevelExam Practice: Non-Euclidean geometrydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4489E830
830aA LevelUnderstand the difference between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry with reference to Euclid's five postulates and angle laws, and recognise spherical and hyperbolic geometries.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7643
830bA LevelIdentify the number of vanishing paints in a perspective projection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7644
830cA LevelCalculate the Manhattan distance between two 2D or 3D coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7645
830dA LevelDetermine the straight-line distance between two longitude-latitude coordinates on the Earth's surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7646
831A LevelExam Practice: AM-GM inequalitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4490E831
831aA LevelProve the AM-GM inequality for two variables, and know when equality is achieved.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7647
831bA LevelForm an AM-GM inequality for given algebraic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7648
831cA LevelUse the AM-GM inequality within proofs of inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7649
832A LevelExam Practice: Cauchy-Schwarz inequalitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4491E832
832aA LevelForm a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for given algebraic expressions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7650
832bA LevelUse the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality within proofs of inequalities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7651
833A LevelExam Practice: Generalised triangle inequalitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8302E833
833aA LevelUse the generalised triangle inequality \left| \Sigma \textbf{a}_i \right| \le \Sigma \left|\textbf{a}_i\right| drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8303
834A LevelExam Practice: Expected value E(X) and variance Var(X) of a discrete random variabledrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=308E834
834aA LevelDetermine E(X) for a symmetrical discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7652
834bA LevelDetermine E(X) for a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7653
834cA LevelDetermine E(X) for a discrete random variable expressed using functional notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7654
834dA LevelDetermine E(X^2) for a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7655
834eA LevelDetermine E(f(x)) for a more arbitrary function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7656
834fA LevelDetermine Var(X) for a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7657
834gA LevelDetermine Var(X) for a discrete random variable expressed using functional notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7658
834hA LevelDetermine a simplified expression for E(X) by using \Sigma p(x) = 1drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7659
834iA LevelDetermine two unknown variables for probabilities in a discrete random variable given E(X)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7660
834jA LevelDetermine two unknown variables for probabilities in a discrete random variable given E(X), expressed using functional notation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7661
834kA LevelDetermine two unknown variables for probabilities in a discrete random variable given Var(X)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8648
834lA LevelDetermine the probability of a quadratic or cubic inequality being satisfied using a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7662
835A LevelExam Practice: Expected value and variance of a binomial distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4492E835
835aA LevelDetermine the expected value and variance of a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7663
835bA LevelDetermine n or p in a binomial distribution where the expected value is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7664
835cA LevelDetermine the p in a binomial distribution that would result in a given variance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7665
835dA LevelDetermine n and p in a binomial distribution where both the mean and variance of the distribution is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7666
835eA LevelDerive the formulae for the expected value and variance of a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7667
836A LevelExam Practice: Expected value and variance of a discrete uniform distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8429E836
836aA LevelDetermine the expected value of a discrete uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8430
836bA LevelDetermine the variance of a discrete uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8431
836cA LevelDetermine the number of outcomes in a discrete uniform distribution given the variance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8432
836dA LevelDerive the formulae for the expected value and variance of a discrete uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8433
837A LevelExam Practice: Bernoulli distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4493E837
837aA LevelModel a single trial as a Bernoulli distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7668
837bA LevelUse the formulae for the mean and variance of a Bernoulli distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7669
837cA LevelDerive the formulae for the mean and variance of a Bernoulli distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7670
838A LevelExam Practice: Linear combinations of random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4494E838
838aA LevelDetermine the distribution of kX or X + k where X is a discrete random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7671
838bA LevelDetermine the distribution of X + Y where X and Y are discrete random variables (no p.g.f.s)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7672
838cA LevelDetermine the distribution of X - Y where X and Y are discrete random variables (no p.g.f.s)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7673
839A LevelExam Practice: Coding with discrete random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4495E839
839aA LevelDetermine E(aX + B) given E(X)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7674
839bA LevelDetermine Var(aX + B) given E(X) and E(X^2)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7675
839cA LevelDetermine Var(aX + B) given Var(X)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7676
839dA LevelDetermine the probability of an inequality using a mixture of the original and coded variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7677
840A LevelExam Practice: Poisson distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=306E840
840aA LevelUnderstand the conditions for which a Poisson distribution would be a good model for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7678
840bA LevelDetermine the probability of a given number of events occurring in a period, with no context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1490K960
840cA LevelDetermine the probability of a range of events occurring in a period, with no context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7679
840dA LevelDetermine the probability of a given number of events occurring in a period, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1491K961
840eA LevelDetermine the probability of a given number of events occurring in a period, where the rate requires scaling.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7680
840fA LevelDetermine the probability of a range for a Poisson distribution, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7681
840gA LevelDetermine the probability of a range for a Poisson distribution where the rate requires scaling.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7682
840hA LevelDetermine the probability of a two-ended range for a Poisson distribution, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7683
840iA LevelDetermine the probability of a given number of events occurring in a period for multiple successive periods with the same condition.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7684
840jA LevelDetermine the probability of a given number of events occurring in a period for multiple successive periods with different conditions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7685
840kA LevelDetermine the probability of a fixed number of events occurring, for physical quantities other than time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7686
840lA LevelDetermine the probability of a range of events occurring, for physical quantities other than time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7687
840mA LevelUse a probability from a Poisson distribution within a binomial model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7688
840nA LevelDetermine the n such that P(X>n) < k for a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7689
840oA LevelDetermine a rate that would lead to a given probability of a given number of events occurring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7690
840pA LevelDetermine a rate that would lead to a given probability of at least one event occurring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7691
840qA LevelSolve problems involving the variance and expected value of a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7692
840rA LevelDetermine a conditional probability involving the Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8649
841A LevelExam Practice: Sum of Poisson distributed random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4496E841
841aA LevelDetermine the distribution of X + Y where X and Y are Poisson distributed random variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7693
841bA LevelCalculate a probability in context using the sum of Poisson distributed variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7694
842A LevelExam Practice: Approximations involving the Poisson distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=307E842
842aA LevelApproximate the probability of a range of a Poisson distribution using a Normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7695
842bA LevelUse a Poisson approximation of a binomial where each event is a number of events occurring in a given period.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7696
843A LevelExam Practice: Geometric distributionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=474E843
843aA LevelUnderstand the conditions for which a geometric distribution would be a good model for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7697
843bA LevelDetermine a probability of a specific value for a geometric distribution, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1484K955
843cA LevelDetermine the probability of a range for a geometric distribution, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7698
843dA LevelDetermine the probability of a two-ended range for a geometric distribution, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7699
843eA LevelDetermine E(X) for a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1485K956
843fA LevelDetermine Var(X) for a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=2342
843gA LevelDetermine E(X^2) for a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7700
843hA LevelDetermine E(f(X)) for a geometric distribution for a more general function, and use to conclude on the optimum strategy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7701
844A LevelExam Practice: Hypergeometric distributionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4497E844
844aA LevelDetermine the probability of matching k numbers on a lottery ticket of n numbers, where there are N numbers to choose from without replacement and n numbers to compare against.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7702
844bA LevelUse the hypergeometric distribution more generally where the number of success states in the population K may not necessarily the same as the number of draws n.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7703
845A LevelExam Practice: Negative binomial distributionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=475E845
845aA LevelDetermine the probability of a specific outcome for the negative binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1486K957
845bA LevelDetermine the conditional probability of a specific outcome for the negative binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7704
845cA LevelDetermine E(X) for a negative binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1487K958
845dA LevelDetermine Var(X) or \sigma for a negative binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7705
845eA LevelDetermine Var(X) from E(X) or vice versa for a negative binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7706
846A LevelExam Practice: Exponential distributionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4498E846
846aA LevelUnderstand the conditions for which an exponential distribution would be a good model for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7707
846bA LevelCalculate the probability of a range using an exponential distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7708
846cA LevelUse the expected value of an exponential distribution to calculate a probability.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7709
846dA LevelDetermine the variance or standard deviation for an exponential distribution in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7710
846eA LevelDetermine the median, a quartile, a percentile or the interquartile range of an exponential distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8382
846fA LevelCalculate a condition probability using an exponential distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8383
846gA LevelKnow proofs for the mean and variance of an exponential distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7711
847A LevelExam Practice: Chebyshev's inequalitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4499E847
847aA LevelUse Chebyshev's inequality to calculate an upper bound for a randomly chosen value deviating a given number of standard deviations from the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7712
847bA LevelCompare the bound from Chebyshev's inequality to the actual probability from a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7713
847cA LevelCompare the bound from Chebyshev's inequality to the actual probability from a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7714
