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Add New School

Please ensure you have checked whether your school exists first. After submitting, the Dr Frost team will review your request and check the existence of your institution. We will reject any request that:
  • Is not either a school, nor an established public service (e.g. prisons, hospices, registered larger community projects).
  • Is a tutoring agency or an explicitly for-profit institution.
'Home tutoring' does not constitute a school; please instead register as a 'Parent' account.
If you wish to allow multiple extensions, separate with the word OR (uppercase), putting the preferred one for registration forms first. Specifying email extension(s) allows DFM to detect whether students have used a personal or school email address.
If no restrictions, high-scoring students may appear (first name only) in the global leaderboard. You can also prevent students seeing any leaderboards internally in your school; this will also hide their global rank for points.