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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dr Frost Maths? chevron

Dr Frost Maths is an online mathematics learning platform, customisable teaching resources, videos, a bank of questions, online mock exams and more. Developed by maths teachers for maths teachers, it is available globally and supports all the key maths curricula for students up to the age of 18.

What is Dr Frost Learning? chevron

Dr Frost Learning is the UK based charity (ie non–profit organisation) behind Dr Frost Maths. Supporting thousands of schools worldwide, the goal is to inspire and engage ALL maths learners across the ability spectrum, all around the world.

Who is Dr Frost? chevron

Dr Jamie Frost has taught maths for over 10 years. Jamie has a PhD from Oxford University, working in AI and won the Microsoft Research Prize for his undergraduate dissertation and a Teaching Excellence Prize. His teaching resources have been downloaded over 20 million times and students have answered over 800 million questions on the platform.

Jamie has won a Gold Pearson Teaching Prize, appearing on BBC2's 'Britain's Classroom Heroes'. He reached the Top 10 for the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize, and was awarded the Global Teacher Prize Covid Hero Award in special recognition of "someone who has gone above and beyond to keep young people learning during the COVID-19 pandemic". He was listed in the Sunday Times 'Alternative Honours' in December 2021.

What are the key features of Dr Frost Maths? chevron

Dr Frost Maths is full of useful features including:

  • Support for major curricula up to age 18, catering for students of all ability levels
  • Customisable, downloadable PowerPoint presentations for key maths topics
  • Topic-specific help videos for student guidance
  • Tools for creating custom practice questions on key topics
  • Interactive maths quizzes for engaging lessons
  • Access to past exam papers to help students with revision and exam preparation
  • A homework setting tool for easy assignment management
  • Dashboard for teachers to track and monitor student and class progress

Where is Dr Frost Maths available? chevron

Dr Frost Maths is an online platform, available worldwide, supporting all key curricula. The global awards that have been received by Dr Frost, recognise the fact that teachers and students from all over the world have been able to benefit from the platform, across multiple curricula, to students of all abilities, whether in the classroom or remotely.

Which curricula does Dr Frost Maths support? chevron

Dr Frost Maths supports the key maths Curricula from around the world, including UK GCSE, IGCSE, White Rose and International Baccalaureate, supporting students up to the age of 18. Click here for a full list of available courses.

What is the cost of Dr Frost Maths? chevron

Dr Frost Maths is free to students for independent learning. Dr Frost Maths is also available free of charge for one teacher per school, for up to three classes, to try it out, with full access to all features and functions. Once more than one teacher or more than three classes are using the platform there is a small annual charge. Click here for full pricing details.