847dA LevelCompare the bound from Chebyshev's inequality to the actual probability from a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7715
848A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis tests for the Poisson distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=318E848
848aA LevelConduct a one-tailed test on \lambda for a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1492K962
848bA LevelConduct a two-tailed test on \lambda for a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1493K963
848cA LevelDetermine the critical region for a one-tailed hypothesis test on a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7716
848dA LevelDetermine the critical region for a two-tailed hypothesis test on a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7717
848eA LevelDetermine the actual significance level for a hypothesis test on a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7718
849A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis tests for the geometric distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4500E849
849aA LevelConduct a test on p for a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7719
849bA LevelDetermine the critical region for a hypothesis test on a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7720
849cA LevelDetermine the actual significance level for a hypothesis test on a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7721
850A LevelExam Practice: Central Limit Theorem for sample meandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4501E850
850aA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to determine the exact or approximate distribution of the sample mean \bar{X}, and understand the conditions for using it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7722
850bA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to calculate a probability involving a sample mean, where the population distribution is normal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1494K964
850cA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to calculate a probability involving a sample mean, where the population distribution is binomial.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7723
850dA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to calculate a probability involving a sample mean, where the population distribution is Poisson.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7724
850eA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to calculate a probability involving a sample mean, where the population has a discrete uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8650
850fA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to calculate a probability involving a sample mean, where the population distribution is geometric.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7725
851A LevelExam Practice: Goodness of fit testsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=470E851
851aA LevelMake a common sense judgement on whether a probabilistic model would be a good fit for observed frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7726
851bA LevelDetermine the test statistic X^2 between observed frequencies with given expected frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7727
851cA LevelDetermine expected frequencies for a \chi^2 test given the probability distribution and number of trials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7728
851dA LevelDetermine the test statistic X^2 using observed frequencies and a given probability distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7729
851eA LevelConduct a goodness of fit test given the observed and expected frequencies, where grouping of outcomes is not required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7730
851fA LevelConduct a goodness of fit test given the observed and expected frequencies, where grouping of outcomes is required.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7731
851gA LevelConduct a goodness of fit test given the observed frequencies and an arbitrary probability distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7732
851hA LevelConduct a \chi^2 test against a uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7733
851iA LevelDetermine an expected frequency for a binomial \chi^2 test where p is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7734
851jA LevelConduct a \chi^2 test against a binomial model where p is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7735
851kA LevelEstimate the p for a binomial model given observed frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7736
851lA LevelState the number of degrees of freedom for a binomial \chi^2 test, where p may have or may not have been calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7737
851mA LevelDetermine an expected frequency for a binomial \chi^2 test where p must be calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7738
851nA LevelConduct a \chi^2 test against a binomial model where p is not given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7739
851oA LevelDetermine an expected frequency for a Poisson \chi^2 test where \lambda must be calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7740
851pA LevelConduct a \chi^2 test against a Poisson model where \lambda is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7741
851qA LevelConduct a \chi^2 test against a Poisson model where \lambda must be calculated.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7742
851rA LevelDetermine an expected frequency for a geometric \chi^2 test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7743
851sA LevelEstimate the p for a geometric model given observed frequencies.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7744
851tA LevelConduct a \chi^2 test against a geometric model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7745
852A LevelExam Practice: Normal probability plots and Kolmogorov-Smirnov testsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4502E852
852aA LevelInterpret individual points plotted on a normal probability plot.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7746
852bA LevelRecognise the shape of data on a normal probability plot for a normal distribution, a left or right skewed distribution, and a uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7747
852cA LevelInterpret the p-value from a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit of a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7748
853A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis testing with contingency tables (two-way tables)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=471E853
853aA LevelMake a common sense judgement on whether there is an association between two variables, given a contingency table (two-way table).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7749
853bA LevelCalculate the expected frequencies for a contingency table (two-way table).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7750
853cA LevelState the degrees of freedom for a contingency table (two-way table).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7751
853dA LevelCalculate the test statistic X^2 for a contingency table (two-way table).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7752
853eA LevelConduct a test to determine whether there is an association between two variables, using a contingency table (two-way table).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7753
853fA LevelConduct a test on a 2\times2 contingency table (two-way table) by using a Yate's correction.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7754
854A LevelExam Practice: Reliability and validity testsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4503E854
854aA LevelDistinguish between content and criterion validity for a variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7755
854bA LevelComment on the content validity of a test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7756
854cA LevelIdentify the criterion and predictor variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7757
854dA LevelComment on the criterion validity of the predictor variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7758
854eA LevelDistinguish between test-retest and parallel forms reliability in a described scenario.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7759
854fA LevelList the factors that would ensure measurements are reliable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7760
854gA LevelComment on the reliability of a test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7761
855A LevelExam Practice: Probability generating functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=472E855
855aA LevelDetermine the probability generating function from a probability distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7762
855bA LevelDetermine a probability p(x) from a probability generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7763
855cA LevelDetermine an unknown constant in a probability generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7764
855dA LevelDetermine the probability generating function of a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7765
855eA LevelDetermine the probability generating function of a Poisson distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7766
855fA LevelDetermine the probability generating function of a geometric distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7767
855gA LevelDetermine the probability generating function of a negative binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7768
855hA LevelUse basic probability to find the distribution of the sum of two random variables X + Ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7769
855iA LevelUse probability generating functions to find the distribution of the sum of two random variables X + Ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7770
855jA LevelCalculate E(X) using a probability generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7771
855kA LevelCalculate Var(X) using a probability generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7772
855lA LevelDetermine unknown constants in a probability generating function given E(X) and Var(X)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7773
855mA LevelDetermine the probability generating function given a transformation of a random variable aX + bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7774
856A LevelExam Practice: Moment generating functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4504E856
856aA LevelDetermine the moment generating function from a discrete probability distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7775
856bA LevelDetermine the moment generating function from a continuous probability distribution using its probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7776
856cA LevelCalculate E(X) for a discrete random variable using a moment generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7777
856dA LevelCalculate E(X) for a continuous random variable using a moment generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7778
856eA LevelCalculate Var(X) for a discrete random variable using a moment generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7779
856fA LevelCalculate Var(X) for a continuous random variable using a moment generating function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7780
856gA LevelDetermine the moment generating function of the sum of two random variables X + Ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7781
857A LevelExam Practice: Type I and II errors, Power and Size of testsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=473E857
857aA LevelDistinguish between Type I and Type II errors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7782
857bA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type I error for a binomial model with one-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7783
857cA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type II error for a binomial model, given the true value of p, with one-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7784
857dA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type I error for a Poisson model, with one-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7785
857eA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type II error for a Poisson model, given the true value of \lambda, with one-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7786
857fA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type I error for a binomial model with two-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7787
857gA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type II error for a binomial model, given the true value of p, with two-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7788
857hA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type I error for a Poisson model, with two-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7789
857iA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type II error for a Poisson model, given the true value of \lambda, with two-tailed critical region.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7790
857jA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type I error for a geometric model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7791
857kA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type II error for a geometric model, given the true value of pdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7792
857lA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type I error for a normally distributed model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7793
857mA LevelDetermine the probability of a Type II error for a normally distributed model, given the true value of \mudrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7794
857nA LevelCalculate the power of a test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7795
857oA LevelCalculate the size of a test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7796
857pA LevelReason about the power function of a test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7797
857qA LevelDetermine the power function of a test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7798
858A LevelExam Practice: Equations of least squares regression line for linear datadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=320E858
858aA LevelDetermine summary statistics S_{xx}, S_{xy} and S_{yy} from bivariate data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7799
858bA LevelDetermine the equation of the least squares regression line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7800
858cA LevelDetermine the equation of the least squares regression line using coding.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7801
858dA LevelCalculate the residuals for a given regression line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7802
859A LevelExam Practice: Residual sum of squares (RSS or \mathrm{SS}_{\mathrm{res}})drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=321E859
859aA LevelCalculate the residual sum of squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7803
859bA LevelComment on the suitability of linear regression models by comparing residual sums of squares.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7804
860A LevelExam Practice: Regression with non-linear functionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4505E860
860aA LevelDetermine the equation of a quadratic regression line y = ax^2 + bx + c using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7805
860bA LevelDetermine the equation of a cubic regression line y = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7806
860cA LevelDetermine the equation of a trigonometric regression line y = a\sin(bx + c) + d using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7807
860dA LevelDetermine the equation of a logarithmic regression line y = a + b \ln x using a calculator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7808
860eA LevelUse a non-linear regression line to predict a value in a model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7809
861A LevelExam Practice: Coefficient of determination (R^2)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4506E861
861aA LevelInterpret a coefficient of determination R^2 for a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7810
861bA LevelCalculate the coefficient of determination R^2 for a data set,drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7811
862A LevelExam Practice: Probability density functions and areas under their graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=311E862
862aA LevelSketch a probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7812
862bA LevelWrite a probability density function from its sketch.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7813
862cA LevelDetermine a constant in a probability density function with a single interval.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7814
862dA LevelDetermine a constant in a probability density function with multiple intervals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7815
862eA LevelDetermine the probability mass for a range P(a < X < b) across a single interval.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7816
862fA LevelDetermine the probability mass for a range P(a < X < b) across multiple intervals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7817
863A LevelExam Practice: Cumulative distribution functions for continuous random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=312E863
863aA LevelDetermine F(x) for a probability density function with a single interval.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7818
863bA LevelDetermine F(x) for a probability density function with multiple intervals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7819
863cA LevelDetermine a probability P(X > k) or P(X < k) using F(k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7820
863dA LevelDetermine a probability P(a < X < b) using F(k)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7821
863eA LevelDetermine the probability density function f(x) from F(x)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7822
863fA LevelDetermine two unknown constants in a cumulative density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7823
863gA LevelUse a probability obtained from a cumulative distribution function within a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7824
863hA LevelDetermine the cumulative distribution function of related variables, i.e. g(X) for some function g.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7825
864A LevelExam Practice: Mean and variance of continuous random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=313E864
864aA LevelState E(X) for a symmetric probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7826
864bA LevelDetermine E(X) using a probability density function with a single interval.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7827
864cA LevelDetermine an unknown constant in a probability density function given E(X)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7828
864dA LevelDetermine Var(X) using a probability density function with a single interval.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7829
864eA LevelDetermine E(aX + b) using a probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7830
864fA LevelDetermine Var(aX + b) using a probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7831
864gA LevelDetermine E(X) using a probability density function with multiple intervals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7832
864hA LevelDetermine Var(X) using a probability density function with multiple intervals.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7833
864iA LevelDetermine E(X^2) using a probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7834
864jA LevelDetermine E(g(X)) for a continuous random variable X where g(X) is an arbitrary function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7835
865A LevelExam Practice: Mode, median and percentiles of continuous random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=314E865
865aA LevelDetermine the mode of a continuous random variable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7836
865bA LevelDetermine the median of a continuous random variable using the cumulative density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7837
865cA LevelDetermine the median of a continuous random variable using the probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7838
865dA LevelDetermine the lower or upper quartile of a continuous random variable using the cumulative density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7839
865eA LevelDetermine the lower or upper quartile of a continuous random variable using the probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7840
865fA LevelDetermine the interquartile range of a continuous random variable using the cumulative density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7841
865gA LevelDetermine a percentile of a continuous random variable using the cumulative density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7842
865hA LevelDetermine with a continuous random variable is positively or negative skewed from a sketch of its probability density function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7843
866A LevelExam Practice: Continuous uniform (rectangular) distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=315E866
866aA LevelChoose from a normal, binomial, Poisson, geometric or continuous uniform distribution to best model a given context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7844
866bA LevelState the probability density function of a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7845
866cA LevelDetermine the probability of a range for a rectangular distribution, not in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7846
866dA LevelDetermine the probability of a range for a rectangular distribution, in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7847
866eA LevelCalculate a conditional probability using a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7848
866fA LevelDetermine E(X) for a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7849
866gA LevelDetermine Var(X) for a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7850
866hA LevelDetermine Var(aX + b) for a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7851
866iA LevelDetermine E(X^2) for a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7852
866jA LevelDetermine the bounds of a rectangular distribution given E(X) and Var(X).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7853
866kA LevelDetermine the bounds of a rectangular distribution given E(X) and the probability of a range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7854
866lA LevelState the cumulative density function for a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7855
866mA LevelCalculate the probability the multiple samples from a rectangular distribution are in a given range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7856
866nA LevelUse a probability from a rectangular distribution in a binomial distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7857
866oA LevelSolve problems for a rectangular distribution involving the shortest or longest value for multiple samples.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7858
866pA LevelSolve problems involving a chain of outcomes including use of a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7859
866qA LevelSolve problems involving the longest or shortest side of a rectangle using a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7860
866rA LevelDetermine the range of values of a unknown constant within the frequencies of a random sample, when testing the goodness of fit of a rectangular distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7861
867A LevelExam Practice: Linear combinations of normal random variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=502E867
867aA LevelDetermine E(X \pm Y) given E(X) and E(Y)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7862
867bA LevelDetermine Var(X \pm Y) given Var(X) and Var(Y)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7863
867cA LevelDetermine E(X \pm Y) given normal distributions X and Ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7864
867dA LevelDetermine Var(X \pm Y) given normal distributions X and Ydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7865
867eA LevelDetermine E(aX \pm bY) given E(X) and E(Y)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7866
867fA LevelDetermine Var(aX \pm bY) given Var(X) and Var(Y)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7867
867gA LevelDetermine a normal distribution that is the linear sum of other normal distributions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7868
867hA LevelDetermine a normal distribution, in context, that is the sum of identically distributed normal distributions, and distinguish between Var(nX) and Var(X_1 + ... + X_n)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7869
867iA LevelDetermine the probability P(A > B) given two normally distributed random variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7870
867jA LevelDetermine in context the probability P(mA > nB) given two normally distributed random variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7871
867kA LevelDetermine the probability P(\left|A \pm B\right| < k) given two normally distributed random variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7872
868A LevelExam Practice: Central Limit Theorem for sums of identically distributed variablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4507E868
868aA LevelUse the Central Limit Theorem to estimate the sum of a large number of identically distributed variables, including Bernoulli trials.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7873
869A LevelExam Practice: General sampling distributionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4508E869
869aA LevelList all possible samples given a chosen statistic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7874
869bA LevelUnderstand what a sampling distribution is and determine its possible outcomes.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7875
869cA LevelDetermine the sampling distribution where the statistic is the mode.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7876
869dA LevelDetermine the sampling distribution where the statistic is the minimum or maximum value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7877
869eA LevelDetermine the sampling distribution where the statistic is the range.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7878
869fA LevelDetermine the sampling distribution where the statistic is the median.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7879
869gA LevelDetermine the sampling distribution for a small sample where the statistic is the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7880
869hA LevelDetermine the variance or mean of a sampling distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7881
870A LevelExam Practice: Standard errordrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4509E870
870aA LevelKnow the definition of standard error and understand why it is useful.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7882
870bA LevelCalculate the standard error of the mean (SEM).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7883
870cA LevelCalculate the standard error of a sampling distribution for a statistic where the population distribution is known.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7884
871A LevelExam Practice: Estimators and biasdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=505E871
871aA LevelUnderstand the terms estimator, biased estimator and unbiased estimator.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7885
871bA LevelDetermine an unbiased estimator S^2 of the population variance \sigma^2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7886
871cA LevelCalculate the bias of an estimator for a value involved in the range of a continuous uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7887
871dA LevelIdentify an unbiased estimator a value involved in the range of a continuous uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7888
871eA LevelCompare estimators involved in a continuous uniform distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7889
871fA LevelCalculate an updated value of s^2 given additional data points.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7890
872A LevelExam Practice: z-tests for the population meandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4511E872
872aA LevelUnderstand the concept of z-tests and normalised test statistics, and how it compares to use of a p value.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7901
872bA LevelConduct a z-test on the population mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8668
873A LevelExam Practice: Confidence intervals for a population meandrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=504E873
873aA LevelUnderstand what is meant by the margin of error and calculate it for the mean \mu of a population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7891
873bA LevelCalculate the confidence interval for the mean \mu of a population.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7892
873cA LevelCalculate the confidence interval for the mean \mu of a population for multiple groups in the sample.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7893
873dA LevelDetermine the sample size that will result in a percentage confidence of a given margin of error for the population mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7894
873eA LevelDetermine the sample size that will result in a margin of error for the population mean with a given confidence level.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7895
874A LevelExam Practice: z-tests for a difference of meansdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=503E874
874aA LevelConduct a hypothesis test to determine evidence that \mu_A > \mu_Bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7908
874bA LevelConduct a hypothesis test to determine evidence that \mu_A > \mu_B + kdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7909
874cA LevelConduct a two-tailed hypothesis test to determine evidence that \mu_A \ne \mu_Bdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7910
874dA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for the difference of means using s^2 when the sample size is large.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7911
874eA LevelCalculate the standard error for the difference of two means.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7912
874fA LevelCalculate a confidence interval for the difference of two means.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7913
875A LevelExam Practice: z-tests for a proportiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4510E875
875aA LevelCalculate the normalised test statistic for a population proportion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7902
875bA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for a population proportion using a z-test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7903
875cA LevelCalculate the margin of error for a population proportion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7896
875dA LevelCalculate the confidence interval for a population proportion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7897
875eA LevelUnderstand the conditions on which independence of sampling can be assumed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7898
875fA LevelDetermine the sample size that will result in a percentage confidence of a given margin of error for the population proportion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7899
875gA LevelDetermine the sample size that will result in a margin of error for the population proportion with a given confidence level.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7900
876A LevelExam Practice: z-tests for a difference of proportionsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4512E876
876aA LevelUnderstand the conditions for which we can calculate confidence intervals or conduct a hypothesis test for the difference of two proportions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7904
876bA LevelCalculate the confidence interval for a difference of two proportions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7905
876cA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for the difference of population proportions using a z-test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7906
876dA LevelInterpret a p value for a difference of population proportions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7907
877A LevelExam Practice: F-distributions and hypothesis testing on the variance of a normal distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=506E877
877aA LevelDetermine the confidence interval of the population variance given the sample.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7914
877bA LevelDetermine the percentage of the confidence interval given this interval for the population variance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7915
877cA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for the variance of a normal distribution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7916
877dA LevelConduct a one-tailed F-test to test whether one normal distribution has a greater variance than another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7917
877eA LevelConduct a one-tailed F-test to test whether one normal distribution has a variance different to the another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7918
878A LevelExam Practice: t-distributiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=507E878
878aA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for the mean of a normal distribution with unknown variance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7919
878bA LevelConduct a one-tailed paired t-test whether there has been an increase or decrease in the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7920
878cA LevelConduct a two-tailed paired t-test whether there has been a change in the mean.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7921
878dA LevelDetermine a confidence interval for the difference in mean between two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7922
878eA LevelConduct a hypothesis test for the difference in mean between two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7923
879A LevelExam Practice: Analysis of variancedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8269https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E879
879aA LevelConduct a one-factor ANOVA to determine if there is evidence of a difference in mean between three or more groups.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8263https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/
879bA LevelConduct a two-factor ANOVA to determine if there is evidence of a difference in mean with multiple independent variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8264https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/
879cA LevelConduct a two-way analysis of difference of means without replicates, using blocking.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8265https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/
879dA LevelIdentify the assumptions in conducting an ANOVA.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8266https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/
880A LevelExam Practice: Effect sizedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8270https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E880
880aA LevelUnderstand the notion of effect size on significance testing.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8267https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/
880bA LevelCalculate and interpret Cohen's d as a measure of effect size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8268https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/
881A LevelExam Practice: Non-parametric testsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4513E881
881aA LevelRecognise scenarios in which a non-parametric test would be used.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7924
881bA LevelRecognise when the sample data is a single sample, matched pairs or two independent samples, and the test we would perform for a described scenario.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7925
881cA LevelCalculate the signed rank-sums W^+ and W^- for single sample when tested against a median.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7926
881dA LevelConduct a test on the population median for a single sample, using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7927
881eA LevelCalculate the signed rank-sums W^+ and W^- for a matched pair sample.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7928
881fA LevelConduct a test for a difference in the population median between values in a matched sample, using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7929
881gA LevelConduct a test for a difference in the population median between two independent samples, using a Wilcoxon rank-sum/Mann-Whitney U test.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7930
881hA LevelUse a normal approximation to carry out a Wilcoxon signed-rank test when the sample size is large.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7931
881iA LevelDetermine the sample size n, where n is large, when the critical region for a Wilcoxon signed rank test is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7932
881jA LevelEstimate the significance level for a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, with a large sample size, when the critical region is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7933
881kA LevelUse a normal approximation to carry out a Wilcoxon rank-sum/Mann-Whitney U test when the sample size is large.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7934
882A LevelExam Practice: Hypothesis tests for the slope of a regression modeldrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4514E882
882aA LevelCalculate the standard error for the slope of a regression model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7935
882bA LevelCalculate a confidence interval for the slope of a regression model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7936
882cA LevelUnderstand the conditions under which a confidence interval may be formed for the slope of a regression line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7937
882dA LevelConduct a t-test for the slope of a regression model.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7938
883A LevelExam Practice: Momentum and impulse (no coefficient of restitution)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=447E883
883aA LevelCalculate the speed of a particle after receiving an impulse.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1519K978
883bA LevelSolve problems involving impulse, force and time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8466
883cA LevelUse the impulse-momentum principle for two particles to find an unknown final speed, given the impulse due to the collision.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1523K979
883dA LevelDetermine the impulse due to impact of a particle falling onto a horizontal plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7939
883eA LevelUse Conservation of Momentum for two particles to find the speed or mass of one particle, given information about the other particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1666
883fA LevelUse Conservation of Momentum for two particles for problems with multiple unknown constants.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7940
883gA LevelUse Conservation of Momentum and the impulse-momentum principle for two particles to find the impulse due to a collision.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1667
883hA LevelUse the impulse-momentum principle for a single particle to find the impulse exerted on it in 2D.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1668
883iA LevelUse the impulse-momentum principle for a single particle to find the velocity after an impulse is exerted on it in 2D.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1669
883jA LevelUse the impulse-momentum principle for a single particle to find the speed after an impulse is exerted on it in 2D.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7941
883kA LevelDetermine the impulse exerted by a wall on a particle given information about friction and where the particle comes to rest.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7942
884A LevelExam Practice: Work and energydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=456E884
884aA LevelUse the work done formula for one force to calculate work done, force or distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1705
884bA LevelUse conservation of energy to calculate a mass or velocity given a conversion between kinetic and gravitational potential energy.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1706
884cA LevelUse the work done formula involving friction or gravity to calculate work done, force or distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1707
884dA LevelUse the work-energy principle in one dimension.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1708
884eA LevelUse the work-energy principle in two dimensions.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1709
884fA LevelUse the work-energy principle with angled forces.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1710
884gA LevelDetermine the work done where the force and displacement are vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7943
884hA LevelSolve problems involving the kinetic energy \frac{1}{2} m\textbf{v}\cdot\textbf{v}, with use of \textbf{v}\cdot\textbf{v} = \textbf{u}\cdot\textbf{u} + 2\textbf{a}\cdot\textbf{x}, for vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7944
885A LevelExam Practice: Powerdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=457E885
885aA LevelDetermine power, force and velocity using the formula with constant velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1743
885bA LevelDetermine power, force and velocity using the formula with constant acceleration.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1744
885cA LevelDetermine the speed when the power, mass and a force in terms of the speed is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7945
885dA LevelUse the formula for power involving work done.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1745
885eA LevelDetermine power, force and velocity in 2D with constant velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1746
885fA LevelDetermine power, force and velocity in 2D with variable velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1747
885gA LevelDetermine the power of a pump given the density and speed of the fluid through a vertical pipe.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7946
885hA LevelDetermine a force in a system with connected particles, given the power of one of the particles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7947
886A LevelExam Practice: Hooke's Lawdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=458E886
886aA LevelUse Hooke's Law to calculate the extension of a string.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1549K982
886bA LevelUse Hooke's Law to calculate the extension of a string in 2D.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1651
886cA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a particle attached to an elastic string or spring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8658
887A LevelExam Practice: Energy in elastic springs and stringsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=459E887
887aA LevelDetermine the energy stored in an elastic string or spring when it is extended to a given length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7948
887bA LevelDetermine the work done compressing an elastic spring between two lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7949
887cA LevelDetermine the distance reached by a particle attached to an elastic string on a smooth horizontal plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7950
887dA LevelDetermine the distance reached by a particle attached to an elastic string on a rough horizontal plane.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7951
887eA LevelDetermine the length of an elastic string when a particle hangs freely.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7952
887fA LevelDetermine the lowest distance reached by a vertically hanging particle on a spring given an initial projected speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7953
887gA LevelDetermine the initial acceleration of a particle attached to a spring on a rough inclined slope.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7954
887hA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle attached to a spring on a rough inclined slope after reaching a given distance.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7955
887iA LevelDetermine the greatest height reached by a particle attached to an elastic string that is initially pulled downwards.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7956
887jA LevelDetermine the height reached by a particle, initially pulled downwards, when the elastic string goes slack.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7957
888A LevelExam Practice: Elastic collisions in 1Ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=460E888
888aA LevelDetermine the coefficient of restitution or a velocity given a single particle colliding with a wall.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1784
888bA LevelCalculate the coefficient of restitution given two colliding particles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1785
888cA LevelCalculate a velocity given two colliding particles and the coefficient of restitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7958
888dA LevelDetermine a speed of a particle before and after a collision with another, using conservation of momentum and the coefficient of restitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1786
888eA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle immediately before or after a collision with a smooth plane, given the coefficient of restitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1787
888fA LevelDetermine the maximum height reached by a falling particle after bouncing, given the coefficient of restitution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7959
888gA LevelDetermine the change in kinetic energy for a collision of a single particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1788
888hA LevelDetermine the change in kinetic energy for a collision of two particles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1789
888iA LevelDetermine the coefficient of restitution given the impulse of one particle on another it collides with.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7960
888jA LevelCalculate the coefficient of restitution given the amount of kinetic energy lost in a collision.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7961
888kA LevelCalculate impulse given the amount of kinetic energy lost in a collision.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7962
888lA LevelDetermine the range of values for the coefficient of restitution given the direction of the particles after a collision.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7963
888mA LevelUse Conservation of Momentum and Newton's Law of Restitution for successive collisions of three particles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1790
888nA LevelDetermine the range of the coefficient of restitution given that a particle makes a subsequent collision with a third particle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7964
889A LevelExam Practice: Elastic collisions in 2D (oblique collisions)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=461E889
889aA LevelDetermine the angle of deflection of a particle striking a wall.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1902
889bA LevelUse the velocity of a particle striking a wall at an angle to find the coefficient of restitution or angle of deflection.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1903
889cA LevelCalculate the speed of a particle striking a wall at an angle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1904
889dA LevelDetermine the velocity of a particle after striking two perpendicular walls.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1905
889eA LevelDetermine the velocity of a particle after striking another particle, where the initial motion of each particle is expressed using vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=1907
889fA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle striking another particle, where the initial motion of each particle is expressed using vectors.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7965
889gA LevelDetermine the speed and direction of two spheres before or after impact where one of the spheres collides at an angle relative to the line of centres.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7966
889hA LevelDetermine the speed and direction of two spheres before or after impact where both spheres collide at an angle relative to the line of centres.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7967
889iA LevelCalculate the loss of kinetic energy in an oblique impact.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8457
889jA LevelDetermine the impulse received by a particle in an oblique impact.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8651
890A LevelExam Practice: Horizontal circular motiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=467E890
890aA LevelDetermine an angular speed \omega (or \dot{\theta}) of a particle on a circular path.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7968
890bA LevelDetermine the acceleration of a particle given the radius of a horizontal circular path and the angular speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7969
890cA LevelDetermine the force towards the centre of a circle given the mass of the particle, radius of a horizontal circular path and its speed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7970
890dA LevelCalculate the coefficient of friction between a particle in horizontal circular motion and a surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7971
890eA LevelCalculate the mass of a particle or tension in a string attached to a particle in horizontal circular motion, where the string is inclined to the horizontal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7972
890fA LevelCalculate the angular speed of a particle in horizontal circular motion, where the attached string is inclined to the horizontal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7973
890gA LevelDetermine the angle of inclination of a smooth plane where a particle travels in horizontal circular motion at a given speed, or vice versa.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7974
890hA LevelDetermine the maximum angular velocity of a particle travelling in horizontal circular motion on a banked rough plane, without slipping.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7975
890iA LevelSolve problems involving a particle travelling in horizontal circular motion on the inner surface of the shell of a hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7976
890jA LevelDetermine the maximum speed of a particle in circular motion on a horizontal surface, attached to an inclined string, before it loses contact with the surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8652
890kA LevelSolve problems involving a particle in horizontal circular motion where it is attached to two strings.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7977
890lA LevelDerive Kepler's third law of planetary motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7978
891A LevelExam Practice: Motion of a pendulumdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4515E891
891aA LevelUse Newton's second law to form a differential equation for the motion of a simple pendulum.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7979
891bA LevelShow that small oscillations of a simple pendulum may be modelled as Simple Harmonic Motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7980
891cA LevelDetermine the period of a simple pendulum using its length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7981
892A LevelExam Practice: Vertical circular motiondrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=468E892
892aA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle, attached to a rod, initially at rest, at the lowest point of a vertical circular path.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7982
892bA LevelDetermine the tension in a rod attached to a particle, initially at rest, at the lowest point of a vertical circular path.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7983
892cA LevelDetermine the tension in a rod attached to a particle, projected with initial speed, at the lowest point of a vertical circular path.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7984
892dA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle on the end of a rod at a given angle of vertical circular motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7985
892eA LevelDetermine the initial speed required for a particle on the end of a rod for it to complete a full circle in vertical circular motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7986
892fA LevelDetermine the initial speed required for a particle on the end of an inextensible string for it to complete a full circle in vertical circular motion.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7987
892gA LevelDetermine the height or angle a particle attached to an inextensible string, in vertical circular motion, becomes slack.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7988
892hA LevelDetermine the maximum height of a particular attached to an inextensible string, initially in circular motion but where the string becomes slack.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7989
892iA LevelDetermine the angle relative to the centre of a hemisphere when a particle sliding down it leaves the surface.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7990
892jA LevelDetermine the distance from the centre of a hemisphere that a particle initially sliding down it hits the ground.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7991
893A LevelExam Practice: Centre of mass of particles on a line or planedrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=463E893
893aA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a system where masses are placed along a horizontal line.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7992
893bA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a system where masses are placed on a plane at given coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7993
893cA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a light loaded plate given placement of particles at its vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7994
893dA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the placement of a particle on a plane given the coordinates of the centre of mass.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7995
893eA LevelDetermine the mass of a particle on a plane given the coordinates of the centre of mass.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7996
894A LevelExam Practice: Centre of mass of a laminadrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4516E894
894aA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform triangular lamina with vertices at given coordinates.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7997
894bA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform right-angled triangular lamina with given lengths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7998
894cA LevelDerive the formula for the centre of mass of a uniform sector of a circle lamina along its axis of symmetry.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=7999
894dA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a uniform semicircular lamina.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8000
894eA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a uniform general sector of a circle lamina.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8001
894fA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a composite uniform lamina consisting of a rectangle and triangle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8002
894gA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a composite uniform lamina consisting of multiple triangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8003
894hA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a composite uniform lamina consisting of a rectangle and semicircle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8004
894iA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a composite uniform rectilinear lamina.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8005
894jA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform rectangular lamina with a rectangle removed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8006
894kA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform lamina removed from another involving triangles and rectangles.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8007
894lA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform rectangular lamina with a circle removed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8008
894mA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform circular lamina with a circle removed.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8009
894nA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a uniform lamina removed from another where one shape is semicircular or a sector of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8010
894oA LevelDetermine the coordinate of the centre of a mass of a non-uniform lamina created by folding.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8011
895A LevelExam Practice: Centre of mass of a frameworkdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4517E895
895aA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of a mass of a framework of a general polygon.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8012
895bA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of a mass of a framework of a semicircle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8013
895cA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a framework consisting of a rectangle and a semicircle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8014
895dA LevelDetermine the coordinates of the centre of mass of a framework in the shape of a sector of a circle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8015
895eA LevelDetermine the coordinate of the centre of mass of a framework where additional weights are loaded onto it.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8016
895fA LevelDetermine the coordinate of the centre of a mass of a non-uniform framework where its edges are of stated masses.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8017
896A LevelExam Practice: Lamina and frameworks in equilibriumdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4518E896
896aA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform rectilinear lamina would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8018
896bA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform general polygonal lamina would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8019
896cA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform semicircular or general sector lamina would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8020
896dA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform composite lamina, involving circular or semicircular areas, would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8021
896eA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform rectilinear framework would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8022
896fA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform general polygonal framework would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8023
896gA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform semicircular or general sector framework would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8024
896hA LevelDetermine the angle at which a uniform framework, with an additional particle attached, would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8025
896iA LevelDetermine the mass of a particle attached to a uniform lamina that would result in a given angle of suspension.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8026
896jA LevelDetermine the mass of a particle attached to a uniform framework that would result in a given angle of suspension.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8027
896kA LevelDetermine the angle at which a non-uniform lamina, created by folding, would hang when freely suspended from a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8028
897A LevelExam Practice: Using calculus to find the centre of massdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=464E897
897aA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a uniform lamina with polynomial equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8029
897bA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a uniform lamina with exponential equation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8030
897cA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a lamina formed by the area between two polynomial lines.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8031
897dA LevelUse the area of a lamina with given equation to determine the centre of mass.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8032
898A LevelExam Practice: Centre of mass of 3D solids or shellsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=465E898
898aA LevelUse calculus to determine the centre of mass of a uniform solid right circular cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8033
898bA LevelUse calculus to determine the centre of mass of a uniform solid hemisphere.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8034
898cA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a volume of revolution revolved around the x-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8035
898dA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a volume of revolution revolved around the y-axis.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8036
898eA LevelUse calculus to determine the centre of mass of a uniform solid hemispherical shell.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8037
898fA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a uniform hollow right circular cone.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8038
898gA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a composite uniform solid consisting of cylinders, cones or hemispheres.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8039
898hA LevelDetermine the mass or a non-uniform rod where the mass is a function of distance from the base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8040
898iA LevelDetermine the centre of mass of a non-uniform rod where the mass is a function of distance from the base.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8041
898jA LevelDetermine the angle at which a rigid body hangs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8042
899A LevelExam Practice: Toppling and slidingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=466E899
899aA LevelDetermine the angle of a (sufficiently rough) inclined plane at which a cube would topple.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8043
899bA LevelDetermine the range of angles of a (sufficiently rough) inclined plane at which a composite solid would remain in equilibrium.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8044
899cA LevelDetermine the range of values for \mu for which a solid would slide down a slope.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8045
899dA LevelDetermine the angle of a (sufficiently rough) inclined plane at which a volume of revolution would topple.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8046
900A LevelExam Practice: Acceleration varying with displacement and velocitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4519E900
900aA LevelDetermine the velocity in terms of displacement when acceleration is a function of displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8047
900bA LevelDetermine the displacement at which a body is at rest, where acceleration is a function of displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8048
900cA LevelDetermine the velocity in terms of time where acceleration is a function of velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8049
900dA LevelDetermine the velocity in terms of displacement when acceleration is a function of velocity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8050
901A LevelExam Practice: Forces as functions of time and displacementdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4520E901
901aA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle at a given time when the force acting on it is a function of time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8051
901bA LevelDetermine the displacement of a particle at a given time when the force acting on it is a function of time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8052
901cA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle at a given displacement when the force acting on it is a function of displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8053
901dA LevelDetermine the work done by a particle at a given displacement when the force acting on it is a function of displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8054
901eA LevelApply the impulse-momentum principle for a variable force in one dimension as \int F \, \mathrm{dt}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8055
902A LevelExam Practice: Simple Harmonic Motion involving springs and elastic stringsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=469E902
902aA LevelShow that an elastic string on a horizontal plane, attached to a fixed point, pulled and released, will initially have SHM.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8056
902bA LevelDetermine the speed of an elastic string or spring, on a horizontal plane, when it returns to its natural length.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8057
902cA LevelDetermine the time for which an elastic string is slack after being pulled on a horizontal floor.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8058
902dA LevelShow that a particle attached to two horizontal springs will have SHM.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8059
902eA LevelDetermine the period and amplitude of a particle attached to two horizontal springs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8060
902fA LevelDetermine the maximum speed of a particle attached to two horizontal springs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8061
902gA LevelShow that a particle hung from a vertical spring or elastic string will have SHM.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8062
902hA LevelDetermine the period and amplitude of a particle attached to a vertical spring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8063
902iA LevelDetermine the maximum speed of a particle attached to a vertical spring.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8064
902jA LevelDetermine the speed of a particle attached to a vertical spring, at a given displacement.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8065
902kA LevelDetermine the time for an elastic string to become slack again after a particle attached to it falls vertically.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8066
903A LevelExam Practice: Understanding and using algorithmsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=495E903
903aA LevelGenerate a trace table for a simple algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8067
903bA LevelDetermine the outputs of a flow diagram given its inputs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8068
903cA LevelGenerate a trace table for a flow chart.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8069
903dA LevelRecognise when algorithms are greedy, heuristic or recursive.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8070
904A LevelExam Practice: Sorting algorithmsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=435E904
904aA LevelCarry out a single pass of the bubblesort algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8071
904bA LevelCarry out multiple passes of the bubblesort algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8072
904cA LevelUse quicksort to sort numbers into ascending order.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8073
904dA LevelUse quicksort to sort numbers into descending order.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8074
904eA LevelDetermine the range of an unknown value in a list after one pass of bubblesort has been carried out.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8075
904fA LevelCarry out multiple passes of a shuttle sort algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8453
905A LevelExam Practice: Binary searchdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=482E905
905aA LevelList the sequence of comparisons that would be made to locate a number in a list using a binary search.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8076
905bA LevelDetermine the number of comparisons/steps needed for a list of size n when n is large.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8077
906A LevelExam Practice: Bin-packing algorithmsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=496E906
906aA LevelCalculate the lower bound of bins needed when use a bin-packing algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8078
906bA LevelUse the first-fit algorithm to put items in bins of a given size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8079
906cA LevelUse the first-fit decreasing algorithm to put items in bins of a given size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8080
906dA LevelUse the full-bin algorithm to put items in bins of a given size.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8081
906eA LevelReason about the range of the bin size given the bins after use of the first-fit algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8082
906fA LevelDetermine the possible values of an unknown value in a bin after use of the first-fit algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8083
907A LevelExam Practice: Packing problems in 2D or 3Ddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4521E907
907aA LevelSolve problems packing items into a 2D space.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8084
907bA LevelSolve problems packing items into a 3D space.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8085
908A LevelExam Practice: Knapsack problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4522E908
908aA LevelChoose items that maximises profit such that a total mass is not exceeded.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8086
909A LevelExam Practice: Order of algorithmsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=497E909
909aA LevelEstimate the time required for an algorithm with linear order given the size of the input, using proportional reasoning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8087
909bA LevelEstimate the time required for an algorithm with quadratic order given the size of the input, using proportional reasoning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8088
909cA LevelEstimate the time required for an algorithm with order \log n or n \log n, using proportional reasoning.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8089
909dA LevelUnderstand O notation, and write the time complexity given an expression for the number of steps.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8090
909eA LevelIdentify the order of different sorting and search algorithms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8091
909fA LevelIdentify the maximum run-time T(n) of common algorithms.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8092
909gA LevelOrder algorithms in terms of the order of their runtime complexity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8093
910A LevelExam Practice: Graphs, connected graphs and the degree of verticesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=433E910
910aA LevelIdentify vertices and edges in a modelled graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8094
910bA LevelDetermine the total number of edges and nodes of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8095
910cA LevelDetermine the complement of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8096
910dA LevelDetermine the total weight of the shortest route in a simple weighted graph (no algorithm required).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8097
910eA LevelState the degree/valency of a vertex in a graph or the sum of the degrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8098
910fA LevelDetermine the number of edges in a graph given the degree of the graph's vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8099
910gA LevelDetermine whether a walk through a graph is a path, trial, cycle or Hamiltonian cycle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8100
910hA LevelDetermine if a subgraph of a graph is connected.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8101
910iA LevelDetermine if a graph is simple.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8102
910jA LevelUse Euler's handshaking lemma to solve problems involving the degree of vertices in a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8103
910kA LevelDetermine if a graph is tree or a spanning tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8104
910lA LevelFind a spanning tree of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8105
910mA LevelDetermine if two graphs are isomorphic.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8106
911A LevelExam Practice: Complete and bipartite graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4523E911
911aA LevelDraw a complete graph K_ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8107
911bA LevelDetermine the number of edges in a complete graph K_ndrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8108
911cA LevelDraw a complete bipartite graph K_{a,b}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8109
911dA LevelDetermine the number of edges in a complete bipartite graph K_{a,b}drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8110
912A LevelExam Practice: Chromatic number of a graphdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4524E912
912aA LevelDetermine the chromatic number \chi(G) of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8111
912bA LevelUse the chromatic number of a graph to show that a given graph is, or is not, bipartite.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8112
912cA LevelUse graph colouring to determine the minimum number of meeting slots required given multiple committees with members in common.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8113
912dA LevelRepresent a map as a loopless planar graph G, and know that \chi(G) \le 4 (the four colour theorem).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8114
913A LevelExam Practice: Directed graphs (digraphs)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4525E913
913aA LevelUnderstand terminology of digraphs, including arcs and loops.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8115
913bA LevelIdentify the indegree or outdegree of a vertex.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8116
913cA LevelIdentify sinks and sources in a directed graph and their associated indegrees and outdegrees.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8117
914A LevelExam Practice: Adjacency matricesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4526E914
914aA LevelRepresent a directed graph as an adjacency matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8118
914bA LevelRepresent a weighted undirected graph using a distance matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8119
914cA LevelRepresent a weighted directed graph using a distance matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8120
915A LevelExam Practice: Walks using adjacency matricesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4527E915
915aA LevelCalculate the number of k-length walks between two vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8121
916A LevelExam Practice: Weighted adjacency tablesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4528E916
916aA LevelConstruct a transition matrix for a strongly connected undirected graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8122
916bA LevelConstruct a transition matrix for a strongly connected directed graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8123
917A LevelExam Practice: Planar graphs and testing for planaritydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=490E917
917aA LevelUnderstand the definition of a planar graph and determine if graphs are planar by observation.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8124
917bA LevelUse Euler's formula V + R = E + 2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8125
917cA LevelUse the planarity algorithm to determine whether a graph is planar.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8126
917dA LevelUnderstand subdivision of graphs, contraction of edges and when a graph is a minor of another.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8127
917eA LevelUse Kuratowski's theorem to determine if a graph is planar.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8128
917fA LevelDetermine the thickness of a graph (with thickness up to 2).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8129
918A LevelExam Practice: Minimum spanning treesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=481E918
918aA LevelUse Kruskal's algorithm to determine the length/weight of the minimum spanning tree of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8130
918bA LevelUse Prim's algorithm to determine the length/weight of the minimum spanning tree of a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8131
918cA LevelApply Prim's algorithm to a distance matrix to determine the minimum spanning tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8132
919A LevelExam Practice: Dijkstra's algorithmdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=492E919
919aA LevelUse Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest route between two vertices in a weighted graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8133
919bA LevelUse Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest route between two vertices that goes via a given vertex.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8134
920A LevelExam Practice: Floyd's algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=491E920
920aA LevelUse Floyd's algorithm to produce a table of shortest distances between all pairs of vertices in a weighted graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8135
920bA LevelDetermine the length of the shortest route between two vertices after applying Floyd's algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8136
921A LevelExam Practice: Eulerian and semi-Eulerian graphsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=434E921
921aA LevelDetermine whether a graph is Eulerian, semi-Eulerian or neither from the order of its vertices.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8137
921bA LevelDetermine whether a drawn graph is Eulerian, semi-Eulerian or neither.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8138
921cA LevelDistinguish between a Eulerian cycle and Hamiltonian cycle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8139
921dA LevelDetermine the length of the shortest path of a Eulerian graph that traverses every edge exactly once and ends at its starting point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8140
921eA LevelDetermine the length of the shortest path of a semi-Eulerian graph that traverses every edge at least once and ends at its starting point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8141
921fA LevelUse the route inspection algorithm (Chinese postman algorithm) to find the shortest path through a graph, with up to four odd nodes, that traverses every edge at least once and ends at its starting podrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8142
921gA LevelUse the route inspection algorithm (Chinese postman algorithm) to find the shortest path through a graph, with more than four odd nodes, that traverses every edge at least once and ends at its startindrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8143
921hA LevelDetermine unknown lengths in a graph where information about an inspection route is given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8144
922A LevelExam Practice: Hamiltonian cyclesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4529E922
922aA LevelKnow the definition of Hamiltonian paths, Hamiltonian cycles and Hamiltonian graphs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8145
922bA LevelComplete a Hamiltonian cycle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8146
922cA LevelDetermine whether Ore's theorem can be applied to a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8147
922dA LevelUse Ore's theorem to determine if a graph is Hamiltonian.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8148
923A LevelExam Practice: The travelling salesman problemdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4530E923
923aA LevelUnderstand the difference between the classical and practical travelling salesman problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8149
923bA LevelUse a minimum spanning tree to determine an upper bound for the practical travelling salesman problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8150
923cA LevelUse 'shortcuts' to improve the upper bound for the practical travelling salesman problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8151
923dA LevelUse a residual minimum spanning tree (RMST) to find a lower bound for the classical travelling salesman problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8152
923eA LevelDetermine if a lower bound for the classical travelling salesman problem is an optimal solution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8153
923fA LevelUse the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound to the travelling salesman problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8154
923gA LevelShow when a path produced by the nearest neighbour algorithm has failed to find the optimal Hamiltonian cycle.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8155
924A LevelExam Practice: Linear programmingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=479E924
924aA LevelUnderstand terms such as decision variables, objective function and constraints in a linear programming problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8156
924bA LevelDefine the objective function and constraints of a modelled linear programming problem with two variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8157
924cA LevelIdentify the feasible region of a linear programming problem when the constraints are given.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8158
924dA LevelUse an objective line with a given feasible region to maximise or minimise the objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8159
924eA LevelUse the vertex testing method with a given feasible region to maximise or minimise the objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8160
924fA LevelSolve a linear programming problem from a modelled context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8161
924gA LevelUse graphical methods to determine integer solutions to a linear programming problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8162
924hA LevelUse the branch-and-bound method to determine integer solutions to a linear programming problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8163
925A LevelExam Practice: The simplex algorithmdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=494E925
925aA LevelRewrite an inequality using a slack variable and distinguish basic and non-basic variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8164
925bA LevelApply the simplex algorithm to a linear programming problem with three variables to find the maximum value of an objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8165
925cA LevelSolve a linear programming problem using a simplex tableau to find the maximum value of an objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8166
925dA LevelSolve a linear programming problem using a simplex tableau to find the minimum value of an objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8167
925eA LevelDetermine integer solutions to a linear programming problem using the simplex method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8168
925fA LevelUse surplus and artificial variables to write inequalities as equations.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8169
925gA LevelSolve a linear programming problem using the two-stage simplex method involving surplus variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8170
925hA LevelShow that a linear programming problem involving surplus variables has no feasible solution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8171
926A LevelExam Practice: The Big M methoddrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=493E926
926aA LevelSolve a linear programming problem using the Big-M method to maximise an objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8172
926bA LevelSolve a linear programming problem using the Big-M method to minimise an objective function.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8173
927A LevelExam Practice: Modelling a project as a graphdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=486E927
927aA LevelForm a precedence (dependence) table based on a list of activities in a project.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8174
927bA LevelDraw an activity network for a precedence table (no dummy variables) [Variant 1: Edges are activities]drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8175
927cA LevelDraw an activity network for a precedence table using dummy variables.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8176
928A LevelExam Practice: Early and late event times, critical activities, and floatsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=487E928
928aA LevelDraw an precedence diagram with timings for a precedence table [Note: variation of an activity network]drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8177
928bA LevelDetermine the length of the critical path for a precedence diagram [Note: variation of an activity network]drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8178
928cA LevelDetermine an unknown early event time in a simple activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8179
928dA LevelDetermine an unknown late event time in a simple activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8180
928eA LevelIdentify the critical activities in an activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8181
928fA LevelDetermine the critical paths in an activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8182
928gA LevelDetermine the total float of an activity in an activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8183
928hA LevelCalculate and interpret independent and interfering float of an activity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8184
929A LevelExam Practice: Gantt charts (cascade chart)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=488E929
929aA LevelDraw a Gantt chart (cascade chart) using an activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8185
929bA LevelIdentify activities which may or must be happening by a given time.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8186
930A LevelExam Practice: Resource histograms and scheduling diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=489E930
930aA LevelDraw a resource histogram using a Gantt chart (cascade chart) combined with the number of workers for each activity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8187
930bA LevelDraw a resource histogram using an activity network combined with the number of workers for each activity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8188
930cA LevelUse resource levelling to optimise the allocation of workers for a project.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8189
930dA LevelSchedule activities to be completed in the critical time by the minimum number of workers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8190
930eA LevelCalculate a lower bound on the number of workers needed to complete a project.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8191
930fA LevelDetermine the completion time for a project given an activity network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8192
931A LevelExam Practice: Voronoi diagramsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=478E931
931aA LevelDetermine the nearest site in a Voronoi diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8193
931bA LevelDetermine the distance from a point to the nearest site in a Voronoi diagram.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8194
931cA LevelConstruct a Voronoi diagram for 2 sites.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8195
931dA LevelConstruct a Voronoi diagram for 3 sites.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8196
931eA LevelDetermine the equation of a line which would complete a Voronoi diagram with 4 sites.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8197
931fA LevelGiven values for each site, use nearest neighbour interpolation to estimate the value at a given point.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8198
931gA LevelDetermine a point which is far as way as possible from all sites (Toxic Waste Dump problem)drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8199
932A LevelExam Practice: Transportation problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4531E932
932aA LevelUse the north-west corner method to find an initial solution to a transportation problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8200
932bA LevelUse the north-west corner method when a dummy demand point or dummy supply point has been added.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8201
932cA LevelDemonstrate that the north-west corner method gives a degenerate solution.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8202
932dA LevelCalculate the shadow costs given by the initial solution to a transportation problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8203
932eA LevelUse shadow costs to calculate improvement indices in a transportation problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8204
932fA LevelUse the shadow costs and improvement indices to determine whether a solution is optimal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8205
932gA LevelObtain an improved solution given a table of costs and find the improved cost in a transportation problem using the stepping-stone method.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8206
932hA LevelSolve the transportation problem stating both the initial and improved cost.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8207
932iA LevelFormulate the transportation problem as a linear programming problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8208
933A LevelExam Practice: Allocation problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4532E933
933aA LevelReduce a cost matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8209
933bA LevelAllocate tasks to minimise cost using the Hungarian algorithm.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8210
933cA LevelAllocate tasks to minimise cost using the Hungarian algorithm using dummy tasks or workers.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8211
933dA LevelAllocate tasks to maximise cost.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8212
933eA LevelAllocate tasks where certain workers may not be allocated certain tasks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8213
933fA LevelFormulate an allocation problem as a linear programming problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8214
934A LevelExam Practice: Flows and cuts in networksdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4533E934
934aA LevelIdentify source and sink vertices in a capacitated directed network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8215
934bA LevelIdentify saturated arcs given the capacitated directed network and a flow pattern.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8216
934cA LevelIdentify the value of the flow given a flow pattern.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8217
934dA LevelState the maximum flow along a given path.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8218
934eA LevelDetermine an unknown flow in a flow pattern.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8219
934fA LevelDetermine the value of a cut.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8220
935A LevelExam Practice: Maximising flows in networksdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4534E935
935aA LevelCalculate the initial flow given maximum flows along stated paths.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8221
935bA LevelCalculate the initial flow given a set of saturated arcs.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8222
935cA LevelUse the labelling procedure on an initial flow to obtain a maximum flow pattern.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8223
935dA LevelUse the maximum flow-minimum cut theorem to prove that a flow is maximal.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8224
936A LevelExam Practice: Flows in networks with lower capacitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4535E936
936aA LevelDetermine the flow in each arc into and out of a single vertex given the lower and upper capacity of each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8225
936bA LevelCalculate flows of arcs in more general networks given the lower and upper capacity of each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8226
936cA LevelUse flow augmentation to find the maximum flow through a network with both lower and upper capacities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8227
936dA LevelDetermine the capacity of cuts in a network with lower and upper capacities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8228
937A LevelExam Practice: Supersources and supersinksdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4536E937
937aA LevelList the source and sink vertices in a flow network with multiple sources or sinks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8229
937bA LevelModify a flow network to add a supersink and supersource, stating the capacity and initial flow to and from each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8230
937cA LevelUse the initial flow and the labelling procedure to find the maximum flow through a network with multiple sources and/or sinks.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8231
937dA LevelModify a flow network to add a supersink and supersource, stating the lower and upper capacities and initial flow to and from each.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8232
938A LevelExam Practice: Restricted capacity nodesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4537E938
938aA LevelModify a capacitated directed network to model a node with restricted capacity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8233
938bA LevelModify a capacitated directed network with lower and upper capacities to model a node with restricted capacity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8234
938cA LevelExplain why a flow cannot exceed an upper limit in a capacitated flow network containing a node with restricted capacity.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8235
939A LevelExam Practice: Dynamic programmingdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4538E939
939aA LevelApply Bellman's principle of optimality to a graph network to reason about the shortest/longest path of a subroute given the full route.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8236
939bA LevelUse dynamic programming to find a minimum or maximum cost route in a network.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8458
939cA LevelUse dynamic programming to find a minimax route in a network presented as a graph.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8459
939dA LevelUse dynamic programming to maximise or minimise a value based on a table of data.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8460
939eA LevelApply Bellman's principle of optimality to form a recurrence relation for a counting problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8237
939fA LevelUse a recurrence relation obtained using Bellman's principle of optimality to solve a counting problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8461
939gA LevelUse dynamic programming to determine an optimum sequence of moves in a game-like scenario.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8462
940A LevelExam Practice: Game theorydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4539E940
940aA LevelForm a pay-off matrix to represent a two-person game.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8238
940bA LevelDetermine the play-safe strategy for each player given a pay-off matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8239
940cA LevelForm a pay-off matrix for a zero-sum two-person game.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8240
940dA LevelDetermine the pay-off matrix in a zero-sum game for the second player, given the pay-off matrix for the first player.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8241
940eA LevelDetermine the play-safe strategy for each player given a pay-off matrix in a zero-sum game.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8242
940fA LevelDetermine whether a zero-sum game has a stable solution (i.e. is in Nash equilibrium) by use of the stable solution theorem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8243
940gA LevelReduce a zero-sum game using a dominance argument.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8244
940hA LevelFind the expected pay-offs for a mixed strategy, where probabilities are assigned to each choice.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8245
940iA LevelFind the optimal mixed strategy for a player in a two-person zero-sum 2\times2 game with a given pay-off matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8246
940jA LevelFind the optimal mixed strategy for a player in a two-person zero-sum 2\times n or n\times2 game with a given pay-off matrix, where n > 2drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8247
941A LevelExam Practice: Formulating games as LP problemsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4540E941
941aA LevelWrite the constraints required to formulate a zero-sum game with no stable solution as a linear programming problem.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8248
941bA LevelWrite down the initial simplex tableau from a linear programming problem formed from a zero-sum game.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8249
942A LevelExam Practice: Decision treesdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4541E942
942aA LevelForm a decision tree using simple information, to indicate decisions and pay-offs (excluding chance nodes).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8250
942bA LevelForm a decision tree involving calculation of expected monetary value (EMV).drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8251
942cA LevelDetermine the best strategy given a decision tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8252
943A LevelExam Practice: Utilitydrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4542E943
943aA LevelUse a utility function to convert pay-offs in a decision tree to utilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8253
943bA LevelCalculate the expected utility given a utility function and decision tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8254
943cA LevelCompare utilities in context.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8255
943dA LevelDetermine a minimum payoff that would warrant participating in a decision tree.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8256
944A LevelExam Practice: Transition matrices for probabilities and regular Markov chainsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=4543E944
944aA LevelRepresent a Markov chain as a transition matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8257
944bA LevelIdentify the probability of being in a state after a single transition, given the transition matrix and initial state vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8258
944cA LevelIdentify the probability of being in a state after multiple transitions, given the transition matrix and initial state vector.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8259
944dA LevelIdentify the probability of being in a state after a large number of transitions, by using the diagonalised form of the transition matrix.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8260
944eA LevelDetermine the steady state vector of a transition matrix of probabilities.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8261
945A LevelExam Practice: Bijections with infinite setsdrfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8378E945
945aA LevelDefine a linear bijection to show that an infinite set (e.g. all odd numbers) is countable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8379
945bA LevelDefine a bijection using oscillating behaviour to show that an infinite set (e.g. \mathbb{Z} or \mathbb{Q}) is countable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8380
945cA LevelUse Cantor's diagonalisation argument to show that \mathbb{R} is uncountable.drfrost.org/explorer.php?ssid=8381